Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 1

by T. Saint John

  Finding Stone

  T. Saint John

  Copyright Info

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are purely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2015 T. Saint John

  All rights reserved.

  Cover photos owned by DollarPhotoClub/Anetta. You may not copy these photos without written permission of its owners.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or photos herein is prohibited without the express written consent of the author.

  First EBook edition 2015

  From the Author

  The Stone Brothers Series

  Finding Stone-- Noah and Molly

  Rebuilding from Stone-- Maddox and Kerrigan--- Summer 2015

  Uncovering a Stone-- Evan and Lani--- Winter 2015

  Brayden and Missy Novella---Early 2016

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  There are so many people I want to thank. Two people in particular have stood by me and helped turn this book into what it's become.

  First Jenni, I can't say thank you enough.

  When I first wrote this, my thoughts were out of order. I felt like I had something, though. I shared it with a girl I never spoke to in high school. One day while scrolling through Facebook, I noticed she liked an author’s page. I had read a book by that author and realized we both liked the same types of books. Something in me said to show it to her. I sent her a quick email, not expecting anything, but hoping she'd at least read the first two pages and give me feedback. Never in a million years did I expect her response. She read what I sent her and asked for more. At first, she started fixing things that were out of place. Then the more she read of Molly and Noah, the more help she became. We had an endless amount of phone calls, texts, and messages.

  She was brave enough to tell me when I turned Molly into a whiny witch. Her help with the medical scenes proved invaluable. She is also responsible for my favorite quote in his book. "Sex and strawberries are my new favorite scent," and a million more things. You were my final hope, Jenni. I am so thankful I took that chance. I am even more thankful for your overwhelming amount of help. Next book should be so much easier. Oh, and thanks for not trying to spare my feelings. The fact we can butt heads on a scene and come to an agreement is exactly what this book needed. Thank you, Jenni. No matter what happens with this book it was a lot of fun. And I hope you get your new kindle.

  Next, I want to thank the other big contributor to this book, Noelle. Again, this is a girl I never spoke to, a stranger. I knew she was a technical writer, other than that, nothing. Once Jenni helped me get things together, I thought “Well, let me share it with her and see what she says.” Honestly, I expected nothing. She jumped in and took control of the editing and formatting. It was hysterical going through her side notes. I left her all kinds of confused. Thank you, Noelle. Don't worry I won't make you a hooker in Evan’s book. You totally deserve to be a submissive. Just kidding. I can't thank you enough. I hope you have enough sanity left to finish the series with me. I see Sangrias and St. Croix in our future, or at the very least, Giovanni’s pizza and good time at the roller rink.

  Noah, I want to say a big thank you to you. You were the only family to be so excited for me. If you had not been so excited, I would have never published. Sorry I named the male character after you. I'm happy to know I'm not the only freak in the family. I love you girl.

  To my sister, "Ella," I love you. I didn't share it with you until very late in the game because, well, you know me. I have a habit of saying I'm going to do something and don't. It's you and me girl. Your support has meant so much to me. Not just with this book, but everything I've ever done in my life.

  Now I have to thank one of my best friends Jessica M.N. Girl, you kept me writing. What you did for me I could never repay. You don't know what it meant to receive your emails asking for more. I love you so much.

  To all my other friends who have offered advice and opinions, I appreciate each of you. Hollie, Missy, Donna, Kennetta, Megan, Holly, Angie, MJ, April, Melanie, Stephanie, Nici, Tiana, Andrea, Maura, Robyn R. Robyn T., Trish, Candace, Rachel, Yvonne, Kathy, Deanna, Beth, Brad R. and Lacey. If I forgot anyone, let me know I'll name a character after you in one of the next books.

  To my two guy friends who were brave enough to read this. Thom, sorry I didn't take your advice and rename it Finding Bone. I love you and Feenie like crazy. Brad F., thank you for your feedback. I can't wait til our twenty-year high school reunion. With you there, I know I can count on a good time. Funny. Very little has changed.

  Lastly, to my husband. He was deployed when I wrote this book. I was most afraid to share it with him. My husband is super-quiet and reserved. When I got the courage to tell him and then share some with him, I was happy with his response. "I don't understand, but okay." Thanks babe, your indifference gave me courage. I love you. Sorry this took so much time away from your homecoming. For Fathers Day, you’re totally getting a golf outing.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 1


  I've been in Chicago for a couple of weeks. After looking at a dozen apartments, I settled on a remodeled building about a block from the hospital where I start work tomorrow. From what I can tell, the neighborhood is mostly single people, like me, who want to be able to walk to work.

  There are a couple of markets nearby and a lot of places to eat for all different budgets. My favorite place is a little bar that I wandered into once that had the best quesadilla. I plan to go back. It seems like a place where a lot of young professionals go to unwind.

  I haven't experienced a Chicago winter. I've heard it's brutal, but I have a good feeling about Chicago. I am excited for my first day of work and living in a big city.

  Growing up in a small town in Kentucky, where people die from boredom, I realized that wasn't what I wanted for my life. I still have amazing friends there, and my parents are the best. Something has always been missing in my life, though. I’ve always had a need for excitement. I didn't want to go straight from high school to a life that revolved around getting married and having babies, like my friends. One day I plan to return, when I feel it's time to settle down. I want my children to have what I did growing up.

  Looking at my wardrobe, which consists of mostly scrubs, I try to determine which ones to wear tomorrow. Who knew that picking out a pair of scrubs required so much thought? Knowing I could stand here all n
ight, I choose to go with the butterfly print. You can't go wrong with butterflies.

  I decide to shower since it's getting late. I'm nervous about tomorrow; what will it bring? I've thought about this day for years.

  I am twenty-four. After high school, my best friend and I did a missionary trip to Nepal. My father, a preacher, encouraged me to see the world. He wanted me to see what's wrong with it and how I can be a part of fixing it. That trip opened my eyes to a whole other world. It also confirmed what I wanted to do with my life. I decided to go into nursing because I want to help people and make a difference. I eventually plan to return to the mission field and play a bigger role in the trip, not just be a whipping girl who holds a light, cleans bloody equipment, and mops up vomit.

  Scrubs are laid out, shower done, I'm ready for bed. It's already 11p.m. I have to report to the hospital by 7:00 a.m. I can’t be late for my first day. I left my old life behind to try a life on my own. The last thing I want is to lose my job before it begins.

  I am supposed to report to Katherine, the charge nurse. I hate walking in not knowing anyone. How early should I be? Should I wear make-up? Will people think I am a kiss ass if I show up too early? I have always hated that assumption. Since I'm a preacher’s daughter, people always called me a goody two-shoes. They can talk all they want. I am far from being a prude. I drink, I cuss like a trucker, and not to brag, but I have one hell of a right hook.

  Chapter 2


  It's a rare night off for me. Sitting on my balcony, I stare at the Chicago skyline because it's my favorite thing about this city. I served six years in the Army as a doctor. After leaving, I decided to return here to my hometown.

  My brothers are here. They are the only family I have left.

  Another reason I came back to Chicago - I was offered a position as an E.R. doctor at Faith Memorial. I will admit though, day-to-day life here is bland. It just seems like the same thing every day. However, there are times something exciting comes into the ER that gets my adrenaline running. Those are the times that make up for the day-to-day drudgery.

  Choosing not to settle down and have my own family isn't a popular choice, but it is my choice. I like being single. Sure, I find some comfort inside of a woman, well, until she starts running her mouth. Sarah is my only repeat, and convenience is only the reason. She knows I don't want a wife and definitely not children. I like not having to answer to anyone. I spent most of my life doing that.

  I left Chicago to find some peace. I left to get away from my dad. He was a mean son of a bitch that no one wanted to cross. Unfortunately, living with him made that impossible.

  It might sound horrible, but the day he died, I felt relief. I had hoped his death would allow me to start living, but it didn't. I keep telling myself that there has to be more to life than this.

  I am looking forward to my scheduled time off next month. My brothers and I have decided to go on a hunting trip. It doesn't sound city like, but it was something my dad did with us from time to time. I think we continue doing it because for all of us, it was the only time we were ever at peace. Maybe it was the only time my father was at peace.

  My mom, who is still alive somewhere, was a money chaser. My father told her he was going to receive a sizable inheritance. She had kids to ensure a paycheck in the form of child support. After realizing he lied, she left, leaving us behind. I am pretty sure she was the only woman he ever loved.

  My brothers and I look like our mom. She was Sicilian. From my memories, I believe she was beautiful.

  I have two brothers. Maddox and Evan. We are close. We learned at an early age that we only had each other to depend upon. Well, they depended on me, but I needed them too. They drive me crazy sometimes, but they have brought me the only humor and joy that I have in my life.

  My brother Maddox is a street cop on the Chicago P.D. I worry every day that he will be brought in to my ER, but I am proud of him. I know that being a cop was always what he was meant to be. He always stayed out of trouble and was a rule follower growing up.

  Evan, my middle brother, is an attorney. I wasn't surprised when he announced his decision. He grew up being the mediator. He always tried to keep the peace between us. Sometimes, I feel like he's the best of us all. Though, like the rest of us, he keeps his honest feelings locked away. Not truly living is killing us all.

  Chapter 3


  I wake up to my alarm blaring. 6:35 a.m. SHIT! I am late. I jump out of bed thanking the heavens I showered and laid my clothes out the night before. The landlord wasn't lying when he told me that this apartment was soundproof. I didn't hear a single ambulance last night.

  I dress quickly, brush my teeth, pull my hair into a ponytail, and grab an apple as I rush out the door. If I had known my first impression would be one of an irresponsible idiot, I would have gone to bed sooner. I take off in a jog.

  6:58a.m. I walk into the ER and head straight to the nurse’s station. There are several nurses gathered, getting their charts.

  "Hello. Where can I find Katherine,” I ask. Katherine, whom I met briefly during my interview, intimidated me. She can't be more than five feet tall. Petite, but she puts off a no-bullshit vibe. I hear Katherine speak up from the nurse's station.

  "Well, you're late. Let me know now if you're going to make a habit of being late?" She scolds while looking up from her computer screen.

  "No ma'am. I am so sorry. It won't happen again," I say embarrassed.

  "Did you not read your employee packet? Blue scrubs, Molly. I won't say it again."

  She is scolding me again and people start laughing. Assholes. I notice one nurse. Her badge says Avery and she looks like a bitch, rolling her eyes at me. I was taught manners and I used them or I got grounded. As an adult, I use them because I know that in order to gain respect you have to earn it.

  "Hate to break up the party ladies but Mr. Medford in curtain four is in need of an enema." I look up because the voice is so sexy. Holy hell. The man standing in front of me is hot. I mean sexy hot. He has jet-black hair that’s styled in a fauxhawk. His dark brown eyes are so dark they are almost black. He's got a mysterious aura about him. He has a 5 o'clock shadow surrounding a masculine jawline. I would guess he is 30ish. I can't tell what his body looks like under the white coat and scrubs, but he looks delicious.

  While scanning his body, I see his badge hanging on his coat. It says Dr. Noah Stone. Shit! He is a doctor. I look away because I have a feeling I am about to become a glorified nursing assistant at any moment.

  "Well, Dr. Stone. Molly here was late her first day on the job. Can you believe that?" she asks smirking.

  "No I can't. However, I'm sure that after you're through with her she will never be late again." He looks at me as if dismissing me; then walks off.

  Looks like I am going to spend my first day finger deep in assholes, literally. I follow Katherine to curtain four.


  Chapter 4


  "Hey stay in bed my pager is going off," I say to Sarah.

  "What time is it?" Sarah asks, still tired.

  "It's 6:30."

  "Are you coming back? I could meet you here. I'm sure we can get this morning off to a better start." She tries to sound sexy, but it just annoys me. She must notice my hesitation because she throws off the blanket and starts putting on her panties.

  "You know, Noah, I can't keep doing this. I am not getting any younger and you aren't either. You'll be thirty-five soon."

  "I know how old I am. I told you six months ago that I don't want the ‘American Dream,’ “ I say, annoyed because it's true. I've told her repeatedly.

  "I thought with time this would change for you." I can hear sadness in her voice.

  "Well it won't. Sorry, but I have to go," I say as I close the door.

  The one thing I hate about working the E.R. is that people forget it's for emergencies. My current patient, for example, is what we call a frequent flyer. Looking at
him, I am certain he has never eaten a vegetable. His diet probably consists of beer, chips, and cigarettes. He needs relief all right, just not in the form he is hoping for. No morphine, oxycodone, or vicodin for this man.

  Walking to the nurse’s station, I see the nurses laughing, which is odd. Nurses are either bitchy or overly friendly. I prefer the bitchy ones. The overly friendly girls want me to warm their bodies and beds. Avery, for example, is always trying to find ways to touch me. She is a skinny girl, but every time she needs to squeeze in behind me, she places her hands on my stomach. Once she placed it on my dick and acted like she was embarrassed. She wasn't. I saw the look on her face when I ignored it.

  Are her comments about being flexible supposed to be a turn on? I won't be getting into her bed.

  Katherine is one of the few nurses I respect. She does her job and makes sure everyone else does too. She informs me that the new nurse was late on her first day. Poor girl doesn't know it yet, but she has just earned herself at least a week of hell.

  I look over to the new nurse who seems to be eye fucking me. Irritated, I glance at her. She is average height; her hair is a pretty brown auburn color. She has subtle blonde highlights but her hair is thrown into a messy ponytail. Nothing special. I start to look away when she looks up.

  Stunning. Her beautiful aqua blue eyes demand my attention. She smiles nervously revealing perfectly white straight teeth. I can tell she is skinny, but she is wearing ugly butterfly scrubs. Did she think she was working the peds unit?

  I dismiss my thoughts from where I know they’re headed and walk off. It’s not going to happen, even if my dick disagrees. I stifle a laugh because I think she just realized she earned herself a hell week.


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