Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 12

by T. Saint John

  Walking into the penthouse everything seems so quiet, which is very welcome because this evening has been so chaotic. I can tell she is still scared.

  "I love you, Molly," I say while wrapping my arms around her waist. I didn't know a simple gesture of a hug could bring such emotion out. I feel like the weight of the world has left my shoulders. She is here and safe. I wish she had gone to the hospital. For right now, I will let her rest and just keep a close eye on her.

  "I love you too, Noah. Thank you for saving me." I smile at her words.

  She doesn't realize it, but she has saved me too.


  I am emotionally drained. Watching Noah beat that man was scary, but he was my protector once again. I'm glad tonight is over.

  "Come on. Lets go to bed," Noah says and interrupts my thoughts.

  "Okay. I am exhausted. Thanks for letting me stay here." I almost laugh. I know this is exactly where he wants me. It's where I want to be too.

  "You're a funny girl, Molly. Knowing you're here makes me a very happy man." His smile is beautiful.

  As we look out on that beautiful skyline, he's standing behind me, holding me tight. He lightly rubs his hand over my skin. I feel my skin flushing. My breathing starts to quicken. I can feel the wanting between my legs. I run my fingers down his arms. A deep graveled growl leaves him.

  "Molly, three weeks of not being inside you has been torture, but right now you need rest."

  "Noah, I need you. I need you to calm me, to help me get this night out of my mind. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die tonight. All I could think of was you and our baby, of never seeing you, never touching you or kissing your lips again. Please don't turn me away. Make love to me."

  "You're killing me, not tonight baby. I just need you in my arms to know you're safe." I sigh.

  "Okay, I guess I can wait." He walks me to the bedroom. The last time I was here, he made love to me.

  He throws me his t-shirt. "Here wear this." His voice is gruff.

  I decide to try one more time as I strip down completely naked.

  "Molly! It's not going to work." I can hear though he isn't convinced in his statement.

  "What? I'm just changing." I walk to him to get the shirt from his hand. I see him staring at my breasts. Noah can’t take his eyes of them. Yes, I’m getting my way.

  "Get in the bed, Molly, please. I want to be inside you. Right now though, you need rest. Doctors orders," he smirks.

  "Alright." I can't hide my disappointment. I do as he asks and get into the bed. He strips down to his boxers and sees me watching him.

  He says no sex. Doesn't he realize the effect he has on me. He stands there in all his Dr. Hotty Asshole glory. Two can play this game. He climbs into the bed. I lay on my side so that if he wants to hold me he will have to spoon me. Perfect. He plays right into my hand. I put his hand on my breast. I back my ass in to him. Thank God, I hear his breathing change; I feel his erection growing.

  Smiling I say, "Night, Noah."

  "Oh no, Molly. I tried to be the voice of reason. The moment you put my hand on your breast and you backed your perfectly rounded ass into my dick was when I shut that voice up." He turns me over to my back and starts kissing me, putting the slightest bit of his weight on top of me.

  He starts kissing his way down my body. He stops right below my navel and says, "You and your mommy are everything I never knew I wanted. I love you so much already." Damn tears. He comes back up to my mouth and kisses me softly.


  My Molly is beautiful. I just keep running my fingers over her body getting to know every curve of hers. I can't stop kissing her. She moves from underneath me and goes to her side, looking at me. She has the cutest smirk. She is getting exactly what she wanted. Not being able to wait any longer, I pull her on top of me. I lift her ass and sit her on my dick. Yes. My heaven. Her eyes widen.

  "Noah. I don't really know what I'm doing." When she says that, it makes me happy knowing that I will be the only man ever inside of her.

  "Baby, just do what feels right. Trust me. If it feels good to you it feels good to me." She still looks unsure. I sit up holding her in my arms. I raise her up and slowly slide inside of her. Her pussy is so tight and wet; I can't help but moan. She starts to moan too. I do this a few times and then stop. I need to calm myself down.

  "See baby, it's easy. Did that feel good to you, because it certainly felt good to me?" I question.

  "Okay, I'll try." With that, she starts raising herself up and down. Each slide I can feel myself go further and further. I see the moment she realizes how good this feels. She throws her head back, plants her hands on my chest and alternates sliding up and down to grinding back and forth rubbing her clit against my skin. Her tits are bouncing.

  "Don't stop, Molly. You feel so good." She smiles and starts riding me harder. She’s breathless.

  "Noah, I'm going to cum." I can feel the orgasm teasing her. Her pussy is squeezing me. I feel my own release building.

  "Noah, you feel so good inside me." Her pussy holds me captive. I feel my release.

  "BEAUTIFUL. MOLLY, I LOVE YOU." I squeeze her ass and fill her.

  Chapter 20


  Light is shining through the window. I feel rested. I’ve not felt this way in such a long time. Molly is still asleep, still lying in my arms. Even asleep, she's beautiful. I feel like everything is perfect this morning. I move my arm out from under her. I need to make coffee.

  As soon as I start to get up, I hear, "Good morning, Dr. Stone.” Coffee can wait. I roll over to kiss her.

  "Wait, I need to go to the bathroom. I need to brush my teeth," she says, giggling.

  "Okay, I'll go ahead and start the coffee."

  "Sounds perfect."


  As I brush my teeth, all I can do is smile. Last night was amazing. I felt so nervous when he sat me on top of him. I didn't know what I was doing. Instead of doing it for me, he let me learn. He took the time to teach me, not showing one bit of impatience. Thankfully, I'm a quick learner. I can't help but giggle. I have a feeling that I am going to enjoy everything he teaches me.

  I'm feeling a bit confident this morning. Everything seems to be falling into place. Maybe a little bit out of order, but hey, who am I to complain? I finish brushing my teeth then sit down to pee. I'd been so wrapped in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed the blood.



  There are times in your life when you hear a scream that is so chilling that it makes your blood run cold. I drop my coffee mug and take off running toward Molly's screams. Making it into the bathroom, I see Molly sitting on the toilet. Her face is pale and she's crying. I rush to her side.

  "What's wrong?" She stands up and I see the blood on her inner thighs. Please no, not this!

  "Molly, try to calm down. I'm taking you to the hospital."

  "Okay...Noah? What does this mean? Am I losing our baby?" She's crying and I feel my heart breaking in two.

  Probably, but I won't say that. One of us has to have some faith that everything will be okay.

  "I don't know. Let’s go. I'll call Dr. Chaney on the way." She grabs a couple of towels from the closet.

  I feel like punching something. Fate can be a cruel bitch. I, of all people, know this. I help Molly into the car then start it and drive as fast as I can to the hospital.

  I keep going over the things that can cause early pregnancy bleeding. Miscarriage, of course, ectopic pregnancy, which usually happens right after a woman finds out she is pregnant. It could be implantation bleeding. That usually happens six to ten days after conception. Maybe this could be because her cervix is sensitive. That could cause bleeding. There could be so many different causes. Pulling into the hospital, I make myself stop thinking the worse. I look over at Molly and grab her hand.

  "I'm scared, Noah. I don't want anything bad to happen. I already love this baby."

  "I kno
w, Molly, me too."

  I drop her at the doors of the E.R. One of the perks of working there is that we don't have to wait and, as an E.R. doctor, I’ve got priority parking. I see Dr. Chaney is already waiting for us.


  I'm so scared. Thankfully, Dr. Chaney takes us straight back.

  "Molly, hi, I hear you are having some bleeding? When did this start? Are you having any cramping?"

  "It just started this morning. No cramping, just the bleeding."

  "Okay, then. That is a good sign that there is no cramping. I am going to do a vaginal ultrasound since you are still early in your pregnancy and get some blood work. Let's take a look."

  The vaginal ultrasound is certainly intimidating and very uncomfortable. I was too out of it the first time to be embarrassed. Dr. Chaney puts a condom on the probe. Any other time, I might find that funny. Even make a joke about condoms not being 100%, but now all I can think of is this baby. I pray that everything is okay. Noah grabs my hand. I can't help but tremble. I can't help the tears from falling down my face. Noah begins to stroke my hair. He calms me. Every gentle touch calms me.

  "Just take a deep breath, Molly. I'm right here. Whatever happens, Molly, I'm here. Always," He says in a soothing voice.

  "Well, right now everything looks fine. You see here the baby is still in place." Relief washes over me. Noah doesn't look relieved.

  "What caused the bleeding?"

  "I couldn't tell you exactly. What was she doing prior to the bleeding? Any heavy lifting? Any sexual activity?"

  "We were just waking up. She went to the bathroom and I went to make coffee."

  "What about last night? Did anything stressful happen?"

  "Yes, Molly was attacked last night in her apartment. I tried to get her to come to the hospital to be checked out, but she just had the paramedics at the scene check her out. She wasn't experiencing any cramping or bleeding last night. We went back to our house and made love then went to bed."

  "Well, guys that is certainly a stressful event. That could be a cause of this. No heavy lifting, light activity and no vaginal sexual activity until the bleeding has completely stopped. Actually, I am going to write a note for the E.R. giving you the next seven days to recover. We will take it from there." Shit. Seven unpaid days off work. I think I've only earned about twelve hours sick time so far.

  "Dr. Chaney?"

  "Yes, Molly?"

  "I was wondering if I really need the full seven days off or if I could just take a day or two off."

  He raises his eyebrow and Noah is immediately upset.

  "Molly, are you insane? You heard him, light activity. Being an E.R. nurse does not equal light activity."

  "It's just...never mind. You are both right. I don't want to take any unwarranted chances. Sorry."

  I've already had to take time off for when I passed out during my shift. Chicago rent is not cheap. Just because I stayed at Noah's last night, doesn't mean he wants me there every night. We just entered the girlfriend-boyfriend zone. I don't want to do anything to mess that up.

  "I wouldn't risk it, Molly." Dr. Chaney says.

  "I know, you're right." I would never forgive myself if a few days of pay cost me my baby. I will just ask for overtime. We say our goodbyes and get back in the car. Our baby is going to be okay. Nothing else matters.


  The car ride back to the high-rise is mostly silent. I'm so relieved that the baby is okay, but I'm irritated with Molly. Why would she want to go back to work in a few days?

  "Molly?" She has her head laid against the window. She looks over at me.


  "You worried about something?" I start with that and pray she is honest. I want her to know she is not alone in this.

  "I was worried about the time off, but when I get to go back I'll just ask for overtime. I also have an emergency credit card if I need it. It was silly to ask. I just panicked. I just want our baby to be okay."

  "Molly, when I asked you to stay with me, I didn't mean for just a few days or even for a few weeks. I don't ever want you to leave. I want to make that place our home. I want the three of us to be a family. There is plenty of room. The building has excellent security and you have to have a key to access the elevator."

  "I don't know, Noah. I just don't want things to move too fast. It feels as though I'm using you. I don't want you to get tired of me. Thanks, though, really, I'll be okay."

  "Hear me out, Molly. I don't want you moving back to your apartment. Not even after things settle down. I loved waking up with you this morning. I love you. I'm not going to get tired of being around you. Molly, my baby is inside of you. I asked you to marry me. You are not using me. You shouldn't feel that way because I sure don't. I am in this forever. Please, let me feel like I am doing something. Let me help take care of you. I want to keep our baby safe, too."

  I see a single tear escape her eye. She looks back out the window.


  "What? Okay? No arguments, no nothing, just okay?" I can't help but have a huge smile on my face. I grab her hand and squeeze it.

  "I don't want to go back there. I don't feel safe there. I know that I will lose my security deposit and probably my last months rent. Honestly, it's worth it. I loved waking up to you too. I love you Noah."

  "You've made me a very happy man. I love you, Molly."

  Out of the blue, she asks, "Where is the closest train station?"

  "Um, Why? It's about three blocks away."

  "Oh, that's not bad. Just trying to figure out how I will get to work. You live much farther away from the hospital. I was just wondering how far I had to walk to get to the train."

  "Are you crazy? Not bad? Just wait until your first Chicago winter," I smirk.

  Little does she realize, there is no way she is walking to work. If I have my way, she won't be working at all.

  Chapter 21


  It's been two days since I left the hospital. I'm feeling better, tired, but better. The bleeding has turned to spotting, so that's a good sign. Noah just left for work. He has been taking such good care of me.

  I need to go to my apartment today, get some things, and start deciding what I want to keep and what I need to get rid of. It should be fairly easy to decide. Noah was very worried about me going, but I assured him that I would be careful. He called Maddox to see if he would go with me. Of course, Maddox said yes. I am going to get a hold of Kerrigan, too. I haven't seen her in awhile. I miss her. She was my "first friend" when I moved here.

  I decide to Facetime Kelly. I've been missing home. With everything that's been going on, I need to feel connected. I don't want her to find out from anyone else about my big life changes. She answers on the third ring. It's great seeing the blonde hair and bubbly personality.

  "What up, Molls?"

  "I miss you, just wanted to see your face."

  "Here's my face for your viewing pleasure." She runs her hands along her cheek and sticks her tongue out at me. Usually I'd laugh at how cheesy she is. I'm nervous about telling her what's going on. Everything has happened so quickly.

  "Hey! What's wrong? Do I need to come to Chicago and kick someone’s ass?"

  I sigh and half laugh, "Only if you're coming to kick mine."

  "What'd you do? It can't be that bad. I mean it's not like you're pregnant."

  I look down, "Well about that..."

  "Molly, you aren't?"

  The silence is deafening.

  "Holy shit! Your parents are going to flip."

  "I know. I am trying to find the best way to tell them."

  "You definitely have to come home and do it. This shit can't be told over the phone. I will go there with you if you need me to. Actually, I'll just walk you to the door and then take off running. I've seen your dad mad. The one and only time was enough for me."

  She is talking about the time we stole Halloween decorations from the neighbors and dad got a call from the Sheriff. The one and only tim
e I was ever grounded.

  "Yes, I know I need to come there and tell them face to face. I've got time off. I have had some stuff happen, but don't really want to talk about it. It's been pretty stressful.

  “I started bleeding a couple of days ago. I'm just spotting now, no cramping. The baby is fine. I just have to keep the activity to a minimum and stay off work for right now."

  "Who's the father? He is sticking around?"

  "His name is Noah. He's a doctor in the E.R. Yes. He's sticking around. I love him."

  "Go girl! You snatched up a doctor. Is he hot? Does he have some doctor friends that you can introduce me to? I can totally play nurse or sick patient."

  "Shut up, you’re crazy! No doctor friends, but he does have some hot brothers." I can't help but laugh. She knows exactly how to make a person feel better. No judgment, just straight up encouragement and support.

  "Oooh, do tell me more! Just save it for when you get here. How about this, now that you're going to be a mom, be a cool one. I better never catch you wearing mom jeans. I can't be seen with you if you are wearing those hideous things. They will never be back in style. I have a reputation to maintain and all, a cool one." She makes a face at me and giggles again.

  See this is what I'm talking about. I miss her. She knows exactly what I need to hear.

  "Okay, I'm going to get plans made today. Will you pick me up from the airport?"

  "Duh, of course, beyotch. Just let me know when."

  "I will let you know this evening. Thanks, Kelly."

  "No problem. I love you. I would do anything for you."

  "I know. Thanks girl, I love you too."

  After hanging up with Kelly, I look at plane tickets. Jeez, I keep going further in debt. I want to leave first thing in morning; this has got to be done. This isn't something you tell your parents over the phone. I need to head over to my apartment and try to get out of my lease and pack up some things. Good thing it's just clothes and toiletries. I send Maddox a text letting him know I will be there within the hour. I call Kerrigan. She answers quietly, almost at a whisper. I tell her that I have missed her and need some help packing. She said she has missed me too and said she could help before she has to go to work.


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