Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 14

by T. Saint John

  "It didn't go very well. I'm staying with Kelly tonight. My mom talked to me a little. My dad got up and stormed out, he's so disappointed in me. I can't blame him though. I was raised better."

  "I'm sorry. Know this though, I love you. We will get through this together. This pregnancy may have not been planned, but I believe it was meant to be. I know this is stressful. Just try to calm down, remember that little baby inside you and how much he needs you to be strong."

  "I'm trying. It's just so hard. I think I had myself prepared enough to not overreact. I'm just sad is all.”

  "I love you, Molly. I'll see you Thursday."

  "I love you too, Noah. I can't wait to see you."

  "Me either. Get some rest. Molly, just remember, I'm only a phone call away. Call me anytime."

  " Okay, Noah. I'll talk to you soon. Night"

  "Molly, just remember, no regrets."

  "No regrets, Noah."

  Morning comes early when you can't rest. I've had some morning sickness this morning. I managed to eat a few crackers and drink some water. Kelly doesn't do well with vomit. It's almost comical. She's a sympathy puker. She sees someone throw up; she throws up too. I get myself cleaned up. Kelly apologizes for not being able to help me. I just laugh and tell her it's okay. I jump in the shower and get ready to head back to mom and dad's.

  When Kelly drops me off it takes a moment for me to build the courage up to find my dad. He's the one I really need to talk to. I hear a tool fall in the garage and walk over. Upon opening the door, I see my dad with his hands on the open hood. His head is down, shoulders bent. I can tell he hasn't slept either because he is still has on the same clothes from yesterday. Guilt consumes me. I walk over, grab the wrench, and hand it to him. He looks at me and lets out a deep breath. His eyes are red rimmed.

  "Daddy, I'm sorry."

  "What were you thinking, Molly? You had plans. Do you plan on coming home? I've always wanted you to make your own way. You've always had good head on your shoulders. What happened? Did I not raise you right?" He keeps his head held down.

  "I’m not sure what my future holds right now. I know that I am going to be a mother. You're going to be a papaw and that's not going to change. Yes, I wish things had happened differently. This pregnancy was an accident, but I am happy. I want Noah and he wants me."

  I watch my dad shake his head.

  "This is killing me, Molly. I thought I'd rejoice with excitement when the time came for you to be a mother. I hate feeling like this. I've never even met this boy. I know nothing about him. Judging by the length of time you've been gone, you don't really know him either."

  I know he has a point. I understand why he's so upset with me, so upset with this situation. Here I am, the preacher's daughter, pregnant and unwed. I would be upset with me, too. I have had the last few weeks to come to terms with all of this. Dad hasn't.

  "Dad, please listen to me. Please look at me. I'm happy, truly happy. I am so sorry this hurt you, that I hurt you."

  I turn and walk towards the house.


  "In the kitchen, Molly."

  "I just talked to dad."

  "I saw Kelly dropping you off. I figured that's where you went. He's really having a hard time. He feels like he's failed. We both do. He just needs time. He didn't even come to bed last night."

  "Mom. I'm sorry I hurt you guys. If I could change the hurt, I would."

  "Honey, we love you. Everything will work out. Let's just give it time. God always has a plan even when we don't."

  "I will. That's why I wanted to come. I wanted to be able to tell you myself. I wanted you both to be able to see my face and believe me when I tell you that I love this baby, that I love Noah.”

  "Oh honey, is this boy good to you?"

  "Yes, mom. He's so good. He's a good man. He loves me for me and wants only the best for me, for this baby. I can't wait for you to meet him. You'll see."

  "I can only pray you're right Molly."

  We spend the rest of the day in uncomfortable silence. Mom gave a couple reassuring smiles. Dad came inside, but still isn't talking to me. I made supper for them, and then decided to go to my old bedroom. This day has been emotionally exhausting. I call Noah to let him know things aren't perfect but they are better than yesterday. He gives me his arrival information. Tomorrow morning can't get here soon enough. Just as I am starting to fall asleep, I hear my bedroom door open. My dad comes walking in and sits at the end of the bed.

  "You said yesterday that that boy is coming here. I want to have a one-on-one conversation with him. I'd like to pick up this Noah tomorrow, just me. You can stay here with your momma."

  "Why dad? I don't want you to be mean to him. It took two to get in this situation. You can't put all of the blame on him."

  "I just want to talk to him. Man-to-man. Please don't warn him it'll be me. I want to see what kind of man he is."

  "Alright dad. I trust you."

  It takes everything in me to not send a quick text. I know I have to give this to my dad. I know that Noah will prove his worth to my dad. I have faith everything is going to work out.

  Chapter 24


  I scan the waiting area for Molly. Late isn't anything new for her. I laugh thinking back to the first day I met her. I get my phone out to call her. I only have a carry on so I don't need to go to the baggage claim area.

  "You Noah?" I turn and come face-to-face with who I believe to be Molly's father. She has his eyes.

  "Yes, sir." I hold out my hand to shake his. "You must be Molly's father. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Madden." He takes my hand and firmly shakes it.

  "Please, call me Jay. I wanted to come pick you up and asked Molly not to say anything. I wanted to be able to talk to you man-to-man without distractions."

  This is really uncomfortable, but I love Molly and she loves this man. Whatever I need to do to put this man's mind at ease, I will.

  "Okay, I only have this so I'm ready."

  He takes off walking and I follow. He says nothing. Just leads me to the car. I want to break the silence, but I will let him lead. It takes several minutes before he starts to speak.

  "I need you to understand, Noah, I'm having a real hard time with this. She's my only child. Molly has always been so headstrong. She has always had such a clear path in life. Now I feel like it's so muddled. I don't want her to feel like she has disappointed me, but in truth that's how I feel. She seemed so set in life just two months ago and now she tells me she's going to be a mother. Tell me what you think of all of this."

  "Jay, I love your daughter very much. I understand that we have been on a short time table. From the moment I met Molly, I knew she was different. I just never knew how much she would change me. I know that I have experienced much more in life than she has. I guess it comes with age. I’m not sure if she told you but I am thirty-five. I know to some that is a big age difference. She has already brought so much joy into my life. I don't ever want to keep Molly from her dreams. I'd like to be a part of them. I don't know what the future holds, but I can tell you this, it will only be better with her in mine."

  "What if she decides to go back into the missionary field? That's where she found her calling to be a nurse, to want to make a difference. Is that something you'd be interested in? How will she be able to do that with child on the way?"

  "Well, sir, Jay, my answer to that is that people with children do missionary trips all of the time. I've given thought to doing a mission trip. I have been out in the field before. Not an actual missionary field, but very close to it. I've been overseas. I just left the Army two years ago. When I left, I came back to my hometown and took a position as an E.R. doctor. That's where I met Molly. I’m sorry. I don’t know how much she has told you."

  "The only thing she has told her mother and I is that she had a boyfriend then two minutes later she tell us she's pregnant."

  "All I can say to you is that I am truly sorry how this pregnancy happened, but
I'm not sorry Molly is pregnant. I am sorry we didn't have a chance to meet first. I'm sorry that we weren't married first. I can't imagine what you're feeling."

  "It's not a good feeling, Noah. Molly has always been a free spirit. I tried when she was younger to rein her in, but I couldn't. I realized she just saw the world differently. I truly thought she'd make a difference. She is the light of our lives. I guess what it boils down to is I’m afraid she is going to be hurt. As headstrong as she is, she can also be naive. Do you plan to marry Molly?"

  "If you only knew, she is making a difference, Jay. She has made such a difference in my life, to those around her. She has allowed me to start living. Growing up in my home, life was rough. There was physical and emotional abuse from my father, abandonment from my mother. She left when I was six. I have two brothers that I'm very close to. Other than that though, I've simply shut people out. Well, until your free-spirit daughter came into my life, like a storm. I would love nothing more to marry your daughter. It has nothing to do with the pregnancy. My wanting to marry her has everything to do with the love out loud daughter you raised."

  I look over and he has a slight smile on his face.

  “When Molly was first born we started praying for her future husband. That he was safe and worthy of our daughters love.”

  I am not religious person at all. In fact, I’ve never been to church unless it was to attend a wedding or a funeral. Hearing Jay say that to me made me realize he is the reason she is the way she is. He loves people he doesn’t even know just like Molly. We sit in silence for the rest of the ride. I think he is trying to find a way to accept this. There isn't much more that I can say and honestly, there isn't much more that I can do. Molly and I are going to have a baby. We will be in each other’s lives for a very long time.

  While Jay drives, I look around and can't help but enjoy the scenery, lots of green grass and rolling hills. The houses aren't on top of each other. I can tell factory work is a big source of income for the area. We've passed a few refineries. We even pass a few hospitals. Nothing like back home though. I notice her dad is watching me.

  We pull into a neighborhood, so I assume we are close. I see Molly standing in a concrete driveway. She's waving her hands and smiling so big. I can't help but smile and wave back. Her childhood home is small, but well kept. White siding with white shutters on the windows. They take pride in what they have. I open the car door and Molly comes running, jumping into my arms. Her smile lights up as I wrap my arms around her.

  "I've missed you," she whispers in my ear. My hand goes to her stomach.

  "I've missed you too. Any more spotting? Cramps?"

  "The spotting has stopped. I've had a bad bout of morning sickness, though. Fun times."

  "Is something wrong with the pregnancy?" I'm surprised to hear her dad ask.

  "I had some bleeding. My doctor told me keep my activity light and gave me a week off of work. So far, no complications. Everything seems to be good right now."

  "Well, you shouldn't be running around or getting upset," he scolds her. I smile. He might not know it yet but he going to love this baby too.

  "I'm trying, dad. Well the running, I just forgot. I was just so excited to see Noah."

  She squeezes my waist and smiles at me.

  "Well, lets just stay in for the next couple days. Just in case. We can all catch up on some much needed rest."

  As we walk inside, I see her mom come around the corner. Molly might have her dad’s eyes, but she looks exactly like her mom.

  "Hi. I'm Noah. It's so nice to meet you."

  "I'm Annie. I'm glad you made it okay." She just gives Jay a look.

  "I'm going to start dinner." Molly chimes in.

  "No, you're gonna sit down and put your feet up. We'll just order in some dinner." I see Annie look at Jay.

  "She's had some bleeding and her doctor told her to take it easy."

  "We'll order in." Annie says. Her eyes now show worry.

  We have Chinese food delivered. Dinner was a little awkward. Talk was kept to a minimum. Molly and I talked about Chicago and the different things to do there. I let them all know that I got a hotel room. I hate staying away from Molly, but this is her parent's home. I don't want them to think I'm being disrespectful. I know we aren't married and I know her father would not allow me to sleep in his daughter's bed.

  Molly is going to drive me to the hotel. I'll get a rental car tomorrow.

  "I wish I could stay with you, Noah."

  "I know, me too. Right now you need this time with your parents."

  "I know. I love you for respecting them."

  "I want them to accept me. I need for them to accept me."

  "I know they will. Just give them a little time."

  Chapter 25


  The next morning I wake up feeling much better. Still no more spotting and I was only sick once. I go ahead and shower. It's still early so I'll give Noah time to wake up. When I get out of the shower, I see that have a text from Noah.

  Good morning beautiful -N

  It is a GREAT morning -M

  Yeah? Why? -N

  You're here. The baby is ok. Life is good! -M

  That just made my morning -N

  When do you want me to come get you? -M

  I'm going to rent a car. I can come ASAP or do you need some more time with your parents? -N

  No. I want you here. They need to know you & I are in this together -M

  Okay. I'll be there soon. ILY - N

  ILY 2 -M

  I feel like a giddy schoolgirl. Noah is my first actual boyfriend. I never really dated in high school. In college, Jeremy and I just went on few dates. I can't wait until he gets here.

  I walk into the living room with a big smile on my face. When I look up and see both of my parents are sitting on the couch. I hope they got some rest because today may be a little trying on everyone.

  "Good morning, I hope you all got some rest last night. How are you all feeling?"

  My mom speaks first. "Molly, please sit down. We want to talk to you before Noah gets here."

  "Molly, your mother and I talked last night about everything that's going on." My dad clears his throat. "We understand that you are an adult and can make your own decisions. Now, we may not always agree with the decisions that you make, but we want you to know that we will always love and support you in any way we can. Can you tell us what you are planning to do now that you are pregnant? Are you going to come back here to live? Are you staying in Chicago? Are you going to marry Noah? Who's going to watch the baby when you are at work? Everything is changing. See, Molly you're going to learn very quickly that once you have a child, you are always going to worry. We are always going to worry about you, no matter how old you are. You're always going to be our baby girl."

  "I have no idea what my plans are right now. All of these questions Noah and I need to discuss."

  "Molly, we just want you to know that this situation is serious. You have time to figure things out. You've only known Noah for a couple months now. Please don’t feel like you need to rush into anything."

  I'm starting to feel overly emotional. I can't help but to feel hurt by what they are saying.

  "Don't try to make this decision for me."

  My mom grabs my hand. "We're not Molly. We just don't want to see you hurt."

  "You don't know Noah. He would never hurt me. He loves me. Why can't you see that? Maybe it was a mistake staying here." I can feel my voice raising. My face feels flushed.

  "Don't get in a tizzy. We are just trying to understand a few things. Noah does seem nice. We have nothing against him. Our concern though is you and our grandbaby," my dad speaks up.

  I'm so upset. I need to get out of here for a while.

  "I tried my entire life not to embarrass you. I didn't sleep around. I made good grades. I didn't get in much trouble. I know this isn't how you thought I would be telling you that I was having a baby. I know I have disappointed you, b
ut what's done is done. I can't change this. You all can't change this. All I can do is accept this new journey I'm on. I just want you all to be there with me. Can't you see that? I'm sorry if I have embarrassed you. I never meant to!"

  "You think we're embarrassed?" My mom says in a cry.

  I hear a knock at the door and storm towards it.

  "Noah, please take me somewhere, just anywhere."

  He has no idea what's going on. All he can see is that I'm upset, my mother is crying and my father looks lost. Thankfully, he follows me. We get in the car and he immediately asks what happened.

  "Just drive, please. I want to show you a special place. It's a state park named Greenbo. I need to get away for a little while. I need to calm down. I need to go for a walk. I just need..." I start to cry.

  "Okay, let's go. Just tell me how to get there."


  She gives me directions to get there. The drive is quiet. I don't say anything because I don't really know what's going on, but I hate that she's hurting. We drive for about thirty minutes. The area is truly beautiful. I understand why she wanted to come here. We pull into a parking lot. She takes a deep breath. I tell her to wait so I can go around to open her door. She looks at me and smiles.

  "Thanks Noah, you're so good to me." She sounds so sad. She points to a wooded path. We start walking in that direction.

  "Molly, please talk to me, tell me what happened. Everyone looked so upset when we left."

  "I got upset with my parents. They told me they didn't want to see me get hurt. I feel like they still think I'm a child. They think that I didn't know that this baby is going to change my life." This is what has her so upset?

  "They're your parents, Molly. Of course, they don't want to see you hurt. They've been through all of this. They just want to make sure you really understand that things are going to change. How your whole life is going to change. I'm sure they want to make sure you're okay. That's all."

  She stops walking. "Are you taking their side?"


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