Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 20

by T. Saint John

  "Are you threatening my sister-in-law in front of me, man?" Maddox steps nose to nose with him.

  "Nope. It's not a threat, just a friendly reminder."

  "Molly, go inside. Now. Call Evan. Tell him about Kerrigan. She's going to need a lawyer."

  "Okay. Be careful, Maddox."

  I start crying when they walk away. I'm scared for Kerrigan, for me. What if Maddox hadn't shown up when he did? I need to stop. The only person I need to worry about is Kerrigan right now. I pull my phone out and call Evan.


  I watch as Sarah takes Kerrigan to the O.R. We all knew something was going on with Kerrigan. We didn't know what, though. She didn't tell anyone. The one thing I've learned about domestic violence is the abusers usually hide in plain sight. Again and again, Aaron has shown his true colors. Not one of us could do anything. As hard as this is on Molly and me, I know Maddox is torturing himself. I know he cares for her. I need to let him know she's stable for right now. I go talk with the police and explain some of her injuries. Afterwards, I go looking for Molly. I see her crying, just out of the doorway. I run to her.

  "It's going to be okay. They've just taken Kerrigan to surgery."

  "It's not just that, Noah. I was so scared. Aaron was here, outside."

  "WHAT? Where?"

  "I was outside getting some air. I needed to calm down. He came up to me. He sounded drunk and started running his mouth about Kerrigan. He was awful. Maddox came and took him to the police station."

  "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?"

  "No. He didn't hurt me. He made a few threats, though."

  "Don't worry. I will talk to Maddox. I'm sure he'll take care of it. If he can’t, I will."

  "Noah, I was waiting for the right time to tell you. But after today, I realize how quickly things can change."

  "Molly, you're scaring me."

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to. I just wanted to tell you that I had an appointment the other day."

  "I don't understand. What kind of appointment? Are you sure that you're ok? What aren't you telling me?" I can see that I didn't start this conversation out right. He looks panicked.

  I smile at him, trying to let him know it's nothing bad. "I'm pregnant."

  "Wait. Huh?"

  "I'm pregnant."


  I couldn't resist, "Well you see when a mommy and daddy love each other..."

  He stops me and hugs me. "Alright smartass, I mean I thought you were on the shot."

  "Yeah, about that... The last time mom and dad came to visit; I had to cancel my appointment. I guess it slipped my mind and I forgot to reschedule. Um...SURPRISE!"


  Molly and I talked about trying for more children when Landon turned two. This is great news. I love it. I place my hand on her belly.

  "Best surprise ever, I love you, Molly."

  "I wanted to wait and do something cheesy, something special. After today, seeing how quickly things happen, how quickly things can change; I didn't want to wait any longer.

  "Molly, anytime my baby is inside you, it's special.”

  "Thank you, Noah. Also, is the offer still on the table for me to stay at home with Landon full-time and our new one?"

  Is she being serious right now? “Why wouldn’t it be okay? I’ve wanted you to stay home since the day Landon was born.”

  “Well, with another baby coming and one less income, I wasn’t sure if you’d feel the same.”

  “Molly, I want my children to have their mom full-time. Trust me when I say we will be fine. You could have ten more and we would still be fine.” I laugh. I can tell Molly hates the idea of not being able to contribute. I am not rich, but I do make enough to take care of my wife, kids and future kids.

  “Well, if we ever aren’t okay. You’ll tell me right?”

  “I promise.”

  Chapter 33


  It's Christmas Eve. Molly has gone overboard with decorating for Christmas. Landon has his 'first everything' for Christmas. You name it, it's here: first stocking, first ornament, and first pajamas. It's quite comical. Landon has no idea what's going on. Neither do I, but we both enjoy watching and listening to Molly sing Christmas songs. He gets a kick out of her funny voices.

  I never had anything like this growing up. From what I'm seeing and experiencing this is a big holiday in the Madden family. What an amazing mother she is. She is so patient with Landon. Hard to believe we will have another baby here in early summer.

  Right before bed, I can't wait any longer to give her the present I got her. We said we weren't going to give each other presents this year. We already have everything we need. We're so blessed. I couldn't help it when I saw it, though. It's perfect for her.

  "Hey. You want to come with me?"


  "To the living room, by the tree."

  "Alright, let me lay Landon down. I'll be there in a minute."

  “Let me take him. I want him with us.” I smile looking down at him. When he was first born, I thought he looked like Molly. Every day that passes, he looks more and more like me. I am pretty sure he got Molly’s quick temper though. I let out a laugh. Good thing he also got her ability to get over things quickly.

  A few minutes later, I look up and watch her walking towards the tree. I reach up near the top and pick out an ornament. I knew she would never look up here. She's too busy keeping the bottom clear from Landon.

  "Here. I wanted to give this to you tonight." She looks up at me. She knows it's jewelry just by looking at the box.

  "What is this? I thought we weren't doing anything for each other. I didn't get you anything."

  "Molly, I don't need anything. You give me something everyday. I wake up each morning thankful for another day with you. You've given me Landon and soon you are giving me another baby." I open the ornament box and her eyes grow wide when she see what is inside.

  "It has always bothered me that I didn't have an engagement ring for you. I know you didn't care, but I did. I wanted to get you something beautiful, just like you."

  "It is beautiful. You didn't have to do this. WOW, I love it!" Inside the box is a two-carat emerald shaped diamond.

  "I love you, Molly." I hug her with one arm while looking down at our son in the other. I’ve heard the phrase “blessed beyond measure” before. I am grateful I can now say that I am blessed beyond measure.

  "Thank you, Noah.” She starts tearing up. “I have a little something for you too." She pulls an envelope out of her back pocket. "When I was work a couple of days ago, the girls and I were playing around on the ultrasound machine. Open it..."

  I open the envelope and see a picture of my baby, of my son. "Another boy." I can't help but smile. I didn't care what we were having, but I would love to have a daughter one day. "We can keep going until we have a daughter. She can have two big brothers." I joke.

  Little did I know when I said that our little Lacey would have four big brothers.

  Rebuilding from Stone

  Summer 2015

  Two years before attack


  I've been working at Hansons for three years. I know the professionals who frequent this bar look down on me. The women look down their noses. The men look down at my chest. They never try to engage me in a conversation that doesn't involve hooking up. I've grown used to it and hardly pay attention to it anymore.

  That is until Maddox Stone entered my life. Like all other men, he hits on me. For some reason I enjoy his advances. There is something about him that has me looking forward to coming to work everyday. His brother Dr. Noah Stone works at the hospital across the street. Maddox and his brother Evan come to eat with him on a regular basis. Watching the women throw themselves at these men pisses me off. Maddox is the first to arrive this evening. My heart skips a beat. He starts walking towards the bar and gives that same cocky grin he always gives. The one that makes me love coming to work.

  "Kerrigan." He nods. />
  "Maddox, What can I get you? Don't even say it. No sexual favors" I smile, because it's the same conversation every time. I ask him what he wants and it's always a different sexual favor or sex position. He's cute about it though. Not touchy or anything like that. He has respected my space.

  "Kerrigan. One day you will agree. One day. Until then I'll have you know I jerk off to the thought of you."

  "Maddox, you're not shy. I'll give you that. Seriously what are you drinking?"

  "Nothing. I just came by to see you."

  "Where are your brothers?"

  "Noah is off today. I'm meeting them later for a Cubs game. I just wanted to see you. I know you’re off on Thursdays and that happens to be the day I'll be back. I couldn't go three days without seeing you."

  He came here just to see me? I start to wonder if he hides behind that cocky personality. I know it works for other girls. I thought I was just another girl to him. To my knowledge, he has never gone out of his way to see anyone. I've never seen Maddox with the same girl.

  Actually, I’ve seen him leave with girls, but never come in with one. I’ve never seen him with the same girl twice.


  Never in my life have I seen a girl as beautiful as Kerrigan. It's not just her beauty that brings me back here; she’s different. She’s not like any girl I've ever met. She didn't drop her panties the first time that I came on to her. Hell I've been coming here a year trying to get her into my bed. Not once has she said yes or given me any indication that she's interested. I've never had to pursue someone. I don't think I want to pursue Kerrigan either, but the fantasies I've had about Kerrigan’s legs wrapped around me, her nails digging into my back, keeps me coming back.

  "Why?" I hear her ask. I take this as an opening for me.

  "Kerrigan, five days a week I'm here to see you. You know why." I don't want to mislead Kerrigan. I am only here for one thing.

  "Tell you what Maddox. Give me five personal details about yourself. I can't say yes to someone I don't really know. I don't need to hear any of your sexcapdes stories either. Make them good."

  Shit! I don't want her to know anything about me, but if it means her riding me, I'll tell her everything. "Five things. Lets see. I'm twenty-nine. I hate bad drivers. I've always wanted to learn to ski. I enjoy my job, and I love eating Captain Crunch at midnight."

  "That's a pretty weak five things." She laughs

  "You didn't specify. Now how about we go out on Friday?"


  I want to scream yes. He actually asked me out without putting a sex clause or innuendo at the end of it.

  "I can't believe I am going to say yes, but yes." he smacks his hand on the bar.

  "I just won the lottery. What do you want to do?"

  "I don't know. Dinner. No movies. No sex." I will not be another notch on his bedpost.

  "Fine. Dinner. No movies. No sex. Give me something at the end of the night though, how about a good night kiss? Most definitely Kerrigan, there will be a kiss," he says as he walks off.

  Cocky bastard. I can’t help but smile.

  *Rough draft. Subject to editing.

  About the Author

  I am going to keep this very short. Honestly my life is about as exciting as a root canal.

  I was born to the most amazing dysfunctional family. Growing up in the very town I write about in this book. I have the sweetest childhood memories. Playing at the “desert” or in “nam.” How we didn't die from some flesh-eating virus, I have no idea. Like most in my community finances were a constant worry. My mom did the best she could, raising three children. Some years were better and we took great vacations. Some she'd take us camping. As an adult, I hold those memories closest to my heart.

  As much as I love my hometown, I always felt out of place. I have the best girlfriends and we talk daily. Seriously, we are chatty Cathys. Hundreds of messages a day. Literally hundreds. I miss them terribly. Still I felt something bigger was waiting. Maybe not bigger but my place in this world. Little did I know a single flight would change my life. I met my husband. He is active duty military. We married quickly. I got the chance to live in Okinawa Japan and Lakenheath England. We currently reside in Abilene Texas with our three kiddos. Where we will go next I have no idea. I've been pushing for Singapore. He isn't buying it.

  In loving memory of,

  My mom. I miss you everyday. I threw Jesus into this book so you'd be proud. J/K. I love you momma. What I wouldn't give for a simple redo of my final words to you.

  My dad, I know you are getting a kick out of this book. Maybe not that your daughter wrote it but because mom is burying her head in the clouds somewhere.

  My brother Joe. God, We were just teenagers when you passed. Still I think of you often. I'm happy you're not alone any more. You got mom and dad. I am so jealous. Not jealous enough to want to join you all on the flip side, at least not yet.

  Also in loving memory of some people I grew up with and who loved our community as much as I did.

  Coach who passed the same day I started writing this book. Social Studies was so much fun. Turning our homework into paper planes was probably my favorite high school memory. What a legacy you left an entire community.

  Brandy, I hate that your life was cut way to short. I had you in mind when I wrote about wearing the Rams t-shirt. I can still see you in orange and black.

  Finally Tara, who passed away three weeks before this book was released. Your passing left an entire community devastated. I feel so lucky for just knowing you. I'll continue to pray for your husband and son. It doesn't seem fair. What a beautiful soul you were.




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