It All Falls Down

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It All Falls Down Page 7

by M Dauphin

  She looks surprised but nods anyway.

  “Great. Ten am, I’ll see ya then.”

  I stand and shake her hand again, all business and cold, trying not to think about bending her over that desk and fucking her. Shit I need to get this girl off my mind.

  We make it back out to the main part of the shop, Ava’s busy with a customer already so we wave our goodbyes. I’m actually ready to be out of here and start to prepare myself for the next few months. I can’t fuck a co-worker… I’m not that low on morals.

  But Jesus I want to.

  And then the front door opens and the bell dings, alerting them to more customers. But this time, it’s not a customer walking through the door.

  He could be here for a gift, sure, but the minute his eyes hit Nora I know he’s not here for merchandise. At least not the type you can buy.

  “Hey, babe,” he says in one of the most protective voices I’ve ever heard, eyeing us as he walks over to her and wraps her in his arms. My fists clench at my sides and I have to remember to loosen up before I beat the shit out of him and lose this job.

  “Hey, Nick,” she says, smiling up at him. There’s no twinkle in her eye and no love on her face. He leans down and plants a soft kiss on her lips, immediately pulling back when she pushes him away.

  “Nick, hey,” she blushes… fucking blushes! But then her eyes flick to mine and her eyes go wide. “Uh, this is Max and Marcus… they’re going to be working with me to help promote the boutique and get us some awesome graphics.” She beams.

  “Nice to meet you.” Nick reaches over and takes Deig’s hand, giving him a firm shake then moves to me. I feel he’s overcompensating this handshake. It’s too tight; too possessive.

  He’s not bad looking. He’s about my height, blond hair and bronzed skin. Not anywhere near the muscle mass I’ve acquired, but that would take dedication and he doesn’t look like he’s dedicated to anything but his looks and money. Douche shorts; bright white with an orange polo shirt. His boat shoes look like they’ve never seen mud a day in their life, and the sunglasses on top of his head, resting nicely in the perfectly coifed hair, cost about the same as a month’s rent for my apartment.

  Money. This guy is screaming money, and looking at Nora like he could devour her.


  “Great, nice meeting you,” Deig speaks up, looking at me and nodding towards the door. “Let’s hit it. Don’t want to be late for our next meeting.”

  I nod, watching Nick as we leave.

  The minute the door closes behind us and we’re out of view from the front window Deig lets me have it. I should have expected it, but I’m not ready to talk about it.

  “What the fuck, Holzer?!” He slugs me in the arm as we walk back down the street to my truck. I don’t say anything; not sure what I can say. “Mind explaining to me what the hell happened today? You turned into a mumbling idiot that didn’t know what the hell he was talking about!”

  “Sorry, man, I’ll get my head on straight. We really have another meeting today?”

  “No, we don’t. I needed to get you out of there, Max. And ‘getting your head on straight’ isn’t good enough. You’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on in there before you ruin this job.” He taps my head and I duck away from him, speeding up my pace. “Dude, seriously?” he huffs when we make it to my truck. I unlock the door and get in, slamming it way too hard. Hands on the steering wheel, I try to calm myself but I can’t.

  She can’t be with a douchebag like him. He’s money. He’s going to hurt her and then I’m going to have to hurt someone because of it. Shit, listen to me! I barely know the girl. She’s probably from mommy and daddy’s money, more than likely living off their dime right now. I have no claim to her, and as much as I want to taste her sweet pussy again, I can’t compete with that man back there when it comes down to it. His money is probably legal… mine isn’t. I can’t exactly go flaunting everything I can buy with all the drug money I get. People would be suspicious.

  And we can’t have that.

  “Fuck!” I let go of the frustration and punch the steering wheel then grab onto it, taking deep breaths as I try to calm myself. My brain’s trying to overanalyze everything. The way she looked at me when she realized it was me; the way she would glance at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. Even the way she pushed Nick away and didn’t introduce him as her boyfriend.

  Maybe he’s just a friend.

  Right… friends don’t kiss friends like that.

  “The hell, man? You’re freaking me out!” Deig is looking at me like I’m a wild animal and I try to shake it off.

  “I just… shit.” I can’t tell him. “I forgot about a drop off I need to make today. I’ll run you home first,” I grunt, backing out of the spot and gunning it towards the apartments.

  I need to wrap my head around this and decide how I’m going to do this and not end up with permanent blue balls.

  “How’d things go?” Nick asks, eyeing the two men that just left as they walk down the sidewalk. I see Marcus punch Max in the arm and smile, letting it fall immediately when Nick’s eyes pin me again.

  “Good,” I say, sighing and walking away. “Pretty good. We start tomorrow.” I smile bright, trying not to think about Maxwell Holzer and that shock.

  I still don’t know what the hell to do with this information. I feel like the ceiling collapsed on me at the restaurant when that smile hit me, and I haven’t quite crawled out from the rubble yet.

  “That one looked familiar. Max. You know him?” Nick follows me to the office where he plants himself on the couch across the room from my desk.

  “Nope,” I lie easily. “Just met them today.” I busy myself with work while he nods then heads to his phone. We sit silently for a half-hour while I work. When he speaks up it actually startles me. I flick my eyes up to him, glaring at him for no other reason than being annoyed.

  “What?” I ask, huffing.

  “Dinner tonight. My parents’ place?” He stands and shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles at me. It’s a pretty one… but that Max… man his is nice.

  “Nick,” I groan, standing and walking over to him. “Dinner at your parents’ shows we’re something more than we are.” I raise my eyebrows and shrug. “I’d rather not.” It may be bitchy, but I don’t want to lead him on and he’s been clingy today for some reason. He never just sits in my office while I work. He’ll visit, check in, and then leave. Today he’s been different and I’d hate to have to drop him because he starts being too clingy.

  His face falls a bit but he recovers quickly.

  “And what exactly are we, Nora?”

  My eyebrows shoot up at his words. I expected him to be pushing for it soon, but not today. There’s too much going on today in my world to worry about hurting this man’s feelings.

  “Well, friends?” I smile. “With benefits?”

  “Friends with benefits?”

  “For now?” I ask, shrugging.

  “That right,” he whispers, walking closer to me and taking my face in his hands. “That’s all we are?” His face is so close to mine.

  I nod, inhaling his scent.

  Rich. He smells of wealth, with the expensive cologne. He leans in and presses his lips to mine, aiding in melting off the stress that I need melted off. I close my eyes, but it’s not his lips I want on me.

  It’s Max’s.

  I sigh and my body relaxes. He pulls away, eyes hooded with lust, and winks at me.

  “I can deal with that for now. You’ll realize what you need, Nora. Friends with amazing benefits is perfect with me if that’s the reaction I get out of you.” He plants another kiss on me before walking out of the room.

  If you only knew who that reaction was for, Nick.

  I almost feel guilty for even thinking it!

  I wait to move until I hear the door open, signaling his exit, then collapse on the couch and groan.

  “So,” Ava announces, standing in the doorway.
“That little pissing competition is over. Mind telling me what the fuck is happening in your world today?” She ignores me having a minor meltdown on the couch and heads to my desk, plopping herself in the chair and throwing her feet up.

  “God, Ava,” I groan, sitting up. “I just can’t do this! This isn’t what I signed up for with him and it’s not something I want to have to deal with right now.” I stand and start to pace. “Nick wants to be more, of course he does, and I don’t want to. I can’t be that girl that lets a man define her. Plus I’m not even sure how much I like him! Sure the sex is fun, but I hate the ‘I have money’ front he likes to put on, and I don’t want to meet his parents because I’m not his class and not even his type!”

  “Whoa,” Ava stops me, putting her feet down and leaning over the desk. “Sit, now,” she barks, pointing to the chair in front of the desk. I roll my eyes and walk over to it, practically throwing myself down. She points her gaze at me and takes a deep breath before continuing. “You mean to tell me you’re not even considering telling me all about what happened in the restaurant earlier? That should have been the first thing out of your mouth!”

  “But Nick just—”

  “Fuck Nick, Nora!” she shrieks. “I saw the looks you and this Max guy were making at each other today. What the fuck was that all about?”

  I roll my eyes and slump in my seat. She’s not going to let me forget it, and honestly I never will even if she did. Seeing him there threw me off more than I’ve ever been before. I don’t like surprises, and to say that was a surprise is a massive understatement.

  “Remember that night in Chicago I got held up before my last visit to you in Colorado?” I raise an eyebrow at her, watching her face morph into pure amusement. “Right. So that’s the man I… well…”

  “Oh God,” she whispers, starting to smile. “Are you sure?”

  “So positive. Only one person can have a smile that does that to me,” I moan.

  “Oh yes, please do tell. What exactly does his smile do to you, Nora?” She’s giggling, wide-eyed, about to bust out into a fit of laughter.

  “Too much,” I growl, standing up. “And now I have to work with him. Every day.”

  “You don’t have to, you know,” she says, kicking her feet back on the desk and shrugging at me. “Find another designer.”

  My mouth pops open and I stutter to try to find a reason why I don’t want to do that that doesn’t sound stupid, but I’ve got nothing. For some insane reason, I want to work with him every day. His presence infuriates me and makes me hot for him all at the same time.

  I’ve always liked torturing myself, but never to this level. It makes me feel kind of insane.

  “Exactly.” She laughs. “So work with him and when you’re not working, let him show that pussy of yours a good time.” She shrugs. “It’s not like you’re anything committed with Nick, so that’s… whatever…” She barks out a laugh. “Jesus, only your luck, Nor. I hope you know I’m never going to let you live this down.”

  “Trust me, I’m not even certain I’m going to be able to get past it, either. And I don’t think we’ll be fucking, Ava. What have I always told you about mixing business with pleasure?”

  “Pleasure is always more fun than business?” She smiles and laughs.

  “No. Not to. I’ve always told you not to. Those two things should never mix. It doesn’t end well. You of all people should know this.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to get over that, doll. He’ll be here first thing in the morning.”

  “Thanks,” I grumble, standing. “Get up, I have work to do.”

  “You know, I’m happy you found him. I saw you try to forget about that night. I’ve watched you for the past six months stare off into space… at least now I know what those daydreams are about.”

  “Out, Ava!” I bark, snapping my resolve. She laughs and leaves the office, closing the door behind her.

  I shouldn’t care this much that it’s him. I’ve fucked enough men to know shit happens and not to get attached… but I’ve never had this type of attraction to anyone before. From the looks of him today I know he’d be a mistake. The ink, the messy hair, the cocky attitude, the fact that he was so late to his own business lunch and didn’t even apologize for it, all tells me he’s walking bad news.

  I should hate him… and I do to an extent. He’s annoying.

  I shouldn’t want him.

  But God, I do.

  It’s almost seven before Ava and I close up shop. We had an afternoon rush that cleaned us out of a few items we were running low on. I already have something on order to refill that space so I’m not worried about the place looking too empty for long.

  We grab Chinese food on the way home and make that awkward small talk that friends make when they’re ignoring the massive elephant in the room. Ava wants to start looking for a bigger space for the boutique already, but I think she’s getting ahead of herself. It hasn’t even been a year. Sure we have a great business, but we also have a great location and rent too. I’m not ready for that move yet, and thankfully she has zero say financially in any of the decisions. It’s my name and my name alone on all the business documents. In their eyes, she’s just an employee, even if she’s much more to me.

  It’s after ten before I’m alone in my room, laptop open, searching the latest trends in summer fashion. I’ve always loved shopping, and being that my credit card hates me shopping, this is the next best thing. Finding new trends, planning outfits, and helping people feel comfortable in the clothes they’re wearing, no matter the size, is my happy place.

  My phone rings not long after I’ve started placing orders and I smile at the picture on the screen. My dad and I don’t talk that much since I left. He’s been busy with work and his new girlfriend and I’ve been busy trying to make a name for myself in a new city.

  “Hey Dad, how’s it going?” I answer, standing from my seat to stretch out.

  “Just checking in on my girl,” he says. I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Did you just get off a shift?” I glance at the clock and notice it’s almost midnight.

  “Yes,” he says, his tone falling off at the end. “Hey, listen I need to tell you something.”

  My stomach sinks. I hate those words. Those words, in the history of ever, only bring heartache and tears.

  “Okay,” I slowly say, sitting back down on my bed and tucking my feet under me.

  He takes an audible breath, then clears his throat.

  “Peggy and I… well, Nora… I want to ask her to marry me.”

  “Really?!” I shriek, bolting up again. “Dad that’s fantastic!”

  I love Peggy; always have. My dad and her have had their ups and downs in the few years they’ve been seeing each other, but she’s the first one since my mom died that has really kept his interest enough. She’s made him a better man. He used to drink, not heavily enough to negatively affect our lives, but just enough to make that tiny difference in his mood. When Peggy came along all of that stopped. He stopped staying out late after shifts and he started paying more attention to himself again.

  “Are you sure? I was so nervous to tell you, Nora.” He chuckles. “I mean, with everything we’ve been through.”

  “Dad, I’m really super happy for you. I like Peggy. It’s about time you found someone that makes you happy.” A genuine smile creeps on my face as he starts talking about my life and if I’ve found a boyfriend yet. He was the first person growing up to shoo away any possible suitors, but now that I’m alone out here in Oklahoma with only my best friend and half-crazy grandma close by, he suddenly thinks I need some man to look after me. Typical dad, I guess.

  “Dad, I’m okay out here. Ava and I have a good thing going on and it’s not like I have no social life.”

  “I just worry about you, Nora. Are you happy?”

  I smile and stretch. “Perfectly happy, Dad.”

  “I love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you too, big p
apa.” That earns a laugh from him, even though he hates that nickname. “Let me know when you ask her, I’m excited for you.”

  “Night, Nora.”

  “Night, Daddy,” I whisper, hanging up the phone and laying back in my bed.

  Sleep is peaceful and only once riddled with a dream I still can’t make out the meaning of.

  The next morning I wake before the sun and groan, heading straight for the coffee pot. Today’s going to be challenging to say the least. I’d be okay if it was just another busy day, full of customers and too many deliveries, but it’s not. It’s so much more.

  “Hey,” Ava mumbles, shuffling into the kitchen. A morning routine of ‘no talkie before coffee’ was set in place our first day here. She mumbles, I grunt, and neither of us considers having a conversation before the first few gulps of warm coffee make it’s way through our system.

  I sit on the stool and try to decide how today’s going to go.

  In one scenario, he’s going to show up, all-professional, and get straight to work on making my business bloom. There will be no mention of the past between us, and no mention of the total sexual tension still happening.

  In the other, more likely scenario, he’s going to walk into my office, close the door, then start his charade of the cocky, beautiful, self-loving man that he is, which will send me into a goddamned spiral of lust, and the day will end up with a quick fuck on my desk before we both go home for the night and think about our actions.

  “You doing okay over there?” Ava asks from behind her massive mug, leaning against the counter and staring at me.

  “Mmhmm,” I mumble, taking a sip of coffee.

  “Ready for today?” She raises an eyebrow at me and grins.

  “Yes,” I say with resolve. “I’m perfectly ready for it. Why wouldn’t I be? It’s another day at the boutique.”

  “With your super-hot, ex one-night stand, coming to spend the morning in your office.” She shrugs and walks by, winking at me as she heads to her bathroom.

  She’s right. I guess it’s time to shower and make sure everything’s shaved.

  You know… just in case.


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