Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set)

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Extensive (A Single Dad Box Set) Page 27

by Claire Adams

  “I’m not telling you to marry the guy,” Sierra said, wrinkling her nose. “But you could be his naughty nanny.”

  I looked around us, my cheeks flushing. “Sierra!” I hissed.

  She giggled and lowered her voice into a husky tone. “Sure, I’ll go get your laundry, Mr. Stone. Do you want it freshly pressed?”

  I lightly slapped her arm. “Stop it.”

  She laughed uncontrollably, and everyone in the store looked over. If it was possible to be more embarrassed, my entire body lit up in flames.

  “Everyone is looking at you,” I said.

  “Whatever,” she said. “You’ve always been so easy to embarrass. You probably won’t see anyone in here ever again.”

  That didn’t matter. I wasn’t sure how prominent Noah was in this area. What if he knew one of these people? Would they tell him that his new nanny was making fun of him? I knew it was a minuscule chance, but a chance I wasn’t willing to take.

  “Do you want to get lunch?” Sierra asked, changing the subject.

  “As long as you agree to stop calling me a naughty nanny.”

  “I can’t promise that.”

  I couldn’t help but smirk. “Come on then,” I said, looping my arm in hers.

  “Harold, I’m taking lunch!” Sierra called into the back office.

  After lunch, Sierra went back to work, and I went home. I wasn’t sure what my schedule would look like as of yet, though I had an idea Noah that would need me a lot. I didn’t mind working six or seven days a week, but the cleanliness of my apartment would suffer.

  So, I rolled my sleeves up and got to work. The mindless motions of cleaning made my mind wander. From the impression that I got from Gina and Noah, I knew I was going to enjoy working for them. Gina had an infectious energy and a silent creativity that I wanted to explore. I made a mental list of places I wanted to go with her.

  I briefly wondered about the nature of the former nanny’s termination. From what I saw at the interview, Noah and Gina seemed perfectly fine. The fact that he had a little section for her in his office showed his love for her. Most corporate types who I’d come in contact with never wanted their children at their work, never mind setting up a corner in the office for them.

  By the time I’d finished cleaning my apartment, it was past supper time. I made a grilled cheese and watched an episode from my DVR before getting ready for bed.

  While brushing my teeth, I couldn’t help a smile from forming my lips. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I loved my job as a nanny. Taking care of kids was my passion.

  Recalling Sierra’s idea of the naughty nanny made me laugh so hard that I spit out a little toothpaste onto the mirror. I scrubbed it off. There was no denying Noah’s attractiveness, but I knew he’d never think of me that way. He was too desperate to keep a nanny to ever screw it up.

  But that didn’t deter me from thinking about his gorgeous green eyes as I fell fast asleep.

  Chapter Seven


  I woke much happier on Tuesday morning when my alarm went off at four. I took the monitor for Gina’s room and went downstairs to my home gym. Even though I hadn’t worked out since Friday, that extra day had made me a little sluggish. But I pushed through. This small bump in the road was over, and I could get myself and Gina back to a schedule, something that eased my mind immensely.

  After I showered and made myself some breakfast, I glanced at the clock. Five forty-five. I gritted my teeth. Allison had called Jess with my home address and asked her to be here around six, so I could meet with her before Gina woke up.

  Though if she were going to be late, that wouldn’t sit well with me. Punctuality was a pet-peeve of mine. And I needed this to work out.

  I finished the rest of my coffee and placed the mug into the sink just as I heard a knock on my front door.

  I raked my fingers through my damp hair and headed over to the door.

  “Good morning,” Jess said. “I didn’t want to ring the doorbell if she’s still sleeping.”

  Punctual and thoughtful. This working relationship was already starting off on the right foot.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Please, come in.”

  She did. As she walked in, she glanced around the space. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you. Do you want some coffee?”

  She waved me off. “No, thanks. I’ve already had two cups.”


  “That’s more than I normally have. I wasn’t sure what to expect of Gina. She seemed very active, and I wanted to keep up.”

  I laughed. “Active is an understatement.”

  I indicated for her to follow me into the dining room. “Thank you for being on time. That’s very important to me.”

  “Me as well.”

  “Good. I want to get the logistics out of the way.” I slid over a manila envelope with the employment contract inside. I pulled it out. “Right here is the pay and benefits package.”

  Jess took the sheet of paper and read it over. A slight lift in her eyebrows meant she’d reached the section about her wages. I increased the amount since Layla with the hopes of giving Jess an extra incentive to stay for a long time. If her relationship with Gina grew from what I saw at the interview, I wouldn’t have to worry about a nanny ever again. I hated thinking of women in Gina’s life coming and going as if through revolving doors.

  “Looks good to me,” she said.

  I handed her a pen, and she signed the bottom of the sheet. Then I signed the second line. “I’ll have a copy for you by the end of the day.”

  “So, tell me more about Gina,” she said.

  “Regarding her schedule,” I said, handing over another sheet of paper. Layla emailed me the schedule she’d set up for Gina. I enjoyed a scheduled day, but I knew that concept was a little far above a three-year-old. “This is from her previous nanny.”

  This was a test for Jess, even though I already liked her.

  Jess read over the sheet and then looked up at me, confused. “This is Gina’s schedule?”

  “It was.”

  “And you want me to stick to this?” she asked. “It seems a little rigid.”

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  She noticed and smiled back. “Is this a test or something?”

  I took the sheet of paper back from her and placed it down on the table. “Layla, our previous nanny, tried to stick to this schedule. I appreciated her methods, but going forward, you‘re to create your own schedule. Now, I don’t need it written down, but I would like a mix of play and learning. She will start preschool part-time next year, and I would like to see her prepared for that.”

  “That sounds doable. I have a membership to the local children’s museum and the aquarium. It’s up at the end of the year, but—”

  “I will renew them and pay for any other membership she’s interested in.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “That’s very generous.”

  My phone beeped, and I checked my timer. “I’m sorry to break this early, but I need to head to work.”

  Jess stood up from her chair. “Not a problem. Do you have a list of emergency contacts?”

  “Just me,” he said. “Let me give you my cell number and my work number. May I?” She offered her cell phone. The picture on the front was of Jess and a young boy. I assumed he was her previous charge. That gave me even more hope that I‘d made the right choice. I typed in my numbers. “If I don‘t answer my cell then you can call Allison. She will find me.”

  “There‘s no ex-wife?” Jess asked.

  I flinched. “No. Gina’s mother passed during childbirth.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Jess said. “I didn’t know.”

  I handed her phone back to her. “It’s fine.” This wasn’t what I wanted to discuss at the moment. “I have to go. You’ll have full access to everything in my home, and I have a spare car with a car seat for Gina. All of your keys are on the key rack by the door. It’s the set with a unico
rn keychain. That was Gina’s touch.”

  “Everything will be okay. Have a good day at work.”

  “You too,” I said.

  The moment I walked onto my floor at the office, Allison approached me.

  “Noah,” she said, a bit frantic.

  “Good morning, Allison. What’s going on?”

  “Eddie called out of work today. He has the flu.”

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  “He was supposed to meet with Hill Ridge Hospital today before their annual budget meeting.”

  With Gina taken care of, I felt enough at ease to say, “I’ll do it.”


  “Don’t look so surprised. I started off as a salesman, remember?”

  “Sorry, Noah. I know that. I’ll get you Eddie’s notes and call a car for you.”

  Less than ten minutes later, I was in a car on the way over to the hospital. Admittedly, I felt excited about stretching my salesman legs again. Having someone drive gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the previous dealings with the hospital. Eddie was one of the best on the team, and I wanted to keep his good reputation with the client.

  At the hospital, the staff directed me to the bank of offices on the tenth floor. Before stepping off the elevator, I straightened my tie and gave myself a little pep talk before putting on my metaphorical salesman hat.

  At the reception desk, I announced myself, and the older woman brought me down the hallway to a large meeting room. The standard sized room looked like every other one I’ve been in, but this one had a beautiful view of the city. Admittedly, I was a little jealous of that.

  Several hospital employees sat around the table.

  The man at the head of the table came to meet me at the door. I assumed he was Eddie’s contact, Mr. Travis Holmes.

  “Eddie Banks, it’s nice to meet you in person,” the heavy-set man said.

  “Actually, my name is Noah Stone. Eddie is under the weather today.”

  Travis frowned. “That’s unfortunate.”

  “But I am the CEO of Stone Medical Supplies.”

  “Oh,” he said with a surprised expression.

  I smiled. That line always made people take notice. “I don’t want to waste any more of your time. I know annual budget meetings can take a while, so I’ll get started.”

  “I like you already,” Travis said and sat down.

  I opened my briefcase and pulled out several sheets of paper and placed them on the table.

  “Stone Medical may be a smaller operation than what you’re used to, but I guarantee you won’t lose anything in the transition. You will have a dedicated team assigned to your account with twenty-four-hour support. And Eddie has also saved you ten percent by matching the supplies you already purchase with our warehouse.”

  Travis appeared pleased by this development.

  “And there are also quarterly discounts from each of our vendors that we share explicitly with our clients. We understand that money is important to Hill Ridge. And we will work tirelessly to provide the best service and supplies to your one hundred percent satisfaction. Now, does anyone have any questions?”

  After answering questions for twenty minutes, Travis shook my hand and gave me the signed contract for his business.

  “Hell of a pitch, son,” he said, even though I was sure he couldn’t be more than ten years my senior. “Quick, efficient, no wonder you come highly recommended.”

  “Thank you, and be sure to spread the word to any other hospitals in your acquaintance.”

  “I will.”

  I was on a high the rest of the day and my mood was better than it had been in a very long time. Whether it was the sale or my life lining up in a way that it hadn’t before, I practically skipped up the front walkway to my door when I got home that night.

  When I opened the door, most of the lights were out. I checked the first floor and didn’t see Gina or Jess anywhere.

  Though the moment I reached the second-floor landing, I heard Gina giggling from her bedroom. A smile spread across my face from ear to ear.

  I knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Gina and Jess called from inside.

  I opened the door and came face to face with two different ladies than those I’d left that morning. Gina had one of her princess dresses on while Jess wore Gina’s duvet cover around her neck and it spread out behind her like a wedding gown train.

  “Daddy!” Gina said and rushed over to me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her table where she had her tea set. “We’re drinking high tea!”

  Jess handed me a cup and saucer. “It’s mint tea.”

  I pretended to sip at the empty cup. “Delicious.”

  Gina bowed and said, “I made it myself.”

  I turned to Jess. “How was your day?”

  “It was great. She’s so smart.”

  Sometimes Gina was too smart for her own good, but I appreciated Jess’s assessment.

  “We had breakfast this morning,” Jess said. “Eggs, toast, and some fruit. Then she showed me around the house. She’s quite the little tour guide. Then we played in the backyard, had lunch, and she took a nap. I wasn’t sure when you were getting home, so I made dinner and fed her. The leftovers for you are in the fridge.”

  That impressed me. Layla only cooked enough for her and Gina. Jess was already well worth the pay.

  “Sorry we didn’t leave the house today,” she said. “I wanted her to be with me in a more familiar environment. I’ve found that helps with the transition.” She said the last part in a lower voice, only for me to hear.

  “That’s perfectly fine,” I said. “So, she wasn’t too much for you to handle?”

  “No way!” Jess said laughing. “She’s great.”

  I checked my watch. It was nearly six-thirty. “Well, I can take over from here. Thanks again for everything.”

  “Same time tomorrow?” she asked.

  As much as I wanted that extra time with Jess in the morning, I’d already made her work more than twelve hours that day.

  “You can come closer to six-thirty if that works better for you. I leave for work around then.”

  “All right, Princess Gina,” she said to my daughter. “I’ll see you in the morning, ‘kay?”

  Gina hugged Jess and kissed her cheek. “Bye!”

  “I can see myself out,” Jess said to me.

  I watched her leave the room before I picked up Gina and swung her around in the air. “How about bath time, princess?”

  After her bath, I changed her into pajamas, and we cleaned up her room. It was a nice wind-down activity that we did each night before bed whenever I made it home in time to put her down.

  Then I tucked her into bed and turned on the glow worm nightlight on her bedside table. The moment her head hit the pillow, her eyelids grew heavy.

  “Did you have fun today with Jess?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said through a yawn. “She’s fun.”

  “I’m glad you like her.”

  “I do like her. I’m happy, Daddy.” She yawned again. “She says things a little funny though.”

  “Maybe you could learn some of her phrases and have your own unique language.”

  “That sounds cool,” she said.

  “Do you want me to read to you?” I asked.

  “Goodnight Moon, please.”

  I grabbed her favorite board book from the side table and opened it. Even though she was fast asleep after the first time I read it, I read it again, slower this time to bask in the moment with her. I’d never get back each day with her so I tried to soak it up when I could.

  Chapter Eight


  The rest of the week went by in a flash, and by the time I knew it, Friday had come around. I wasn’t sure if Noah wanted me to work the weekend, but I wouldn’t have minded either way. Gina’s energy brightened each day. And even though I had been exhausted every night this week, I didn’t mind. It was the best three nights of
sleep I’d had for a long time.

  “All right, do you want a cut lunch today?” I asked.

  Gina wrinkled her nose. “Cut lunch?”

  I smirked. “It’s Aussie slang for sandwiches.”

  “Oh!” she said. “Grilled cheese, please.”

  “With tomato?”

  “And bacon!”

  This girl loved her bacon. She tried to get it at least once a day from me. It wasn’t my place to give her nutrition advice, but I tried to steer her in a healthy direction as much as I could.

  “One piece,” I said, grinning.

  “Okay,” she conceded.

  “What time is Daddy coming home?” Gina asked.

  “I’m not sure,” I said, plucking two slices of bread from the paper bag on the table. We’d bought the homemade loaf earlier that day from a local bakery. I loved their bread, and I was sure to get the Stone family hooked as well. “Why do you ask?”

  “I like when he tucks me in,” she said.

  I wasn’t sure if it was crossing a line, but Gina had opened the door. I wanted to know more about their lives before me. The other day, Noah had seemed a little remorseful of the previous nanny assignment, and Gina had told me the woman was older and couldn’t keep up with her. “Did he not tuck you in before?”

  She shook her head. “I only saw Daddy sometimes. He went to work early and got home after I fell asleep. Sometimes I would wake up when he said goodnight. But not every night.”

  Noah coming home around six each night this week either meant that he was checking in with me or he’d realized how hard he worked and made an effort to spend time with his daughter. I hoped it was the latter. By no means was I offended if he did want to check on me. Gina was his daughter, after all. And he’d just met me this week. I understood that protective nature. But I hated that she felt so sad about it.

  “I want him to be around more,” Gina said.

  “I understand that,” I said. “My mom is all the way in Australia. I don’t get to see her very often, though I wished I did.” That was partly true. I loved my mom, but there were still issues in our lives. A weekly phone call was all I could take for the moment. Gina didn’t need to know that, though.


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