Merciless Queen

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Merciless Queen Page 2

by K. D Clark

  “Aren’t you…” The words died in her mouth. Through the darkness, she could see the desire in his eyes. His face screamed danger and that only excited Cassandra more. This man was not the one she had met in the club earlier tonight but instead someone who didn’t like to repeat himself. She looked him in the eye as she started to leisurely peel the rest of her clothing off. Only once she was fully naked laid out on his bed did he finish taking off his suit. She only had a second to admire his body that showed what must have been years of hard work in the gym. The deep V that led down to his full erection had her clenching her thighs together.

  “See something you like?” he smirked.

  She quickly nodded.

  “My name is Andre. Remember that because you’ll be screaming it soon.” He tossed his clothes to the floor and joined her on the bed hovering over her.

  “You’re pretty cocky,” she stuttered as his cock pressed against her sex. Her back arched off the bed trying to get closer, but he pressed his hand down onto her stomach, flattening her back to the soft mattress.

  “What did I say earlier?” Cassandra didn’t answer as she moved her sex up and down his length as much as she could with the little bit of space she had to move. Andre’s hand swiftly moved away from her stomach, and before she knew what was happening his two fingers slammed fast into her already-wet sex. She froze at the shock as her body got used to it. Andrea’s mouth came to her ear making goosebumps appear on her neck and arms.

  “What did I say earlier, Cassandra?”

  “You’re in charge,” she breathed. Through the darkness, she watched as a grin spread across his face before pulling his finger out and then slamming them back in. She gasps at the sensation. He pulled his fingers out once more, and she braced herself but instead, he brought the fingers up to her face.

  “Open your mouth,” he demanded. She did as he said, and he slipped the two fingers in her mouth. She could taste the sweetness on them. He smiled as he reached down with his other hand, grabbed his penis, and unhurriedly eased the tip in before pulling it back out, teasing her as she moaned. Her body lifted up trying to get closer to him, but he continued his slow teasing. She could feel the pleasure building in her stomach.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “You,” she yelped as he slid inside her once more.

  “Who?” he teased.

  “Please…Andre,” she breathed. At his name, he slid deep into her pausing as her body shake and pulsing around him, before she relaxed against the bed.

  Chapter Three

  She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but as she opened her eyes, she squinted at the amount of sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains of the ceiling-to-floor windows. She looked next to her in the king-size bed. Andre snored lightly as he laid on his stomach, head turned the opposite way. His back muscles seemed to contract each time he breathed. It was obvious he was serious about fitness. Cassandra took a peek under the cover to find, like herself, he was still stark naked from this morning’s encounter. His body looked so much better in the full morning light. That was saying a lot as she thought about the way he made her body shake over and over again as she begged him not to stop. Her muscles ached as she crept out of the plush bed being sure not to wake him. The room was much larger than she had imagined. A big flat-screen TV was plastered on the wall across from the bed. The marble floors made her shiver as her bare feet touched the ground. This master’s bedroom was about the size of her kitchen and bedroom area combined. The lack of furniture, pictures, or really any personal items made the space feel large and empty. She swiftly picked up her jeans and tank top from the floor and slipped them on before grabbing his suit pants. She checked to make sure he was still asleep before reaching in his pocket and grabbing the wallet. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of his ID and credit cards. Then, taking her heels in her hand, she made her escape. The elevator opened into the parking lot Andre had parked in last night. Cassandra walked out of the dark parking lot and onto the street.

  “Figured you might need it,” greeted Leo as she made her way toward the black SUV he was leaning against. Leo was one of her older made men: bald head, big muscles, and a demeanor that said, “I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit.” She grabbed the Starbucks cup he held out to her and took a sip. Vanilla Latte, her favorite. She nodded a thanks before climbing into the back seat. She waited until Leo rounded the SUV and slide into the driver’s seat before she spoke.

  “I sent you some photos. I need this guy looked into. I want to know everything from the time he was born to the second he was circumcised.”

  “No problem, Boss; you worried about him?” Leo asked looking at her in the rearview mirror. Cassandra took a drink of her coffee.

  “I’m not sure yet.”


  Andre’s eyes flew open as he heard the elevator ding signaling the doors were closing. He had heard her take a photo of his wallet and listened closely to see if she would snoop around the rest of the penthouse. He wasn’t stupid enough to keep anything here to tip her off. He felt on the floor for his phone. It was already 8:00 a.m., which meant a later start than usual for him. Matteo picked up on the second ring.

  “Do you ever sleep?” Matteo’s voice croaked sounding tired and a bit annoyed. Matteo had stayed at the club almost as long as Andre had. He ended up going home with a blonde with long legs.

  “No, and apparently neither does she. Left about thirteen minutes ago, meet me at the office in twenty?”

  Matteo sighed. “See you in twenty.”

  Andre tried to concentrate on getting ready, but he couldn’t shake the image of Cassandra from his mind. She had been so blunt and threatening in the club last night, but she’d been anything but that once he’d got her to the penthouse as she’d begged him over and over again. This morning she didn’t even bother to stay to see what the morning would bring like most women would. Andre knew the routine, but Cassandra was a different story. Leaving as if it made no difference to her what he thought of last night or if he would call her. He had to admit it turned him on. Watching her ass sway through hooded eyes as she left only made him want to get up and drag her back to his bed, but he couldn’t let her fog up his head. He needed to take care of business while still in the States, and Cassandra was just the first step. Looking down he realized he needed a cold shower.


  “So are you in or not?” Matteo leaned back in the office chair twirling a pen between his fingers.

  “We spent one night together,” Andre snapped. “She’s not a stupid girl; she’s not going to tell me all of her dirty business deals after just meeting me.” He made his way into the conference room sliding into one of the chairs next to Matteo.

  “You should have let me give her….”

  Andre put his hand up. “I would stop right now if you want to walk out of here with kneecaps.”

  Matteo put his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying if it was me she would have been spilling her secrets like honey.”

  “Spilling like honey?” Andre asked.

  “New phase just came up with it.”

  Andre ran his hand through his hair already frustrated with his best friend.

  “Will you just get Felix on the phone; I need an update?” he said.

  Matteo punched in a number on the conference phone. The walls were soundproof, and all the lines in the office were secure. Andre spent nine months having it renovated so it would be the perfect place to be able to do all his work from, legal or illegal. To the outside world, it seemed like a regular office building. He seemed like a regular ole businessman living the American dream and that’s exactly how he liked it. Matteo managed the legitimate businesses out of here while Andre took care of everything else.

  “Ciao,” his underboss greeted through the phone.

  “Felix, how’s life in the boss’s chair?”

  He let out a breath, “Stressful, man.”

  Andre nodded even though
Felix couldn’t seem him. “I bet, where are we with the FEDS?”

  “Calming down a lot faster than we expected. My man tells me in about a month they’ll be on to something new, that’s if everyone can keep their guns to themselves.”

  The Montreal War had gone on far too long. The War had started before Andre was in charge, but he was still the one who had to clean up the mess at the end of the day. He had made a treaty with rival gangs for peace. So far it had worked, but he needed things to calm down with the FEDS before he returned. His treaty meant backing off from some of his businesses in Canada that made them the most money: drugs, prostitution, etc. He was taking that month to move what business he could to the States and letting Felix oversee things in Montreal while he’s gone.

  “Good, that’s what I like to hear,” replied Andre. “Most of my guys are in the streets trying to wiggle their way into whatever business they can so we can stay above water. You said things are calming down there, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, because the men in Montreal need to start reporting to you. I got a shipment coming in next week, so my men have something to compete with. I can’t have them blowing up my phone every five minutes. I need everything to go through you before it reaches me. You don’t make any calls or decisions I want an update every day. Got it?”

  “No problem, Boss. Something going on I should be worried about?”

  “Nah, just trying to get into some more steady business.”

  Andre talked with Felix some more about how things were going in Montreal. He still had some actual business to take care of, things that kept his money clean. Most of his money was tied up in Seattle and New York real estate. He also invested in a few clubs, two restaurants, and one casino. On paper, he looked like a regular ole entrepreneur and that’s the lie he would feed Cassandra as well.

  She picked up the third ring, “Is there a reason you’re calling me in the middle of the fucking day?” she asked her voice low and cold. Her tone would have made others uncomfortable, but if anything, it made Andre think about the curves of her body as she shuttered underneath him.

  He smiled. “Is that how you always answer the phone?”

  “I knew it was you. What do you want? I have things to do.”

  Andre knew that, of course, she was running the biggest criminal organization in America.

  “We’re going to dinner tonight,” he said figuring it was better not to give her a choice in the matter.

  She laughed. “No, we’re not. Like I said I have stuff to do.”

  He heard her talking to someone in the background. “That’s good to take it to the warehouse.”

  “What are you doing?” he asked.


  “I’ll pick you up at eight.” He hung up before she could try to argue anymore.


  She sighed and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. The building she was in, on the north side of Chicago, had been under construction for months now. No one even cared to make sure there wasn’t any illegal activity going on. Wooden crates filled most of the space now all filled with either cocaine or guns. Calvin rolled one of the crates over to her on the dolly. She took the crowbar in hand and popped it open.

  “Guns?” He asked.

  The look on her face probably gave it away. She didn’t have very much interest in the gun side of the business. Running guns was purely about making some extra money for Cosa Nostra. She was far more interested in the logistics of selling drugs especially now with competition in the street.

  She nodded. “I guess for now we can keep them here, but I need someone standing guard. We have to get someone running these guns and fast. I don’t like them sitting around.”

  Calvin smirked. “Let me do it, Boss.”

  “Guard the building?” She scuffed. “Go ahead.”

  Calvin shook his head. “No, run the guns.”

  “Your wife is going to be OK with you being gone for a few weeks?”

  “She’s six months pregnant; she wants me as far away from her as possible.”

  Cassandra smiled. Calvin had never been one to run guns. Like herself, he was much more interested in the drug side of the business. She liked that he was stepping up and taking initiative. He had been doing a lot of that lately. It made her think he was trying to move up.

  “Alright, let’s try it out. Get in contact with Gio. He already has a guy drawing up the plans.”

  Calvin nodded and rolled the crate to a far corner with the other guns. Cassandra decided she was done for the day and made her way on to the street. She walked two blocks before getting into the black SUV.

  Despite the fact that she had been busy since waking up in Andre’s penthouse, she couldn’t seem to get him off her mind. He was demanding and cocky, something Cassandra wasn’t used to. It was very rare she had men demand things of her. She still had Leo looking into the guy but so far he had come up empty. She couldn’t figure out how he knew who she was. Of course, most people knew the name Cassandra De Luca no thanks to her notorious father and later her husband who died in prison. People were fascinated with the mob but not many knew how she looked. Being a ghost made her successful and her curiosity was getting the best of her. Of course, she thought she may be over thinking it. He may just be a successful businessman; there were plenty of those in Chicago, but in her profession, there was no room for slipups. This dinner would give her the chance to find out more about Andre. She slid in the backseat of the SUV.

  “Tempest?” Leo asked from the driver’s seat.

  Cassandra nodded. “Yea and then back to my place; apparently I have a date to get ready for.”


  She arrived at the upscale restaurant late. Wearing a tight body con dress, Louboutin heels, and bright red lipstick. The dress showed off her sleeve of tattoos, and it did little to hide the knife she had strapped to her thigh. She let her hair flow freely down her back in long waves. Andre had sent a car for her and at the annoyance of being sent for like a child, she took her time getting ready. When she got to the restaurant the host led her to a booth in the corner of the restaurant, hidden enough that no one could see who was inside. Soft elevator music played over the speakers, and it was dim enough that she could hardly make out the other customers. Before sliding in the booth, she noticed how Andre paused sipping his water as his eyes roamed over her body drinking her in. Cassandra pulled her mouth up into a small grin realizing she had one thing over this man she could use to her advantage. She took a minute to admire him as well. Andre was dressed in a fitted suit much like the night before. His biceps popped out underneath as he lifted his water back up to his mouth. Cassandra liked the slight five o’clock shadow that gave him a bit of a more dangerous look.

  “You look beautiful, Cassandra,” Andre said, his voice coming out quiet but husky. As if he didn’t want anyone else to know there was a beautiful woman sitting across from him.

  “Not so bad yourself. I figured you would take me to some high-priced restaurant like this. You seem to like the finer things in life, hmm?” she asked thinking back to his over the top penthouse she had woken up in just this morning.

  “I do, but I could also say the same thing for you considering those $4,000 shoes you’re wearing.”

  Cassandra took a drink of water to hide her surprise. Such a small detail he picked up on. He was observant that was for sure. Cassandra was getting tired of the small talk and was ready to cut to the chase. Setting the glass down, she crossed her legs under the table and leaned back into the booth.

  “What do you do for a living, Andre?” she asked cocking her head to the side. She tried to gauge his reaction. Nothing. Andre reached his hand up waving the waitress over ignoring her question. She looked down at the table realizing there was no menu. She watched as Andre ordered for both of them and then getting a bottle of wine for the table. Once the waitress left Cassandra cleared her throat.

  “I can order for myself; I’m no
t a child.”

  He nodded. “I think in your line of work you have certainly proven that you are quite capable of handling yourself. I thought it may be nice to not have to worry about anything, at least for tonight.”

  She expected him to be offended by her comment. This man just kept surprising her. She nodded her head not sure what to say next. It wasn’t until the waitress brought the wine, and he had poured them both a glass that he answered her question.

  “I own three clubs, two restaurants,” he waved his hand around the room, “this being one of them, and lots of real estate mostly in New York and Seattle. I work for myself.”

  Cassandra wanted to believe it. It made sense. He seemed like the typical clean-cut businessman. Nice car, penthouse, business owner but something wasn’t sitting right. She didn’t have the luxury of making a mistake. Mistakes could mean death.

  “How do you know who I am?” She took a small sip of her wine.

  Andre placed his elbows on the table leaning in closer to her.

  “Where are you from?”

  “Chicago. I asked you a question.”

  “You’re asking many questions. I thought we would at least get dinner before the interrogating started,” he said.

  “Well, you thought wrong.”


  Andre couldn’t help but stare at the woman before him. So beautiful with her hair falling past her shoulders and bright red lipstick. Beneath that there were hints that told the secret of who she really was, such as the Cosa Nostra family crest that was hidden next to the other tattoos that decorated her arm. The way she sat up straight her breast pushing against the thin fabric of her dress, she commanded attention as she spoke. The knife that she had strapped on her thigh, Andre had caught a glimpse of the outline before she sat down. The way she didn’t seem to stand for his small talk and innocent dinner date was a clear indication of the boss she was. So different from the night before when she had been relaxed and carefree in his bedroom. That Cassandra was not here. No, the person who sat across from him was a boss through and through. He had no doubt that if she found out who he was she wouldn’t hesitate to grab her knife and kill him right here in his own restaurant. The gun he had resting in the waistband of his suit pants was also a reminder for why he was here. He had to make this personal so she wouldn’t know it was anything but. Andre leaned back in the booth and took a sip of his wine trying to appear casual.


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