Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 4

by Pescatore, Lori

  Tina knew Johnny was right. The cops would just throw him in jail. “What can we do?”

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “Great. What now?” Tina walked over to the door and opened it. On the other side stood three men.

  “You must be Tina.” One of them said before strolling in.

  The other two followed. One of the men hung back and closed the door. He removed a pistol from his pocket and grinned at Tina.

  She ran over beside Johnny. “What’s happening?”

  “What do you want? I did everything you asked.”

  “Everything except pay me the money you owe, Johnny-boy.” One of the men said. He walked around the couple’s apartment looking at their meager belongings. “You ain’t got squat to sell either.” He looked at Tina. “You work at that kid care place. Anything there you can swipe and sell to pay off your man’s debt?”

  “You’re crazy. I would never steal from my employer.”

  The man backhanded Tina across the face. She cried out and grabbed her face. Johnny made a move to go to her but was restrained by another man.

  The abuser grabbed Tina’s arm and pulled her closer to him. “You want to try answering that question again?”

  Tina looked up at him, horrified.

  He pushed her down on the sofa. “Okay, so here’s the plan. Tomorrow you’re going to go to your work and hope you can find enough crap to sell and get the five thousand dollars your boyfriend here owes my boss.”

  “Five thousand?” Tina looked at Johnny who hung his head in shame.

  “Going to be a fun night.” The man laughed. “Now be a dear and make us something to eat.”

  That night was the longest of Tina’s life.

  The next morning she tried to avoid going to work but soon realized resistance was not an option. The bully accompanied her to work. “There are going to be questions if I go in looking like this.” Tina said. She had used makeup to hide some of the bruises she had received but the injuries were evident. She had found out just how easily upset these men got.

  “Tell them you got into a fight with a wall… and the wall won. I’ll be right out here waiting for you.”

  Tina walked in slowly. The day was already in full swing.

  “Tina! You’re late. You know I need you here by��� ” Margaret stopped talking when she saw Tina. “Oh my God! What happened?”

  “I’m sorry Maggie. I kind of had a run in with a wall. It was stupid really. I mean one minute I’m just walking and then, boom, there’s a wall.” Tina talked rapidly.

  Margaret rushed over to her. “Did you go to the doctor?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Go, go now. I’ll call a sub.”

  “No… it’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

  “Tina, it’s not a request. Go to the doctor.”

  Before Tina could respond, the sound of a child crying could be heard behind them. “Go.” Margaret ordered her as she went to attend to the crying child.

  Tina was in a panicked state. She scrambled for an excuse but could only come up with one. “I need to get my check.” She hoped that if she gave the man her paycheck that maybe it would appease him.

  “It’s in the office. Get it and go.” Maggie said distractedly. She had a room full of children to attend to.

  Tina walked into the office and found her check in an envelope on the desk. It was at this time Laney peeked into the office.

  “Miss Tina?”

  Tina jumped at the sound of her voice. “Laney, sweetie… go back with Miss Maggie. I have to��� “

  “You’re hurt.” Laney interrupted. She came into the office.

  Tina hung her head as the sadness of her situation enveloped her.

  Laney walked over to her. Tina knelt down with tears in her eyes. The little girl placed her hand on Tina’s arm. A tingling sensation radiated through the young woman’s body. Tina felt the pain of her injuries leave her. Moments later, Laney covered her face with her hands and whimpered briefly. Tina placed her hands on Laney’s shoulders.

  “Laney?” She asked, the concern for her student evident.

  Laney lowered her hands and smiled, “It’s all better.”

  “What the heck just happened?” A voice from behind them said.

  Tina stood and looked alarmingly at Steve, the man who had accompanied her to work.

  Steve looked back and forth between Laney and Tina.

  Laney reached up and grabbed Tina’s hand. She sensed Tina’s nervousness about the man in the doorway.

  Steve stalked over to them. He grabbed Tina’s chin and turned her face side to side.

  “Stop. You’re hurting her.” Laney said.

  Steve let go of Tina’s chin and knelt down in front of Laney. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “Laney.” She answered, snuggling closer to Tina’s leg.

  “Laney, go back to class.” Tina urged.

  “What just happened? Your teacher’s boo-boos are all gone.” Steve asked. He had a young daughter at home and knew how to talk to them.

  Laney kept silent.

  Tina thrust her check at Steve. “Here. It’s my check. Take it.”

  Steve stood and opened the envelope. “It’s not enough.” He spied similar envelopes on the desk and snatched them up and pocketed them. He then pointed to the safe in the office. “Open it. I want my money.”

  “You have five hundred and thirty-four dollars in your wallet. That’s a lot of money. Why do you need more?” Laney asked him.

  Both Tina and Steve looked wide-eyed at Laney.

  Steve took out his wallet and counted the bills inside. “How did you know how much money was in my wallet?”

  Tina had no idea how Laney knew, but when the little girl looked at her, Tina shook her head from side to side.

  Steve caught the silent signal from Tina. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tina. “Somebody better tell me.”

  Laney tugged on his jacket. “Please don’t hurt her. I’ll tell you.”

  Steve turned toward Laney. He lowered the gun but did not put it away. “I’m listening.”

  Laney knew her father would not be happy if she talked about the numbers that she could see. Looking at the man with the gun, her decision was made. “I see them… the numbers. I can see the dollars in your wallet. They are just there.” She watched both of their faces and saw the confusion. She looked around the office to find another way to explain it. Her eyes fell on the safe. “See the safe, I can see the numbers; the combination.”

  Steve looked at her doubtfully. “So, open it.”

  Laney paused. “You promise you won’t hurt her if I do?”

  Steve laughed. “I like this kid. She is a negotiator. All right, I promise I won’t hurt her if you open the safe.”

  Laney nodded and walked over to the safe. She opened it with ease following the combination of numbers she saw. Once opened, she stepped away from the safe and looked at the two adults.

  Steve stared incredulously at the little girl before walking over and looking in the safe. He took a few items from it before closing it. “Let’s go.” He said, grabbing Laney’s hand.

  It was at that moment that Margaret walked into the office. “What’s going on?” She asked looking from Steve to Tina. “Laney? What are you doing in here? And who are you?”

  “I’m a friend of Tina’s,” Steve explained. He had already secured the gun in the back of his pants beneath his jacket. “I’m taking her to the doctors. Little Laney here said she didn’t feel well so Tina asked if we could take her home on the way.”

  Margaret had a puzzled look on her face. “I’m sorry… what did you say your name was? Laney, come here sweetie.” Margaret said.

  Steve reluctantly let go of Laney’s hand as the little girl walked over to Margaret.

  “Laney, go back to class. I’ll be right in.” She instructed.

  Laney looked nervously at Tina before doing as Margaret said.

  Once Laney was gone, Mar
garet said,“Tina knows that taking a child home is not allowed.” She looked at Tina.

  “You’re right. I… I don’t know what I was thinking.” Tina said.

  Steve remained quiet.

  Margaret tilted her head and looked at Tina. “Wow, you… your face… it looks… better.”

  Steve used this moment to jump back into the conversation. “Yea, but I’m still taking her to the doctor. You know how these head injury things are and all.” He stated, turning to Tina and grabbing her arm. “We should get going.” He gave her a stern look that communicated his warning for her to follow him unconditionally.

  “Yes, right. I’ll see you later.” Tina said.

  Margaret watched the two leave. She shook her head and went back to the classroom.

  Steve and Tina got in the car. Steve gripped the wheel hard. He pulled away but then pulled over to a payphone about a block away. “Don’t move.” He growled.

  Tina watched him on the phone. He was very animated. She not only feared for herself but for Laney as well. She didn’t understand how the little girl was able to do all the things she did, but was worried about Steve’s interest in her.

  Steve got back in the car but did not say a word. After about ten minutes, another car pulled up beside them containing three men. Two of the men got out and got into the back of Steve’s car. The other man got out and walked over to Steve’s window.

  “We doing this?” The man asked.

  “She’s golden.” Steve replied.

  “What about her?” The man asked gesturing toward Tina.

  “Take her to be with her boyfriend. I’ll be in touch.”

  Tina was glad to be going back to where Johnny was but worried about Laney. “What are you going to do with her? She’s just a little girl.”

  Steve just grinned back at her.

  The man that was outside the car opened Tina’s door and pulled her out. He quickly put a gun to her stomach. “Make a sound and it will be your last.”

  Tina was shuffled into the other man’s car. She stared helplessly out the window as they drove off.

  Steve drove back to the daycare center and parked. “Now, we wait.”

  Laney was unsettled the whole day. She barely touched her lunch and did not play with the other children. She alternated between looking out the window and towards the door. Margaret and the substitute teacher, Shari, each tried to engage the little girl but to no avail. At one point, Laney put her head down on the table and drifted off to sleep.

  Margaret looked at the clock when she saw that Laney had fallen asleep. “Her father should be here for her in about fifteen minutes. Let’s just let her rest.”

  Shari stayed close by the little girl, making sure she did not shift her position.

  Trevor entered the center at his usual time and looked around for Laney.

  “Mr. Landan. Hi. She is right over there. She was not herself today. She didn’t eat her lunch.”

  Trevor smiled. “Guess she ran out of steam.” He walked over to her. He hid his worry from Shari who was sitting next to her. He figured she had used her abilities. Not eating would have caused her exhaustion. He was not worried that Laney would not get better, but that someone had witnessed her abilities. Trevor picked Laney up into his arms.

  “Daddy,” she murmured before drifting back to sleep on his shoulder.

  Trevor carried his little girl out to the car after mouthing a thank you to Margaret. He was strapping her into her car seat when she woke up.


  “Shush.” He reached beside her car seat and handed her a bag of M & M candies. “Eat these until I can get you something more nutritious. We’ll talk later.”

  Steve recognized Laney in the man’s arms. “That must be dad,” he said as he opened his car door. He paused when he saw a woman come up to Trevor.

  “Mr. Landan.” Shari called out to him as she approached.

  Trevor turned to look at the teacher.

  “I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Shari. I’m a substitute teacher here. I, um, also wanted to give you my phone number. You know, in case you ever need a sitter.”

  Trevor smiled at the young lady. “Thank you Shari. I’ll keep that in mind.” he said accepting the paper from her. Nodding, he got in his car.

  Shari waived at Laney in the back seat as Trevor drove away.

  Steve pounded his hand on the steering wheel. “Damn it. Fine. We’ll just follow them home.” He pulled out and followed Trevor and Laney.

  In the car Trevor asked, “You want to tell me what happened today?”

  “I did something bad.”


  “He was going to hurt Tina. I had to.”

  “Who? Laney, what did you do?” Trevor was starting to panic as he pulled into the driveway of their home. He jumped out of the car and opened the back door.

  “The man was going to hurt Tina if he did not get money… which was weird because he had five hundred and thirty-four dollars in his wallet. I… opened a safe… at school. I’m sorry, Daddy. He promised he wouldn’t hurt her if I did.” Laney talked rapidly. “I couldn’t let him hurt her.”

  Trevor’s face was pained and saddened. He unstrapped her from the car seat and hugged her tightly. This was his fault, not Laney’s. He should not have tried to have them live a normal life. It was unfair of him to expect her to be able to handle the abilities she had when she did not fully understand them.

  “I’m sorry Daddy.” Her voice was muffled against him.

  He sat her on the hood of the car. “I’m the one that’s sorry, Pumpkin.”

  “You’re crying.” Laney watched the tears stream down her father’s face.

  It was then that Trevor noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front of the house. It appeared to have occupants. “We need to get inside,” he said, quickly picking her up. He took her inside the house. Once inside he locked the door and took Laney up to the attic.

  “What’s wrong, Daddy?” She asked.

  “Laney, you must hide here until it’s safe. Maybe a day or two. Then go to Uncle’s G’s house. He will protect you.” Trevor instructed.

  A loud bang could be heard downstairs. Trevor knew someone had kicked open the front door. He kissed Laney on the head and left her in the attic. He ran down to his bedroom and picked up the phone. He dialed Gregg’s number. More sounds could be heard on the first floor.

  “Hello.” Gregg answered.

  “Gregg. It’s Trevor. Someone is in the house. I think they are looking for Laney. I’ve hid her in the attic ��� “

  At that point in the conversation, a man rushed into the bedroom and ripped the phone from the wall. “Where is she?” The man asked.

  Trevor advanced toward the man.

  The man pulled out a gun. “I’ll ask you again. Where is she?”

  Trevor didn’t hesitate. He charged the man and the two wrestled for the gun. The struggle sent the two careening into a dresser before crashing onto the floor. The man ended up on top with the gun. He put the gun to Trevor’s head and pulled the trigger. All struggle ceased.

  Steve and another man came into the room, guns drawn. After accessing the situation, Steve said. “Find her.” The man behind him took off to find the little girl.

  “What do you want to do with him?” The trigger man asked.

  “Leave him. We have friends in the department.”

  Upstairs, Laney heard the attic door open forcefully, followed by footsteps entering the attic. She had hidden herself behind a stack of boxes. The footsteps got closer. A man found her behind the boxes.

  “Hello, Laney. Time to go.”

  “No, ” she said, folding her arms.

  “Your daddy told me to come get you.”

  “No. I have to see Uncle G.”

  “That’s right. Your daddy told me to take you to him.”

  “He did?”

  “Yep, now come on. We don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  Laney let h
erself be lead downstairs. “Where’s my daddy?”

  “He had something to do. You’ll see him later.”

  When they got downstairs, Laney froze. She recognized Steve.

  “There she is. Hello, Laney. You remember me, right?” Steve asked

  Laney backed up a few steps before bumping into the man that had found her. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

  “Easy Ben. She’s a good girl. She’ll do exactly as we ask. Isn’t that right, Laney?” Steve asked.

  “I want my daddy.”

  “I told her she’ll see him later.” Ben said.

  Laney’s eyes began to well up with tears. “Where’s Tina?”

  Steve knelt down in front of Laney. “She’s with her boyfriend. They are both… peaceful.” Steve smiled and winked at Ben. “Now, it’s time to go.” He stood.

  “I have to go to my Uncle G’s house.” Laney said.

  “Sure thing, sweets. We have a few stops to make first.” Steve said.

  Laney knew he was lying, She felt panic rise up inside of her. “I have to go potty,” She said trying to hide the nervousness she felt.

  “Okay. Show Ben where the bathroom is.” Steve ordered.

  Laney started walking slowly toward the downstairs bathroom. She felt Ben’s presence close behind her. She went into the bathroom and tried to close the door.

  Ben grabbed the edge of the door as she tried to close it. “It stays open.”

  “I need privacy,” Laney said, giving her best pout.

  Ben narrowed his eyes at her. “You try locking it and I’ll break it down.” He warned.

  Laney nodded and closed the door. She immediately went over to the window and unlocked it. She turned on the faucet before opening up the window. She had just pulled her upper torso through the window when she heard the bathroom door open behind her.

  “Get back in here!” Ben yelled.

  Laney hesitated for only a moment before pulling her legs through. She scooted out of Ben’s reach through the window.

  Ben glared at her as he raised his gun. “I said, get back here.”

  Laney looked from the gun to Ben. “No!” She yelled and began running as fast as she could. It was at that moment that Steve ran out the back door toward her. She tried to run faster toward the grove of trees behind her house. She could hear Steve’s footfalls behind her and knew she would not be able to outrun him. Fear welled up inside her throat when she suddenly heard a popping sound followed by Steve yelling out in obvious pain. She stopped running and turned around. Steve lay on the ground holding his leg.


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