Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 6

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���You didn’t take keyboarding in high school?���

  ���I was home-schooled. I didn’t have access to a computer or typewriter.��� Julie knew what she said was entirely a lie. Any schooling she had was all done on her own. She did have access to books, but she was never allowed to use a computer. She had already learned to read before she was taken. She read everything she could get her hands on.

  ���Well, you could always work at the cafe. Tips on weekends are decent.���

  ���Do you think they would hire me? I’ve never been a waitress before.���

  ���I didn’t have any experience when I started there. Just ask for Dave; he’s the manager. He’s a total perv but harmless. Tell him I sent you. I’d better get going, I’m on a coffee run. Good luck.���

  ���Thank you. Good luck to you too.���

  Cindy waived as she continued on her way.

  Julie was grateful for the tip on the job at the cafe. She hoped she would be able to handle it. ���What’s wrong with me? I can handle this.��� She chastised herself. She decided to put Austin and all her other worries out of her head and started off for the cafe.

  It was mid-morning and only a few stragglers lingered over an extended breakfast. Her stomach made an envious sound as she eyed the half-finished plates. She could have eaten more of the breakfast Eli prepared for her but made a hasty departure when Marcus and Austin arrived.

  ���Can I help you?��� An older woman asked her.

  ���Yes, hello. My name is Julie. I was told to ask for Dave. I’m looking for work.���

  ���Have a seat over there. I’ll get you an application.��� The woman pointed to a row of hardwood booths lining the side of the cafe.

  ���Thank you.���

  Julie looked around the interior. When Austin and she had dined there, they ate outside. The inside was of a rustic design and had polished redwood tables scattered throughout along with the booths lining the edges. A beautiful glossy bar with a mirror back sat along the far end with stools in front of it.

  The woman came back with a piece of paper. ���Here. Fill this out and if he is not busy, he’ll come talk to you.���

  Julie nodded and accepted the application. It was a basic form with no complicated questions. Just as she was signing the bottom. A shadow darkened the page. She looked up to see a man of about thirty-five years of age with short dark hair. He wore black denim pants and a black short sleeve shirt. Julie could see a partial tattoo peeking out from underneath one sleeve. He was very muscular.

  ���Wilma said someone sent you. Who?��� The man asked.

  ���Cindy,��� Julie replied, a bit unnerved by his gruff mannerisms.

  He took the application and scanned it briefly. ���Stand up.���

  ���What?��� Julie asked.

  ���Following simple instructions is paramount to getting the job. Stand up.���

  Julie stood and folded her arms. She was somewhat put off by his demeanor. She watched his eyes scan her body and got angry. She endured this kind of harassment her whole life and had had enough. ���You know what? I don’t think I want this job. I’m a person and expect to be treated as such. You can take this job and ������

  ���You’re hired.��� He interrupted.

  ���What?��� Julie was confused.

  ���You’re hired. You got spunk. You’re going to need it. Some of these guys, once they get a little booze in them, they get fresh and have to be put in their place. You’ll do fine.���

  Julie was taken aback by the change of tone and direction that Dave displayed. ���I… I don’t have experience.��� She was trying to understand what was happening.

  ���On the job training. You’ll learn as you go. You good for nights and weekends?���

  ���You’re really offering me the position?��� She was still trying to grasp the situation.

  ���Be here at six. We’ll work out a schedule then.��� He turned and left her alone.

  Julie wasn’t sure how she felt about suddenly having a real job. She knew there were a million questions she should have asked. She left the cafe and decided she would at least come back at six and see just what was involved. Then she would decide if it was a good fit for her. ���That was bizarre.��� She decided to head on back to the hospital. Along the way she passed by the Laundromat where Austin worked and peeked in to see if he was in there with his mother.

  Earlier, Austin knew he was going to have to not be so pushy with Julie. She was dealing with her own revelations as well. He just felt that she was the only one who could understand what he was going through. He walked into the Laundromat that his family owned. He saw the woman he thought was his mother. Her back was to him. He sighed and moved closer to her. When she turned around and saw him, he spoke. ���Hey.���

  ���Austin! You… you’re back.���

  When she moved towards him, he took a few steps back. ���I guess we should talk.��� He said, mindful of customers in the shop.

  ���Let’s go into the office,��� she suggested.

  Austin nodded and followed her into the backroom that served as an office. Silence permeated the room before he spoke. ���Why? Why was I lied to my whole life?���

  ���Austin, that’s unfair. I met your father when you were only eight months old. We planned on telling you together when you turned eighteen.���

  ���I turned eighteen over a month ago.���

  ���I wanted your father here.���

  ���So, like what? You were just going to wait until he felt like coming home?���

  ���I called him. He is coming home.���

  ���Yeah, well it’s a little late for that.���

  ���Austin, you don’t understand������

  ���You’re right. I don’t understand. I don’t understand how you could go on pretending for as long as you did.��� Austin felt his anger growing.

  ���Pretending? I never pretended. I took care of you like you were my own. I love you like you are my own flesh and blood. How can you talk to me like that?���

  Austin suddenly grabbed his head in pain. ���Just shut up.��� He winced at the sound of his own voice. A loud clap of thunder could be heard outside the building. ���I gotta get out of here.��� He said and stumbled out of the office. He had an overwhelming need to get outside of the building. He looked toward the front of the store and locked eyes with Julie.

  Julie had heard the loud clap of thunder and thought about stepping inside the Laundromat, knowing the spontaneous nature of the weather. Looking back inside she saw Austin stumble near the back of the Laundromat. She saw a look of panic in his eyes and rushed inside. ���Austin! What’s wrong?���

  ���I gotta get out of here.��� Austin ran out the door with Julie quickly on his heels.

  ���Austin! Wait!��� Julie called after him but he broke out into a full out run down the street.

  The wind picked up and the clouds were moving in quickly. The sky looked threatening as thunder rumbled.

  ���Crap.��� She took off running after Austin. She watched as he ran into Hungry Mother Park. She lost sight of him as he disappeared into the forest. ���Austin!��� She heard a painful groan. It was almost drowned out by the howling wind as it vibrated through the trees. ���Austin!���

  ���My head!���

  She heard Austin’s voice. He was close by. After stumbling a few more feet, she found him. He was sitting on the ground. A whirlwind of debris was swirling around him.

  ���Make it stop.��� He was still holding his head as his eyes looked pleadingly at her.

  She ran through the dirt devil and wr
apped her arms around him and did her best to shield them both. The scenario reminded her of the time in the woods when Luke was trying to kidnap them. Eli and his Earthling friends created a dust storm similar to this. ���Stop it now!��� She yelled but the wind only intensified. There was only one Earthling that she knew of that would be so devilish. ���Percone, that’s enough!��� At that moment, all wind ceased.

  ���Who’s Percone?��� Austin asked her.

  She looked at him. He was no longer holding his head. ���Are you okay?���

  ���Yes, I’m fine… I think. Who’s Percone?���

  ���Percone is an Earthling, like Eli. I met him when we were at Uncle G’s place.���

  ���You think he was doing this?���

  ���It’s possible. Can you stand?���

  ���Yes, I think so.��� He stood carefully. ���I feel okay.���

  ���What happened back there?���

  ���All I know is I was talking with my step-mom and I suddenly felt… weird. I don’t know. I panicked and just needed air.���

  ���But you feel okay now?��� Julie asked, rubbing his arms.

  ���Yes. Hungry though.��� He laughed.

  ���Let’s get you something to eat.��� She wanted to ask him more about his conversation with his mother but decided to wait.

  They walked out of the park, arms around each other.

  When back in town, Austin stopped at a hotdog vendor. He ordered four hotdogs with all the toppings. Julie kept quiet. She felt he was still in processing mode.

  Sitting down together on a nearby bench, Austin handed her two of the hotdogs. ���One thing I noticed, there is not any food I dislike. I actually used to be quite picky about food but now, there isn’t much I would turn away.���

  Julie nodded in agreement. ���There isn’t anything edible that I dislike either.��� She blotted her lips with a napkin. ���So, um. Do you want to talk about how things went with your mom?���

  ���Maybe later. It’s still unfolding.��� He stood and threw away their trash in a nearby receptacle.

  ���How did your job hunting go?���

  With the craziness of the last hour, she had almost forgotten. ���I got a job, I think… at the cafe were Cindy used to work.���

  ���The one we went to?���


  ���Have you… I mean… you don’t really have any experience, do you?���

  ���No, and I told Dave that but he said I could learn on the job. It’s not what I want to do, but it’s money and right now, that’s what I need.���

  Austin looked at his watch. ���I should get you to the hospital.���

  ���What about your mom?���

  ���I’ve done all I want to do about that right now. Come one.��� He began walking in the direction of Marcus’ car.

  Julie followed behind him, puzzled by his attitude change. She planned to find Marcus as soon as she got to the hospital. She wanted to find out if he had noticed Austin’s mood swings.

  Austin pulled up to the hospital.

  ���So what are you going to do now?��� She asked him.

  ���I don’t know yet. I just want to clear my head for a bit.���

  ���Okay. Try and see your parents’ side. They do love you, please remember that.���

  ���I know,��� Austin replied, sighing heavily.

  Julie rested a hand on the back of his neck. ���Hang in there. We’ll talk later.��� She leaned over to kiss him on his cheek.

  Austin turned to capture her lips with his. It was gentle and sweet. He rested his forehead on hers. ���I need you.���

  ���I know.��� She whispered. She gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and then exited the vehicle. She hated leaving him like this but was unsure of what to do to help him deal. Talking to Marcus was second on her list. First was explaining things to Kathy in the Human Resource department. Kathy was the woman who hired her. Eli had called the woman and explained that she had a sick relative. Now it was time to follow up on the story.

  Julie knocked on Kathy’s office door.

  ���Enter.��� A voice called from behind it.

  Julie opened the door and, at first, did not see anyone. ���Hello?���

  ���I’m here.��� Kathy said, popping up from underneath her desk. The curly haired Human Resource worker greeted Julie with a smile as she sat back down in her chair. She blew at a brunette curl that settled in front of her face. ���I dropped my pen. How are you? Doctor Elsworth said you had to take care of a sick relative. Is everything okay?���

  Julie smiled. ���Yes, everything is fine now. My Uncle was sick and needed someone to take care of him for a few days. He is much better now. I’m sorry for having missed work.���

  ���Oh, sweetie, it’s fine. I just didn’t want to lose you. It is so hard to keep good volunteers. Most of them leave for paying positions.���

  ���Um, yeah, about that. I did get another job, mostly nights and weekends. I don’t think it will interfere with my work here.���

  ���We’ll work around it. As long as you don’t leave all together, I’m fine with that.���

  ���Okay, then we are good?���

  ���We’re good. Welcome back and I’m glad your Uncle is better.���

  ���Thanks Kathy. I’ll see you around.��� Julie left to go change and see where her schedule would place her today.

  Julie changed into her old-fashioned candy-striper uniform that had been assigned to her. Her schedule stationed her on Joy’s floor. Joy was a nurse who had befriended her on her first day. Julie prepared herself by going over the lie in her head.

  Once out on the floor she checked in with Nurse Hacher, the head nurse. The elderly woman was happy to see her and quickly put her to work.

  During one of the tasks she was performing, she ran into Joy who exclaimed, ���There you are! I was worried we scared you off. Is everything okay?���

  Julie nodded and explained her story to the petite brunette.

  Joy hugged her and told her she was glad all was well now. ���We’ll catch up later.��� She called as she continued on her rounds.

  Julie took a few steps before hearing a familiar voice.

  ���I’m not buying it.���

  She turned to see Neal, an orderly at the hospital. Neal was Austin’s best friend. Julie attended a carnival with him and his sister, Annie, along with Austin and a bunch of their other friends. She put her hand on her hip and asked, ���Not buying what, Neal?���

  ���Your story about where you were and why.���

  Neal could be sweet at times but more often than not, he was annoying.

  ���And what makes you say that?��� She asked.

  ���Because I know Austin was unreachable too. I think you two snuck off somewhere for a little roll in the������

  ���Stop right there.��� Julie interrupted. ���Number one, I do not have to explain myself to you. Number two, if you want to know where Austin was, ask him yourself. I don’t want you spreading rumors around.���

  ���Boy, someone has their panties in a ������

  Julie stepped forward and put a hand over his mouth. ���Say it and regret it.��� She was angry with him.

  Neal’s eyes grew wide.

  ���Everything okay, Miss Miller?��� Another voice asked.

  She removed her hand from Neal’s mouth but kept her angry glare. ���Everything is fine, Doctor Samson,��� Julie replied before turning to look at Marcus. ���We need to talk.���

  Marcus suppressed his grin. ���
Why of course. I’m sure Doctor Elsworth wouldn’t mind us using his office again.

  ���Great. ��� She said before walking in the direction of it.

  Marcus raised his eyebrows at Neal and then let his grin appear as he went to follow Julie.

  Doctor Elsworth’s office was unoccupied. Julie closed the door behind Marcus.

  ���Marcus, wipe the grin off your face.���

  ���I’m sorry. The new aggressive side of you is kind of a turn on.���

  Julie rolled her eyes. ���Marcus can you be serious for one minute. This is important. I’m worried about Austin.���

  ���You’re always worried about him. What’s new?���

  ���Something strange happened today. He went to talk with his mom, and I don’t know what, but something happened. He was holding his head, like he was in pain. His mood has been very up and down too. Have you noticed anything?���

  Marcus thought for a moment. ���Nothing aside from the usual, ‘I’m a Human Blend and my life has been a lie’ stuff.���

  ���What about his mood?���

  ���He’s eighteen years old. He’s probably just horny.���

  ���Marcus! Oh my God! Is that all you think about?���

  ���Yes, pretty much. I’m a guy. What did you expect?���

  Julie’s face still held an uncomprehending look upon it when Doctor Elsworth entered his office.

  ���I’d apologize for interrupting but this is my office.���

  ���Just talking with ‘little miss building up to a meltdown girl’,���. Marcus replied. He then grinned at Julie. ���We done?���

  ���We are so done. I must have been out of my mind to think I would get any help from you.���

  ���I won’t argue that.��� Marcus said and left the office.

  Eli looked at Julie. ���Should I even ask?���

  Julie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ���Do me a favor. If I ever say I want to talk with Marcus about anything… stop me. Use any means possible.���

  ���That bad?���

  ���Worse.��� She gave a small laugh. ���I’d better get back to work.���


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