Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 11

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���And you are a distraction.��� She said, tilting her head back against him.

  ���You say it like it is a bad thing.��� He kissed her neck.

  Julie was about to respond when her stomach replied for her with a loud grumble.

  ���Alright, alright. I’ll put a towel on. You need a muzzle for that thing.��� he laughed. ���I’ll ask Marcus to bring me over some clothes.���

  ���You better know where his car is first. He was angry about it yesterday.���

  ���He does love his ‘things’. You should see his house, he has every gadget known to man.��� Austin adjusted his towel. ���Better?���

  ���Thank you.��� She smiled and headed for the kitchen.

  While Julie reheated the pizza, Austin found his cell phone and called Marcus.

  ���Where’s my car?��� Came the voice over the phone.

  ���Good morning to you, too.���

  ���Cut the crap, kid, and answer the question.���

  ���I think it’s in town, I parked it there when I went to see my dad.���

  ���You think it’s in town? Do you have a death wish?���

  ���Look Marcus, I’m sorry. I had a rough day.���

  ���I don’t care, I want my car.���

  Austin sighed a heavy breath. ���Look, bring me over a change of clothes, I’m at Julie’s. Then you can take the car keys and go pick it up.���

  ���What am I, a butler? Why do you need a change of clothes?���

  ���I got kinda dirty.���

  ���You dog, you. You got the ice queen to warm up?���

  Austin laughed and looked over at Julie with a smile. ���So you gonna help me out or not?���

  ���Fine, but you owe me and I mean big.���

  ���I’m sure you will collect.���

  ���Count on it.���

  Julie noticed that Austin had hung up. ���How bad was it?���

  ���Not too bad. He got in his jabs but is bringing me over a change of clothes.���

  ���Good. Now come sit, pizza’s ready.���

  They made light conversation until all the pizza was finished.

  ���I have some time before work if you want to talk with Uncle G some more.��� Julie offered.

  ���That’s another question I have. Why is he different names to different people. He’s Uncle G to you, Uncle Gordi to me and my dad. Marcus calls him Uncle Gregg… what’s up with that?���

  ���We both still have so many questions. I think we should focus on you for right now. I’m worried about what would happen should the Earthlings find out about you. Uncle G made it seem like there would be trouble.���

  ���I have a real mom out there somewhere, an Earthling mom, but still…. What do you remember about your childhood, I mean before you were taken?���

  ���I remember it just being me and my Dad.���,

  ���What happened to him?���

  ���They killed him. He had hid me in the attic and then I heard a gunshot. I never saw him again.��� Julie walked into the living room, once again reliving the moment. She felt Austin wrap his arms around her from behind.

  ���I’m sorry,��� he whispered, kissing the side of her head.

  There was a knock at the apartment door. ���It’s probably Marcus.��� Austin said and walked over to the door and opened it.

  Julie peeked around Austin and saw Eli standing there.

  ���I’m sorry to bother you two. I just wanted to be sure you ate.���

  ���We’re good, Doc. Do you wanna come in?��� Austin asked.

  Eli glanced down at the towel Austin was wearing. ���No, thank you. I should be getting to work.���

  ���Maybe, sometime, we could all get together and talk. I, uh, haven’t been very nice to you in the past and I want to make up for it.���

  Eli simply nodded at Austin’s comment. ���Have a good day, both of you.��� He turned and walked down the hallway.

  After Austin closed the door, Julie greeted him with a smile. ���I’m really proud of you. You were actually civil to Eli.���

  ���Only because I have an agenda. I still don’t trust the guy. I know he feels more for you than just friendship. I see it every time he looks at you. I want to find out more about Earthlings. I wanna see just what kind of abilities I have.���

  ���Austin, remember what Uncle G said. We have to be careful and not let the Earthlings know about you. We don’t know what they will do.���

  ���I’m not afraid of them. I’m a blend too, they can’t hurt me. I was stressed about all this before, but I’m focusing on the benefits now. This could be a good thing.���

  Before Julie could respond, there was another knock at the door. Austin opened the door once again. This time it was Marcus.

  ���Get dressed, Romeo. I have a cab waiting. You’re going to show me where my car is.��� Marcus entered and shoved clothes at Austin. ���Hello, Juliet…��� He paused, looking at her attire. ���I can’t decide if I like the skimpy waitress outfit better or this.���

  Julie rolled her eyes and walked away from the two men.

  Marcus pushed Austin towards the bedroom. ���Now, meter’s running and you’re paying.���

  Austin went to go change.

  ���What’s that smell? Did you cook something?��� Marcus asked.

  ���Oh, no, just reheated some leftover pizza.��� Julie said

  ���And you didn’t save me any?���

  ���I’m… sorry.��� Julie looked upset with herself.

  Marcus began laughing. ���You are too easy. ��� He walked over to her refrigerator and opened it. ���You need to go food shopping.���

  Julie closed the door. ���I know.���

  Marcus leaned against the counter. ���So am I safe in assuming you improved his mood?���

  ���Is it possible for you to have a conversation that is not dripping with sexual overtones?���

  Marcus appeared to be giving her comment some thought, then replied, ���Nope, not a chance.���

  It was then that Austin came out from the bedroom in the clothes Marcus brought him. ���I’m ready.���

  ���Let’s go then.��� Marcus walked toward the door.

  Julie walked over to Austin. ���What are your plans after you find the car?���

  ���I’ll go to the Laundromat and see my mom and go from there.���

  Julie took note that he said mom instead of step-mom, but did not bring it to his attention. ���Calmly, right?���

  Austin smiled, ���Calmly. You heading to work?

  ���Yes, the hospital then the cafe.���

  ���Maybe I’ll stop by and see you at the cafe.���

  ���Okay, I’d like that.��� She smiled.

  Austin gently placed his hands on her face and pressed his lips on hers. The kiss was sweet and gentle and left her wanting more.

  The tender moment was broken as they both felt Marcus’ presence near them. He looked at both of them and said, ���Don’t I get one, too?���

  Julie was thankful that Austin grabbed Marcus’ arm and pulled him out the door before she could inflict pain on him.

  ���See you tonight.��� Austin called as he closed the door.

  Julie got ready for work.


  When Eli left the building he was engrossed in thought. He was puzzled by Austin’s abrupt change in attitude towards him. Movement near the trees on the side of the complex distracted him from his thoughts. He wondered if
that was the Earthling from last night who he saw peeking into Julie’s window. He decided to investigate. As he reached the forest he heard a rustle in the trees above. ���Where are you? Show yourself.���

  Eli heard a laugh inside his head. He communicated in thought to whomever it was.

  Eli: Answer me.

  Percone: Hello, brother.

  Percone was sitting perched on a nearby branch.

  Eli: What are you doing down this way? Was that you last night peeking in Julie’s window?

  Percone: Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. How often do you spy on her? How does it feel to be second fiddle to her boy toy?

  Eli: Stay away from her.

  The tree began to shake.

  Percone: Oh, hold your temper. I was just checking to see how they were doing after their near death helicopter crash.

  Eli: Like you would even care.

  Percone: Well, I was just curious. The word around the forest is that they couldn’t find the body of that one human.

  Eli jump up into the tree and moved closer to Percone, his body shaking with anger.

  Eli: What do you know about that?

  Percone stood and grinned at Eli. He did not back away from him. ���Oh what a tangled web we weave.��� He spoke aloud.

  Just then another voice could be heard. ���Eli… are you here?���

  Percone dropped down to the ground and greeted the voice. ���Hello, Gregg.���

  ���Oh, Percone, hello. It’s nice to see you. I thought I saw Eli come this way. I wanted to talk to him.���

  ���He’s right up there. I just came by to say hi myself.���

  Eli dropped down from the tree. ���Hello, Gregg.���

  ���Everything okay?��� He asked, looking at both Earthlings.

  ���Peachy.��� Percone smiled. ���But alas, I must be going. You two have a great day.���

  Eli watched Percone leave and sent a thought out to him.

  Eli: We are not finished.

  Percone: We’ve only just begun.

  ���I’m sorry if I interrupted something.��� Gregg said.

  Eli sighed. ���What is it I can do for you?���

  ���I was hoping you had a place for me to stay. I know I only mentioned it yesterday but I really need to be close to Julie and Austin right now. Is there anything available? I’m not picky.���

  ���To be honest, Gregg, I have not had a chance to see. The only thing that is available immediately is the landlady’s apartment. Her relatives have cleaned out her things but it is still furnished and the electricity is still on.���

  ���That sounds perfect. I promise to be no trouble, I just need a place to rest my head.���

  ���That’s fine.��� Eli said, and began walking back to the parking lot. ���I’ll get you the key and then I really have to get going.���

  ���Of course, and again I really appreciate it.��� Gregg followed.

  Eli walked back into the building and retrieved the key to apartment 101 and opened the door for Gregg. ���Hopefully this will suffice.���

  ���It’s perfect, thank you again, Eli.���

  ���I’ll be going, I’m sure I will see you around.��� Eli walked back out into the hallway. He noticed Julie coming out of her apartment. His heart warmed when he saw her smile when she looked at him.

  ���Hey.��� She said as she got closer. ���I would have thought you left for work a while ago.���

  ���I had every intention but kept getting sidetracked.���

  Gregg entered the hallway, locking the apartment door. ���Julie, good morning. Where’s Austin?���

  ���He’s with Marcus. Um, what are you doing here?��� She looked at the key in his hand.

  ���Eli was generous enough to let me rent one the apartments here. This way I can be closer to you and Austin to help you both should I be needed.���

  ���Oh, okay.��� She said, looking to Eli, giving him a forced smile. ���Well, I guess I’ll see you later, I have to get to work.���

  ���Perhaps I could make dinner tonight.��� Gregg suggested.

  ���I’ll be working late at the cafe, Austin said he would stop by, but check with him and see what he wants to do.���

  ���Alright then, have a good day.��� Gregg said.

  Eli followed Julie out the front door. ���I hope this is okay. I guess I should have consulted you first.���

  ���You mean about Uncle G? Why would you have to consult me? This is your building, you can rent to whomever you wish.���

  ���You don’t seem too thrilled about the fact that he will be living so close.���

  ���It’s not that I am not thrilled, I guess I am just cautious. I mean, it is a good thing, don’t get me wrong, but I do not want to become too dependent on him because he is so close.���

  ���Ah, now I get it. The ole ‘I can do things all by myself and do not need anyone’s help’ thing.���

  Julie laughed, ���Yes, that ‘ole thing’.���

  Eli unlocked his car, ���Well, would I be infringing on your independence by offering you a ride to the hospital? I have some errands to run after work so I am driving in this morning.���

  Eli watched as she looked up at the sky.

  ���It does not seem like rain, but around here, I know that can change in a heartbeat. But since I have a long day, yes, I will happily accept your invitation.��� She said and got into his car.

  Eli was prepared to scrap plans to drive if she had insisted on walking. Until he had a chance to question Percone again, he did not want to take any chances. If what he said was true, Julie could be in danger.

  Gregg watched as Eli and Julie drove off. He took out his cell phone and dialed. ���Hey, it’s me. Why don’t you come by now and I’ll get you settled in?��� He listened to the voice on the other end before replying. ���I understand your concerns, but things are developing rapidly, I need to have things in place. She needs to know.��� Again he listened. ���I’m not sure when, but it will be soon, stop worrying. I’ll see you shortly.��� He disconnected the line. He hoped the news he had for Julie would be one that would bond them and not rip them apart.

  Julie’s work day at the hospital was fast paced. She prided herself, however, on making sure she ate protein bars in between healing the patients. ���Having a job that pays has its advantages.���

  ���Since when do they pay volunteers?��� Neal asked, coming up behind her.

  ���They don’t. I got another paying job.���

  ���Where at?���

  Julie debated about whether to tell Neal where she was working. She was still mad at him from the last time they encountered each other.

  ���You know, I’m not a bad guy. I don’t know why you don’t like me.���

  ���Neal, I do like you. I just think maybe you are a bit presumptuous.���

  ���All I know is Austin has not gotten back to me and I can’t help but wonder if you may be the reason.���

  Julie could not believe what she was hearing. ���Neal, I have no idea why he has not gotten back to you, but, not to burst your bubble… you have not been the topic of conversation.���

  ���Austin and me… we’re best friends. At least we were until you came along.���

  Julie sighed. She had changed many lives by coming to Marion. ���I’m sorry.��� Was all she could say. ���Austin said he might stop by the cafe tonight while I am working. Why don’t you come by too and you guys can catch up?��� She suggested.

  ���Neal! I need you in room 560.��� Nurse Hacher called.

  ���I’m on it.��� Nea
l called back

  Julie watched him turn without another word being said. She rolled her eyes. ���I don’t have time for this.��� She whispered as she checked the clock on the wall. She had enough time to make it to her second job if she walked into town at a quick pace. She didn’t know how the day had gotten away from her.

  On her way down, she passed by Eli’s office. He was locking his door.

  ���You done for the day?��� He asked.

  ���Job number one, yes. Now onto job number two.���

  ���I’m heading into town if you need a ride.���

  She smiled, ���I am going to put my pride aside and accept. I’m running a bit behind.���

  ���Glad to see I can still be of some use.���

  ���I would never use you.��� She said softly.

  ���I know you wouldn’t.��� He smiled.

  The two walked together to Eli’s car.

  On the way into town, Julie asked,���Have you heard anything from Suron?���

  ���Actually he did tell me he would be reaching a decision soon. I don’t want you worrying. He will be fair and I will accept whatever punishment he decides upon. I did what I did and broke the rules. I do not regret what I did. I would do it again.���

  ���I just feel badly about everything. I still feel like I’ve made a mess of so many lives.���

  Eli pulled up to the curb of the cafe. ���I’d rather have you in my life, than not.���

  Julie looked at him and her heart skipped a bit faster. She knew she felt something for him but was unsure what it was. Julie did not want to send him conflicting messages, but she refused to push him away. ���Me too.��� Quickly exiting the car, she moved swiftly into the cafe. She could not sort through her own feelings at the moment. There was too much going on with Austin. Her feelings for Austin were strong, almost overwhelming, and that frightened her. Julie wanted Eli as a friend, that much she knew. Eventually she would have to either make a decision or set some ground rules before anyone got hurt. Shaking her head, she went to get ready for work.

  Crysa watched as Julie exited Eli’s car and entered the cafe. Her heart shook with rage as she saw the way Eli watched her go into the building. As he drove off, she knew it was time. ���This ends tomorrow.��� She took off back to the cave where she was keeping Luke. She could not wait for Julie to be gone from their lives.


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