Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 15

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���We can just go now and leave her in pain if you want?��� Luke suggested seeing her fighting to stay awake.

  Julie grabbed the woman’s arm and went in, healing her hand. Her own hand throbbed as it tried to heal itself. She closed her eyes and said, ���I wish you had stayed dead.��� Then everything went black.

  Luke turned to the woman cowering next to him. ���You were very useful, thank you.��� He said before reaching for her head and twisting her neck. He smiled at the satisfying sound of her neck breaking.

  He popped open the trunk of the woman’s car and placed Julie inside of it. ���We’re going home, Laney.��� He said, brushing her hair away from her face. He slammed the lid closed. ���Thanks for the car.��� He said to the dead woman and drove off, proud of what he had accomplished.

  Eli was growing weary as he made his way through the park. He had no luck finding Crysa. All his thoughts to her went unanswered and no one seemed to have seen her recently. He was surprised when he came to a cave entrance and found Percone sitting outside of it.

  Percone: So, did you get our baby brother back home?

  Eli: Where is she?

  Percone: How should I know?

  Eli: Percone, please. Where is she? What is she doing? I thought you could feel her emotions.

  Percone: I can if I am tuned into them. I can shut them off if I am bored.

  Eli: Tune into them please, I need to talk with her.

  Percone: I tried, nothing. I can’t feel her.

  Eli: What does that mean?

  Percone: I don’t know, it has never happened before. I’ve called her, too, and she always comes… except this time.

  Eli: When did you last see her?

  Percone: The other day, here. Playing with her human.

  Eli: Luke?

  Percone: Duh.

  Eli: How did she wind up with Luke?

  Percone: She saved him from that helicopter.

  Eli: Why would she do that?

  Percone smiled, he was going to enjoy telling Eli this part.

  Percone: Why because of you, of course

  Eli: Percone, quit playing games.

  Percone: I’m not playing games, dear brother. She told me herself. She saved the human because she wanted him to keep Julie away from you. Our sister has a strong jealous streak.

  Eli: I think you are lying.

  Percone: Why would I lie when the truth is so much more fun?

  Eli: We have to find her. This man is dangerous.

  Percone: She’s an Earthling, what can he do?

  Eli looked around the cave. He determined that she must have kept Luke there. He noticed the vines just outside the entrance. The only reason she would let him go was… Julie.

  Eli got his bearings and took off running in the direction of the apartments. Along the way he whipped out his cell phone and called Gregg.

  Percone followed, more out of curiosity than anything else.

  Gregg jumped up out of the chair when he heard his phone ring. He saw that it was Eli and answered quickly.

  ���Yes, Eli, what’s up? Did you find him?��� Gregg listened to Eli’s winded voice. It sounded as if he was running.

  ���Where’s Julie?���

  ���She should still be with her father.��� He said and froze when he saw Trevor standing in the bedroom doorway. ���Where’s Julie?��� He asked him

  ���She went to work. Why?��� Trevor answered.

  ���Huh, Julie.��� Austin said, waking up.

  ���Did she go alone?��� Gregg was shouting at Trevor.

  ���Yes. What’s the matter, why is that a problem?��� Trevor was starting to panic.

  ���Does she know about Luke?��� Eli yelled as he picked up the pace.

  ���No, I never got a chance to tell her.��� Gregg was having trouble breathing as panic began to set in.

  ���Find her!��� Eli yelled as he hung up the phone. He had a sinking feeling they were already too late.

  ���What’s going on?��� Austin asked, fully awake now.

  ���Luke.��� Gregg said, as he put on his shoes.

  ���Luke? Luke’s dead. He died in the helicopter crash.��� Austin said. The panic in the room drove him to jump up and put his pants on.

  ���Apparently not. We have to find her.���

  ���Why did you not tell me this before?��� Trevor asked.

  ���I only found out myself late last night. I didn’t want to disturb your time together. I was going to tell you both this morning.��� Gregg said.

  Gregg opened the door and ran out into the parking lot. Trevor and Austin were right behind him.

  ���Who the hell are you and why were you with Julie last night?��� Austin asked Trevor as they ran.

  ���I’m her father.��� Trevor said, catching up to Gregg.

  ���You’re supposed to be dead, too. Why the hell is everyone who is supposed to be dead suddenly alive?��� Austin shouted, keeping pace.

  ���If she were walking to work, she would have gone this way.��� Gregg said as he ran in that direction.

  Trevor followed but something made Austin stop and scan the parking lot. He smelled something, a strange odor. He moved swiftly to the back of the parking lot and saw a body slumped against the wall. ���Over here.��� He yelled and ran over to it. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or upset that it wasn’t Julie.

  Gregg and Trevor joined Austin. Gregg knelt down next to the body and placed his hands on her. ���She’s dead. Her neck is broken.��� He said, but kept his hands on her. ���She has multiple, recently repair fractures. He was here. Luke did this.���

  ���How do you know for sure?��� Trevor asked, not that he was doubting Gregg.

  ���I know. He injured the woman and made Julie heal her, wearing her out so he could take her without a struggle.��� Austin said. He knew this was how Luke worked.

  Gregg stood and took out his phone to call Eli. ���I wished she had used her Carnage.���

  ���What’s Carnage?��� Austin asked.

  ���It’s one of Julie’s abilities. She has the ability to kill.��� Trevor said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  ���When did this come about?���

  ���It was just unlocked yesterday.���

  ���Unlocked? What the hell? Does anyone else realize that if maybe, just maybe, everyone was told the truth, we wouldn’t have all these problems?���

  ���Did you find her?��� Eli asked

  ���No, but he was here. There is a woman dead in the parking lot. It looks like his handiwork.���

  ���I’ll be right there.���

  Eli was almost out of the woods when he saw Crysa’s body. He skidded to a stop near it. Percone was right behind him. He could tell that she was dead.

  ���She’s toxic. I can smell it.��� Percone said. ���Guy’s smarter than I gave him credit for.���

  ���We have to alert Suron.��� Eli said.

  ���That means all the secrets will come out.���

  Something made Austin look up towards the woods. ���There’s Eli… and Percone.��� He alerted the other two.

  ���What are they looking at?��� Trevor asked.

  All three men started quickly over to them.

  Percone sent out a message to Suron that one of their sisters had been killed. He relayed the coordinates of the location.

  Percone: Looks like Austin is coming over to meet his mommy.

  Eli: Do you have no conscience? One our own is dead and all you can do is joke around.

  Percone: If you really cared about her, none of this would have happened. So, I’d be wise to think before you speak, brother.

>   Eli turned to head off the three men. ���Please turn back, it is not safe. The body is contaminated.��� Eli said, trying to turn them around.

  ���Is it Julie? ��� Austin asked, pushing Eli, trying to get past him.

  ���No, it’s not, just please don’t.��� Eli said but Austin pushed past him.

  Austin walked up and looked down at the body. ���Who is that?���

  ���Don’t you recognize your own mother?��� Percone asked.

  ���Percone!��� Eli shouted at his insensitivity.

  ���Crysa?��� Austin said, looking down at the prone form.

  It was then that Suron appeared. He looked down upon Crysa’s body but did not touch it.

  Suron: Who found her?

  Eli: I did

  Suron: Was this the position you found her in?

  Eli: Yes. Her body has not been touched.

  Suron made a motion with his hand and Crysa’s body rolled over onto it’s back.

  Suron: There is an entrance wound in her abdomen. A toxin was introduced there. This was intentional. Do you know who did this?

  Eli: Yes. A human.

  Suron: You have my permission to find him and bring him to me to face consequences.

  Eli: Thank you.

  Suron: Who are these people?

  Eli spoke the answer aloud so the others could hear. ���One of their kind has been taken by this human.���

  ���I recognize some of them.��� Suron said, also speaking his thought out loud. ���Is this the same human that was involved in an incident before?���

  ���Yes, sir. He has killed a human in the parking lot as well.��� Gregg answered.

  ���I’m sorry we were unable to help you the last time. This time he has taken the life of an Earthling and he will suffer retribution from our Mother. You have my permission to use whatever resources are necessary to bring this man to me and save the one that has been taken.���

  ���Thank you, Suron.���

  Suron was about to turn back to Crysa when he stopped and stared at Austin.

  Austin felt Suron’s eyes on him and averted his gaze.

  Suron: Look at me

  Austin raised his eyes to Suron. It wasn’t until a split second later that he realized Suron had not spoken the words out loud.

  Suron walked over to Austin. ���Place your hands in mine.��� He ordered.

  Austin looked to Eli for help.

  Eli nodded and closed his eyes.

  Austin put his hands in Suron’s. He saw the images flashing in his head and knew what Suron was seeing and hearing.

  Removing his hands, he turned toward Eli. ���How long have you know about this?��� Suron asked.

  ���Not long.���

  ���Why was I not told of this?���

  ���I was looking for Crysa to confirm it, unfortunately it was too late.���

  Turning back to Austin, he said, ���You will come with me, now. We will decide what to do with you later.���

  ���I’m not going with you. I’m going to help find Julie.��� Austin steadfastly said.

  ���With all due respect, Suron, the one that was taken is very dear to him. He would be beneficial to us in bringing her back and bringing the human to you.���

  Suron thought for a moment and then turned back to Austin. ���Very well. Let me make myself clear. You will return to me after this task is completed. Understood?���

  Austin stared down Suron for a moment before replying. ���Understood.���

  Eli, Trevor, Gregg and Austin all turned and made a hasty exit toward the parking lot.

  Suron turned to Percone.

  Suron: Help me prepare the body for burning. She is too toxic to return to the ground in present condition.

  Percone: I get all the fun jobs.

  Suron: What role did you play in all of this?

  Percone: My hands are squeaky clean.

  Suron did not believe Percone but would wait and see what the findings were once all was said and done.

  ���I didn’t understand a lot of what was going on, but valuable time has been wasted.��� Trevor said.

  ���We have all the resources at our disposal. We will find him and end this once and for all.��� Eli said. He walked up to the dead woman. ���I know her. She was a tenant. Mindy Walton, apartment 239. I can check her records and see what kind of car she drove. He probably used it to get away.��� Eli raced back to his apartment, the others following closely behind.

  Once in his apartment, he said, ���Trevor, look in the file book on the end table. Look up Mindy Walton in 239. See what color, make and model car she drove. Austin, come with me.��� Eli said, entering his bedroom. Eli pushed aside his armoire to reveal a door.

  ���What is that?���

  ���Come see.��� Eli said, leading the way down to his dirt room. He brushed off the loose dirt to expose a root. ���This is the Mother Tree’s root. Place your hand on it here with me and listen in.���

  Eli sent out the message and orders given by Suron that would gather all the Earthlings together. Trevor called down the make and model to them and Eli relayed the information. Now they had a plan of action.

  ���That was amazing.��� Austin said.

  ���Let’s go rescue Julie.��� Eli said, confidently.

  They turned to see Trevor and Gregg on the steps looking at them in wonderment.

  ���Let’s go, we’ll take two cars. Austin will ride with me. You two follow. At some point we may leave the car and take to the woods to join the others. Try and keep up.���

  Everyone got into their respective vehicles and began their journey to save Julie.

  Eli had relayed the information about the possibility of Luke having a toxic weapon of some kind and to be on the lookout. Excitement began to build as the car was located on a major highway. They all sped off in that direction.

  16. The Culmination

  Darkness was all she could see. The movement she felt attempted to lull her back to sleep. Julie fought against it. Her hands searched around her, feeling for anything that would give her a clue as to where she was. Fabric below her, fabric above her, hardness underneath. She rapped upon it; metal. Julie put all the things together; she was in the trunk of a car. The event just before she blacked out came rushing back to her.

  Julie remembered the scared woman next to her. Luke kept breaking the poor woman into pieces and forcing her to fix her. She hoped in her heart that the woman was okay, but her mind knew better.

  She remembered being so angry. Julie wanted to hurt him, no, she wanted him dead. She grabbed his hand and tried with all her might, but it didn’t work. ���What did I do wrong?���

  The car seemed to slow, and then she felt it stop. Julie listened. She heard Luke exit the car; the slamming of the door was a normal slam, not one of an angry man. Listening again, she heard footsteps. His footfalls on the ground sounded firm and hard. He was on cement, not gravel. During her time with them, they had taken her many places. She learned to listen to the sounds of where they were. The familiar clank of the gas pump and rush of gasoline as it filled the tank was very loud inside the trunk. Footsteps again lead away from the car. She heard voices in the distance.

  She felt around the inside of the trunk once more. Her hands grasped a piece of plastic hanging from the trunk lid. Inside trunk release, this must be a newer car. Pulling down on it hard, her short lived euphoric moment vanished, as it broke off into her hands. Silly me to think he would not have sabotaged it. Moving more toward the interior of the car, she started pushing on the back seat. After a moment, one of the seats leaned inward. Julie was able to crawl through onto the backseat. She peeked out the back window and saw Luke inside the store, paying for the gasoline. Crouching back down,
she pulled on the door handle on the opposite side. Nothing, it wouldn’t open. Child safety locks, great. She had only one other option.

  She crawled into the front, checking one more time on Luke. He was coming out of the door, heading for the car. There were no keys in the ignition, not that she knew how to drive, but she would have gambled on it if they were there.

  Keeping herself low, she pulled the door handle on the front door and pushed it open just enough for her to squeeze through. She hear his footsteps coming closer as she pushed the driver door closed. Trying to gauge whether he was coming around the front or the rear of the car, her gut told her he was coming around the front. She forgot, her gut was usually wrong. She scooted closer to the rear when she heard him stop at the trunk. She heard him click the button on the remote and look inside the trunk. It was now or never. She took off running, through the pumps and down the road.

  Julie ran as fast as she could, but sensed him coming up behind her quickly. She knew she was not going to be able to outrun him. Her only hope was that someone saw the commotion and called the police. There was a cornfield to her right, and she veered into it and began to zigzag through, hoping to lose him. Luck was not with her and he soon tackled her to the ground. She was not going back without a fight. Crawling forward worked for only a few inches until he turned her over on her back and began punching her.

  ���What… have… I… told… you?��� He shouted, raining blows down upon her.

  As her fear and anger rose, she felt something turn on inside of her. An indescribable rage took over and she found the strength to grab hold of his arms. She sent her anger into him with all her might, but again nothing happened.

  He broke free of her grip and gave her one last punch that sent her into darkness.

  Luke stood, wiping the sweat from his brow and looking down at her. He touched his arms where she held him; they felt warm. He scowled down at her. She was up to something, that much he knew. ���You learned a new trick but haven’t figured out how to use it yet.��� Luke said. The look of rage on her face was one he had never seen before. She was stronger, too. ���I’ll keep beating you down until you remember who’s boss.���


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