Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15) Page 26

by Rebecca Deel

  “What about Patton?”

  “He’s not going anywhere.” He nodded toward Rod and Stella who approached Patton. “Time to take you to the hospital.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “For my peace of mind, I want a doctor to confirm that.” She might as well get used to it. Her health and safety would be his priority from now on.

  Linc lifted Dawn into his arms and carried her away from the clearing.


  Pain dragged Nicole from a fitful sleep. She blinked, staring at the bland walls with a television mounted in the corner. Where was she? The antiseptic smell brought back the memory of Dr. Anderson insisting she stay overnight in the hospital.

  She had to admit that Fisher had done a number on her. At least, he hadn’t raped her.

  Her experience with Patton and Fisher had solidified her desire to pursue self-defense training. Never again would she be that vulnerable. First on the agenda was learning how to free herself from zip ties.

  Nicole became aware of warmth pressed against her side. She turned and her heart melted. Mason. He hadn’t left her side, even insisting on riding in the ambulance with her.

  His eyes opened. A slow smile curved his mouth. “Hello, beautiful.”

  “Hello, handsome.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve gone ten rounds with the heavy-weight champion.”

  “You did, and you won.”

  That made her smile. “How are the ribs?”

  “With you in my arms, I don’t feel a thing.”

  “Without me in your arms?”

  “The ribs are sore enough that I can’t breathe deep. Work Monday will be an exercise in torture.”

  “Tell me about it.” She smiled. “I guess we aren’t going to make it to church today.”

  “I’m afraid not. Next week.” He kissed her, the touch light and easy. “Two months until our wedding.”

  “If not for the sake of the wedding pictures, I’d beg you to marry me today. Life is too short to waste. I want to spend every minute with you.”

  “I’d take you up on the offer except Durango deployed two hours ago, and Rio would kill me if I married you without him at my side. Besides, I need to set up the home rehab division and make sure everything is running smooth before our honeymoon. I don’t want anything to take my attention away from you while we’re gone.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  A knock on the door brought Mason to his feet, his body between her and the visitor. When the door opened, Ethan walked inside.

  “How are you, Nicole?” he asked.

  “Sore and happy to be getting married in two months.”

  He chuckled, dropping into a chair at the foot of her bed. “What did the doc say about you?”

  “Two cracked ribs from Fisher kicking me. The other injuries are bruises that will heal soon.”

  The police chief shifted his attention to Mason. “You good?”

  “Yes, sir. Deep bruises where bullets smacked into the vest. A few minor ones from the skirmish with Fisher.”

  “You did well out there, Mason. Training with the teams at PSI paid off.”

  Mason settled beside Nicole and tucked her against his side. “Thanks.”

  “Patton and Fisher confessed to everything. As you know, Riva was interested in you, and Fisher killed her for it. He did his best to frame you for her murder and Todd’s injuries.”

  “What about the drive-by shooting?” Nicole asked.

  “The intent was to kill Mason. If that failed, they hoped the shooting would pass as a random event, and the frame job would send Mason back to prison. Fisher was also responsible for poisoning you with ketamine.”

  Mason frowned. “If the goal was to get rid of me, why did Fisher accost Nicole in the alley behind Pet Palace?”

  “He wanted to push you into attacking him. His planned to press charges or kill you and claim self-defense.”

  “How did they hook up with the motorcycle gang?” Nicole leaned her head against Mason’s shoulder.

  “Fisher’s cousin was in the gang as had been his father and uncles before them. Fisher and Patton rode with them some, but they weren’t interested in full-time membership. In the Devils, they’d have been low down on the chain of command. Neither of them wanted that. Fisher’s cousin was the group’s leader which is why Fisher and Patton recruited the Devils to kidnap Gage Fitzgerald and stash the three hostages on the campground.”

  “What would the Devils get out of it?”

  “Relatively safe places to do weapons deals. Fisher believed he’d get the promotion at Elliott Construction with Mason out of the way. With multiple job sites around the county and supplies being delivered all the time to those sites, no one would have noticed an extra vehicle or box. Safe places to complete weapons deals was the price of aid from the Devils.”

  Ethan stood. “I’m going home to sleep for a few hours, but wanted you to know you won’t have to worry about Patton or Fisher again until their gray-haired old men. You’ll have to testify against them in court unless I convince them to save the taxpayers some money. Those men are out of your life for good. Also, Ivan left town an hour ago. He says he won’t be back.”

  “Thanks, Ethan.” Mason got to his feet and shook the police chief’s hand.

  “Both of you get some rest. I’ll see you Friday, Mason.” Ethan left.

  An hour later, another knock sounded on the door. Nicole’s eyes widened when Todd and Gage Fitzgerald entered the room.

  Mason stood, wariness in his gaze. “Todd, Gage.”

  “We wanted to check on Nicole before we left town,” Gage said.

  Stunned, she stared at the two men. “Aside from bruises and cracked ribs, I’m fine.”

  “I’m glad.” He shifted his attention to Mason. “Thank you, Mason. I’m embarrassed to admit that I froze when the gunfire erupted in that compound. If you hadn’t shoved me to the ground, I might be in the morgue instead of on the way home to hug my family.”

  “You were a pawn in a bid for revenge.”

  “You could have left me to fend for myself. You risked your life to save mine. I won’t forget that.” He studied Mason a moment, then said, “You aren’t the man I believed you to be for the past 15 years.”

  “I haven’t been that same stupid kid since the moment I walked into prison,” Mason said.

  A slow nod. “I can see that. I’ll tell my family what happened last night, the risk you took for me.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “It is if I’m to have any hope of convincing them to drop their vendetta against you. We’ll never be friends. The loss my family suffered is too deep. However, I’ll do my best to smooth the way for you to visit your father without fear for your safety or that of your family.”

  “Thank you.”

  Todd held out his hand which Mason accepted. “Truce. No more pictures.” After nodding goodbye to Nicole, the two men left.

  When Mason sat beside her again, Nicole kissed him, her touch gentle. “You can go home now.”

  He shook his head. “Not home. You’re home to me. I’ll never be comfortable in Liberty, but it’s good to know I’ll be able to help my father move without fear of reprisals.”

  The door opened an hour later, and Grace walked in with Trent who carried a small duffel bag with a change for clothes for her and Mason. She hugged Nicole, her embrace gentle. “You look colorful, Nic.”

  Nicole wrinkled her nose. “Thanks a lot. Where’s Dr. Anderson?”

  “He just started his rounds on this floor. He should be here in a few minutes.” Grace laid her hand on Mason’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Mason.”

  “For what?”

  “Protecting my sister. You put your life on the line for her. I won’t forget that.”

  “Good job, Mase.” Trent clapped him on the shoulder. “I think you would make a great operative.”

  “No.” Nicole glared a
t her brother-in-law. “You can’t have him.”

  He flashed her a grin. “Figured you’d say that. No worries, Nic. I’ve already had the same conversation with Grace.”

  “I’m happy in construction,” Mason said. “Besides, I want to be here in case Grace needs something when you’re deployed.”

  A slow smile curved Trent’s mouth. “She’s going to need a lot of help in a few months.” Happiness gleamed in his gaze.

  Nicole gasped. She gripped Grace’s hand. “Grace? Does that mean what I think it means?”

  Her sister beamed as she nodded. “I planned to tell you at dinner tomorrow night. Our baby is due in seven months.”

  “Congratulations!” Nicole hugged Grace. “I get first dibs on babysitting. Trent’s teammates can get in line behind me.”

  Mason shook Trent’s hand and kissed Grace’s cheek. “I’m happy for both of you. You’ll be great parents.”

  Dr. Anderson tapped on the door and stepped inside. He smiled. “Well, looks like we’re having a celebration.”

  “We will be as soon as you sign my release papers,” Nicole said. “I have a wedding to prepare for.” And a baby shower for her sister to plan.

  “Let’s take a look and send you on your way, my dear. Everyone except the guest of honor needs to wait in the hall, please.”

  Mason leaned down and kissed Nicole. “I’ll be right outside the door.”

  As soon as the room cleared out, Nicole leveled a stare at Otter Creek’s favorite doctor. “I want out of here, Doc. I have plans with that handsome man out in the hall.”

  “Unless you developed an unforeseen problem overnight, you’ll be free to leave in time to buy breakfast at Delaney’s.”

  “With my face like this? I don’t think so.”

  Anderson laid his hand on her shoulder. “Those bruises are a testament to your courage and strength, Nicole. You survived a harrowing experience and walked away with a few injuries. The shame belongs to Ed Fisher and Gene Patton. The only person whose opinion of your appearance really matters is Mason. Based on what I saw when I walked in, that young man sees the woman he loves, not the bruises.”

  She blinked against the sting of tears. “Thanks, Doc.” Her voice came out husky.

  After another shoulder pat, the doctor checked her injuries and vitals, and declared her fit enough to leave the hospital. “I’ll send Grace in to help you dress. A nurse will bring your discharge papers soon. I’d like to see you in the office in a week. Otherwise, call if you need me.”

  In less than an hour, Nicole met Dawn and Linc in the lobby. Dawn flinched when she saw Nicole’s face. “Oh, Nic.”

  Yeah, guess she looked pretty bad.

  Linc frowned, then flicked a glance at Mason. “We should have drawn out the fight with Patton and Fisher a few more minutes for more payback.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Mason said. “I’m hungry.”

  “Delaney’s or my house?”

  “Delaney’s,” Nicole said. “The whole town will be talking about us anyway. Might as well give the grapevine something to talk about.”

  “If the attention is too much or you become tired, we’ll leave.” Mason threaded his fingers through hers.

  She settled into the backseat of Linc’s SUV, her head pillowed on Mason’s shoulder. Minutes later, they sat in a booth at Delaney’s. Soon, diner patrons began stopping by the table to express their shock and outrage at their injuries, and wish her and Dawn a speedy recovery.

  By the end of the meal, Nicole figured the grapevine had enough fodder for the next week. What gave her the most satisfaction was the admiration and respect shown to Mason and Linc.

  They returned to Linc’s home to pack their bags. When Mason tucked her into the passenger seat of his truck, Nicole noted that Linc had wrapped his arms around Dawn. She smiled, hoping they were able to form the kind of relationship that she and Mason were building.

  Throughout the drive to his home, Mason retained his hold on her hand as though afraid to let go of her. She understood. It would be a long time before she was ready to be away from him. She’d almost lost him. As soon as they were inside his home with the door closed, Nicole wrapped her arms around Mason’s waist, her hold tight.

  “I was terrified I’d be too late,” he whispered. “That I wouldn’t find you in time. I’ve never been more afraid in my life than when I realized you were missing.”

  “I knew you would come. I was afraid that Fisher would kill you, and I’d have to live the rest of my life alone.”

  “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. If the worst had happened, you would have been all right.”

  She shook her head. “My heart would have broken into a million pieces. I love you, Mason. Now and forever.”

  “I am the most blessed man on the planet. You couldn’t give me a greater gift than your heart. Eternity won’t be long enough to show you how much I love you, Nicole.”

  Nicole kissed Mason with the consuming passion welling up inside her. Although bruised and battered, she and Mason had prevailed against men with hearts of evil. Now that Mason wasn’t under suspicion, they had a bright future ahead, one full of love, laughter, and family.

  About the Author

  Rebecca Deel is a preacher’s kid with a black belt in karate. She teaches business classes at a private four-year college outside Nashville, Tennessee. She plays piano at church, writes freelance articles, and runs interference for the family dogs. She’s been married to her amazing husband for more than 25 years and is the proud mom of two grown sons. She delivers devotions to the women’s group at her church and conducts seminars in personal safety, money management, and writing. Her articles have been published in ONE Magazine, Contact, and Co-Laborer, and she was profiled in the June 2010 Williamson edition of Nashville Christian Family magazine. Rebecca completed her Doctor of Arts degree in Economics and wears her favorite Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt when life turns ugly.

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