Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 18

by Jill Shannon

  “Your uncle has always known what was good for you. That’s why you are with us, and not in prison or a ward somewhere. He promised his brother he would take care of you no matter what, and your uncle never breaks a promise. No matter what.”

  “I have come a long way since my initiation into the family business.” Sitting down on the other side of Sadie leaning into her, he said, “I have also learned a few new things from my uncle that will make what happened the last time we were together seem like a walk in the park.”

  Ryan continued, “I knew you would be the perfect submissive, you don’t know how bad I wanted to keep you, but uncle had a plan, and you never go against uncle.”

  Sadie had stayed quiet up till this point listening to the two of them ramble on about something that was never ever going to happen. They, however, didn’t know that. She needed to get them to untie her, if she could catch them off guard. But then where would she go, she wondered.

  She knew that instigating a situation was not going to help her. She needed to play along, but if she gave in too quickly they would know something wasn’t right. She would have to keep calm, and wait for the perfect opportunity.

  She turned her head to Ryan. “Why am I here?”

  “You are here, because my uncle wanted the woman that Cameron Alexander bought at the auction. He knew if Cameron would spend that kind of money for a sub, then he would pretty much do anything to keep her safe.”

  “Well, that is where you are wrong. We aren’t together anymore. He moved me out of his cabin before we docked in Jamaica. In fact, he has already moved on to his next sub. So all of this was a waste of time. I bet your uncle isn’t going to be too happy once he finds out that I’m useless to him.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Sadie,” Tia’s silky voice purred. “There are two other women in the back bedrooms, as well as you, that will guarantee that Cameron concedes to everything demanded of him.” She leaned in on Sadie’s right side and licked her tongue up Sadie’s neck. “And if that’s the case, then you’re fair game, like spoils of a war.” She looked over at Ryan. “I thought you said she tasted like strawberries, I taste coconut.”

  “That will have to change. I hate coconut, it makes me vomit.”

  Sadie sat between the two of them trying to think of something to say to get them to untie her, but not sound too eager. She also needed to know what happened to Madison and Isabella, so when she made her break, she could get to them too.

  “Are Madison and Isabella all right, you didn’t hurt them did you? Dead things can’t be bartered.”

  “They are just fine.” Ryan looked down at his watch, “I’d say they should be stirring right about now. I’ll go check on them; you go and check in with Dwayne. See if he’s heard from my uncle. I want to know what his next move is.”

  Tia leaned back on the couch next to Sadie. She skimmed her nails up her thigh moving her sundress up as she went. “He’s not going to tell me anything. We had an incident a couple of months ago, so now he’s my watchdog. Like I told your uncle, it was a total accident but, you know how he feels about accidents.” They both said at the same time, “There are no coincidences, and nothing happens by accident.”

  “Ask him anyway. I’m sure my uncle will share her; he’ll want her well used before we send her back.” The smile that Ryan had on his face scared the crap out of her.

  “However, if you are okay with dealing with him when he realizes that someone has played with his prize before him, you go right ahead. Me, I’m going to check on the other two.”

  Tia grabbed Sadie by the chin and turned her head prying her lips open and kissed her, shoving her tongue so far into Sadie’s mouth it felt like she was brushing it against her tonsils.

  “Till later, Sadie girl, just remember you could have had me first.” Tia whirled around, heading in the opposite direction of Ryan. When he voiced a question, she wished he had not. “Hey, did the brunette look familiar to you? I bid on her at the auction for myself. She reminded me of Amber.”

  Tia stopped where she was, slowly turning to face Ryan. “Another time,” she growled back at him.

  Ryan put his hands up in a surrender pose. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were still sensitive about her.”

  “I will always be sensitive about her.” Tia spun on her heels and left the cabin.

  Somehow, Tia knew Madison and it wasn’t a good experience Sadie thought to herself. But right now that wasn’t important, getting free was important.

  “Um, ah Ryan, do you think you could take the zip ties off? They’re digging in, and, really, where could I go anyway?”

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” he started walking towards her. “I went to school with you, Sadie. I know what you’re capable of. Your restraints stay on, besides pain lets you know you’re still alive.”

  “Then leave the ankle restraints, but could you please take off the wrists?” Sadie watched Ryan’s eyes dilate.

  She had always known how he liked it when she pleaded. “I didn’t want to hurt you.” He stepped up to her, forcing her head to look up at him. “Uncle said if I didn’t do it I would be disinherited. I would have lost my family, and I need my family.

  “You and I had only been dating, this was my family,” he stressed the word. “You understand, right?”

  “No, I really don’t, but that doesn’t really matter. I would prefer not talking about it, but if it will get you to remove these…” she held her wrists up.

  “I’ll think about it. Right now I’m going to check on your friends. By the way, you might not know them as well as you think.” He smirked at her and headed back in the direction he had previously been going, laughing as he went.

  Sadie was left alone sitting on the couch. This couldn’t be happening again. She had to find a way to get away from them. She couldn’t go through another beating like the last time.

  She had trained for this; she glanced around looking to see if she could find something to cut the zip ties. The clock on the wall said 5:45 am. She tried to remember the itinerary. If they left Jamaica at midnight, and docked in the Caymans at 8:00 am, that meant she had two hours to figure out a way to get all of them out of here.

  She listened for Tia as she moved to the arm of the couch, hoping it would give her some leverage to help her stand up. She got to the edge of the seat, and leaned over, looking in the direction she had last seen Tia go.

  Sadie was looking at the back of the boat; it had another bar area, which led to an outer deck, with deck chairs and a table. Beyond that Sadie couldn’t see. It was still too dark.

  She started to wonder what Cameron was doing right now. She thought to herself, “He’s probably sleeping, not even worrying about me. Now, let’s get your shit together and save yourself.”

  Looking around again, Sadie looked towards the kitchen area, judging the distance. If either one of them came back when she was attempting to hop across the room, that would not be a good thing.

  She looked back over the couch to the bar. Maybe she could find something there. She started to push herself off the couch, when she heard Ryan come back to the room.

  She moved as fast as she could to get back to where she was on the couch, just as he entered the room. At the same time another man entered the room from were Tia had gone.

  He looked like a walking rock, the light reflected off his bald head. He wore a black muscle shirt that honored every muscle on his body, from his shoulders down to his rock hard abs. He wore black cargo pants, and Sadie was sure that under those pants, his fit body continued.

  He wore a shoulder holster that sported a very large gun. His deep voice boomed through the quiet room, “Are the other two awake?”

  “They were, but I gave them a shot. They should be asleep for the rest of the trip. What do you want, Dwayne?”

  “What about this one? Why is she awake, and not locked in one of the rooms? Isn’t this the one your uncle wanted?”

  Ryan sat back down on the couc
h next to Sadie again. “Yes, she is, but she and I are old friends. Aren’t we, Sadie?”

  “I don’t recommend you renewing your friendship. If she’s for your uncle, he won’t be pleased with that. You know what he’s like when he’s not happy.” Dwayne focused his eyes on Ryan.

  “Yes, I know, Tia and I already talked about it earlier. It’s okay; I’ll wait my turn. She’s worth the wait.”

  “I still think she shouldn’t be here. We have things to discuss, as in the next part of your uncle’s plan.”

  Sadie prayed that this would be the time Ryan stood his ground. They all turned as Tia came back into the cabin. “I understand this one is off limits, but what about the other two? If what Ryan thinks is true, I have a score to settle with one of them.”

  “No one is touching anyone. We have two hours before we dock and you both need to be prepared. Now,” Dwayne said as he gestured towards Sadie. “Can we get this one out of here, and get down to business?”

  “You may have a point. I’ll move her to my uncle’s cabin.”

  When Ryan leaned down to help Sadie stand, she waited till he was close enough, and then rammed her head upwards connecting with his nose. “You bitch!” he yelled, grabbing his nose as blood began to pour from it. He reacted by slapping her across the face on the opposite side of Dwayne’s punch.

  The slapped stunned Sadie, but when Tia moved to grab her she reared back on the couch and kicked her in the stomach, sending her toppling over the other end of the couch.

  Dwayne had had enough. Moving the table out of the way, he approached Sadie, when she tried to kick him he slapped her feet out of the way and hauled her up over his shoulder, carrying her down to one of the empty cabins. He dropped her in the center of the bed.

  Before he turned to leave the room, she had already rolled off the bed to the floor. She kicked her feet out catching him behind the knees, knocking him forward.

  He kept his balance, and swung for her head knocking her unconscious again.


  “What the hell are you talking about?” Cameron questioned Dimitri.

  “Tyler went to Dr. Ryan Romero to get some help with sleeping. He’s a hypnotherapist. He’s also Richard Arcola’s nephew.”

  Tyler looked at Cameron with pleading eyes. “I swear I had no idea who he was.”

  “Anyway, Tyler went to him and apparently that was a set up too. One of his passengers had suggested Romero to him after one of his flights.”

  Tyler spoke up, “I didn’t even ask for the information. This Vietnamese woman just suggested him, for no good reason. After she mentioned it, I thought, it couldn’t hurt. I hadn’t been sleeping.”

  “What does any of this have to do with Sadie?” Cameron demanded.

  “I’m getting to that. While under hypnosis Tyler answered any questions asked to him, that’s the only way Ryan could have found out the information on the cruise. He must have placed a suggestion that when Romero asked him to vouch for him as a passenger for the cruise, he did. That’s how we missed him.”

  “So, let me see if I have this right,” Cameron hesitated, looking at each of them. “Unbeknownst to Tyler, he went to Romero, aka Ryan Arcola, nephew to Richard Arcola. He hypnotized him to say that he could vouch for him in the BDSM lifestyle.

  “Then, while on the ship, he befriends Queenie, hypnotizes her to help him track Sadie’s moves while in Jamaica so he could kidnap her. Now, they are holding her till after the fight. If I win, I keep my company and all things attached to it, but they will kill Sadie, and I’m sure Madison and Isabella as well.

  “However, if I lose the fight, Arcola gets the company and Midnight Oasis now, but I get Sadie back.” Cameron began pacing. “There’s nothing to decide, I throw the fight. I can’t take the chance that they’ll hurt any one of them.” Cameron stopped pacing, shoulders slumping in defeat.

  No one said anything for the moment, all of them coming to terms with what needed to be done. Harley was the first to voice his idea.

  “I think you should think on this decision longer then mere seconds. There are still options out there that you aren’t even thinking of.”

  Grayson voiced his view, “I agree with Harley, there has to be another way. One where everyone is safe, but you’re not the loser either.”

  “Caleb was able to ping Isabella’s phone. We know for sure they are on another boat heading straight to the Caymans just as you said. We do have two men on the ground there. We could put our own kidnapping plan together,” Nicholas suggested.

  “They are going to have to dock somewhere close to Rum Point, that’s where the fight is supposed to take place, correct?” Cameron nodded his head yes. “So, we get Mad Dog and Jungle Jim to head down to the docks. Arcola’s not going anywhere. He’s already got what he wanted, so you know he’ll stay put.” Joshua brought that up as he came into the room.

  “You have a point. They’ll be watching for us to arrive, and just might let their guard down,” Cameron spun saying.

  Joshua continued, “They can patrol the area where they will most likely dock, scout the territory, and learn it so that by the time we arrive, everything will be in place to snatch them back.”

  “This has the makings of a good plan, but a lot relies on whether they can find the boat.” Cameron began pacing again.

  Caleb spoke up, “But we can.” Cameron stopped pacing. His head snapped to Caleb who explained, “I can send the signal to Jim’s computer, and they’ll know exactly were they are docked.”

  “Now you’re talking.” Dimitri walked over to Cameron and placed his hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to be a part of this but, I know you too well. You are still going to get in that ring with that son of a bitch one way or the other. You need to get some rest. We will be docking soon, and I think I speak for all of us when I say you need to beat this fucker till he doesn’t know his own name.”

  “I agree with Dimitri,” Harley added. “Let’s go, I could use some shut eye too.”

  “I can’t leave until I know what you’re all planning,” Cameron protested,

  “You can and you will. They know what they’re doing. They won’t allow Sadie or either one of those girls to get hurt. There will be more than enough time for them to tell you the plan tomorrow. Personally, I think; you shouldn’t know what the plan is anyway. That way, you can focus on just knocking that wicked smirk off Arcola’s ugly face,” Harley huffed.

  Cameron started heading to the door with Harley. He stopped and turned around. “I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I will repay each and every one of you for helping me and Sadie.” With that said, he left the bar, heading to his cabin, not knowing how he was ever going to get any rest.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sadie awoke restrained to the bed Dwayne had thrown her on. Her head felt like a bass drum was playing in her head. Her one eye didn’t seem to want to open. She could only imagine what she looked like.

  She twisted her head from side to side to see leather cuffs held her arms. Another set held her ankles. She could see the sun had risen out the doors to the balcony. She figured they had docked since they weren’t moving anymore. She tried to see what time it was, and wondered if the Onyx had docked yet.

  She lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. “How the hell did this happen? All I wanted to do was try and launch a music career for myself. Instead I met and fell for a guy who played with his toy till he was done then moved on to his new one. Now, I’m caught up in an even bigger problem.”

  From what Sadie had gathered, they were going to try and use her to get Cameron to do something. The way these things usually worked in the crime shows was he would do something for the bad guys and then Sadie would be set free. She wondered what Cameron would have to do, but then again why would he do anything for her? He made his intention very clear when he moved her out.

  Then to top it all off, she had to deal with what Ryan had said about his uncle. If she had thought Ryan’s treatment of women was bad,
what would his uncle’s be like?

  That was Sadie’s reality. She couldn’t count on anyone but herself to get out of this mess. She tried squeezing her wrists out of the cuffs but they wouldn’t budge. She twisted her ankles and got the same results. She flopped her body on the bed. At least she was still dressed.

  Sadie resigned herself to the fact that this experience would probably kill her. The tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes.

  There was no way she was going to give herself to anyone, but who she chose. Anything else would be rape, and Sadie didn’t know if she would be able live with herself if that happened. Beyond the fact that she might not even live through any scene Ryan’s uncle put her through.

  Sadie closed her eyes and tried not to feel to sorry for herself. Nothing had happened yet, so anything could be possible. She heard the door opening slowly. Sadie slit her working eyelid to see who had entered.

  Isabella stuck her head in the door cautiously. When she spotted Sadie on the bed she rushed in and shut the door. “What the hell is going on?” she asked as she started to undo Sadie’s restraints. “And did you get the name of the train that did that to your face?”

  She had one hand free when she said, “Yes, and his name is Dwayne, and he’s more like a rock.” Sadie helped Isabella with the rest of the cuffs. “Have you found Madison?”

  “No, I just got myself out of the zip ties and this was the first door I tried. Do you know where we are? Because it doesn’t look like Jamaica.”

  “I think we are in the Caymans, just not in Georgetown. I think this has something to do with Cameron and some deal he made.”

  Isabella stopped dead in her tracks frozen. She rotated her body around as if she was a mannequin. “What did you hear?”

  Isabella knew what was going on, Sadie knew it in her heart. “They said that they knew if they took me, Cameron would do anything they wanted. Because if he would spend that kind of money for a sub she had to be special. Little did they know that Cameron had already moved on. I guess what they say is true. Spending money on something doesn’t always make it priceless.”


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