King (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 10)

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King (Great Wolves Motorcycle Club Book 10) Page 5

by Jayne Blue

  “So, how long have you been working for Pete?” I asked, eager to draw Thea back into my orbit. She had a faraway look and something haunted her eyes. I wanted to tell her she’d never make it as a poker player, but something told me it would make her pull away even more. And there was something about this girl that made me want to draw her in.

  She looked back at me and let out a breath. “Just a few months.”

  “Hmm. You ever thinking about starting a shop of your own?”

  She flinched then forced a smile again. “No.” Her answer came quicker than I think even she intended. I had that feeling that she was planning to pull away again. I acted on instinct. Reaching across the table, I folded my hands over hers. Her skin was warm under mine, and her eyes flashed with the same desire that coursed through me. A tornado seemed to rage behind her eyes as she struggled to keep her distance. I knew in that instant that if we were alone and I had the chance to kiss her just then, it would light a fire inside of her. I wanted that. I felt that familiar tightening in my jeans.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  I thought she’d pull her hands away, but she didn’t. Instead, Thea flipped her palm over and I ran my thumb along it. Goosebumps covered her arms and she blushed. Only then did she slide her hands out of mine and fold them in her lap.

  “I don’t know,” she answered. “I’m just happy working on my own. Pete’s more of a people person than I am. I just want to do my work and not have to deal with people.”

  “Ah. You mean people like me?”

  I was teasing and I loved the little blush that crept into Thea’s cheeks when she realized it. She opened her mouth to answer then snapped it shut and smiled at me. “Why do I get the feeling there aren’t too many people around like you, King? You know, you’ve made quite an impression on this town?”

  I wanted to ask her how she knew. As far as I could tell and after what she’d admitted, Thea kept to herself. Lottie kept her distance, but I could see her finding reasons to walk in front of us or watch from behind the counter. I figured the reason for her curiosity was both of us. She wasn’t used to seeing Thea out socializing, and she wasn’t used to the likes of me.

  “How’d you end up here?” I asked.

  Thea fingered the neck of her beer bottle again and picked at a drumstick. God, she was so easy to read. The question unsettled her. Her shields were up.

  “Come on,” I said. “You know my whole story.”

  Her eyes snapped to mine. “I doubt that.” She reached for my hands and turned them over. With her index finger, she traced a line through the tiny webbing of scars on my hands.

  “You’ve fought with these,” she said. “A lot.”

  I had the urge to curl my fists and pull away. But, if I wanted honesty from her, the least I could do was share my own. “A long time ago, yes. It hasn’t always been easy being a member of my club. There’s always someone right around the corner who wants to take what we have.”

  “But you’ve cleaned up your act now?” She dropped her gaze and kept her hands in mine. Her pulse quickened and a vein jumped near her temple.

  “Yeah. But that doesn’t mean we don’t still have to fight every once in a while.” She couldn’t know how close to home she’d just hit. Nash’s words burned in my ear as I looked at her. The drug cartels would never stop. It was us and the Dark Saints holding the line and our methods couldn’t be more different. But, someday, some year, there’d be a war again.

  My answer seemed to satisfy her, but she got that faraway look in her eyes again. She had to be thinking about some fight of her own and it made my blood run hot. A protective instinct flared inside of me with a ferocity that surprised me. But, as soon as I thought it, I knew it was true. Someone had hurt this woman, badly. I wanted to keep her safe. In that moment, it meant more to me than anything.

  “I wish I had my bike,” I said.

  Thea pulled away and smoothed a hair away from her brow. “Right. I imagine being stuck here in Crystal Falls isn’t much fun for you.”

  “No, I didn’t mean that. I mean, I wish I had my bike. You look like you need a ride, and I want to be the one to take you.”

  That slow blush colored her cheeks again and this time I got a real smile out of her. “I think I’d like that.” Her voice dropped low and her eyelids hooded. The conversation took a turn I wanted badly but wasn’t expecting so soon. “I think I’d like that a lot. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve done anything reckless or just cut loose for a while?”

  I looked out the window before answering. It was full dark now and a bright full moon hung low in the sky. It was hot and dry and not a single cloud. Tonight would have been the perfect night to take her hard and fast up the winding roads out of town. I’d take a route I’d never tried before and would have loved the thrill of getting lost with this woman for a little while. Maybe I was the one without a poker face because when I looked back at Thea, her eyes were shining with understanding and unmistakable desire. My own pulse quickened and I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of here and get her alone somewhere. There was more than one kind of ride I could take this woman on and at that moment, she looked more than game.

  But, Thea covered quickly. She straightened her back and lifted a finger toward Lottie, asking for another beer. We finished our dinners and made small talk for the next few minutes, but a kinetic undercurrent flowed between us. I wanted to touch her. The urge to run my hands along her shoulders and pull her close burned through me.

  Lottie’s sharp voice broke the spell. She’d just put the phone down and yelled across the counter. “That was Pete,” she said. “He’s been trying to track you down.”

  I tore my eyes away from Thea. “Why the hell didn’t he just call Mickey? He’s got my cellphone.”

  Thea laughed. “Because Pete never does anything the easy way and his brain is sometimes the biggest antique in that whole shop.”

  This got a belly laugh out of Lottie. She nodded and shot Thea a thumbs up. “Yeah, well anyway. He says he’s staying over in Clemente, but he’s got the part you need. Looks like you’re stuck here in Crystal Falls for another day or two.”

  I looked at Thea. “I suppose I’ll have to figure out some way to pass the time. Anything worth checking out?”

  “Oh,” she said. “You don’t want to miss the Devil’s Hole. It’s what we’re famous for.”

  “I’m not sure I wanna know.”

  “Are you kidding? It’s the town draw. On the north end of the lake. It’s a giant hole in the ground that nobody’s ever been able to figure out how deep it runs. Legend has it Confederate supporters used to throw Union loyalists into it. They say it’s haunted.”

  “She ain’t kidding!” Lottie called out. “Just don’t ride out there under a full moon like tonight. You might not come back.”

  Lottie’s proclamation got a round of knowing laughter from the rest of her customers and a playful wink from Thea.

  “Well, when I get my wheels back, maybe you could show me the way,” I said. “I’d never want to pass up a good ghost story.”

  I reached into my back pocket and put two twenties on the table. Our dinner and beers cost half that, but Lottie seemed to be running this joint by herself. I wondered if she didn’t have some magic powers of her own.

  “Thank you,” Thea said.

  “Come on.” I slid out of the booth and held my hand out to her. “I can’t take you for a ride, but it looks like the perfect night to walk you home.”

  Thea hesitated, then she put her hand in mine and rose to her feet. She smoothed her shirt over her flat stomach and shot me an uneasy smile. We walked toward the exit and Lottie gave me an approving nod as she crossed her arms in front of her.

  There was a chill in the air as we stepped outside. I slid off my cut and put it around Thea’s shoulders. It was sleeveless, but the weight of the soft leather and my body heat would keep her warm. She pulled it closer to her body and smiled up at me.

nbsp; We didn’t make it a block before a sheriff’s car pulled up alongside us. The driver rolled down the window and eyed Thea and me.

  “Everything okay tonight, Thea?” Good Christ, this was a small town.

  Thea stopped and put her hand on the top of the car. “Everything’s good, Sheriff Finch. Have you met King Jackson?”

  Sheriff Finch peered down under the brim of his hat and leveled his gaze at me. I was used to getting this kind of look from law enforcement. I knew what I looked like. I jerked my chin at him and pulled Thea close.

  Finch got out of the car. He was almost exactly my height and about the same age. His sandy blond hair poked out from beneath his hat and he stuck out a hand to shake mine. He had a firm grip that I appreciated. Still, I wanted him to mind his own fucking business.

  “You passing through, or are you looking to stay?” Finch asked.

  I couldn’t help but laugh a little at the question. The implication was clear. “Just passing through, Sheriff. Mickey Weller’s working on my wheels. Thea and I just finished dinner and I’m going to see her home.”

  Finch looked from me to Thea and back again. I can’t say he seemed satisfied with my answer, but it became pretty clear there wasn’t any more he could do or say. He tipped his hat to Thea, got back in his car, and drove away.

  “Sorry about that,” Thea said, clearing her throat.

  I couldn’t help it. Jealousy ripped through me. I had no claim on this woman yet, but the way Finch looked at her, and more importantly me, riled old wounds within me. It was better now, but wearing that cut came with baggage. I’d been told I was scum my whole damn life by people who thought they were better than me.

  “You two close?” I asked, hating the sound of my voice.

  Thea’s soft laughter calmed me a little. She tugged on my arm and pulled me further down the street. “He’s a friend. Nothing more. Beckett Finch is one of the good guys, that’s all. I told you, this town was small. You can’t blame the guy for wanting to know more about you. You look dangerous, King Jackson. Are you?”

  We stopped in front of Thea’s house. It was a small, brick two-story, and I knew it because I’d made Pete point it out to me. I pulled on the lapels of my cut and brought Thea closer to me. I’d only had the two beers, but my blood heated and I felt a little drunk being near her.

  “Only when I need to be,” I answered with the truth.

  Thea’s eyes misted with some secret she held inside. I wanted to know it. As we stood there under the full moon with the sweet scent of bluebonnets all around, I wanted something else. I wanted Thea.

  She looked up at me, her eyes flickering back and forth. She was holding on to something inside of her so tightly. It made her tremble in my arms from more than just the cold. I leaned down and kissed her. Thea made a little gasp against me, then her body melded to mine. Whatever she’d held inside seemed to break free at that moment, sending a torrent of heat through her as she responded to the kiss.

  “Not here,” she whispered. “Not out in the open.”

  Once I’d started, I couldn’t stop. She tasted so damn good. But, I knew what she meant. Small town. Nosy neighbors. The fact that I’d taken her to dinner at Lottie’s might damn near make the morning paper. If I pressed her up against that white picket fence and did all the wicked things I wanted to, Lottie’d probably take it out on a billboard.

  Thea stumbled backward, pressing two fingers to her swollen lips. For a second, I thought she might lose her nerve. But, she gave out a little giggle of encouragement, looped her fingers through mine, and led me up the porch steps and inside.

  Chapter Six


  As we stepped over the threshold and into the foyer, King became my world. My every sense, every nerve ending seemed to recalibrate and tune to him. He filled the doorway with his broad shoulders, towering over me with coiled strength and naked lust in his eyes that thrilled me. The soft warmth of his leather cut enveloped me. The act of putting it around my shoulders sent another signal racing through me about his intentions and my own. King had staked his claim and my body responded as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  What was it about this man? Common sense and ordinary caution should have told me to push him far away. From his inked muscles to the swagger in his step and the way he looked at me, this man was walking sin. And yet, he pulled me to him and awakened an urge inside of me I’d pushed aside for far too long. I needed to sin a little.

  And here we were. I should offer him a drink, but the two beers I’d already had sent my head swimming a little. I need clarity and so did he. The sensible thing to do would have been to thank him again for dinner and say goodnight. I didn’t want to be sensible. I wanted sensation. For one night, I wanted to push my past out of my head and operate only on what felt good. I knew King would feel oh, so good.

  I searched his face. King’s breath fell heavy. He was waiting for me. Instinctively, I knew the next move was mine and mine alone, but once I made it, there’d be no going back.

  I made that move.

  Letting King’s leather vest slide to the floor, I went up on my tiptoes and laid my hands flat against his chest. A pulse jumped in his jaw and his eyes flashed. Just that tiny movement sent my heartbeat racing.

  I kissed him.

  King stayed stock still at first, making me take what I wanted. His lips were soft and inviting, but almost chaste for that first fraction of a second. But, when I pressed my body against his, it was as if a fuse lit inside him. I know it had in me.

  King groaned and it set my blood on fire. His arms encircled my waist and he lifted me off the ground. The world fell away and before I knew what was happening, he had me pinned against the opposite wall in the living room. He tasted like sin and salvation all at once. He devoured me. His tongue darted out, making a promise of what else he could do with it. Heat poured through me, settling between my legs, and I grew instantly wet for him.

  God, it had been too long since I’d let myself feel anything like this. As soon as I thought it, I realized maybe I’d never felt anything like this. Maybe I’d only fooled myself into thinking the bad choices I’d made served some greater purpose. Then, I didn’t want to think at all.

  He found the hem of my shirt and snaked his fingers over my abdomen. His skin was rough and hot; goosebumps sprang up along my arms. I gasped as he shoved my bra up and over my breasts. I curved my body around his as King’s lips left mine and he slid down until he took my nipple in his mouth.

  “Oh, God,” I gasped. Yes, King Jackson knew how to work his tongue. I kept one arm wrapped around his neck, the other I planted against the wall as if I needed to remind myself that this was real.

  Want. Need. Lust. It formed the core of my being as King worked his way down. There were too many clothes between us and my sex throbbed in answer as King moved from one nipple to the other, pebbling them.

  I reached for his belt buckle. My movements were far less skilled than his were. I was clumsy, fumbling as I tore at the leather and tried to free him. I just wanted to feel him. The solid rod of his cock pressed against me beneath the denim, making the pulse between my legs grow stronger. I couldn’t seem to get to him fast enough.

  I lifted one leg and wrapped it around his waist. King drew me out, kissing one nipple, then the other. The molten core inside of me spread out. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. It had been so long, so, so long.

  I clawed at King, then tore at my shirt. I managed to get it over my head. King lifted me. I wanted to impale myself on him and let the world fall away. I could lose myself in him and the moment I thought it, I became desperate for it.

  The room spun. We were up against the wall, then he had me on the couch. King went to his knees and worshiped me with his hands and mouth. I threaded my fingers through his thick, coarse hair and threw my head back. He tugged at the waistband of my denim shorts and I arched my back to help him.

  I fisted his shirt and pulled him up to me. I want
ed to feel his lips on mine. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. My brain seemed to short circuit as the driving pulse between my legs consumed me.

  He laid me down. King hovered over me, resting his weight on his forearms as we settled on the couch.

  “Thea,” he whispered the name that didn’t belong to me. Maybe if he hadn’t said anything, it would have turned out differently. I smashed my lips against his, desperate to drive out the sound of the lies I told.

  “Thea,” he said it again. I tore at his waistband again. Sliding my hand gently past his zipper, I found him. King was huge and thick, pulsing with desire. My juices started to flow and I was so ready for him.

  “Thea!” King stiffened.

  I arched my back and clawed at his shirt again, trying to bring him down to me. But King drew back. He was so gentle, caressing my cheek with those rough fingers. I couldn’t dare to open my eyes.

  “Thea, look at me.” King’s voice was ragged with lust but beneath that, a tenderness that destroyed me.

  I opened my eyes. King searched my face, concern knitting his brow. He sat up.

  “What?” I said, breathless. I reached for him again, trying to pull him down to me.

  King ran a hand over his jaw then positioned himself further down the couch.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “Thea, you’re crying.”

  And I was. Hot tears poured down my cheeks. They’d come unbidden. I’d been so desperate to escape from myself, my emotions spilled over. I sat up, pulled my bra back down, and hugged my legs around me.

  King lifted the hem of his t-shirt and wiped the tears from under my eyes. He cupped my face and tilted my head so I had no choice but to look at him. I couldn’t hide. The only thing left to me was more lies, and I hated myself for it.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not. Did I hurt you?”

  “What? Oh, God. No. No, King. You’re...wonderful. I want this. I do.”


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