Donald McElroy, Scotch Irishman

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Donald McElroy, Scotch Irishman Page 11

by Willie Walker Caldwell


  It will doubtless seem a matter for wonderment to those who may readthis chronicle, that it was no more difficult, in those days, to securean interview with the Governor of the State of Virginia than with anyother gentleman in the Commonwealth. The morning after my arrival inWilliamsburg, I betook myself to the Governor's mansion, clanged theiron knocker, and was shown by the negro doorkeeper straight into theGovernor's office. He sat before a square deal table, littered withdocuments, inkhorns, and the like, while under his hand, on a smalltray, lay a pile of letters, one of which he was engaged in deciphering.I made my bow in the doorway, and with my cocked hat upon my heart,after the latest manner, announced myself:

  "Your Honor's most obedient servant, sir! My name is Donald McElroy,late captain in Colonel Morgan's rifle company."

  Governor Henry rose and came to meet me, a friendly smile upon his lean,dark, beak-nosed face, his hand cordially outstretched. "Then you areone of the notable marksmen who whipped us the gallantly led Englishregulars at Freeman's Farm--closing thereby the trap in which Burgoynewas taken, a few days later. Let me shake your hand, sir, and thank youin the name of Virginia. Gates seems minded to claim all the glory, andthat asinine congress still allows him to throw dust into their halfshut eyes. But, history, sir, will be no more deceived than are GeneralWashington, and others, and the debt of honor due Colonel Morgan and hisriflemen will be paid in full by posterity, Captain McElroy."

  Governor Henry's manner of saying this had far more effect than the merewords. His head went up, and his whole face beamed with livelyenthusiasm, while his deep voice rang thrillingly. Wheaton had told meof Charles Fox, and how he made any man think what he pleased, more bythe kindling power of his rich, finely modulated voice, than by hislogic, or bursts of eloquence. Now, I understood what had seemedexaggeration in Wheaton; now I knew why those simple words, eloquentonly with feeling, spoken by Mr. Henry before the Virginia assembly, ata surcharged moment, had set them aflame with patriotic fervor.

  So proud was I again of my recent service under Morgan, that I forgotthe depression and self-abasement I had suffered these last few days,and found it easy to sit down before Governor Henry, and give him anaccount of all that had happened to me since I was taken prisoner on thebattle field of Chestnut Hill--leaving out, of course, the name of NellyBuford, and hiding as well as I could the part a woman had played in mydownfall. He guessed, I thought, much of what I tried to conceal, thoughhis words in no way intimated that he did so. He told me candidly, thathe thought I had been wrong to linger with my kind entertainers after mywound was healed, but added this remark of sympathy which warmed myheart anew:

  "Yet, who knows but that I'd have done the same in like circumstances.Your conduct, sir, was less wise than natural. However, a whole year'sabsence from your command, without privilege of exchange, meantime,seems unwarranted by the harm you may be able or inclined to do them."

  I thanked Governor Henry for his sympathy, and then unfolded to him mywish to spend this forced interval of absence from the regular army infrontier service, where I might still defend my state, and wipe from myconscience the reproach of having proved myself unworthy.

  "If that be your wish, Captain," the governor answered heartily, "I havein waiting the very service you are looking for; and moreover, we sorelyneed men for the enterprise--as great a one and almost as difficult, tomy thinking, as the undertaking of Jason and his Argonauts. Have youever chanced to meet George Rogers Clark, one of the pathfinders in theKentucky wilderness, a friend of Daniel Boone?"

  "I have not had that honor, sir."

  "Then it shall be yours, this evening, and an honor you may well esteemit. He is yet a young man, but he has the daring of a Cortez. He hasvast schemes abrewing which, if successful, mean great things forVirginia, and timely aid to the cause. His plans, however, are yetsecret, and must remain so, except in so far as he may see fit toenlighten you should you enter his service. Meet him here this evening,and, if Clark consents, you shall be present at our conference. Idemand, you see, no credentials. Most men I can read in an hour's talk;and, moreover, I know the Scotch Irish breed--rugged, plain, a littlehard and narrow, perhaps, but also steadfast as the rocks which rib themountains they delight to dwell among."

  "Though you but give proper praise to the worthy breed from which youalso have partly sprung, Governor Henry, I still owe you warm thanks forsaying it," I answered; "yet with your permission I'll leave mycredentials for Mr. Clark's inspection," and I took from my pocket mycaptain's commission, a personal letter from General Arnold, commendingmy bravery at Freeman's Farm, and a copy of one written my father byCaptain Morgan.

  Impatiently I awaited the chance to learn more of this great adventure,and not a moment behind the hour named, presented myself. Yet Clark wasbefore me. The first look into each other's eyes fixed, I think, ourmutual confidence, and with our first handclasp began a life longfriendship.

  George Rogers Clark had the look and bearing of a man born for deeds ofgreat emprise. He was half an inch taller than I, measuring in hismoccasins six feet three and a half inches, and not one of Morgan'sriflemen was tougher of muscle, suppler of limb. His face, lighted withglowing brown eyes, was singularly handsome, at once winning andcommanding. It indicated a lofty mind, and a sweet nature, but also areckless boldness of disposition. Better than all, for the fulfilling ofhis purposes, there was boundless confidence in himself and hisresources, and a buoyant hopefulness of disposition; and these wereunited with a daring will which but strengthened under difficulty.

  "Captain McElroy, I introduce you to Captain George Rogers Clark. He isquite ready to take you into his service if you can promise to join himheart and soul in this bold enterprise he is determined upon," saidGovernor Henry.

  "Yes, Captain McElroy," and Clark grasped my hand, bestowing his winningsmile upon me. "I am satisfied that I can trust you, and you may be ofgreat assistance to me. Could you enlist forty or fifty volunteers inyour valley, think you?"

  "If there be left that many able bodied men, if the service be one ofVirginia's need or honor, and there be no rumor of an Indian uprisingafloat."

  "Our enterprise will put an end to all fear of Indian forays, by drivingthem to the Mississippi. Our nominal purpose, indeed, is to turn backthe gathering forces of the Northwest savages, who are planning asurprise for Bonnesville, Harrodsburg and Logan's Fort, and who, afterdevastating Virginia's outposts, expect to over-run your valley, andexterminate the settlements of the Blue Ridge. Now, while all the ablebodied men are engaged in the war upon the coast, is the red man's lastopportunity to regain his lost hunting ground. Does the plan to meetthem more than half way, to do ourselves the surprise act, appeal toyou, Captain McElroy? Is it likely to appeal to your neighbors in thevalley?"

  "Next to fighting our invaders, it is the service I shall like best,Captain Clark; and there are those of my neighbors more likely torespond to this call upon their rifles than to any other. The happyresults of Point Pleasant have taught us 'tis best not to wait for thesavages, but to go to meet them."

  "That's encouraging talk, Captain," and Clark's voice rang moreheartily, and his face sparkled with animation and humor, "and you maybe doubly grateful before we see the end of our expedition; though we goagainst the Indians, and shall cheerfully fight them if there be need,our real object"--his voice sank to a whisper--"is to strike the fortsat Kaskaskia and Vincennes. They are weakly garrisoned and unsuspecting,and their French inhabitants, I hear, are much disaffected to Britishrule. We have but need to appear before them with a small, resolute,well-armed force to compel capitulation, after which we can formalliance with the French, intimidate the Indians, and claim all the OhioValley as Virginia territory. By doing so we will not only more thandouble the dominion of our State, and give a blow to autocratic power,but will secure safety to the pioneers of Virginia and Kentucky, andsave from butchery many a helpless family."

  "But my parole, Governor Henry," I said, turning to him with ruefulcountenance

  "You are not violating its terms, Captain McElroy, by accepting servicewith Clark, since there's small chance of a clash with the Britishbefore your parole has expired."

  "Then what can I do, Captain Clark, to forward your bold enterprise?" Isaid, turning again eagerly to my new leader.

  "First you can sit here and listen, while Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Wythe, Mr.Mason, Governor Henry and I devise ways and means that will make knownto you the details of our plan. You can then hasten home to enlist menfor an advance against the Indians. Later--"

  "That's Jefferson's voice now," interrupted the Governor, "and theothers are with him," and hastening to the street door with a flaringcandle in his hand, he lighted the group through the passage way to ourpresence.

  Mr. Jefferson had once dined at our house, and I remembered him as anelegant and gracious gentleman, though somewhat over dignified andsententious. Colonel Mason, and the learned and able Wythe, I saw nowfor the first time. Since he had written our "Declaration ofIndependence" Mr. Jefferson's fame was world-wide, and Colonel Mason, asthe author of our "Bill of Rights," and our State's Constitution, wasnot less favorably, though perhaps less widely, known; while Mr. Wythe'sreputation as jurist had already extended beyond America.

  As behooved in such company, I was a silent listener, learning much ofColonel Clark's plans, and even more of the difficulties in the way ofthem. It seemed to me a rash and dangerous undertaking but not withoutchance of success.

  Governor Henry, I found, was not a whit behind Clark in zeal for theenterprise; nor was Mr. Jefferson much less ready to give the plan fullcountenance, though he did not expect from the expedition, even ifsuccessful, the vast results that Clark reckoned upon so confidently.Mr. Wythe showed the caution to have been expected from his calm andlogical mind, suggesting difficulties at every turn, and urgingforethought in the plans, while Colonel Mason spoke infrequently andwith less of flowing readiness than any of the others, but mostpointedly and justly, first on the side of caution, and then on the sideof boldness, as Clark's enthusiasm and strongly presented argumentsgradually won him to our side.

  Governor Henry's fiat had already gone forth, nor could he be persuadedto modify it, that the men for the expedition must be drawn from thecounties west of the mountains. If the seven companies, of fifty meneach, which was the minimum force demanded by Clark, could be raised inthe counties of Frederick, Augusta, and Fincastle, Clark was welcome toenlist and use them--otherwise the undertaking must be given up. ButClark was no wise minded to give up and, after accepting the Governor'sterms, turned to me to know what I thought might be done toward raisinga company in Augusta.

  "It has been more than two years since I left home," I answered, "and Icannot speak with assurance, but I believe one or more companies offifty might be raised, if I am allowed to say that the settlements inKentucky are threatened, and that our object is to turn back an Indianinvasion."

  "You can say that with truth, Captain McElroy. I shall rely upon you forat least one company."

  "I'll do my best, Captain Clark. I continue my journey homewardto-morrow, and shall begin the work of enlistment at once."

  "You ride my way, Captain McElroy, I think," said Mr. Jeffersonpleasantly, "and I also go to-morrow; with your consent we'll keep eachother company."

  I thanked him, and we fixed sun rise as the hour for our departure fromthe Bell Tavern.

  "You are the son of Justice McElroy, of the Stone Church neighborhood, Isuppose, Captain? The name is not a common one even in your valley ofMacs."

  "I am his only son, sir."

  "Once when you were a lad I dined at your house; you scarcely rememberthe occasion, I suppose?"

  "Perfectly, sir, and I should have recognized you anywhere. We cherishwith pride the memory of your visit."

  Mr. Jefferson was evidently pleased--few men are so great as to beindifferent to appreciation.

  "By the way, Clark," continued Mr. Jefferson, "the ex-scout hermit wewere talking of this morning lives on McElroy's direct homeward route,near the top of the south slope of the mountain between Monticello andStaunton. It might be well to engage McElroy to see him; that would savedelay and me a journey at a busy season."

  "I am at your service, Mr. Jefferson," spoke I. Then made my bow andleft them. They might wish to talk matters over before taking me furtherinto their confidence.


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