March (Calendar Girl Book 3)

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March (Calendar Girl Book 3) Page 5

by Audrey Carlan

  “What are you wearing right now?” Wes asked.

  “I took off my dress when you started talking, um, dirty to me. Now I’m lying on my bed, alone in the house, no one around, just you and me, in an emerald green bra and panties. What are you wearing?” I closed my eyes feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I couldn’t believe we were doing this, but damned if it wasn’t an incredible turn on.

  Wes groaned through the line. “Just a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. You know the kind.”

  Boy did I ever. Wes’s pajama bottoms were made of the softest cotton known to man. During my time with him, I loved pulling them on after sex or first thing in the morning. I even stole a pair. Not that I’d admit it.

  “Are you hard, baby?” I tried out the endearment. It felt good on my tongue. Other things would feel better if he wasn’t two thousand miles away.

  “Fucking hell. I’m so hard for you Mia, I’m seeping at the top.”

  “Use your thumb, and rub it around the tip. You remember what it feels like to have my hand around your cock?”

  “Fuck yeah, I do.”

  “Do it. Close your eyes and run your hand up and down, slowly at first. Imagine it’s mine running up and down the long length. Use your thumb to rub the wetness around, along every groove, especially the part I’d swirl my tongue around. If I was there, I’d wet your entire dick licking all along the length before flicking the sensitive part under the crown with the tip of my tongue.”

  Wes moaned through the connection. I could hear his breath coming and going in faster bursts of air. “What would you direct me to do?”

  “Remove your panties,” he demanded. I shoved the green panties down and flung them aside with my foot. “You bare for me, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” I lifted my hips as if a phantom Wes was above me and I was attempting to touch my body with his.

  “Cup your pussy just like I would do if I was there right now. I’d grip it hard, you know how I like it.”

  “Possessive,” I barely got out as I tilted my head back doing as he asked. The pleasure was extreme, running through my entire body like a jolt of lightening.

  “That’s right. I’d possess that sweet cunt. And while you rotated your hips around, trying to get relief, I’d press two fingers in at once. Follow my lead, Mia.”

  I did as he asked, pressing two fingers deep into my sex. Ribbons of heat rippled through my womb, and over my stomach, and up to my chest where my breasts were full and heavy. The twin points were erect and scratching against the satin. Delectable. So good.

  “Now, remember when I took control of that pussy when we were on your bike?” I groaned in reply, nonsensical moans leaving my lips as I recalled his thick fingers pressing in and out of me, hooking just right, pulling me up his body from behind by his hold on my most sensitive place. “Hook those fingers deep, sweetheart. Just like I would.”

  I tried and failed. “Can’t reach. Need you,” I blew out a frustrated breath but continued working myself toward oblivion. In my mind we were back on that bike in Wes’s garage, his hand down my pants fucking me hard and deep just like he always did.

  “You close, sweetheart?”

  “Oh yeah, want you, Wes. Want you inside…”

  A litany of curse words came through the line as his breathing sped up. Mine matched his as we pleasured ourselves, lost to the passion of remembering each other.

  “If I was there, I’d press my fingers into that spot deep inside you and tickle you there. I’d bring my tongue into the mix, swirling around that cherry clit of yours. It would be bulging and stiff when I wrapped my lips around it and sucked you until your tight pussy clenched around my fingers and you came all over me.”

  “Oh Wes, I’m gonna come, Baby. I’m gonna come so hard. I want you here…” I tilted my head back, every sense, neuron and pore concentrated on the pleasure between my thighs.

  “I’m there, sweetheart. It’s my fingers in you. Now take your thumb and rub that clit. Fuck, I’m gonna come too, right now, with you. So good with you, Mia. Never better. Christ!” He roared through the phone. I did what he said, using the wetness from my center and swirled around my clit.

  It was the push I needed. In a rush of energy and light I came, my body tightening, a cry escaping my lungs as if possessed, and wave after wave of white-hot pleasure shook me straight through to the core of my being. Through the phone, I could hear Wes crying out in his own release.

  After several moments, we both came down. The only sound the two of us breathing rapidly.

  “Mia,” Wes said in reverence. My name was a benediction on his tongue and I wanted to kiss it, soak in it, build my life around it.

  “Damn Wes, you give good phone sex,” I said. He laughed. “You know I’ve never done that before,” I admitted.

  “Really?” he sounded surprised or shocked. It made me sad that he was if the way he asked was any indication.

  I sighed, pulled back the covers and crawled underneath them. It had been a long day, and after an orgasm like that, all I wanted to do was snuggle up to the man who’d given me said orgasm and fall asleep to the beat of his heart. “Yes, really,” I yawned and closed my eyes.

  “I look forward to a repeat performance.”

  Another yawn. “Me, too.”

  “I miss you, Mia.”

  I smiled and held the phone really close to my ear so I could hear every nuance of his breathing. It made me feel safe, as if he was right there next to me.

  “I’ll always miss you, Wes,” I said sleepily already envisioning when I’d get to see him again.

  “Sweet dreams…” was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


  When I woke the next morning I still held the phone clutched in my hand. It was completely dead. I rolled over and stared at the ceiling thinking about last night. The entire day, to dinner, to phone sex with Wes was a rollercoaster ride. At least the end was satisfying. I wondered what Tony and Hector did and if they worked out their situation. Those two were definitely in love. The forever kind. Not the hot artist Frenchman you bang for a month and likely never see one another again kind. I did miss my Frenchman, though. I was grateful for Alec and what he’d brought to my life in the month we’d been together. Not only did we make beautiful art together, he taught me so much about myself, about love, and about life. I’d forever be grateful to Alec and the time we’d had. Maybe I could use what I learned from that experience to help Tony and Hector. In the end, love was love, and a person really didn’t get to choose who they fell in love with or how long that love would last. Since theirs was the forever kind, something had to give.

  This is what I was pondering all through my shower, getting dressed and heading to the kitchen. I could already smell the eggs and bacon cooking. My stomach growled as I sat on the stool.

  Renaldo looked over at me. “I believe your stomach is very happy to see me, Si?”

  “Si! How are you this morning Renaldo?”

  “Perfect as a peach, Ms. Mia. And you? You look as though you’d had a very good night’s rest.” His lips crooked at the edges, and he winked over his shoulder while turning the bacon.

  “That I did,” I grinned thinking back to the call with Wes. Damn that man knew how to talk dirty. He’d had me so hot, I’d gone from zero to a million in a few short minutes. I was so sated I’d literally crashed with the phone at my ear. When I applied my makeup this morning I could still see the faint outlines of the phone against the side of my face. As soon as it was charged I’d have to send him a thank you note. Tell him how much I enjoyed our chat, and not just the sex. I enjoyed talking to Wes. It felt remarkably normal, like we’d always been friends or star-crossed lovers. Wes just made things easy. I hoped that it would stay that way for the rest of the year. Only time would tell.

  Renaldo set a steaming hot plate of eggs, bacon, and fruit in front of me, and my mouth was full of food when Tony and Hector came into the room. Tony had his arm slung over Hector’s shoulders, a very
satisfied look on his face. I pursed my lips and cocked my head. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one who had a good night.” Why the hell I said that, I didn’t know. Something about these two men had me spilling my guts. So unlike me.

  Tony’s eyebrows went sky high as Hector pulled up a chair next to me. He put both elbows on the table and held his head in his hand. “Really? I’ll tell you all about my evening.” He grinned. “But you have to tell me why yours was so yippee Skippy seeing as we sent you off to come straight home from the restaurant?” I thought about it, shoveled in another bite of eggs, and then washed it down with a gulp of coffee.


  And that is how Hector and Tony found out about Wes.


  “And you just left? That was cold, girl.” Hector snuffed indignantly, already ‘Team Wes’ before I ever even got a chance to explain the situation with my dad and the reason behind me being an escort in the first place. Men, I swear...sometimes they only hear what they want to hear. Doesn’t matter if they’re gay, they still have a missing gene that makes them lack an understanding of women and their motives.

  I shook my head. “Hector, you don’t get it. I had to leave. Staying wasn’t an option.”

  “Then you better explain it to me fast, missy. If my Tony left me high and dry, I’d be a wreck.”

  “No, Wes and me, we’re not like that.”

  “Oh yeah? What are you like?”

  “We’re friends.”

  “Friends who have phone sex? Friends who spend a month loving one another…”—I tried to interrupt but he threw up a hand cutting me off—“then begging the other one to stay with them…forever!”

  Uggh. “He did not say that! Yes, he asked me to stay. Yes, I declined, even though I wanted to stay more than anything…but I just couldn’t!”

  “Why?” he asked. Before I could respond, a clacking of heels on tile floor interrupted us both. I sucked in a full breath attempting too cool my jets as best as possible. It wouldn’t do to let the cat out of the bag to Tony’s sister. One of the people I was meant to mislead during this assignment.

  “Hey guys! I’m so excited about going shopping today!” Angelina, the youngest of the sisters, though still two years older than Tony, entered the room. She hugged Hector then me. “My brother at work already?”

  “Yes, he left about an hour or so ago. Would you like anything to drink or eat?” Hector offered.

  “Nope, just ready to hit the shops! Mia, are you excited or what?”

  I groaned then reached across the table and grabbed my purse. “Yeah, sure.”

  “You don’t sound excited.” Angelina mumbled.

  Hector chuckled and led Angelina by the elbow. “She doesn’t like to shop.” Angelina’s mouth dropped open and her eyes bugged out.

  “Are you a girl?”

  “Of course I’m a girl. Just not a girlie-girl. I get by just fine.”

  Hector hummed. “Yes. The clothes she brought were all jeans, plain tank tops and concert t-shirts. Deplorable. Her pajamas are more stylish than her entire wardrobe.”

  He was so right. “That’s because they were bought by Wes’s stylist,” I slipped and bit my lip.

  “Wes? Who’s Wes?” Angelina’s eyes narrowed on me. She stopped and waited for my answer.

  “Oh, just a friend. Gay BFF back home.” The lies spilled from my lips like vomit on a rug. Acidic, vile, and tasting pretty damn nasty.

  “Uh huh. Okay.” She flipped her gorgeous long hair over one shoulder. “Well, let’s get to it!” She led us out of the penthouse and to the elevator. Hector sent a disapproving glance my way, and I cringed and mouthed a “sorry” behind Angelina’s back.


  Hector and Angelina had me locked in a dressing room at Gucci. They’d coerced me into trying on everything from dresses, to skirts, to jeans, and what I would call a mumu. Tasteful clothes with a style and flare I didn’t share. After every outfit I had to come out of the dressing room and model the clothes for them. As in, get up on a pedestal in front of the mirror wall from hell, while they dissected everything from the way a hemline fell to something called empire waist. They poked and prodded at me as if I was an animal in a cage. Arguably, the clothes they decided were must-haves did look good on me, but the entire process felt degrading.

  Throughout it all, Angelina kept up a dialogue about her brother and our relationship. It was starting to wear and not in the good way the pair of slacks I’d just taken off had.

  “So have you and Tony set a date for the wedding yet?” Angelina asked.

  I shook my head. “Not yet.”

  She pulled at the top I was wearing flattening it against my hips. “Really? I mean, you’ve been dating on and off forever right? At least, that’s what Tony said.”

  “You could say that.”

  “I guess I don’t understand what the holdup is. Mama said she’s going to talk to you and Tony about a wedding this month while you’re here. Just make it all official.” Both Hector and I stopped and stared at Angelina, neither one of us moving a muscle. “What?”

  Hector got back his breath far quicker than I did. “You aren’t serious?” His dark eyes were wide on his face and his lips pulled into a deep scowl. He was not holding it together very well.

  “Hector,” I warned.

  Angelina shrugged. “It’s not like it’s a big deal right? I mean you’re in love, you’re not getting any younger and Mama wants that male heir. She’s having lunch with Tony now as a matter of fact.”

  My mouth dropped open and I’m pretty sure my eyes were bugging out of my head. Suddenly it got way too warm in the dressing room. I fanned at my face. “Um, Tony and I haven’t really thought about the details.”

  “Doesn’t matter. What Mama wants, Mama gets. Right, Hector?” she looked over at Hector who was walking backwards slowly until he’d hit the end of a chair and fell into it. “Right?”

  Hector nodded, put his elbows on his knees and hung his head while running his hands through his hair. I’d not seen a man this defeated since I told Wes I couldn’t stay. I jumped off the pedestal and knelt down in front of Hector. When he lifted his head, there were unshed tears in his eyes. I clasped his cheeks and shook my head trying to convey silently that it wouldn’t happen. No way. No how. Tony loved him. He closed his eyes and breathed through his nose. One solitary tear slid down his cheek.

  “It will never be me,” he whispered.

  “But it is you,” I swore with as much finality as I could muster. I brought our foreheads close and repeated it. “It is you, you he loves.”

  Unfortunately, both of us forgot who was in attendance during our little bonding session.

  “I knew it!” Angelina said and slumped into the chair next to Hector.

  That’s when Hector turned into a different person. His spine stiffened, his hands locked around his knees and he sat up. It was if he’d transformed back into cool, calm, all-together Hector everybody knew and loved. Not the love-stricken mess of a man battling some serious issues with his mate.

  “Uh, Hector’s just going through something, and I’m helping…”

  “You’re helping him and Tony pull the wool over the family’s eyes about them being together.”

  I did not expect that. Hector’s eyes turned a startling greenish brown color. “I don’t know what you mean...” He tried and failed…miserably.

  “Save it. You think I don’t know that you and my brother have been in love since college? What do you take me for? I’m Tony’s best friend. Well, besides you that is.”

  “He told you?” he whispered.

  She shook her head. “No, but I know Tony. And I know you. Neither of you have had a partner all these years. Once and a great while Tony would bring a ‘date’ to dinner but it was always obvious he wasn’t interested in her. Though I will say, when you popped up, I got a little concerned.” She glanced at me and smirked. “If there was ever a woman that could make a gay man straight it would be yo

  “What an oddly awkward compliment. Thanks...I think.” I sat down on the floor in front of both of them. “So what now?”

  Angelina shrugged. “Tony needs to tell Mama.”

  Hector shook his head so fast I thought it might disconnect from the spine. “Not an option. He does not want to disappoint Mona or the family. Plus, there’s business issues involved, and the boxing league he still enjoys.”

  “Screw the league. He doesn’t even box that much for them anymore since Pops died. Sides, Rocko has all that under control, and Tony can participate any time he wants. The league is a bullshit excuse.”

  “And the business?” Hector egged her on. “What of that? You think a family company like Fasano’s can handle the tarnish to its image having a gay man running the helm?”

  Angelina shrugged. “Work is work. I don’t really care what the business thinks.”

  Hector sighed. “But Tony does. It’s everything to him.”

  I placed my hand on Hector’s knee. “No, I think you’ve got that wrong. You’re everything to him.”

  Hector stood abruptly. “No offense Mia, but if that were true, you wouldn’t be here.” With those parting words he left the dressing room.

  Getting up off the floor I slumped into the chair next to Angelina. “What a mess.”

  “Yeah it is. I’d suspected for a long time but this is the first time I ever felt like I had to stick my nose into it. Mia...” Her blue eyes, so like Tony’s, were watery. “Mama really believes you’re the one. She is convinced that she needs to marry the two of you off so you can get started on baby making.” At the last part she bit down on her lip and looked away.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll talk with Hector and Tony. We’ll figure something out. It will all be okay. I can stage a big breakup or something. No need to get so upset.”

  “It’s not that, it’s just, Rocko and I have been trying for some time to have a baby and nothing’s happening. Mama doesn’t even ask about it. It’s all about Anthony having a son and carrying on the name.”


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