March (Calendar Girl Book 3)

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March (Calendar Girl Book 3) Page 9

by Audrey Carlan

  “I’m going to come,” I told him losing the ability to speak. The pleasure taking my body, mind, and subconscious on a journey I never wanted to come back from.

  “Yes,” he swirled his hips, stirring his hardness within forcing me to gasp. “You’re going to come until I’m done. You’re going to squeeze me sweet Mia, proving I control this body. When I’m inside you, it’s only us. Me and you. The way it should be.” He pulled out and jabbed high and hard. I squealed, lost in a sexual daze once more. Burning, hot electricity zipped through every orifice, searching for a way out, a way to expel the pent up excitement.

  That’s when the babbling started. He fucked my body in long, consistent strokes. I lost it. Chanting, saying useless, nonsensical things.


  “In me…”






  That’s when Wes slid one of his hands around my waist, the other gripping the bar above as if he was going to do a pull-up. He lifted his muscular body up on his toes and pressed me down on his dick. His rock hard cock reached so high, splitting the tissue inside me wide, forcing his entrance to a place high within that no man had ever been. I lost control. The orgasm shook me. Physically shook me, convulsing around him as if electrocuted. My pussy locked down over him and he roared through his release, his teeth biting down at the juncture where my neck and shoulder met. Spikes of pain shredded through me, adding kerosene to a fire already burning out of control.

  He pulled one orgasm after another out of me, until I lost count of how many times he took me over the edge. All I knew is that when he finally stopped fucking me, the water was stone cold and we were both shivering. Wes rinsed my languid body off with the cold water. He covered me with a towel as I stood and leaned against him. There wasn’t much more I could do. He’d fucked me dumb. My brain was no longer sending signals to my limbs. Everything just stopped working.

  Wes hefted me up and out of the shower once he had me mostly dry. Then he pulled back the covers, put me in bed and snuggled up behind me. His body was plastered against mine, the moisture from the shower gluing us together in a way I adored more than I’d ever admit.

  He sighed warmly against my neck. “I don’t want to leave you tomorrow.” I closed my eyes and pulled his arm around me between my naked breasts. His hands were near my lips. I kissed his fingers.

  “You have to go,” I whispered knowing that I needed him to leave as much as I wanted him to stay.

  “I know.” His tone was forlorn but strong.

  “But it means a lot that you don’t want to.” I wanted him to know that this time was important. That any time with him was special.

  “Oh Mia, I’m not going to let you take this away from us.”

  “I don’t want you to. For the next nine months, I hope you’ll remind me of what could be.” I pressed his hand against my cheek and tried to remember how he felt. Lock it into my memory so I could revisit it always.

  “I’ll never let you forget what you could have. What’s waiting for you.”

  On those words, cocooned within the warmth of his embrace, I slipped into dreamland.


  The sun streaking through the opened blinds hit me directly in the eyes, tearing me from the most blissful dream of Wes and me surfing. Of course in my dream I was an expert at surfing, even though I could only hold my own as a beginner in the real world. I needed to get back to the ocean to practice if I was ever going to be anywhere near the way dream Mia surfed.

  Slowly I snaked a foot out behind me and felt nothing but cold sheets. Startled, I sat up and looked to my right. He was gone. Nothing but an indentation in the pillow next to me and a piece of paper where Wes had been.

  The paper must have been pulled from my own stationery that was lying on the desk.


  Last night was one in a million. Scratch that, it was priceless. Being with you is like hitting the perfect crest, gliding through the ocean on an endless wave. It’s exhilarating, frightening, and life altering.

  You’ve changed me, Mia. I no longer believe that the perfect woman doesn’t exist, for I’ve met her, made love to her, and worshipped her the only way I know how.

  Since you’ve given me no other choice, I will stay your friend and continue to remind you of what could be. Nine months and counting. Until the next time, I’ll be thinking about you and will call and check on you soon.

  When you’re ready, you have the key.

  Remember me.

  Your movie-making surfer dude,


  I clutched the letter to my bare chest and cried. Cried for Wes, for me, for what could be. For what I hope to one day have. If he doesn’t get stolen away by some other beautiful woman first. Regardless, I had to let him live while I continued this journey. Knowing Wes cared, that he wanted me to remember him, hoped that I would come back to him, was all I’d need to get through the next nine months. But like I’d encouraged Wes, I was going to live. I could not allow my feelings for him to get in the way of what I was doing, or the experiences I’d promised myself.

  I had no idea where my life was going to lead me over the next nine months. As much as I’d have liked to thrown caution to the wind and leave it all, let Wes pay off the loan shark and run to him, I had to do this on my own. This year was going to be the year where I decided what I wanted for the rest of my life. Maybe it was Wes, maybe not. Maybe it was California, maybe Timbuktu. No matter how much my heart wanted to run to him, my mind was set. I’d made my decision. For the next nine months, I was going to live whatever life I wanted while I saved my dad from himself.

  And I would remember Wes. Our time together, our friendship, what we have when we’re together. Alec taught me that lesson, and like him, I loved Wes. In my way. And maybe, if it’s meant to be, nine months from now, it will be the forever kind of love.

  Just not today.


  Tonight was the celebration of the big Fasano expansion into frozen foods. Celebrity chefs, media, restaurateurs, prospective investors, the entire Fasano clan, and then some would be celebrating at the local Fasano restaurant. I’d heard several cookbook publishers and some TV executives were going to be on location and wanted to talk to Tony about a TV opportunity, and Mama Mona about a Fasano cookbook containing the Fasano original recipes. It was all so very exciting and frightening at the same time. This event was supposed to be the coming out of my relationship with Tony as his fiancée. I warned him that the media would spin something nefarious having seen me with two other celebrities in the past couple months. He assured me it would be okay and that everything was under control. Translation in my head: Everything was not okay, shit was going to hit the fan, and I’d be stuck in the middle of it.

  Angelina told me the entire restaurant had been transformed into a swank open plan. All the tables had been moved into the warehouse adjacent to the restaurant and replaced with hi-boy tables. The signs said the restaurant was closed to the public but would be open the next day. Regardless of what happened tonight, this was my last full evening with the guys and I wanted to enjoy it. I just hoped we could. Tony had been acting incredibly strange all week. When I would enter a room he acted jumpy, would lose his thoughts mid-conversation, and was spending far too much time in the office. It was doing a number on Hector, too. The man seemed utterly lost over the last week. We’d had a wonderful time on St. Patrick’s Day, and of course, the guys grilled me the next day about Wes, but after that, things became strained. Tony was coming and going more often, spending less time with Hector and me, and acting like a guy holding a giant secret.

  The secret part is what frightened Hector the most. He’d said in all the years they’d been together they never kept secrets from one another. Angie assured Hector that everything was okay at work, and that Tony was more on top of things than ever before. He came in early, left late
, and Angie confirmed all that. There wasn’t someone else; Tony just seemed preoccupied with this new business change. Arguably, it would take the Fasano name from a good place to eat to a household name. When a product goes from being in twelve hundred locations to being in every grocery store across the nation, that came with a bit of pressure.

  Hector agreed to give Tony some space and spent the week with me. He worked his normal eight to five, but didn’t go in early or come home late like Tony did. We spent time at night going to movies, playing games, and drinking far too much wine to be healthy. Their story was fascinating, and Hector and I had become fast friends. He was going to be someone I knew for the rest of my life. Someone like Gin, Maddy, Alec and Wes. Someone I could count on. My group of friends was growing, and I was thrilled that I’d added Hector to that eclectic mix. Tony and his sister Angelina, too. Even with Tony being overworked since my arrival, we had our moments, and I appreciated him. He was a thirty-year-old man with a lot on his plate professionally and personally. I admired his drive, and his need to make everyone happy—everyone but himself and the one person who mattered most, Hector.

  Hector was still there for him. “Sacrificing during this time,” he’d said, “is what you do when you love someone. You put their needs in front of your own, and one day, he’ll do the same for me.” And seeing them together, even when strained, there was no lack for love, compassion, or trust there. They were just stuck in a weird situation and trying to do the best they could to get through it and find their common ground again. I hoped for their sakes they could find it. I didn’t want to see them lose what was so beautiful to an outsider looking in.

  As I was packing my phone rang.


  “Good morning, doll-face. You ready to leave the windy city?” My Aunt Millie’s smooth voice came through the line.

  “Not particularly. I’ve enjoyed it here. Tony and Hector are great guys.”

  “Tony and…what? Who’s Hector?” she asked.

  “Hector is Tony’s partner.”

  “Anthony Fasano is gay? The hunky boxer with the god-like body?”

  “That would be the one.” I grinned and shook my head. She was like the fairy godmother of hot guys.

  Auntie tsked in my ear. “Too good to be true. I knew it when I laid eyes on his portfolio there was something off. So, it looks like you won’t be receiving that extra payout this time.”

  I laughed. “Are you always worried about money?”

  “Cash is king, doll-face. You know that better than anyone right now. Speaking of cash, I’ve just emailed your next client. You’re going to love this. So up your alley.”

  “Yeah, why’s that?”

  “Well, you’re going to Boston, Massachusetts.”

  “Never been. What’s in Boston and why will I love it?” Aside from the best baseball team in the known universe that is.

  “Boys, baseballs, and beer,” she laughed.

  “Three of my very favorite things!” I exclaimed actually bouncing up and down a little. I did love a good baseball game. It’s one of the few things that Pops and I did together growing up. Even if he was three sheets to the wind, he would always watch the game. The Red Sox were our favorite. Initially, it was because I liked that they had socks as their logo, but mostly it was because my dad liked them and it brought us together. Something that bonded us. As a ten-year-old kid with no mother, I pretty much tried anything to connect with the one parent I had. Even Maddy loved the games and the team. She’d love hearing that I was going to Boston.

  “Yep, and it gets better!”

  “No. Really?”

  “Are you sitting down?”

  I turned around and sat on the bed. “I am now.”

  “You’re going to be the escort for the newest it boy on the Boston Red Sox, Mason Murphy.”

  “No way! I’ve heard of him. He currently holds the highest batting average and most runs for the year!”

  Millie giggled. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s a looker. Young Irish lad is your age, tall, and built to please a woman.”

  Thinking back to the last game I watched him in, I couldn’t agree more. Even then I might have spent some extra time rewinding the DVR to view his backside in those tight, white pants more than once.

  “This is amazing. But why would he need an escort?”

  “Something about having a woman on his arm makes him seem more committed to the team and his image. His publicist thinks having a girlfriend for the first month of the season will take the pressure off, show advertisers he’s a loyal type guy.”

  I cringed and pursed my lips. “Whatever. I’m thrilled. This is going to be fantastic! Send over the details for my flight and such. I should arrive early. I need to get all the beauty stuff done in advance.”

  “I’ll book you in a hotel for the three days you’re there prior to being with Mr. Murphy. One that has a fully loaded salon and spa. You deserve some downtime, to help you get your head in the game.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny. Sounds good. Thanks, Aunt Millie.”

  “Anything for my girl. Talk soon, doll-face.”



  “You look stunning, Mia.” Tony hugged me close when both Hector and I arrived. Hector tensed next to me, a nervous energy pouring off him in waves.

  “Thank you. We missed you today.” I said trying to express just how much.

  Tony licked his lips and looked at Hector. Not so much looked as traced every inch of the Latino, his eyes filled with the intensity one has only for the person they love. Hector looked down and shook his head, a wide grin splitting across his face. “Hector,” Tony said softly. “Perfection, Papi,” he whispered close enough for only the two of us to hear.

  “You look so good it hurts me,” Hector said to Tony, clapping him on the back and bringing him into a manly hug. They held on for a touch longer than hetero men would, stood closer too, but not long enough to cause suspicion amongst the rest of the patrons milling about.

  Mona Fasano spied us from across the room. Something was different about the way she approached me. Colder in a way I’d not felt from her since we’d met. She hugged me, but it wasn’t genuine. She did the same to Hector. His eyebrows narrowed over her shoulder at mine. I shrugged. With Mona Fasano, a person never knew what was cooking. She was a mystery to me.

  “Son, there are people you must schmooze. I have decided we should do the cookbook. Let’s connect with the powers that be.”

  Tony laughed and both Hector and I took joy in it. The man had been so stressed all week that this was the first time since we’d all gone out together that he seemed more like himself. Somehow at ease in his skin.

  “Okay Ma, I’ll be there momentarily.” Again, Mona looked at me then at Hector and shook her head sighing. Then she was off, grumbling something under her breath.

  “What’s with her?” I asked.

  “She’s unhappy.”

  “That’s obvious. Care to share with the rest of class?”

  “Not particularly. All will be revealed soon. How about you both get a drink and mingle. There is a place up front I’d like you both when we do opening announcements. Okay? Promise me you’ll be up front with the family.”

  Hector’s voice went low and he leaned forward so only the two of them were in earshot aside from me. “Baby, whatever you need tonight. You know that. I’m here for you.”

  “Forever?” Tony asked conspiratorially. It was really starting to wig me out. Tonight was off, though Tony was acting more at ease than he’d ever been. Was it because he was going to announce that he was getting married to the public? Was it the food line expanding? The cookbook and TV deals under negotiations? All of that sounded like more work and more stress, not less. And Tony was acting like everything this evening was peaches and cream. Then there was his mother who was clearly grumpy for an unknown reason and directing it at Hector and me.

  “Always, you know that.” Hector promised. “We’ll be up front.
Now, go do your thing and know…I am so proud of you.”

  Tony’s arm came out and caressed Hector’s hand. A couple people caught the movement, but he moved away before I could say anything.

  “Tony’s acting strange, right?” I asked Hector as his guy made it to a group of people in fancy dresses and suits.

  “Yeah, something is up for sure, but he hasn’t shared with me. That’s not surprising though. Tony usually works through his demons and then lays them out for me. Usually, right before he’s going to make his move. So whatever it is, he seems to be feeling better about it. Must have come to some decision about the business that’s making him more like his old self.”

  “Touching you in front of others is more like his old self? His mother shooting daggers at us?”

  “Yeah, neither of those things is normal. Not much we can do about it. Let’s get a drink, find Angie, and see what’s cooking.”

  We spent the next thirty minutes getting champagne, chatting it up with the rest of Tony’s family and overall enjoying ourselves. A loud voice came over the speaker. “Can I have the crowd gather around?” said Tony standing at the podium.

  “That’s our cue.” Hector led me to the front of the mini platform area to a table where family stood.

  Tony stood on the stage in a pristine light grey suit. His frame was wider than the podium and his hands engulfed the microphone. The crowd went quiet and everyone gathered around and focused on Tony.

  “I wanted to start by thanking you all for being here. The expansion of the Fasano name into the frozen foods sector was a dream of my father’s, Joseph Anthony Fasano. He ran his company with fairness, pride, and loyalty to the brand. With my mother and my sisters, we, too, will continue that legacy through this new venture by ensuring our product is good quality, family-friendly, and affordable. Something we have always committed to.”

  The crowd clapped and a few whistles could be heard. “Thank you. Now the brand is considering a few additional ventures. One, Ma Fasano’s cookbook.” A roar of applause rang out. “Another is the TV show on the home cooking channel.” Crowd went crazy. “The cooking show will be a Fasano Family adventure. My mother, my sisters and my life partner will be a part of the new show.”


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