The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6)

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The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6) Page 10

by Donna McDonald

  Seta sighed. She could lie and be found out as a liar, or she could tell the truth and hope for understanding. For once, she wished Ji was awake and handling this for her. Not that she wanted him to lie, but he would not see it as doing so anyway. Garmon said he wanted to hear her truth. She would give it to him.

  “The Siren is my bonding partner, but not yet my mate. I have refused his claim up to now and will no doubt continue to do so. We have an agreement of sorts which I am honoring.”

  “I see. What does your refusal of his mating claim mean? Are you not happy in your life with him? If you have need of sanctuary, you are welcome to live here. Since you are not officially mated to the male, perhaps the Siren will release you from whatever claim he thinks he has. I could challenge him for you.”

  Seta took Garmon’s offered hand and climbed down. She should probably be talking less. It was the canton. It was all the smiling, happy people. It was the children racing and playing. For the first time in her life, she knew what it was to believe Ethos was a good place.

  “It is a truth that I do not know my own mind about my relationship to Ji. Thank you for the offer to live here. It is appealing. However, I have a contract with the Peace Alliance, which is contractually binding and supersedes my agreement to the Siren. I could not stay on Ethos, even if I decided I wanted to stay. So there is no need to challenge Ji about me. Such action is unnecessary.”

  “A female with your courage could be of great use here, Seta. And someone of your great beauty would have her pick of males when she was ready to have one. I think I would ask for first consideration, just because of my own interest. Being suzerain, I would at least like to be at the top of any potential list of suitors.”

  “Me? Great beauty? Even with the dark streaks in my fair hair?” Seta demanded. Her face flushed with embarrassment when Garmon laughed and grinned. She should never have reminded him of his earlier words. Now he would think his opinion mattered. “Forgive me, Garmon. I should not have been so rude when you have been nothing but kind.”

  Garmon shrugged. “Do not frown over so little a matter. I believe I would rather have your truth, however sharply it is delivered, than that cold politeness you want to offer. Crill will put your and the Siren’s belongings in our largest set of guest quarters. Come with me now to the Healing House. We’ll check on his condition and then I can show you around. Perhaps when your Siren wakes, he and I will have a chat about his intentions. Do you think he’d let me compete for your favor?”

  Seta snorted and shook her head. “In case you are not getting even for my sarcastic rudeness, I shall tell you what I keep telling Ji. No male will ever own me again. I do not want another mate. So competing for the affection of a female who wants to be left alone would be a great waste of your time, Garmon of Ker. Choose another and live a happy life.”

  “Your directness demands directness in return. In this you will find me a worthy male. I am not teasing in my wish to compete for your favor, Seta of Trax. But since my interest seems to bother you, I will not challenge your Siren. . .at least not for now. I will instead do my best to show you how good a life with me could be. You can make up your own mind. We have wonders here I doubt exist on even the finest of starships. I’ve never been on one myself, but I hear tales.”

  Breathing deeply, Seta bit her lip to keep from saying anything more. Yes, she had physically felt Garmon’s interest when their gazes first connected, but it hadn’t occurred to her the male would admit his interest so openly and so quickly. Yet what worried her more than Garmon’s stated intentions was how she was reacting to the combination of the pleasant life in the mining canton and the pleasant demeanor of its benefactor. It was strange enough to interact with an Ethosian male who wasn’t ordering her around. It was stranger still to interact with one who seemed determined to charm her.

  “Life on a starship is very limited. Surpassing its wonders will not be so difficult a task. I look forward to seeing the rest of the mining canton’s secrets.”

  “Look at you—so beautiful—and so easy to please. You should know the more I learn about you—the more I like.”

  Seta felt his fingertips lightly guiding her along as he pressed them against her spine. How was Ji going to handle Garmon’s interest? Probably not well. She felt her stomach flutter in response to the thought, confirming Zorinda had similar concerns.

  Sighing, she swore softly under her breath as she hurried to follow her Ethosian host. She couldn’t help wondering why her life always had to be so complicated.

  Chapter 12

  Garmon had walked her to the healing room and left her with a promise to return shortly. She was relieved to be able to see Ji alone without worrying about what the Ethosian male thought about her reactions to him.

  Ji was motionless in the bed, still with no sign of consciousness returning. His head was covered by a real cloth bandage, something she hadn’t seen much of since she and Rena had left Ethos all those years ago. The healers and doctors on all the ships she’d served on typically used a sealant for wounds. She found herself wishing Chiang and Malachi were able to take a look at his injuries.

  Seta lifted his braid from behind his shoulder and draped it down the front of his chest. She brushed at his hair, letting her fingertips rest in its softness. It was the first time she’d ever touched him without his awareness of her happening instantly. Alarm over his condition rippled through her.

  “Hello, Seta of Trax. I am Lira, the primary healer here in the mining canton. Your Siren is a very attractive male, just as his species description indicates. I can see why you fought so bravely to save him.”

  Seta lifted her gaze to an older Ethosian female who was smiling kindly at her, despite knowing her sire. The older female’s once fair hair had turned into a shiny silver waterfall. Was Lira also a daughter of Trax and perhaps an older sibling?

  “A part of me truly thought Ji was impervious to harm. I’ve never seen him unconscious before. How bad is the damage?”

  The female bowed her head, respecting the concerned questions. “I believe your male will survive his ordeal. Praise the Creators your Siren’s head is so hard.”

  Feeling profound relief surge through her at the news, Seta blinked back tears for the second time that day. “I don’t know whether to weep in relief or laugh at your words. You have no idea what a profound truth you just uttered. No male’s head could possibly be harder than his.”

  Seta relaxed when the older female laughed softly at her joke.

  “Have you met Garmon? His head is even harder than his father’s, which is saying something. I was a Ker mate—twice. First to Garmon’s uncle, then later to his father. Both males are gone now, but still I can’t bring myself to align with another house.”

  “Garmon reminds me of Ji. They are both very sure they are right about everything.” Seta relaxed more when the healer laughed at her comparison.

  “It comes naturally to Garmon. His mother died when he was a small child and was still a young male when I came into his father’s house. His father loved him too much and let the boy run wild. Yet despite that, Garmon has grown into a fine male. If he hadn’t helped get your Siren here so fast, I might not be delivering such good news to you. He had lost a lot of blood. I was able to boost his natural metabolism to build it back, but it will take a bit of time. The rest of his injuries are mostly on the mend. He is strong in body as well as attractive.”

  Seta nodded. “Yes. Ji is nothing if not resilient. And Garmon has been very kind to us. After growing up in the desert canton, Ethosian male kindness is difficult for me to trust. I’m afraid I said some rude things to him today. I am working to adjust my attitude to avoid future rudeness.”

  “I can well imagine your surprise, but you can be at peace here, daughter of Trax. I recognize the alarm in your gaze, but I assure you what you are seeing is very real. Kindness is the rule here in the mining canton, not the exception. Would you like to stay here tonight, in case your Siren wakes and looks f
or you? We have a portable resting surface available for mates of the injured. It rolls right next to the medical table.”

  Seta toyed with the fabric covering Ji’s chest. She was never going to find the child if she stayed with Ji. The healer seemed to think he was out of danger. But maybe she could come back later. . .just to check.

  “I’m not technically his mate, but I am his bonding partner. Yes, I would like to come back and check on him later, if it is okay.”

  Seta was relieved when the healer nodded without commenting on what she revealed.

  “I’ll have the resting table prepared. . .just in case you decide to stay.”

  “Thank you,” Seta said, bowing her head respectfully. “Lira? Is the mining canton really as nice as it appears? You can tell me the real truth. I am used to hearing it.”

  She frowned when Lira shook her head, but was confused when the female followed it with a laugh.

  “No, Seta of Trax. The mining canton is much better than anywhere else on Ethos, so long as you aren’t searching for an easy life. Work is hard here and lives are often short. Yet I can’t imagine being anywhere else, no matter how many friends or lovers I see return to the Creators.”

  Seta nodded. “I understand what you are saying. Life on a starship is not an easy life either, but it’s the best I’ve known.”

  “Until you found us,” Lira corrected gently.

  “Yes. Perhaps it is the case,” Seta agreed.

  After the healer left her alone with Ji again, Seta ran her hand over his chest. Feeling his heart beating under hand wasn’t enough to nullify her concerns. Though she dreaded the sting of his tongue, she still wanted to see his eyes open and hear him arguing with her again. She wanted to tell Ji how she strongly she was reacting to the mining canton. But most of all, she wanted to feel the bossy Siren hug her and say everything was going to work out just fine.

  Feeling more confused by her compassion for him than she could ever remember feeling, Seta leaned over the medical table and touched her lips gently to his. His eyes opened just as she pulled away.

  Ji lifted an arm and grabbed a handful of hair. “Seta? Praise the Creators you live. I had hoped they would not find you.”

  “They did, but Zorinda helped me. Then Garmon and his warriors came along.”

  Ji swallowed. “Garmon? Who is Garmon? My head hurts.”

  “I know. Let me get the healer. Lira will help you.”

  “Where are we?”

  Seta patted his chest. “Out of danger, Ji. It appears we are among the best people alive on my planet. I’ve been anxiously waiting for you wake up to see if you agree with my assessment. My emotions are chaotic and not to be trusted at the moment. I believe I would like a second opinion, even if it is yours.”

  Ji laughed roughly at her sarcasm. “You’re finally admitting you need my help with something? Those males must have hit me harder in the head than I realized. Or I’m still dreaming.”

  Seta pulled away. “I can see you’re nearly back to normal now. I’ll fetch Lira before I leave.”

  “Where are you going?” Ji asked.

  “To spend time with your arrogant twin. Join me when you can,” Seta bit off, stomping out of the door.


  There was no sign of Ji when Garmon led her to a large family settling down for a meal. He introduced them as his. Seta nodded and accepted the seat she was offered. Soon a plate of appealing, plant-based food was set in front of her, including some heavenly smelling broth.

  Garmon sat happily beside her, talking easily to those around them. Seta put her attention on her food until she felt someone staring at her. Her gaze rose to a small girl child with sparkling eyes, dark hair, and a smile of welcome.

  “Hello,” Seta said.

  The child giggled and bowed her head. “Welcome sister,” she said.

  “Sister?” Seta replied in surprise, raising one eyebrow.

  “Yes. Aren’t you here to save your sisters?” she asked.

  “Endara, let our guest eat before you start asking her a hundred questions,” Garmon chastised. “Come sit with me and I’ll introduce you properly.”

  Seta watched the child smile shyly and walk to Garmon who lifted her into his lap. After dropping a kiss on her forehead, he turned and presented her.

  “Seta, this is Endara. She is the treasure I found being unappreciated in Suzerain Trax’s canton.”

  Seta set down her eating implements and faced the child. So this was Endara. She bowed her head respectfully and heard a giggle. “It is a pleasure to meet you—sister.”

  She and Garmon were both surprised when Endara held out her arms to Seta. Her gaze on Garmon got no answer, so she held up her arms for the child to come into them.

  Endara crawled into her lap and laid her face against her chest. Laughter at the unexpected action rose up and surprised her as it escaped. Garmon’s laughter joined hers. Endara made a shushing sound.

  Seta sighed. “May I ask what you are doing—sister?”

  Endara’s face immediately rose to hers.

  “I wanted to hear the one inside you, but she is not speaking to me. Does she speak to you?”

  Seta stared at the child. Did she somehow sense Zorinda’s presence? Her gaze flew to Garmon who was sighing and shaking his head.

  “Endara’s intuition about most things is uncanny, especially in a child so young. Are you with child, Seta of Trax? There is no need to hide the fact if you are. All of you is safe here. I will endeavor not to be too disappointed in the news.”

  Seta’s startled gaze whipped toward Endara’s knowing smile. “Well, no—at least—I don’t think so. I think I would know.”

  “No, Seta. You are not with child. I would never give you children without your permission,” Ji said softly, coming to stand beside her.

  “Hello. Who are you? You’re very pretty,” Endara said.

  “So are you, little one,” Ji said, reaching out to touch the child’s hair.

  “Did Lira say you were well enough to leave the Healing House?” Seta asked.

  Ji shrugged. “I wanted to meet our rescuer and say thank you in person.” He turned to the male who had spoken so kindly to Seta. “You must be the amazing Garmon.”

  Seta watched Garmon climb from his seat to stand. Though Ji was taller, Garmon was broader. Both males were handsome. The comparison made her uncomfortable, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from doing it.

  “Yes. I am Garmon of Ker. This is the mining canton. Seta’s Siren is welcome here as much as she is.”

  Ji smiled at the description of him belonging to Seta. “I believe I like being called Seta’s Siren, but the name is Ji, if you prefer to call me by that moniker instead.”

  “You’re very pretty,” Endara said again with emphasis. “May I play with your braid?”

  Ji held out his arms and lifted the child into them. She immediately pulled his braid to the front. Her innocent fascination with it reminded him of Seta.

  “It is very long.”

  Ji laughed. “Indeed. I have been growing it most of my life. It is the symbol of my family’s status on my home planet.”

  “Chula fixes my hair. Who fixes yours?” Endara asked.

  When she used the end of his braid to tickle his chin, Ji’s amused gaze sought out Seta’s. “Someone who loves me fixes it for me,” he said.

  “Some who loves you? I know who it is,” Endara said, twisting in his arms in her excitement. “It is my new sister.”

  Garmon sighed heavily. “Okay, Endara. That’s enough loving torture. Let our guests eat now.” He lifted her from Ji’s arms and set her back down on the ground. “Sit and eat with us—Ji.”

  “Lira has already fed me well, but I would like to sit with you.”

  “Of course,” Garmon replied, uncomfortably aware of the male’s power. Even wounded, the Siren was not someone to be easily challenged. It depressed him to see Seta’s every reaction reveal the closeness of their bond. Her gaze had rarely lef
t the male.

  “We have dancers for entertainment tonight. I hope you both find them enjoyable.”

  “Dancers?” Seta asked.

  Garmon’s gaze swung to her. “Yes. Normally we have both male and female performers. But our teacher, Zandala, has adapted the desert dances of your females. She is eager to see if you find pleasure in them.”

  “I once loved to dance. I was very good at it,” Seta said.

  She watched several females coming out of a domicile dressed in beautiful outfits of flowing scarves. Bare midriffed, each had skin sparkling with gemstones adhered to it which flashed in the dimming evening light. Fires were being struck off crystal bowls until the scene turned surreal in front of them. Her body quivered in sheer delight. It had been a very long time since she was enchanted by anything.

  “I used to dance at the suitor auctions long before I knew their true purpose. I am glad you saved Endara from that fate, Garmon.”

  Ji studied Seta’s changing expressions. Her wistful longing ate at him. “I would love to see you dance sometime. Such expression of passion is a gift in most cultures,” he said.

  “As would I. I can imagine a female like you enthralling a crowd,” Garmon agreed, shrugging at the flash in the Siren’s eyes and the panic in Seta’s. How impossible was it of him to think he might have a chance to win her heart?

  The music started up with a flourish, the sound growing louder as the dancers positioned themselves in the center of a stone circle. They twirled in time with the music, tiny disks on their fingers keeping time with the music. Seta tore her gaze from the dancers to see Ji’s admiring one fixed on the talented females. Jealousy rose inside her, the feeling echoed by a fluttering in her gut. “The quarters Garmon has provided are very nice. There is a cleansing cylinder big enough for two. Would you like me to wash and braid your hair for you later?”


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