by Tom De Haven
Lane, Lola
Lang, Fritz
Lara (Superman’s mother)
Larson, Jack
Larson, Stephen
Lassie television series
Lee, Stan
Legion of Super-Heroes
Lemaris, Lori (mermaid)
Lester, Richard
Letters pages
Licensed merchandise
Liebowitz, J. S.: and Wheeler-Nicholson; and Donenfeld; and Shuster; and Siegel; and Maxwell; and The Adventures of Superman television show; and Boring; and Weisinger; and writers; death of
Lindner, Richard
Lloyd, Harold
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (television program)
Lois Lane (comic books)
Lovecraft, H. P.
Lowther, George
Luber, Bernard
Lucas, George
Luthor, Lex (character): Siegel’s creation of; in Superman serials; in Superman comic book; in Superman: The Movie; and Byrne
Macfadden, Bernarr
Macy’s department store
MAD magazine
Magazine Guild
Mailer, Norman
Mamet, David
Mankiewicz, Tom
Marand, Patricia
Marvel Comics
Maxwell, Robert Joffee: and The Adventures of Superman radio show; and National Comics; and The Adventures of Superman television show; and Superman
and the Mole Men; and Superman embodying democratic ideal
Mayer, Sheldon
McCabe, Joseph
McCay, Winsor
McClure features syndicate
McCoy, Horace McLuhan, Marshall Middleton, Ray Mietkiewicz, Henry, Miller, Frank Modernist Superman, Moldoff, Sheldon Mooney, Jim Moore, Alan, More Fun (comic book) Morrison, Grant Morrow, Lance, Morton, Jay Murray, Will Mutual Network Mxyzptlk, Mr. (character)
National Allied Publishing
National Cartoonists Society National Comics: Siegel’s and Shus-ter’s contract with; and Gaines; and Liebowitz; World’s Fair comic book; sales of Superman comic book; control of Superman narrative; and Superman as commodity; and World War II; and Superman newspaper comic strip; Superman, Inc. as
National Comics (cont.)
in-house franchise; and Weisinger; and Robinson. See also DC Comics
National Socialist mythology
Nazi Germany
Neill, Noel
Neville, Dennis
New Adventure Comics
The New Adventures of Superman (cartoon)
New Comics (comic book)
New Deal
New Fun (comic book), Newman, David Newman, Leslie Newspaper comic strips: Great Age of; Eastern Color Printing Company’s reprints of; aesthetics of; Superman daily and Sunday comic strips; in decade of 1930s; rejection of Superman idea; and Flash Gordon; merchandise of; radio programs based on; and comic book writers, Newspaper syndicates New York World’s Fair of Superman Day, Nicholson, Jack Night and the City (film) Nights of Horror magazine, Niven, Larry Novak, Leo Nudist movement
Odets, Clifford, Olsen, Jimmy (character): in Death of Superman; and radio show; and television shows; in Superman comic book; and The New Adventures of Superman cartoon
O’Neil, Dennis
Opper, Fred
Pacino, Al
Papp, George
Paramount Pictures, animation
rights to Superman, Perfectible human being Peters, Jon Phantom Zone Plastino, Al Platinum Blonde (film) Pop Art, Pop songs Popular Comics Populism Prachter, Richard Prankster (character) Prince, Harold Puzo, Mario
Quitely, Frank
Race riots
Raymond, Alex Reeve, Christopher: portrayal of Superman; in Superman: The Movie, death of; accident of; portrayal of Clark Kent
Reeves, George: portrayal of Superman; portrayal of Clark Kent; salary of; death of; and Swan
Religious tolerance
Rich, Frank
Richardson, Mike
RKO Pathe Studios
Robin Robinson, Jerry Romance comic books Roosevelt, Franklin D. Rossen, Jake Routh, Brandon, Runyon, Damon Russell, Rosalind
Salkind, Alexander
Salkind, Ilya Samachson, Don Saturday Evening Post Schaffenberger, Kurt
Schell, Maria
Schiff, Jack Schneider, John, Schulz, Charles, Schumer, Arlen Schwartz, Alvin Schwartz, Julius Science fiction: comic books; and pulp writers; and Shuster; and Siegel; superman theme in; and The Adventures of Superman television show;
midcentury subgenre of; and
correspondence between fans Science Fiction: The Advance Guard of
Civilization Scivally, Bruce
Scott, A. O.
The Searchers (film)
Segar, Elzie
Seinfeld, Jerry
Servicemen, and comic books
Sheridan, Martin Sholem, Lee, Showcase Presents Superman
Shuster, Frank
Shuster, Joe: portrayal of Superman; as creator of Superman; drawing style of; biography of; shopping Superman to newspaper syndicates; and comic book market; and Liebowitz; release of rights; and Lois Lane character; and ghost artists; income of; and Superman newspaper comic; “Heartbreak Boys from Cleveland,” as civic-minded reformer; responsibilities of; as art director; rejected for military service; ending of National Comics contract, Shuster, Joe (cont.); and name of newspaper; and Lex Luthor character; and Superman copyright suits; and Superman narratives; and The Adventures of Superman children’s novel; and Superman’s powers; and negotiations with Warner Communications; death of
Siegel, Bela
Siegel, Jerry: portrayal of Superman; as creator of Superman; biography of; and Superman’s powers; shopping Superman to newspaper syndicates; and comic book market; and Liebowitz; and Lois Lane character; release of rights to Superman; and Gould; and Superman copyright suits; and Superman daily comic strip; income of; on origin of Superman idean; and Superman narrativesn; “Heartbreak Boys from Cleveland,” ideas of; editorial vetting of scripts; responsibilities of; drafted in World War II; and ghostwriters; ending of National Comics contract; and lawsuit debacle; and Lex Luthor character; structure of stories; name of newspaper; and Weisinger; and byline credits; return to DC Comics; manifesto of; and Snyder; death of
Siegel, Michael
Sikela, John
Singer, Bryan
Sirk, Douglas
Smallville (television program) Smallville novels Snyder, Tom Solar Sales Agency Spielberg, Steven Spillane, Mickey Springsteen, Bruce Spy Smasher Stamp, Terence Stars and Stripes Steranko, Jim Stevens, Sufjan Strouse, Charles, Sulcas, Roslyn Sullivan, Vincent Superboy, Superboy (comic books) Superboy (television show) Super Friends (television show)1
Supergirl Supergirl (comic books) Superman: portrayals of; premise of; changes in; appeal of; immutable qualities of; relevance of; iconography of; dual identity of; alter ego versus ego; costume of; Lois Lane’s relationship with; as messianic figure; and common good; as enjoying himself; philanthropy of; as selfless; adversaries of; bemusement of; mainstreaming image of; sarcasm of; as hero; patriotism of; as American icon; as Can-Do Guy; and kryptonite; and civility; Weisinger widening identity of; as tragic figure; motivation of; altruism of; waning popularity of; as self-satisfied; Curse of; as self-serving. See also Superman as commodity; Superman narratives; Superman’s feats
Superman (comic books): covers of; sales of; and Death of Superman; publication history of; and Supermen of America fan club; solo stories featuring Lois Lane; and gangster melodramas; war-related stories in; Wertham on; slapstick comedy of; appearance of Superman in; during 1950s and 1960s; and Superman narratives; science fiction elements scaled back; Lex Luthor character in; and Swan; Clark Kent’s college sweetheart; credits for; and Siegel; and origin story; and Weisinger; and Julius Schwartz
Superman and the Mole Men (featurette)
Superman Archives
Superman as commo
dity: and trademark; and exploitation; and licensing; and National Comics; and radio; and television; and movie rights
Superman: Birthright (comic books)
Superman narratives: and premise of Superman; and social injustice; and World War II; and jeopardy of Lois Lane; and Lois/
Superman narratives (cont.)
Clark/Superman triangle; and origin storiesn; and Siegeln; National Comics’ control of; by pulp-fiction writers; and supervillains; and stunts; and radio shows; and television shows; and Ellsworth; and Weisinger; as discrete events; regular cast members of; and Krypton; series history and culture established for; situation premises in; and moral instruction; and tactical thinking; and continuity; innovations in 1960s; deterioration of; and Shuster; and Lowther; and Julius Schwartz; and Superman: The Movie; and writers; and essential nature of Superman; and DC Comics
Superman Returns (film), Superman serials 1Superman’s feats: scale of; and
powers ;
and flying; and Weisinger; and Puzo
Superman: The Man of Steel (comic book)
Superman: The Movie (film): negotiations with Warner Communications; and Siegel; and Brando; filming of; and Reeve and Superman narratives; and Kidder1
Supermen of America Fan Club
Swan, Curt
Talbot, Lyle Tarantino, Quentin Taylor, Kent The Three Musketeers (film) Thrilling Wonder Stories
Tip Top Comics Tollin, Anthony, Tompkins, Susie (character) Torchy Blaine films, Torchy Blaine in Panama Toyman (character) Trexler, Jeff
True-crime and horror comic books
TulpasUltra-Humanite (character)
U. S. Army, distribution of Superman comic books
U. S. Congress, investigation of
comic books, U. S. Senate investigations
Vance, James, Vonnegut, Kurt
Waid, Mark, Walker, Brian War comic books Warner Brothers: animated cartoon
series of, and Torchy
Blaine films, Warner Communications
Washington, George Watchmen (Moore and Gibbons)
Waugh, Coulton Webber, Andrew Lloyd Weisinger, Mort: and Wertham; and Ellsworth; and Superman narratives; artists working for; cocreation of second-string superheroes; and science fiction; writing staff of; and Siegel; widening identity of Superman; and Lois Lane character; characters created by; and Krypton; and letters pages; early career of; and Lex Luthor character; and Boring; and Swan; resignation of; “archival” collections of stories
Weissmuller, Johnny
Welles, Orson
Welling, Tom
Wertham, Frederic
West, Adam
Wheeler-Nicholson, Malcolm
White, Perry (character): and radio shows; and television shows; in Superman comic book; and The New Adventures of Superman cartoon
White, Ted
Williams, John
Wodehouse, P. G.
Wolfingham, J. Wilbur (character)
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman (comic books)
Wood, Wally
Wooley, Lynn
World’s Fair comic book
World’s Fair of
World’s Finest
World Trade Center, terrorist attacks of
World War II: and Superman narratives; Siegel drafted in; and sales of comic books
Wright, Bradford
Wright, Richard
Wylie, Philip, n
X-Men (comic books)
Yarbrough, Ira
Yeh, Phil
Yoe, Craig
York, Susannah Young, Loretta Yu, Lenil Francis
Zeno, Eddy Ziff-Davis
Zugsmith, Albert