Finally Home

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Finally Home Page 11

by Ancelli

  “Please come in,” Maya stood. “Are you staying with Mr. Jack?”

  “No,” Jesse chimed in.

  His dad glared at him, “Yes Milca is staying with me. Will that be a problem?”

  “No,” Maya answered. “I’ll get you an extra towel and wash cloth. Follow me.”

  His dad picked up their bags, and he and his lady friend followed Maya.

  Jesse leaned against the wall, combing his fingers through his hair. Was he ready to be around this truth? What else didn’t he know? “Maya, I’m going to get Bella.” He yelled, grabbing the keys off the hook by the door and walked out of the house.


  Rashida, Maya's sister, and her brother, Cole were getting on his last nerve with all the fucking questions. Jesse was really trying to bite his tongue, because he understood that they were looking out for their sister, but now his head was pounding. He tapped his foot on the wooden chair. He thought with some mild irritation, that Maya said they were coming in the morning.

  "Are you sure you weren't in jail for three years?" Cole asked with a smirk on his face. "Don't be embarrassed, it happens. Maya stood by your side like always."

  He was in jail in his own body.

  Maya glared at her brother. "No he wasn't in jail."

  "Then where was he?" Rashida chimed in.

  "Why are you questioning my brother?" Sarah clinched her jaw. "Mind your business."

  "Excuse me," Rashida’s voice raised. "My sister is my business."

  Sarah glared at Rashida. This dinner wasn't going as Maya planned. "You’re attacking him. They will tell us when they are ready."

  "We’re not," Cole said. "We just want to know."

  Jesse looked around the table to see that Maya's parents and siblings just stared at him. His dad’s nostrils flared, and he could tell he was about to blow.

  "Does it matter?" His dad blurted. "Maya knew where he was, end of discussion. If and when they want to share they will," his dad took a sip of his drink.

  Milca placed her hand on the back of his neck, “Calm down,” she soothed, and Jesse had to look away.

  Her siblings glanced at each other. "Understood," Cole said.

  Jesse stood, this was supposed to be an evening of togetherness and mingling, but he was feeling like shit. "It was nice seeing you all, but I have a terrible headache. Have a good night," he walked out of the dining room.


  "Jack, it wasn't my kids’ intention to make him uncomfortable, I apologize." Maya's mom stated. "We are worried about them. Three years is a long time to be separated from each other. Maya, if you knew where your husband was why did you cry yourself to sleep for months? Because you told us that he was nowhere to be found, and that you recently started dating," her mother questioned and stared at her.

  "The man I love is back," Maya was so tired of explaining herself. It was her life, why couldn't people just leave them alone and be happy for them?

  "We care about you, Maya," her dad added. "We saw you break down when they told you he might've taken his life, and now you're telling us that was a lie."

  "We know there's more to him leaving than what you're saying," her mother said.

  "Jesse isn't the same person," Rashida said. "The old Jesse would've set us straight, but he just sat there and didn't say anything."

  This was a definitely a bad idea inviting her family, she realized and covered her face with her hands, taking a deep breath. Maya counted to five, and stared at everyone at the table. "The next person that asks my husband where he has been, can pack up and leave. I understand that you’re worried about me, I would be too if I was in your place.” She sighed. “Jesse is back and that’s all that matters now," Maya stood, placing her hands on the table. "I invited our families to celebrate him being here. I'm thankful for each one of you, but I won't have a problem kicking you out." Maya took a couple of strides, and turned around, "good night," she walked away.

  She opened her bedroom door to see Jesse and Bella snuggled under the covers. Her brother and his wife were staying in their baby girl’s bedroom, so Bella would be in the room with them. Maya stared at Jesse, and she prayed that this didn't set him back. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and she noticed that he still had washboard abs, and his arms were bulging as he held their daughter in his arms.

  Jesse's eyes fluttered open, "Hey love."

  "Are you okay?" she gazed at him. "I know you're tired of me always asking that question, but I can't help it."

  His lips curled up, "I'm okay. I just don't have an answer to their questions without saying the truth, and I hate that you have to lie for me."

  "I'm not lying," she smirked. "Jesse, it's not my family’s business. I know they are worried about me, but if I say leave it alone, then they should stop."

  "They love you."

  "Yes they do, and I love you," she walked up and cupped his face. "I got your back."

  "I know you do," Jesse whispered. "Come to bed," he patted the mattress next to him.

  "I'm going to take a shower first," she grabbed her pajamas.

  "Don’t wear anything sexy," he chuckled. "Little bit didn't want to sleep with Sarah."

  "I'll be all covered up," she held up her bunny onesie.

  "A bunny,” Jesse laughed. “You’re sexy in anything you wear," his eyes were a shade darker. "I can't wait."

  Maya smile, "It will be worth the wait."

  "I waited three years, I can wait another night," Jesse stared at her.

  Her heart jumped for joy. This was the flirtatious Jesse she remembered. He was coming back little by little; she knew he wouldn't be the same man that departed years ago, but she loved the man he was now. Her heart was finally home with Jesse.


  Family started arriving early in the morning. The house smelled of apples, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pies. The women were all up before five am cooking their asses off. Maya sneaked back into the room and told Jesse that his granny, her mom, his aunts, and their sisters were all in the kitchen sharing stories, and bonding. She kissed him, and went back to cooking a delicious meal.

  Jesse sat up in the bed. Last night was her family’s interrogation, today would be his. He went into the bathroom, did his morning routine, and began getting dressed.

  "Daddy," Bella strolled into the room. "Granny say wake up," she announced and ran back out. That little girl quickly became his world; life was so much brighter with her in it. He never saw his life changing like it did, he thought he would die alone. He was a father again, he thought while he buttoned up his shirt. Jesse strolled out of the bedroom, his limp barely noticeable. He walked into the kitchen and it was crowded with family members. Maya and her mother were rolling dough on the counter.

  His grandmother saw him first and covered her mouth with her greasy hand. "My sweet J," she slowly made her way to him and kissed both of his cheeks. "Oh God, thank you. I prayed for you every night," she said, her eyes shining with tears. "You lost weight, but you still look good." She squeezed his arm.

  "Granny," he hugged her again, Jesse didn't realize how much he had missed her until that moment. "I missed you."

  "What's up with the long hair?" His uncle joked. "Cut that shit off."

  Maya wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands were covered in flour. "I love his hair."

  "Where have you been?" his cousin asked.

  Here goes.

  His grandmother called all his family in to see him, and he felt like an exhibit in a museum. They were asking him so many question. Jesse's head started spinning, and he quickly realized this was a mistake. He backed away from the room, and his uncle Joshua grabbed his hand, pulling him forward to give him a bear hug.

  “J,” he embraced him. “Never fucking pull what you did again. Do you hear me?” Joshua whispered in his ear, and reared back.

  Jesse stared at his favorite uncle. “I’m here to stay.”

  “You were missed,” Joshua said cleared his throat. “I went through a lot sinc
e you’ve been gone, starting with you running away,” he stared at him. “You didn’t listen to me then. What I told you went through one ear and out the other. Jesse, I told you that you can handle anything that came your way, because you had the love of a strong woman, and your family.” He glanced around the room. “I’m not going to lecture you right now,” he hugged him again. “J, it’s so good to finally have you back,” he stepped back. “I wish Candice could come home too like you did,” his voice saddened.

  Why wouldn’t she rush through the door, like she always did? Jesse leaned to the side looking toward the entrance waiting for his cousin to stroll in the house without a care in the world. Candice was sweet and innocent. He was pissed when his cousin turned up pregnant, she never told anyone who the father was. Candice was more of a sister, than a cousin. Jesse couldn’t wait to see her. Did she look the same, did she get married?

  “Tania, come here,” Joshua called his granddaughter. A little girl with long brown curls ran up to him.

  “Yes, Papa?” She looked up at his uncle.

  “That’s Tania?” Jesse was shocked, she was only two when he left town.

  “Yes,” he playfully pulled her hair, “this is my baby girl. Tania, this is your cousin Jesse.”

  “Hi, Jesse,” she softly said. “You look like my mommy.”

  “Where’s Candice?” Jesse studied the living room and kitchen. Maya stopped what she was doing, and everyone stared at him. “What?” He questioned, growing irritated by his lack of understanding.

  “Mommy’s in heaven,” Tania answered.

  “What?” Jesse’s heart stopped, she must be mistaken. “Uncle,” he stared at Joshua.

  “Candice died two years ago,” Joshua’s voice cracked.

  “No,” Jesse shook his head, “No!” she was younger than him, and he couldn’t believe that she was gone. Candice was the life of the party, and everyone she came in contact with loved her. Jesse’s chest heaved up and down. He couldn’t breath as all of his family just stared at him, feeling sorry for him. “What happened?”

  “She was killed in a car accident,” his uncle Joshua answered.

  “J,” his other uncle Mark patted his shoulder. “She’s in heaven with Grandpa.”

  He couldn’t take it, everything around him changed. "I have to go," he raised his hands, pushing his uncles off him. He glanced at everyone's expressions, some were confused and others surprised.

  "Sarah, please watch Bella," Maya hurried over to the sink, washed her hands, and returned, drying her palms on her jeans. "Jesse and I will be back." she grabbed her purse and keys off the table.

  He marched out of the front door.

  "If we're not back, please start without us," Maya yelled in the house before closing the door behind her. "Breathe," she cupped his face. “Look at me,” Jesse stared into her dark brown eyes. “A lot has happened in three years, including the death of your cousin.”

  He closed his eyes, but that didn’t help. “What happened?” Jesse backed away from Maya’s touch.

  “Candice lost control of her car, and hit a tree head on,” Maya played with the keys in her hand. “I didn’t think it was my place to tell you about your parents’ divorce or Candice’s death.”

  “Is my uncle okay?” His family had to deal with his stupidity and Candice death, it was all too much.

  Maya leaned against her car, “He was awarded custody of Tania, and I think that helped him a lot. He sees a piece of Candice in Tania.”

  “The same with Bella,” he sighed. Sandra said he needed to be open about what he was feeling, not to close himself off from the people who loved him. Jesse paced, "I thought I was ready, but I'm not. All the questioning, stares, the changes.” His grandmother looked ten years older than she really was. “My grandmother looks so old," he gasped. "My cousin died, I just can't take being around people right now."

  “They’re your family.”

  “That makes it worse,” he grumbled.

  Maya touched his arm, "It's okay to feel like you are. What would you say, if we go volunteer at a shelter?"

  "Really?" For some reason he got a little excited when she asked about volunteering. He needed a breather, and what better place.

  "Yes," she caressed his cheek. "I think you'll be happy giving back. Let me get Bella."

  "No," Jesse grabbed her arm before she could move. "I don't want her there." Some of the people that went to shelters, had other intentions. He wasn't going to put his child at risk.

  "Okay," she clicked the key fob for her car. "Let’s go."

  "Thank you, love," he took the keys away from her. "I'm driving."


  Jesse opened the passenger door for Maya. He stared at the brick building that had housed him for a month. The line of people was backed up all the way to the sidewalk. He remembered waiting to get a meal, many, many nights. Praying that there was food still left when he made it in. Now he was in a position to give back. "Are you sure?" He asked as Maya got out of the car.

  "Come on," she took his hand. "Let’s make a difference. Every bit counts." They walked to the building together, and he banged on the rusty door. The shelter was closed at the moment, but he assumed they were getting ready for Thanksgiving lunch.

  “We’re not opened yet, you’ll have to wait a few more minutes,” an older woman came to the door and said.

  “A few minutes or hours?” Jesse stated, he’d waited in line for hours to get a cold meal.

  “If you want food it shouldn’t matter.”

  Maya raised her eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  The woman went to close the door.

  “We’re not here to eat,” Jesse said as he watched her. He didn’t appreciate her attitude.

  “Then how can we help you?” She said crossing her hands, like they were a bother.

  “We’re here to volunteer,” Jesse answered.

  “Did you fill out the paperwork?”

  “I didn’t know we needed to fill out paperwork to volunteer,” Jesse’s voice was a bit hasty. “You’re going to turn us away because of some stupid protocol?”

  The lady’s lips thinned and she twisted her head. “There is a reason why those protocols are in place. If you have a problem with that, it makes me wonder your intentions here.” She went to close the door in their faces, but Maya stopped her by pushing on the barrier.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” she smiled, and the lady glared at Maya’s hand and then at her. “I’m Chief Harvey,” she dug into her back pocket and pulled out her ID card showing it to the rude woman. “I was told we could come and help out with serving food.” Maya mentioned her command, and the lady smiled.

  “Come in,” her whole attitude changed as she opened the door wider. “I apologize, but we have to be careful who we let volunteer. I’m Carol, one of the case managers here.”

  “How long have you been here?” Jesse asked, he didn’t remember seeing her.

  “A little over a month,” she answered.

  Jesse and Maya stepped in. There were a multitude of people at the shelter helping out one way or another.

  “Chief,” she pointed at the kitchen. “You can help in the kitchen, and sir you can serve.” We are about to open the doors in a few minutes,” she said walking away. “Thank you.”


  Maya kissed his cheek, and strolled over to the kitchen where there were other women doing chores. “Good morning,” she said coming in the area. Her mood had changed lately, she was happy, no more faking it. “What can I do to help?”

  “Nancy’s in charge of the kitchen chores,” she pointed at the biracial woman.

  Nancy glanced her way, and wiped her hands on a kitchen towel. “Hi,” she extended her arm.

  She shook Nancy’s damp hand, and then released it. “Hi.”

  Nancy smiled, “What brings you here on Thanksgiving?”

  “My husband and I want to give back.” She watched Jesse talking with the other volunteers. “I have a lot to be thankful f

  “We all do,” she mentioned. “You can help us wash dishes.”

  “Okay,” Maya walked over to the sink, and grabbed the sponge. She squeezed dish detergent on it and began her chores. Maya watched as the people rushed into the building. Jesse was standing behind the mashed potatoes waiting to serve. Nancy and the other ladies continued talking while they worked. Jesse smiled every time he served someone, and he held small conversations with many of them. She couldn’t hear what he said, but Maya could see he was in his element. No one was pressuring him to talk or remember the past.

  “Oh my God,” Nancy stared at someone. “Is that J?”

  Maya’s eyes widened and she cocked her eyebrow. Was she talking about her J?

  Another woman looked, “Yes, that’s him.”

  “Damn,” Nancy smirked. “He looks great. I knew there was more to him.”

  “How do you know him?” Maya asked trying not to show emotion.

  “He was a guest here once upon a time,” she answered excitedly. “I had a huge crush on him,” she giggled.

  “You had a crush on him?” Maya pointed at Jesse, making sure they were talking about the same person.

  “Yes,” she touched her heart. “Look at him. He’s handsome and his eyes are to die for.”

  “Did you tell him?” Maya asked, the green eye monster was rearing her head.

  “Yes,” she easily replied.

  Maya hoped the next question was hell no. “Did he return your feelings?”

  Nancy continued gazing at Maya’s man. “I tried everything to get him to notice me, but sadly he turned me down each time.”

  Maya smirked, that’s the answer she was waiting for.

  “Why wouldn’t a homeless man want you?” her friend chimed in. “You’re gorgeous, and have a lot to offer him.”

  She was a beautiful woman, her hazel eyes sparkled as she continued watching Jesse. “I guess I wasn’t his type.”

  “He was homeless!” Sue raised her voice. “You can do a lot better than some bum.”

  Maya bit the inside of her cheek, keeping her from cussing these heifers out.


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