Stolen and Seduced

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Stolen and Seduced Page 30

by Christine Pope

  The other hand, though. Oh, my goodness, the other hand is working its way to my center.

  “I want to taste you,” he purrs into my chest and the sound reverberates right down into my core.

  “Do it,” I whisper into his ear as he throws me down onto the bench and proceeds to rip off my leggings.

  My shoes and socks are pulled free along with the pants and I allow my legs to part, for him to see all of my pulsating glory. I want him so bad that I am dripping and he reaches out to touch me. One delicate fingertip runs up the length of my cleft before he brings it to his lips. I moan as I watch him lick my juices off his finger.

  He dives in, kissing my knee, my thigh…

  I can’t string together a coherent thought after that. My fingers return to his back, scrapping at his clothing, wanting to expose him in the way that he has just done to me. He allows me to quickly pull his shirt over his head but it is the briefest of moments before he has returned his lips to my quivering thighs.

  His tongue darts out, giving the briefest flicker across my nub and I cry out. Arching my back, one hand pulls his head in closer. I cannot bear for him to stop what he is doing now that he has started this game.

  “Eat me,” I groan and he happily obliges.

  His tongue laps at my folds, much raspier than I expected and I bite down hard on my lip. I am reminded of that one time that I turned my vibrator the wrong way and instantly hit top speed rather than working towards it. However, the sensation is also different. It is intense but not invasive. I arch further into his mouth and his tongue digs into me, enters me, and I curl my fingers into his back, not caring if I hurt him because I am almost at the edge.

  Before I can climax, his tongue is gone. I open my eyes and he is smiling down at me, his face glistening with my ardor.

  “I want you,” he simply states before gathering me up. I am confused for a moment as his strong arms support me. However, as soon as I am lifted from the bench, I realize that he is taking me to the other room: the bedroom.

  I nibble at his neck as we travel. He tastes of salt and pure manliness.

  Before I even get a chance to nuzzle down further, to bite at his chest, my weight is shifting and Nuvul is guiding me down onto the soft mattress. When I am settled, he drops his pants and my eyes widen at the sheer size of him.

  “You forgot to tell me about that,” I say, pointing at his enormous appendage. “That is certainly larger than I expected.”

  “Yet, you will take it all,” he purrs at me and a ragged breath betrays me. Yes, I will take it all.

  He steps before me, ready to enter me and I can see his tail madly dashing from one side to the other. It whips against my knees, stinging but also arousing.

  As he steps closer, I pull off my top, wanting to be entirely naked, to feel the full sensation of my smoothness against his fur. He staggers a breath at the sight and my heart swells with pride. I still have it, regardless of the quarantine eating, the covid-10 that people have been calling the extra ten pounds we all seem to have gained lately.

  Even as his hot member brushes against my thigh and my opening, he is reaching out and a tiny claw is gently tracing my nipple until it is burning with its tightness.

  Then, he is pushing at my folds, his giant cock probing me and I am begging him to enter me, to push right in and claim ownership of me.

  Normally, I don’t beg. Normally, I am on top and controlling the entire situation when it comes to sex. To do so is to prevent myself from getting attached. If I am not vulnerable, I am not open to being hurt. However, with Nuvul, I cannot help myself. I want to be exposed, to allow him to see who I really am—even if that means beseeching his touch.

  He fills me completely, stuffing me fuller than I have ever been before and I spread my legs wider to accommodate the delicious sensation. I rake my fingers across his back before pulling him in closer. He collapses on top of me and I relish the weight of him pressed against me.

  We are skin to skin and I can feel the tug of his fur on my thighs as he pulls back and plunges in once more.

  I once had sex with a particularly hairy man and thought Nuvul’s fur would feel similar to that sensation. However, it certainly doesn’t. It creates a wonderful friction I have never encountered before and I wrap my legs around his hips in order to intensify the feeling. It is as though his fur is attaching to me, claiming me.

  I can smell the hot sweat of him and it reminds me slightly of animal but more of raw energy, or sheer maleness. He smells of sex intensified even before we have properly started.

  He pulls back once more and plunges deeply. He was right, I can take him all. However, he forgot to mention that his sheer size is now rubbing directly against my clit every time he thrusts into me and I am gritting my teeth against an inevitable climax.

  I bite his shoulder and he roars out his enjoyment, pounding harder and faster and I can no longer hold it back.

  “I’m so close,” I cry hoarsely into his shoulder and I feel his shuddering match mine as he also falls into the abyss of sexual release.


  My father calls right in the middle of my ruminations about how perfect Lizzie is. I have been watching her sleep, enjoying the way in which her hair floats across her face with each delicate breath, of how the light dances across her impossibly smooth skin.

  I lied to her when I said that she felt how I thought that she would. The texture is infinitely better. There are simply no words to describe the silkiness of her.

  “You will be arriving soon?”


  I feel sick even as I speak. Yes, we will be arriving soon. Lizzie’s life will change beyond repair. I have told her some of what will happen. However, she has no idea that should she fall pregnant, we will not be a big happy family. Instead, the child will be ripped from her as soon as it is old enough to be weaned and she will never see it again.

  And, should she fail to conceive? Well, that fate was even worse.

  I glance across as the beautiful creature. Once again, I wished that I had never contacted my father. We could have been happy. It would have been lonely but I think we could have made it work.

  Then it dawns on me, I could have gone to Earth and been with her. We could have lived there and, while I would have still missed my own kind, Lizzie’s life would not have been ruined.

  I am such an idiot.

  Trying to backpedal, I wonder if there is some way out of this mess. Could we just turn around and head toward Earth? Is there some way in which we can live as fugitives?

  I know the answer to both of those questions. My father would never allow it. His control over me is his sick version of family affection. After spending a cycle with Lizzie, I know already that it is nowhere near love or even fondness.

  “I can see your craft on my radar now,” my father says, confirming without a doubt that it is too late to escape. “You should be here in three hours.”

  It isn’t long enough. I close my eyes against the pain.

  No one bothered to tell me that you could fall this hard and this quickly for a human. Even speaking to Kaylee, I had not fully believed it.

  No, that was a lie, I force myself to admit. I could tell just by the way that she spoke, that the love was uncontrollable. Plus, there would be no other reason to hide your own identity from the Galactic Union if that weren’t the case.

  She chose to remain hidden for the one she loved. And, here I was, unable to do the same for my own human.

  Turning, I look to Lizzie. I am in the cockpit but by leaning out, I can still see her perfect form as she sleeps, her back towards me. I wonder how long it will be before she is ripped away from me—one way or another.

  “We have the segregation unit set up and ready for her containment,” my father says, breaking the moment. I am angry that he does so.

  “There is no need for that,” I reply curtly as I turn back towards the radio. “We have already mated. If she is infected with their new coronavirus th
en so am I.”

  “Then you will both be contained to the unit.” My father sounds pleased and I imagine that it is because sex has already occurred. “She is very compliant, then? I hope that doesn’t cause problems when you are separated.”

  I do not want to answer that question. It is none of my father’s business.

  “Excuse me?”

  I spin around, surprised by Lizzie’s voice. She looks rumpled from sleep but still a dazzling beacon in my humwang little world.

  “I can explain,” I say, turning off contact with my father. There is no way that I want him making this any worse and that is something I can guarantee if I allow him participation in the conversation.

  “You have exactly three seconds!” Lizzie rants.

  She has rammed her fisted hands into her waist and rallies herself up as high as she will go. She is not as tall as me. Regardless, I am scared.

  “I refuse to allow us to be separated,” I start, jumping right in with the biggest truth of the matter—but also the most impossible one to stand by. There is no way that we will be allowed to stay together forever.

  “What exactly did that man mean?”

  I fumble, unable to explain what I have been hesitant to tell her up front. We will not live happily ever after. We will not be able to stay together. There is no place in the Ochek breeding program for love. There is only fucking and procreating and heartache.

  How do I tell that to the woman that I love?

  She obviously mistakes my pause for some sort of admission, or of siding with my father. Her gaze darts around the room before settling on the cups used for chax. Reaching down, she snatches one up and hurls it at me. When I duck, it hits the wall with such force that it shatters into wicked shards. I swallow hard against her anger.

  I deserve every last drop of this.

  The other drinking vessel is flying through the air and I reach out, catching it before it suffers the fate of the first. Next, she is throwing her shoes at me. They are lighter, softer, and do less damage as they pound against my shoulders.

  “Please, stop,” I say quietly.

  She has run out of things to throw at me and is now running—naked—towards me.

  “Lizzie!” I call out to her but she has already passed me and is pressing buttons on the control deck.

  I assume that she is trying to turn the vessel around. Not that that will help at all. Now that my father has made contact, the ship will be monitored and if she were to actually get this vessel to change course, there is no way that she would be able to land it.

  “Why is nothing working?”

  Lizzie is frantic as her fingers dance over the large control board. One glance at me shows the whites of her eyes and all I want to do is reach out and hug her.

  “My fingerprint is required,” I say gently.

  Lizzie pauses and a giant sob tears from her throat. I can’t help myself now and make the three steps across the confined space. I give her no choice and wrap my arms around her, pulling her in close to my body, folding her into my embrace.

  It is all that I have. I have to let my body do the talking because she is not listening to me. Plus, I do not have the words to explain just how hard I will fight for her—for us.

  Lizzie starts crying. Not quietly, not like I have seen in the few Earth movies that I have watched over the years. Instead, deep, haggard sobs wracked her body. She has somehow managed to wedge her fists up in front of her chest and pummels me as hard as she can. I respond by holding her tighter, pressing my lips to her head and purring into her wild hair.

  “I am so sorry,” I whisper over and over again through the deep hum in my throat.

  Finally, Lizzie’s crying slows and becomes hiccupping sobs. This is followed by deep gulps of air, as though she is trying to contain herself.

  “It’s going to be alright,” I continue to say.

  As her body starts to relax, I allow one arm to unravel from her shoulders. I stroke her back, her hair, her arms, not letting my claws out at all. I need to be gentle; I need to show her that I can be soft to the touch without hurting her. Because now that I have her in my arms, there is no way that I would ever harm her.

  “Regardless of what you heard my father say, I will never let them separate us.”

  Finally, Lizzie breaks free of my embrace. Her wide eyes observe me and I allow my emotions to shine through. I let her see all of me in the hope that she will understand just how much she means to me.

  Eventually, I see a firm set to her jaw and she reaches up to slap me. It makes a crisp sound in the silence of the cockpit. My head recoils from her strong touch before I turn to look at her once more.

  “I will never hurt you,” I say firmly before her lips crush against mine.


  I try so hard not to fold. I want to be angrier. I am angry, furious in fact, more so than I have ever been in my life. However, I can see the truth of us in Nuvul’s gaze. He means every word that he speaks to me and it reverberates into my core, into my very soul. I cannot fight it any more than I can step outside this vessel and breathe oxygen.

  I fight against my desire to be loved and sheltered. In my life, I have always craved that—and made the wrong decisions as a result of it. I do not want to do the same thing again. Yet, I can feel myself being drawn to Nuvul, to believing his words against all of the odds.

  I look up at him, trying to gauge the depth of truth in him. He is so alien to look at in some regards that it makes it easier to see the real him, to not be tricked by normal human traits. Or, so I believe. Still, there is a humanness to him that gives my thoughts an edge, that makes me not trust him. He is just human-looking enough for me to falter in my belief of him.

  “How can I trust you?” I finally ask, pulling away from him, stepping backwards and taking a deep breath. I need to make this decision on my own. To touch him is to cave, of this much I know. Nuvul takes a deep breath, pausing once more like he has with every difficult question that I have ever asked me. Anger rises once more and I clench my fists, ready to fight against my urges. “Tell me from your gut, Nuvul, there’s no need to think about it.”

  My words trigger something and his body seems to relax.

  “There is no length I will go to in order to protect you. Ever since I have laid eyes on you, I have fought against my desire for you, against taking you.” He draws a long and ragged breath before continuing. “Then, when we coupled, I fell more deeply than I could have imagined that I would have for someone I have only just met. I cannot explain it, only that I feel for you what you humans call love. I have never encountered such a feeling and never expected it to be real.

  “But here we are, and I cannot imagine ever being without it. It hurts deep inside even to utter those words just now. I will fight against anything placed in front of me not to have to say those words again or to have to risk us being apart. That is all I have.” His hands reach out, palms upwards, as though proving that he has borne his soul to me. “That is all that I can say on the matter. My desires are bared. If you want me to take you home, I will. My father will try to fight that and I am unsure that this small vessel will be able to loosen itself from the main ship’s control field, but I will try if that is what you ask of me. I will aim to give you the impossible, all you have to do is request it of me.”

  I bite down on my lower lip. It is my turn to hesitate, to gather my thoughts against Nuvul’s words. I cannot help myself; I can feel the pull between us, it is gravity in a place where there shouldn’t be any. I look towards the main window on the ship. Our love is the only gravity up here and I realize that I, too, will do whatever it takes in order to keep us together.

  Reaching out, I grasp at his open hands and I hear his staggered breath, feel it on my skin as he exhales. It is impossible for me to fight against what we have and I do not try anymore. Instead, I sink into his arms and allow them to envelop me fully.

  Somehow, we will just have to make this work for I cannot imagine any
other life beyond Nuvul now.

  His lips kiss the top of my head and I can feel his urgency already. Turning my face towards him, my desire mounts as our lips clash together. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders, digging my fingers into his dense fur as I kiss him with a fury that only an unexpected love such as ours can trigger.

  Nuvul’s hands dart over my body, his claws only barely contained and his tail whips about, slapping me with a strange delicious ferociousness that makes me want to encourage it.

  “Bite me,” I whisper into his ear and feel the shiver of my words ripple down his back.

  His mouth opens and I see the wickedly pointed canines that I have never noticed before. I am not scared as a wet slick forms between my legs.

  His teeth are sharp, not like his claws, but I know that given enough power, he would pierce my skin. However, he stops short and the pain is close to being unbearable but of the deliciously seductive variety. My nails dig in further and I feel his cock growing when I do so. His own fingers dig into my flesh and I can feel the scratch of his claws as they start to unsheathe. I groan out my response.

  Nuvul pushes against my body, as though he can’t wait to be inside of me and I respond in exactly the same manner. My hands are all over him as are his on my own body. In a flurry of activity, I am tearing at his clothes. Then bare skin presses against my own and I sigh.

  I bite at Nuvul’s shoulder, tasting the salt of him and groan into his flesh. My tongue darts along his fine fur and I want to devour him whole.

  His fingers scratch across my skin and it triggers a deep guttural sound that springs forth from me. Another one escapes as I realize that his tail is flickering up one leg and getting surprisingly close to the very place that I want him to touch.

  Nuvul reaches out and lifts me into his strong arms. He carries me through to the small bedroom and lays me down.


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