Stolen and Seduced

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Stolen and Seduced Page 56

by Christine Pope

  The late spring air had that mild rain smell over the fresh-cut grass. With a light breeze, I could see why this time of year would be someone's favorite.

  My eyes took in the beauty Earth supplied as I remembered my own home being similar when I had been younger. A sense of being lost came over me.

  I did not wish to be a wandering soul, but all Amgards were. To keep our species alive, we had to kidnap humans and impregnate them for us to carry on our powers.

  We were supposed to be superior, but it was us who had to rob the women of others to save us. I hated that I could not have a family of my own like the Earthlings did.

  It was my greatest envy, seeing houses of happy families living inside. A woman that would be excited to see me when I came home each night. Children that ran to my waiting arms for the greeting I learned was called a hug. I had to learn all of this through watching because I had not been privileged to know it myself.

  I knew such a fantasy could never be gained for the likes of me, but the dream still plagued me. Even though it was beautiful, it had also turned into a nightmare because it will always be out of my reach.

  I strode down the long, white corridor of our ship, passing my soldiers along the way. All of them showed respect in passing, so I returned it.

  In the cargo bay, we had their cage set up. Though, Zaron stopped me from putting this one inside.

  "He'll go directly to my sister's quarters. Would you like me to take him?" Zaron offered.

  My eyes scurried over the room to see he’d set our woman down to lie beside her friends. They'd wake up in a panic, but we had ways of making women be at our mercy.

  Aside from being brutes, we were also thorough lovers. It is why most of our females only mated with humans and found companionship in our own kind.

  Male humans were selfish lovers.

  They did not understand the beauty in getting a woman to reach her purest moment of bliss. Some refused to enjoy the nectar between their thighs, but I knew how much it stimulated our kind.

  Because of my promise to Evenki, I knew only Zaron would know of our female's taste. Only his tongue would part her glistening folds as I waited for the moment of her peak.

  Salivating, I had to clear my throat for the others not to take notice of the erection building within the coverings humans called jeans. I also had to adjust myself with my free hand as I followed Zanda to her room.

  "Eve does not deserve your loyalty," she scoffed, knowing my mind. From Zaron and I being close in our early years, she knew me as well.

  "Do not go there, Zan."

  "I was not blind, Cahn. She never was faithful to you, and I have no faith in her doing so now. You are in space, running our military. She works at a place full of horny men."

  "Even if she is not, I am, Zanda." I hated how her words ate at my center.

  She shook her head, opening the door to her room. "Just chain his wrist to the headboard. I do not want him to be too spooked when he wakes in a stranger's bed."

  "Are you sure? He might break one chain." Even as I asked, I knew how stupid I had sounded. Zanda was stronger than most of our men. This bulky Earthling wouldn't stand a chance. Dipping my head, I let the princess know I saw my own foolery. "Forgive me. You can handle this."

  Doing as she asked, I left her room to retreat to my own. Until tomorrow's ceremony, I'd keep to myself.


  The taste of copper was heavy on my tongue. The more I moved my jaw to wake up, it became stronger in my cotton mouth. I bit my cheek at some point during my rest.

  Ugh. My nose was repulsed by the old smell of urine in the room I’d passed out in. It smelled like all the men who missed the urinal in the club. The stench wouldn't leave, no matter the amount of bleach we used.

  Rubbing my head, I wondered if I had somehow ended up in that shithole after clubbing with my friends. Everything tingled down my left side, laying on the metal floor too long.

  Blinking slowly, I took in the silver coloring of the tiles beneath me, recognizing that it wasn't normal. Blue lights flickered around the edges of the room as some lined the bars surrounding me.

  Groaning, I rolled over to feel half my body had fallen asleep. Standing to my feet, I let the blinking lights call to me. Of course, I had to shake out my dead leg as the feeling in it tingled its way back in.

  Unhurriedly, I inched forward, eyeing the brightness that lit the room around me. There were cargo crates stacked here and there, but it was the cage containing me that held my interest.

  My hand reached forward, readying to touch the poles surrounding me, but Rach quickly slapped my hand away. I held my wounded palm to my chest, giving her a disgruntled look.

  "What was that for?" I grumbled.

  Rach removed one arm out of her leather jacket. Extending her naked arm my way, I saw the whole backside had gotten burned. "I woke up and leaned my arm against that damn shit. This was the burn through my leather."

  Well, crap.

  We were drawn to the bug zapper that killed pesky insects on camping trips. My mind thought back to the moment I woke up because of the lights. Nodding—trying not to wet myself—I took in our current position.

  A few screws of emotion loosened in my brain. I began cackling, losing my breath from the stupidity of this very moment.

  "One drink," I gasped between laughs. Wiping my eyes, my tears quickly became ones of sadness and fear. "This is what comes from one drink."

  Hugging myself, I found Cierra dipping her head in agreement as she sat in the corner. Her arms held her knees to her chest, and her eyes glistened with the same understanding I began to comprehend.

  We had been drugged and kidnapped.

  "We all know not to take a drink from strangers, so don't start with that shit, Harker. The fucking bartender gave us those shots." Rachel slipped her arm back into her jacket.

  "Yeah, but I didn't want to drink. Had I stayed sober, we wouldn't be in this predicament," I advised.

  “Right, because you never wanna drink. You never wanna break the rules. You’re mad David called you vanilla, but ya haven’t been looking in the mirror to see you are.”

  Appalled by Rachel’s words, I stepped back. “At least I can keep an accurate count of who I’ve slept with.”

  “You mean one?” We faced out, both throwing weighted energy that would do us more harm than good. Before either of us could say something else, our other friend called our attention her way.

  "Guys?" Cierra's sad eyes were like a puppy seeking attention. That was a lot of emotion for her to be showing. Rach and I ended our little feud to calm down the youngest of our group.

  "You know how Harker and I get, C. We didn't mean anything by it." Rachel spared a glance at me, asking if we were good.

  To be honest, we had to be. Being someone's prisoner as a team fared better odds for us.

  "Yeah. It's the situation putting us on edge."

  "No, you two can PMS whenever. That's not it," Cierra's red-rimmed eyes went between us both. "Where's Keaton?"

  At the same time, Rachel and I instantly started looking around our dungeon that smelled of hot piss. I could see Cierra's intelligence had transpired above ours because our first instinct had been to fight instead of doing a head count.

  "I don't know?" I questioned my response. Besides the freight being in here, the storage closet seemed to be empty.

  "What the fuck do we do?" Rach panicked.

  Before we could get too far into our search, a door across from me slid open. The light on the other side was too intense, causing the figures who entered to be shadowed.

  I squinted, making out the edges of the giants I saw at the bar last night. The same perps who bought the damn drink we toasted to.

  My eyes locked with the bald one that had been at the bar with the female bartender. He seemed too rough around the edges with a scar that followed his whole jawline, but I saw something when he thought no one was watching him. It was in the moment she turned her back to hi

  He rested on the surface of the bar, head hanging low. Sadness marred his harsh features in a way that I saw it perfectly under the purple lights of the club.

  Of course, that’s when he saw me looking. He didn’t like that I perceived his secret moment of vulnerability, and he was probably going to kill me for it.

  Gulping, I stood in front of my friends, blocking them from the monsters ahead.

  They turned on a dim light in the room as the door closed behind them. Under the light, we all gasped and backed away.

  The brutes were no longer human. Hell, they weren’t even pale skinned anymore.

  The bald one had yellow skin with some orange fur along his visible joints and neck. He had the look of a feline while also being a man.

  The other guy had thick, dark hair. His skin was a light blue with dark blue scales in the places the other had fur. Even though they were different colors and textures, both exuded power.

  The men around them didn’t have as vibrant of coloring, and they didn’t have the devil horns these two had. Also, baldy had a tail that flicked behind his legs, making his cat-like appearance stronger.

  “Y’all, that shot must’ve had some trippy shit in it ‘cuz I’m seein’ weird shit,” Rach muttered behind me.

  “Can we be having the same hallucination? Because I’m experiencing it too.” Cierra held onto my arm as I shielded us.

  Stepping forward, I moved Cierra more behind me. My eyes locked with the blue man as I sought out their hierarchy. He fit the leadership position the most with how he stood centered, slightly behind two others.

  "Who are you, and where did you take us?" Now, I just prayed they spoke English.

  "I am Zaron, king of the Amgards." His hand fanned out, directing my attention to the bald dude with a tail to his right. "This is my general, Cahn."

  "Okay, so that's one answer. What about where we are?" I crossed my arms. Quaking in my boots, I didn't want them to see the true terror that had my pulse thrumming.

  "Space," Cahn answered, eyeing me. "You are in space. Once we no longer need you, we shall return you to Earth."

  "Need us? For what?" I scoffed.

  Rachel cleared her throat for me to look at her. Using her index finger, she let it guide my eyes to the apex of her thighs. She then added some dramatic flair by making her finger go in and out of a circle her other fingers made. I nearly rolled my eyes, but she did have a point.

  "We are males of our kind. You are females of your kind. I think you are more than capable of putting things together," Cahn grunted.

  "What about Keaton?" Cierra's eyes widened while looking at the scary dudes that were way too tall. I thought they looked otherworldly back in the club, but I took that shot and lost my whole night right after.

  "You are in the female detainment. He is rather comfortable where the males go. I have already checked on this matter for you," the king replied.

  I observed how he only watched me out of the three of us. Something nauseating but exciting fluttered in my guts.

  "So, you steal human women to fuck you for a night. Then you return them?" I countered the conversation. If what they said was true, Keaton would be having this same conversation with a group of girls instead of the seven burly men we were set to face.

  "Indeed. We shall set our landing for Earth in the morning, if you comply." King Zaron's gold eyes were that of royalty. General Cahn had the same color. Both sets were locked with my silver ones as we all danced for the higher ground.

  Clearly, I would be willing to wave the white flag first because we had no ground to stand on. Quite literally, if you thought about it. We were lost in space, being imprisoned for our bodies.

  Turning, I gave the men my back while facing my friends. This decision had to be unanimous, or it wouldn't be right.

  Before I even had to ask, Rach shrugged her shoulder. "Fuck it. I haven't been laid right in weeks. I'm down to see if these giants have a dick that matches."

  I swiveled my gaze to the youngest of our group. Here's the thing not many knew, Cierra was still a virgin.

  She had that lost romantic idea about giving herself to the man she planned to marry. If need be, I'd defend her virtue until they threw me off the ship for my uproar.

  "We all have a part to play," she whispered. "I won't let you guys baby me because of my little secret."

  "Wait." Rachel raised her hand to halt her words. "You're telling me you've been on Tinder without actually fucking the dudes you meet?"

  "I've never met any of them. I just get lonely." Cierra shrugged. "They all have Snapchats on their profiles or ask for mine."

  "Well, color me surprised." Rachel turned back to me. "We can't let her."

  "Neither of you have much of a choice." Cierra's hand trembled in fear. I hated these barbarians for doing this to her. "Plus, it's my decision, and I made it. If you're both going to save us, I'm going to help."

  Knowing she was right, I hugged her to me. "You're going to be okay. And who knows? Maybe they'll make your first time out of this world."

  At my tease, she snorted while resting against my chest. She was a lot taller than me, but she knew how to snuggle down.

  "How do you scare a bee?" she asked. I knew my face read my confusion. Swinging up, her palms slapped my tits. "Boo-bee!"

  With a loud snort, I comprehended Cierra was using her classic deflection tactics to not think about what lay ahead for all of us.

  "I love you guys," I whispered, pulling them close. I might be the shortest, but I never let it stop me from succeeding.

  Hell, I was premed with no student loans. I was doing something right. Keeping that in mind, I faced the extraterrestrial men that wanted to use us.

  I hated we were giving into their demands, but we had nothing to fight with.

  Oh my god...

  I was about to sleep with aliens.

  If I was a newscaster, I'd be Jim Carey, muttering under my breath, "And that's how the cookie crumbles."


  "What is your name, human?" I asked the female as we guided her to my quarters.

  "Harker," her tone was firm, unwilling to say anything else. I enjoyed the hardness she exuded.

  Cahn and I shared a look behind her as my personal guard guided her to my living space. He had similar thoughts about our pick. She was feisty, and we liked it.

  Harker was an alpha female of her race. They just didn't rank her kind the way we did ours.

  The horns resting on our heads told everyone we were superior among the Amgards. Cahn's mother was of an extinct race, so that's where his tail and fur came from.

  She had been a slave of the Druigns, forced into captivity by my grandfather when they destroyed her home planet. During the war on my own planet, all the Druigns had been sent to march on the front lines, sacrificed for our own kind to survive.

  The worst part about all of it was, it had been a civil war. Our people weren't defending our lands against outsiders. When the bombs dropped, it was our own brothers lighting the fuse.

  It saddened me greatly, but I understood the tyrants my grandfather and father had been when it came to their leadership. Barely surviving now, I was expected to get us back to greatness again.

  Segn—my personal servant—opened the doors to my room, pleased about my retrieval of future breeders. Harker wouldn't know until it was too late that we impregnated her, but I had to do it. Unlike my father and grandfather, I would put my people first.

  Harker was just the first steppingstone of growing toward it. The grey-eyed beauty cast her gaze over her shoulder, halting me in place. Her exquisiteness alone would ruin me tonight, but she would have no idea how much she called to me.

  I partially wondered if there was more to this connection than mere attraction, but I couldn't let my mind go there. My mother used to speak of all creatures having a soulmate, no matter how distant in the galaxy.

  What could be, could not plague my mind now. I had a mission for my people because
they were my priority.

  Using humans as our new partners after the other races died out, we had hopes that our kind might be able to reproduce on their own. Only time would tell, and Harker would never forgive me for the secret she'd find out in the coming weeks.

  Pretending to take them for a night of satisfaction was easier than expressing we needed their wombs for our next generation. Once she learned of the child, we'd send a protector to make sure she kept the baby.

  Segn would look after Harker without her ever knowing I had eyes on her. He knew his part in this procreation plan. So far, we had eighty fertilized females on Earth.

  Our plan had been fruitful, but we needed more to keep our kind going.

  Harker's curvaceous body swayed into my room, so it was only natural my eyes lingered on her very large rear. Cahn elbowed me as we entered my private chamber.

  She gasped, seeing my extremely large bed draped in the furs of the beasts I slaughtered. It was not a secret among our kind that I shared my bed with other females in this space, but I could see her mind putting it together.

  "Strip," Cahn commanded her.

  Harker flipped around, fright present in her expression. I rolled my eyes at the daft beast.

  "Do not spook her, Cahn. We will make this equally enjoyable for her." I fixed my stare back on the female. She stood in the middle of my metal room, appearing to belong in it. Our ship might be made of an alloy, but my furnishings were wood.

  Harker was seeing my den like my other lovers had not. She wanted to take in every detail because it was so different than Earth’s wood. Our trees had been light purple, so my bedroom set had that.

  From my stance as alpha, I was revered and enjoyed the finest of white furs. They came from the beasts called ompokkas on my home planet. I had slain the three that gave me the softest coverings.

  Her hand reached out to graze my first hunt’s coat. My cock twitched, seeing the bed before her luscious body. To make her feel a little more at ease, I removed my shirt as she turned to face us.

  "Please, was the word Cahn forgot on his tongue, Harker. We would like you to strip for us," I used a gentler tone to make sure we kept her comfortable.


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