Stolen and Seduced

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Stolen and Seduced Page 61

by Christine Pope

  Except she won't.

  They don't know it, but my sister's rebellion is more important than I am. Rescuing me from an Elihu spaceship is one thing but trying to rescue me from the AHA compound would be too risky. It’d put her directly in the hands of her enemy, and she won't allow that to happen.

  I blow out a breath, continuing to study the wires.

  I need to save myself.

  Continuing to study the panel, I finally reach out, trailing my hand along the blue wire.

  This one has to lead to the door, I decide after glimpsing between it and the multiple green and red wires.

  But if it doesn't and something else malfunctions…

  I don't allow myself to think about it for much longer as I reach out and grip the wire with both hands. This would go better if I actually had something sharp to quickly cut the wire with, but I've got to do what I have to do.

  I close my eyes as I rip the wire apart. I almost expect to be shocked, but instead, all I feel is the wire snap into two. A sharp whoosh to the side of me brings my eyes open.

  I quickly move to the door, peeping out of it. The hallway is dark and empty, no sounds meeting my ears.

  It's now or never.

  I quickly move out of the door and my head swivels, trying to decide what direction to go in. I shoot for a Hail Mary as I randomly choose to go right.

  The hall curves before it forks into two more halls. I narrow my eyes before choosing one at random. My eyes widen, and I stop sharply as noise vibrates through the hall.


  Turning, I let out a scream as hands wrap around my waist.

  I kick out as strange, lime green eyes meet mine. They seem to glow in the otherwise dark hall.


  I keep kicking but when the alien grips me tighter, constricting my body, my energy starts to fade, my breath coming slower and then not at all.

  My vision swims, and I curse myself.

  If you'd stayed in the room, at least you would have remained alive longer with a dire future.

  I'm abruptly let go, and I slam against the ground. I gasp, coughing and trying to catch my breath.

  I finally get a full view of the alien. His skin is a burnt orange, thick veins and sharp marks along it. A pair of huge wings, almost like those of a bat, are attached to his back. His mouth opens as he lets out a hiss, and I get a glimpse of sharp canines.

  He whirls around, bringing the huge dark wings further into my view.

  He lets out another hiss, but it's abruptly cut off as his body goes jerking back.

  A pop sounds through the air and then the alien is collapsing to the ground inches away from me. His head lolls in my direction, and I get a glimpse of his eyes. One of them is now missing, a vacant whole in its place.

  I scramble back, peering into the darkness. The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stand up.

  "You just couldn't listen, could you?" The annoyed words come from Azrhan, who moves out of the shadows. His bright blue eyes are on me. To say that they hold fury would be an understatement. "Just think if wouldn't have alerted us that the safe ward had malfunctioned what would have happened." His jaw clenches and his hand flexes around the handle of a slim gun. He shakes his head, turning his head to the side slightly.


  The younger Elihu steps into view, and just like his brother, it's almost as if he appears from out of nowhere. His arms fold over his chest as he looks down at me. He now has two, small, white guns attached to his hips.

  "Take her to your room and keep her there," Azrhan instructs his brother, voice holding no room for argument. " and I have this handled." He’s clearly still full of anger and when he narrows his eyes at me, I know that I'd be an idiot to say anything in this moment.

  Jabex lets out a sigh, moving over until he's standing in front of me. He glares down at me, his expression not much better than his brother's. He reaches down and hauls me up to my feet. His grip is firm, but not painful. His eyes meet mine as I crane my head back. "It looks like you get to spend this ambush with me, mate.”

  Chapter 12

  Jabex wraps his hand around my wrist. I don't even try to fight him as he begins to drag me away from the dead alien and Azrhan.

  I’d rather let him lock me back up than continue to wander around weaponless with other aliens on board.

  Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes briefly meets Azrhan's, and the alien only shakes his head before disappearing into the shadows again.

  There's a beeping sound and then a whoosh. I turn, finding a door sliding out of place. Jabex pushes me ahead of him before following me in and closing the door behind us.

  When it snaps shut with a resounding click, the energy in the room seems to swirl, becoming heavier. Jabex's eyes meet mine.

  "Well, it looks like we have some time to kill."

  I only glare at the alien, turning to take in the room. It's almost like the one I woke up in earlier, except the bed is much larger, bigger than a king-sized. The frames are thick iron and the sheets are blood red.

  Hands touch my hips before I'm pulled back against a hard chest.

  I jerk away, staggering backwards as I turn to look at Jabex, who only smiles.

  I place my back against the wall, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare at him. The tension in the room is thick. I hate it.

  You could have escaped and yet you blew it. Now here you are with this enticingly sexy alien, who you should be running away from, and yet…

  Yet my body is hot, my legs feel like jelly, and my core is getting wet just from the way that the man is looking at me.

  "Don't run from me, mate," he says, drifting closer to me with a smirk on his face.

  "Teagan. Stop calling me mate," I direct at him.

  He tilts his head to the side slightly. "I'll call you whatever I want, mate, and you won't care. Do you know why?" A dangerous glint fills his eyes as he moves closer to me.

  I try to step back before remembering that I have nowhere else to go. Jabex strikes before I can try to figure out another direction to move.

  His hand wraps in my hair, the curly black strands covering his blue hands. He pulls my hair until I have no choice but to pull my head back, my chest heaving as I look up at him.

  His plump lips turn up into a smile, but there's nothing friendly about it. His tongue comes out to trace his lip and up so close, I can tell that I was right in thinking that there was something odd about it. His tongue has a split down the tip of it, and it's slightly flatter than a regular tongue. As it flickers back into his mouth, I tell myself I should be afraid. The tongue is only a reminder that this man is as far from human as you can get.

  And yet, I want to know how the tongue will feel along my skin as it licks at my clit.

  Jabex's grip on my hair tightens, and he leans forward. "You won't care what I call you because you'll be too busy focusing on how far inside your cunt I am."

  My breath leaves my lungs and my legs give out, but Jabex refuses to let go of me. Instead, he hauls me up and tosses me onto the bed.

  I land with a thump, bouncing slightly. My heart continues to pound in my chest as I lean up on my elbows. "What are you doing?" I ask as he prowls to the end of the bed, standing in front of me.

  He grabs my legs, yanking me forward until half of my body is hanging off the bed. My core is pressed flush against Jabex.

  My blood chills as I feel the bulk of him pressed up against me.

  Is that…

  “What are you doing?” I ask again, breathless.

  "What do you think I'm about to do, mate?" The question is mocking. "I'm going to fuck you hard until you realize that there's no point in running away from me or my brother.”

  My mouth falls open as I look at him, knowing that he's completely serious and that I'm not trying to run away.

  "But..." my lips barely form the words. "We're being attacked." The only excuse that I can think of falls from my lips.

  Jabex tilts his head
to the side, letting out a harsh laugh. "Yeah, but that isn't important. Azrhan has it handled. Me, I have you handled."

  I open my mouth, prepared to muster another weak protest, when his lips slam against mine and my brain fries.

  Chapter 13

  Jabex's lips are rough and forceful as he leans over me, flattening me against the bed.

  His hips move forward, brushing his groin against mine.

  When his tongue comes out to trace along my lips, I open my mouth on a gasp. His tongue forces it way into my mouth, licking at my own.

  A hand is placed in my hair again as he forces my lips to press against his whether I want them to or not.

  And I kind of do want them to be pressed against mine.

  They had to have done something to me while I was out. Given me some sort of aphrodisiac that makes me attracted to them. Because what Jabex is doing to me, it feels amazing, and I don’t want him to stop.

  He pulls back slightly, his tongue trailing along my cheek. It almost feels like two small tongues are sliding along my flesh. I let out a moan as his tongue continues to trail further down.

  Jabex's hands push up the hem of my shirt, exposing it to the cool air that flickers along my skin. A whimper falls from my lips as my legs fall further apart.

  Jabex curls a fist into my shirt, and then there's a ripping sound.

  My eyes widen as I look at the mangled piece of fabric in his hand.

  "Did you just destroy my shirt?" I manage to ask, though the words come out weaker than I intended.

  Jabex carelessly tosses the shirt over his shoulder. "I did." And then his tongue is licking between my breasts, trailing downward and dipping into my belly button.

  My back arches, and my hands reach out, trying to grab onto anything they can find. When they wrap in Jabex's hair, I hold on for dear life as he continues to tease my skin without mercy.

  My pussy is throbbing, and my hips lift from the bed, looking for any sort of friction.

  What are you doing, Teagan?

  I don't even have time to figure out what I'm doing or specifically, what I'm letting Jabex do to me. Instead, my focus is dragged down to the sharp pinch just above my navel.

  I let out a yelp, looking down in time to watch as Jabex's teeth bite down on my skin slightly, tugging the flesh away from my body. The pain is slight, but the pleasure it brings is indescribable.

  He licks the spot once his teeth release it, fanning the flames.

  When his hands move to the button of my jeans, they make quick work of undoing it and the zipper before discarding them just as quickly as my shirt. I don’t even see where he tosses them.

  I'm left in only my underwear and my bra. A part of my brain is telling me that this is it. This is the moment that I speak up and tell him to stop.


  Jabex’s thumbs hook into my underwear, and the protest on my lips dies. He rips them off, cold air blasting onto my wet pussy. I try to pull my legs close, to hide myself, but Jabex’s hands grab onto my thighs to stop me.

  He stares at me, his eyes holding onto mine as his hands trap me like a vice. "This is my cunt now, and you won't keep it from me, mate." His stare continues to hold mine as he moves in between my legs, keeping them open. His fingers trail along my slit, and I whimper, my legs trembling.

  Jabex brings his hand up, wetness covering his fingers. "Especially not when you don't want to," he says before he dips his fingers into his mouth.

  My skin is on fire as I watch Jabex and the sensual way he licks my arousal clean off his fingers. I try to form words, but once again, I'm left with nothing.

  “It's okay, you don't have to say anything," Jabex tells me. “Your body is telling me everything that I need to know." And then he's dropping down to his knees.

  His warm breath is the only warning that I get before he's burying his tongue into my pussy. I nearly come the second that it enters me.

  "Oh my god." My hands hold onto the sheets, wrapping in them and pulling as my hips start to move. I almost can't tell if they're trying to get away or move closer, but it doesn't matter because Jabex loops his hands around my hips, giving me no choice but to remain where I am.

  His tongue licks around inside of me, hot and rough. My nipples are hard, I'm dripping wet, and I want...

  I moan, curses falling from my lips as an unfamiliar sensation fills my pussy. It's like his tongue, but it's different, moving in a way that I've never felt before.

  My eyes burn as they start to water. The sensation continues, and I can feel myself edging closer and closer to orgasm.

  Jabex's tongue disappears, and I let out a mewl, reaching for him. He only smiles, glancing up at me as he remains between my legs. When his tongue swipes along my clit, that sensation begins again. I look through blurry eyes down at him, only to discover that the different sensation is coming from his split tongue, which almost appears to be vibrating as it slides along me.

  I moan again, raising my hips to try to push further against his tongue, but once again, it only flicks along my clit before disappearing again.

  "I could make you beg," Jabex's breath fans against my pussy, warming it further, as he speaks. His eyes hold mine, a wicked gleam in them. "Could continue to edge you along like this for hours until you're begging me to fuck you. But I won't... not this time."

  And then he's delving back into my pussy, and this time when his tongue enters me, I can't stop myself. I explode all over his tongue.

  Euphoria shoots down my spine, words that I can't distinguish fall past my lips, my body trembles.

  I'm barely aware as I feel Jabex's tongue moving out of me. Then it's on my nipples, which are suddenly bare. I have no doubt that my bra is in as many shreds as my shirt.

  My vision is blurry, and I can only feel as the alien bites down on my nipples. "Just think of all the things I could do to you, that I will do to you. Your breasts are as much mine as your dripping wet cunt. I plan on playing with them,” he pinches my nipples while I cry out, “and teasing them, until you come from the pain. Just wait."

  I let out a scream as he bites down on my nipples hard.

  "I look forward to that day, but I'm going to fuck you first," he hisses out.

  My gaze clears slightly as Jabex wipes at my wet eyes. His lips are smiling, his mouth wet from my arousal. "Now look at me while I fuck you, mate."

  I let out a moan, and my hips jump off the bed as Jabex fills me in a single thrust. The sensation of being full is like one I've never had before. It almost feels as if I'm being stretched beyond capacity. There's a burning sensation, and I let out a sound that I can't quite describe.

  Jabex's hand reaches out, wrapping around my wrist. He pushes my hand to the bed as his face fills my vision. His blue eyes have a glow-like effect to them as he leans over me, looking down at me.

  My gaze moves down, and I try to see what's going on, but I can't distinguish where I begin and where Jabex ends. When his hips pull back before snapping forward again, my eyes flutter close again as my head writhes against the bed.

  "Come on, love," Jabex says as he continues to thrust into me, his hips slamming against mine. "Open your eyes, look at me."

  My eyes snap open on command, staring up at Jabex. He leans down, his lips taking over mine as he continues to fuck me.

  I don't know whether I kiss him back or not, and he doesn't seem to care; his lips continue to dance along mine. He pulls back as his hips slam against mine so forcefully that I feel my body move up the bed. Something slides along my clit with each rough thrust, pain and pleasure fighting each other.

  I moan, holding onto Jabex’s shoulder. I can feel another orgasm just out of reach, and I know that this one is going to be even bigger than the last.

  Jabex's hips slow down and my nails dig into his back. I mewl, moving my hips and trying to get him to move faster.

  His dark chuckle meets my ears before his hips pick back up, even faster than before and so does the stimulation of my clit. Jabex’s
body presses firmly into mine as he fucks me into the mattress. His breath fans along my face. "Come for me, Teagan." His tongue dips into my ear.

  I scream, my orgasm blinding me. My spine arches, and my nails rake down Jabex’s back.

  My body trembles, my breaths quick, as I try to come down from my orgasm.

  Jabex’s cock pulls out of me. I'm aware of him moving and when I hear a slick, slapping sound, my eyes finally open to find him kneeling in front of me. He keeps his weight off me, his dick in his hand as he strokes along it, a light, almost translucent-blue liquid covering his knuckles. I watch him, and my eyes widen as I take in the fact that he is not only holding one long, veiny, dark blue cock in his hand, but two.

  His blue eyes meet mine. "The next time I fuck you, I'm going to cum inside of you and fill you up with my seed because you're going to bear my babies, whether you know it or not." A sick smile curls his lip. "But this time, I want to see you painted in my cum."

  His clear blue cum hits my skin, hot and thick. It streams along my neck, my face, and my breasts. There's nothing I can or want to do about it, my limbs weak.

  When the last jet has hit my skin, I feel him move, and then he's laying beside me, his body as bare as mine. His fingers force my lips to part, dipping in until a salty taste fills my mouth. "Now tell me that you want to leave, mate."

  Chapter 14

  The door slides open with a loud whoosh, and I look between half-lidded eyes as Azrhan's big frame fills the doorway. Even more blood than earlier covers his body.

  I reach for the covers, trying to pull them on my body, but Jabex holds onto it, leaving my naked body on full display.

  Azrhan's eyes trail along my body as he walks further in the room and the door closes behind him.


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