The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance

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The Other Brother_A Billionaire Hangover Romance Page 41

by Natalie Knight

  “So you don’t want to, you know…”

  I roll my eyes.

  “I didn’t say that but I think we could come up with something a little more inventive don’t you agree?”

  “Why don’t we get comfortable first and think words later?”

  Instead of a reply, I unclip my seat belt and move my seat into the recline position. When I’m lying horizontally, I spread my legs.

  Aaron needs no further invitation.

  He practically jumps out of his seat and onto the floor, in front of me.

  “Like what you see?”

  I’m not wearing any slip.

  Instead of a reply, his hands push up my skirt. Instantly his fingers find my wet opening.

  A discreet cough has him stop mid enter.

  “Is there anything you or our guest would like Mr. Bennet?”

  I cannot see the speaker but I feel myself go red. Just because I can’t see them, does not mean they can’t see me in this rather compromising position. Frantically, I try to push my skirt back down.

  Aaron does not bat an eyelid.

  “Is there something you would like Chloe?”

  Your fucking cock inside my wet pussy is on my lips but I don’t utter those words.

  “Martini on ice with an olive,” I whisper instead.

  “Mark, you heard the lady. Make it two.”

  Martini on ice. It’s very James Bond, I think to myself and chuckle.

  I feel as if I’m in a James Bond movie. Aaron’s James and who am I? I try and remember one of the female spies. Russian, I’d be one of the Russian ones I’m sure.

  Granted there are no guns, and no one’s hot on our heels. Still, it’s all so surreal it could be a movie set.

  “Now where were we?”

  I close my legs.

  “What the fuck woman?”

  “Let’s wait for our drink first,” I whisper and sit back up in my luxury chair.

  Before Aaron can protest, the handsome attendant brings us our drink.

  I take it from the tray and smile at him.

  His smile is a knowing ‘I know what you two are up to. Don’t worry.’

  My smile replies, ‘I can tell you wish you were a part of it.’

  I fish out my olive and eat it. Next, my fingers find the ice. I put the cube between my lips and suck on it.

  Aaron sits back down next to me.

  Before my next move, I take off my top and bra.

  Instead of going back to the recline position, I knee in front of him, ice cube still between my teeth.

  Slowly, I unzip his pants and free his waiting cock. It’s rock hard and ready for action. My fingers gently hold it, feeling its power and weight.

  Without taking my eyes off the tip of his delicious shaft, I move my face forward. Then, I plant a gentle kiss on his tip with my ice cube still in place.

  His body convulses with shock waves.

  “Fuck,” he groans and I see him arch his back. Pleasure and pain rip through his body.

  I leave the ice in my mouth and let my tongue dart out. Coldness envelops his hot fucking cock.

  I can his dick shiver and his abdomen ripple with pleasure. My tongue retreats to refuel on ice.

  I repeat my ice therapy a few more times, and finally, there’s very little left of my cube put my mouth over his throbbing shaft.

  “Ohh Chloe,” he groans and his hands reach for my hair. He pulls me closer to him, but I resist a little.

  It’s not quite time to take all of him. I want to prolong the moment as long as possible.

  Gently, I nibble on his tip and suck on it like a candy. I swirl it around my mouth. Meanwhile, my fingers are busy with his balls.

  They’re still trapped inside of his boxers, but my fingers have found an entry and are massaging and rolling them around. I play with them as if they’re stress balls.

  A growl starts deep in his throat and cascades over his lips. Animalistic.


  He’s so fucking hot.

  Every time I hold his fucking massive cock, I salivate at the sight of it.

  I know he and Cassie joked the other day about him being a porn star, but fuck he’d be the perfect fit.

  There’s an unexpected drop as the plane finds an air pocket and I’m thrown on top of Aaron.

  My face hits his pubic bone and my mouth is on his entire cock. I can feel the tip of him right down my throat.

  I scramble back to my knees and now that I’ve latched on to him, I keep sucking.

  And then I move off him.

  I look around and see him panting heavily.

  My fingers reach for another slice of olive and I rest it on the tip of his cock. Then I let my tongue reach for it.

  Fucking delicious. A salty olive caked in pre-cum juices. It tasted like nothing I’ve ever tasted before.

  Straight away, I find another olive and do it again.

  Then I lick the liquid part off him.

  Aarons’ growling is getting louder.

  He reaches for me and tries to shove my head onto his throbbing cock. I love the way it pulses in anticipation.

  My own pussy is so fucking wet. I’m sure there’s a pool underneath of me.

  When the last of the olive is gone, I tip the drink slowly over his cock.

  He shivers and I can see pleasure rip through him. His hips move upward to meet me.

  I bend over him and start licking and sucking.

  Wow. Fucking fantastic.

  By the time I’ve cleaned up the alcohol, I can feel Aaron is close to coming. His body is tensing and his cock’s so thick I fear it might explode.

  I feel him push all the way into my mouth. He starts to thrust into me with all his might. He’s bucking his hips toward me and I’m reminded of a wild stallion. He needs taming.

  I bob up and down on him, as fast as I can. At the same time, my hands squeeze and knead his balls.

  Not much longer and he’ll unload inside of me.

  There’s an all mighty clenching of muscles and his hand's grip hard onto my hair, almost ripping some of it out.

  When I feel the first drops of his creamy cum squirt into my throat, I pull away from him. I push my chest out to catch the fountain of cum that just keeps erupting from his fucking cock.

  I smear it over my tits and down onto my abdomen. Then I bring my index finger to my lips and suck on it.

  When I’ve cleaned it all off, I pull it out with a loud pop.

  Aaron sits up and joins my finger. He smears his own juices all over me. Then he lifts it to my mouth where I hungrily suck it clean.

  The pop it makes when he pulls out is music to my ears.


  I feast my eyes on her exquisite body.

  She’s arching her breasts toward me. The curve in her lower back reminds me of a gymnast.

  Come to think of it, I haven’t asked Chloe if she’s got expertise in gym or dance. After her pole dance in the hotel the other night, I would not be surprised.

  Perhaps, she was not only bookish.

  I feast on her tits. I love the way they’re bouncing up and down a little. Her pink nipples are rock-hard and look ready to cut through ice. Her chest is heaving, as her breathing is short and shallow.

  There are plenty of things I can think of doing to her, but then we do only have a few more hours left.

  “You thought of another expression yet?”

  The question makes me laugh. Thinking and having fucking fantastic sex just don’t go together. Probably one of the reasons they are miles apart in the dictionary. Okay, not miles apart, but thinking starts with t and sex with s.

  “How about fly high fuck club?”

  She rolls her eyes. I love the way she expresses her disdain. It looks so fucking cute I want to just kiss her.

  “A bit crude don’t you think?”

  “But straight to the point. Language should be specific an
d concise. You would know that as a writer?”

  She bites her bottom lip.

  How fucking awesome is this? A sexual banter of an intellectual kind as we’re fucking each other stupid.

  Now here’s a thought, I keep fucking her until she’s unable to make any sense. Of course, I might not make any sense then anymore either. But hell, it would be worth it.

  How much fucking sex would one need to end up stupid?

  “Here’s another riddle for you?” I lean forward and my lips caress her neck and ear.

  “What’s that?”

  She’s all ears.

  I chuckle. “Where did the expression ‘fuck you till your stupid’ come from?”

  Her eyes widen until she has that lost puppy look about her.

  “Can you actually fuck till you’re stupid?”

  I shrug.

  “We could try,” I suggest and let my hands draw invisible circles onto her flat stomach.

  “Did you know the word fuck has its origin in the Germanic language?”

  This time, I really have to laugh.

  “You don’t say.”

  Chloe nods, warming to her topic.

  “In German, it’s ficken and in Dutch, fokken, which means to breed.”

  Obviously, Chloe is a fountain of knowledge on many topics.

  “And this is important why?”

  My fingers slowly move lower.

  She moans and rolls her eyes.

  “I can’t fucking remember.”

  We both laugh.

  “But it’s somehow related to fucking till we’re stupid.”

  “Clearly we’re not there yet. You still sound like a walking fucking encyclopedia.”

  As Chloe laughs harder, her tits bounce faster and my fucking cock’s sprung to life again.

  I can’t stand it any longer and I kiss her. My lips crushed hers and, at the same time, my hands find her ass.

  My hands drag her naked body onto me. I want to feel every inch of her, explore every nook and cranny.

  Her butt cheeks are squirming on my legs and pressing against my dick. Swiftly, I roll her over. Now she’s lying ass up in the air over my knees. The perfect position for a good spanking.

  Her fleshy ass is so fucking gorgeous I still recall possessing it the other night. Not many girls like to be fucked in their hole, but Chloe didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, I’d say she fucking loved it.

  Chloe was simply like no other girl I’ve fucked before.

  Chloe was Chloe.

  She was full of little quirks. The more time I spend with her, the more of them I notice.

  My hands move over her ass, gently. It’s probably not a good idea to spank her in the jet. Her screams might alert my staff unnecessarily.

  As I massage and knead her white flawless flesh, I’m practically drooling at the mouth. I let my fingers trail between her legs. She opens them voluntarily. My index finger plays with the lips of her pussy.

  I see Chloe raise her upper body with her arms. She throws her head back and looks at me.

  The longer I keep my fingers at her opening, the harder I become—if that is even possible.

  Her naked skin over my legs sends electric shock waves through me. The rate I’m going, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself much longer.

  My thoughts are becoming one-sided and I can feel my brain taking leave already. Maybe it will not take that long, after all, to fuck until we’re stupid.

  All I can think of is pummeling my ten inches into her. I want to hear those tiny little moans when I pump her hard and fast. And I want to feel her fingernails dig into my back when she’s riding her orgasmic wave.

  “Still thinking about a name?” she teases me as my fingers are working in her pussy.

  I pull my finger out and hold it in front of her mouth.

  She sucks on it and releases it with a pop. Much like she does with my dick.

  Just then, a voice comes over the internal speaker.

  “Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Bennet, but we’ll be experiencing severe turbulence shortly. Please make sure you and your guest are seated and have your seatbelts fastened.

  Chloe pulls a face, the one that says, ‘Are you fucking serious?’

  I chuckle.

  “Not to worry my angel.” I pull her on top of me so her back is against me. “I’ve just got what the doctor ordered.”

  And with that, I strap us both in with the seat belt.

  Without warning, the plane plummets toward the ground before coming up again. Up and down we go, it feels a little like being in a washing machine.

  We are tossed around the air like a ping-pong ball on a ping-pong table.

  Chloe’s back is pressed against me and her hands are holding onto the side of the seat for dear life. I can see the white of her knuckles.

  My hands find her tits. I massage and knead.

  “Shhhh,” I whisper into her ear. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I can hear the panic in her voice.

  “Of course I’m sure.” I start nibbling on her earlobe and she instantly relaxes a little. Her head is leaning against my chest.

  I continue to play with her tits and, then, I have another idea.

  Gently, I lift her off me so I can push my throbbing cock into her over ready pussy.

  As I do so we drop again and I push hard into her, assisted by turbulence.

  I start to fuck her this way.

  My hands are wrapped around her hips, thumbs digging into the side of her abdomen.

  She’s getting into the swing of things and starts riding me herself. Up and down, she bounces—restricted a bit by the seat belt. But, there’s enough room for her to move.

  Her tits bounce out of control.

  “Fuck this feels good,” murmurs Chloe as she rides me, with the plane leaping along in the turbulence.

  I take one of my hands away from her hips and catch her bopping tit. My index finger and thumb pinch her pink nipple.

  Chloe shrieks.

  Now my other hand presses down on her fucking wet pussy.

  Her pelvis thrusts toward my fingers. She wants more.

  I play with her clit. I push my fingers against it before moving sideways.

  “Ohhh, yes, pleaseeeee,” she’s about to get lost in her own ecstasy.

  I try to push her harder and faster.

  I barely take any notice of the pilot telling us we can unfasten our seat belt.

  Chloe unbuckles it but stays riding me.

  Free from the restraint, she pulls her body, moves forward and rests her hands on my thighs. She’s riding me like she’s trying to tame me.

  “Fuck. Chloe.” I’m breathing hard and fast.

  The walls of her pussy are starting to contract. They grab my cock and threaten not to let it go. Fuck. It feels as if she’s going to break my fucking cock in two. Tighter and tighter, she gets with each thrust. She’s getting close to her own orgasm.

  With each downward movement, I propel my hips up to meet her. The tip of my fucking cock feels as if it’s going to stab right through her.

  Deep within my belly button, an artillery of pleasure is unleashed. The volcano erupts and molten lava spreads through me.

  Fireworks are going off inside my head. I’m definitely unable to have a coherent thought.

  I feel myself come. My muscles in my abdomen start contracting and my back and neck muscles are tightening.

  “Chloe. Fuck,” is all I’m able to growl.

  Then, with one last up and down I erupt, fountain-like, inside of Chloe.

  Her pussy is clutching my dick as she herself explodes in a gigantic orgasm. It squeezes and squeezes until it’s bled my fucking cock dry.

  She leans back against me, breathing hard and fast.

  “See,” I mumble into her ear, “I told you there was nothing to worry about.”


  My heart is still beating a fucking million miles an hour.

  When that fucking plane bounced through the air like an out-of-control tennis ball, I thought we were going to crash for sure.

  Images of scenes from Cast Away still flash through my mind.

  “You okay?”

  Aaron’s turning my face toward his, and I smile.

  “Getting there.” I’m filled with fear and pleasure. Coming like that when you think your life’s about to end was fucking out of this world.

  He chuckles and tucks my hair behind my ears.

  “A drink?”

  I shake my head. I’m still getting over the champagne and martini. Any more alcohol and I might fall asleep.

  “I’d like to keep exploring,” I start and untangle myself from him, “and working to see if we can disprove the theory.”

  Aaron’s furrowing his brow; clearly he’s not getting my drift.

  “What theory?”

  Free from his embrace, I bounce up and down in front of him.

  “The one where we’re going to see if we can fuck till we’re stupid.”

  I look around the obscene luxury.

  The reclining bed seat is fine, but there are plenty of other places we could use to continue what we’ve started.

  Before I get too far exploring, my eyes are drawn to one of the windows.

  Below us, the ocean stretches as far as the eye can see.

  “Wow,” I breathe and feel Aaron come up behind me.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?”

  He puts his hand on my back. At his touch, tiny electric shock waves pulse through me.

  “Makes you seem so small and insignificant, don’t you think?”

  “Yep, like a pimple on some giant’s ass.”

  I laugh.

  “So poetic.”

  He shrugs.

  “I don’t go much for that poetic crap.”

  I furrow my brow.

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  I’m so mesmerized by the view I get onto my hands and knees. My face is pressed against the window.

  Mixed emotions flood through me.

  I recall Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean.

  She disappeared trying to circumnavigate the world. When you see how vast the ocean is, it’s not surprising that no remains of her or her plane were ever found.

  “Earth to Chloe,” I hear Aaron in my ear.

  I turn to face him.


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