Aunt Mary

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by Sophie May



  Julia was very glad indeed to see the brooch again, and glad also toreceive a dismissal, as she longed to tell her sister the good news.

  'And now, my dear,' said Mr. Ellis, when they were alone, 'I suppose youwant to learn the particulars respecting the lost and found.'

  'Indeed I do, Arthur,' replied his wife; 'it seems a marvellous thingto me how the brooch should have come into your possession, or indeedhow it was found at all.'

  'Well, it all came about without any magic, as you shall hear,' said herhusband. 'You remember the young lady, Miss Vernon, who was staying ashort time in the winter with our friends the Maitlands, and whom wewere invited to meet?'

  'Oh yes, I remember her quite well; I thought her so very pretty, andshe sang so delightfully. But what of her?' inquired Mrs. Ellis.

  'Well,' replied the gentleman, 'that lady is now a Mrs. Norton; she ismarried to a friend of mine--an old friend, I should say, for we went toschool together.'

  'Then he must be considerably older than the lady,' said Mrs. Ellis,'for I think she is not twenty yet.'

  'You are right there, my dear,' said her husband; 'I dare say Norton istwice her age: but he is a fine-looking man--and,' added Mr. Ellis, witha significant smile, 'he has plenty of money, Ada: you know what a baitthat is for the ladies.'

  'No, I don't know any such thing, Arthur,' replied the lady, warmly;'and I don't like to hear such things said. Men much oftener marry formoney than women do.'

  'Well, we will discuss that point some other time, my dear,' said Mr.Ellis; 'but now for my story:

  'As I was walking through the Strand this morning, who should I meet butthe couple we were speaking of. I did not know them at first, but asthey stopped short, and prevented my passing, I soon recognised bothlady and gentleman, though it is many years since I saw the latter.

  'After the usual congratulations and shaking of hands had been gonethrough, my friend said:

  '"Well, I certainly did not expect to meet you here, Ellis, though,strange to say, you are the very person we came out to call upon; for,strangely enough, I have in my possession a brooch, which, I feel sure,must belong to your good wife, as it has her name, Ada Ellis, engravenon the back. Am I right?" added Norton, taking the brooch from hispocket, and handing it to me.

  '"Yes," I said, "this is certainly my wife's brooch, but how it couldcome into your possession is a mystery to me."

  '"It need not be so long, if you will just walk into the Temple Gardenswith us. I am going to call on a friend there, and we shall be out ofall this noise and bustle," said Norton.

  'As I was not just then under any engagement, I turned back with them,and heard the story of the lost and found. It is a very simple one, andI give it in his own words,' said Mr. Ellis.

  '"You know Mr. and Mrs. Maitland," began Mr. Norton; "my wife says thatshe met you at their house last winter, and as they are very old andkind friends of hers, and our stay in town will be short, we set offyesterday morning to call upon them. Unfortunately, the two nice littlegirls were out, so we did not see them, though I hope we shall do sobefore we leave London. After leaving Mr. Maitland's, we strolledtowards the Regent's Park; and when we had pretty well tired ourselves,we made towards a pleasant seat under the shade of a magnificent tree. Aparty of young ladies were just leaving the spot which we had selected,but as they were intently looking on the ground, with their backstowards us, they, I suppose, did not notice our approach; nor could we,at the distance we were, recognise them.

  '"In this pleasant spot we remained for some time, and on rising to go,my wife saw just at her foot, though it was partially hidden by a tuftof grass, the valuable brooch which I have just had the pleasure torestore to you, and which it was our intention to place in your hands atyour own home, had we not thus accidentally met you. Very glad indeed Iam that we should have come upon the track of the young ladies, whocould be none other but the little Maitlands and your fair daughters.To-morrow, I hope to bring my wife to Camden Terrace, and to introduceher to your good lady as Mrs. Norton, instead of Laura Vernon."

  'Now, my dear,' said Mr. Ellis, 'you have got your brooch, and itsrecent history. I strongly advise you to take more care of the one, andon no account to forget the other.'

  'I will try to take your advice, my dear,' said the lady. 'I am so glad,so very glad, that my brooch is found.'

  'And I am so sorry, so very sorry, Ada,' said Mr. Ellis, 'that we have adaughter so prone to the detestable vices of pride, vanity, and deceit!'

  'Oh, don't be too hard upon poor Mabel, dear,' said her mamma; 'she isvery young. You must forgive this childish trick.'

  'Trick!' said Mr. Ellis, bitterly--'yes, you have given it a right name,Ada; but I hate tricks.'


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