Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Alpha Province: Polar Opposites (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 2

by Becca Van

  That was when Emmy had realized that it would never be over.

  It didn’t seem to matter that Dwayne Reeves, one of the security guards who had also worked for the hotel, was behind bars. It looked like he had friends to do his dirty work for him. The detective and other officers hadn’t been able to run the man’s image in a database because he’d worn a balaclava. Dusting for prints had been out too since he’d worn gloves. They’d even checked out the area surrounding her apartment through CCTVs, but they hadn’t found anything.

  As Dwayne had been led from the courthouse in chains and handcuffs, he’d stared at her with murder in his eyes. At first, she’d just thought he was angry with her for giving evidence at his trial and having had a helping hand in having him locked behind bars for a very long time. She’d seen Dwayne nod at a man sitting in the back of the courtroom and glanced that way, too, but hadn’t really thought much about it once she’d left the court. She’d glanced toward the back of the room, but wasn’t sure who the asshole had nodded at. All the seats had been filled, and more than half of the observers had been men. None of the men in the back had been looking at her. She wouldn’t recognize anyone if they’d been standing right next to her, so the only thing she could do was run.

  Detective Ryan Brocard had asked if she’d had any family outside of the Houston area she could go and visit with until things had settled down, but Emmy had been able to see by the look in his eyes that he’d meant permanently. That was the moment she’d decided it was prudent to get out of town. Plus, she didn’t have any living relatives. She’d been on her own for what seemed like forever.

  Thankfully, Detective Brocard had been one step ahead of whoever Dwayne had signaled. He’d even bought her a cheap but reliable car for her to drive away in under an alias name of course. She’d tried to pay the man back, but he’d steadfastly refused to take her money. She’d never forget the words he said to her just before she’d climbed into the vehicle and driven away.

  “I was too young to help my sister when she needed it. Keep your money, Emmy, you’re going to need every penny you have to make a new life for yourself elsewhere. Don’t use your real name and if you can, work for cash only. These men are trained soldiers and know how to track people. If you can, it might even be safer to get out of the country.”

  Emmy had gulped and nodded, but since she didn’t have a passport, the latter wouldn’t have been possible. She had no idea who to contact about getting a fake passport, and even if she did, she probably would have been caught and locked up. She’d never done anything illegal in her life and would no doubt have called attention to herself as she went through customs, if she even got that far. Her nervousness would have made her stand out as if she’d had a bull’s eye painted on her forehead.

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “Don’t thank me for doing my job, Emmy. Promise me you’ll live. Find someone to love and make a home for yourself. My sister never got the chance. Promise me.”

  “I will. I promise.” Emmy swallowed around the emotional constriction in her throat and blinked back tears. She’d hugged Detective Ryan Brocard, thanked him once more, climbed into her small car, and had driven away.

  Emmy wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to trust anyone again. She startled at the slightest noise, always scared that whoever was after her had found her. Maybe one day, years down the track, she’d be able to live up to her promise to the detective, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever get the chance.

  Emmy sighed and rubbed at her tired, gritty eyes as she pushed the door to the diner open and entered.

  Heat suffused her cheeks when she noticed the conversation had lulled and that all eyes were on her. She ducked her head, letting her long hair fall over her cheeks to hide her embarrassment, and walked further into the room.

  When she saw the empty booth next to the window and close to the exit, she slid into it gratefully with her back to the rest of the room. As she sat staring at the menu without really seeing the writing, she realized that there were no women in the diner.

  Is that because there are no women living in this town?

  Emmy had planned on staying in Ambrose for a few days and hopefully longer, but now she wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. Yet she wasn’t sure she’d be able to drive anymore today, either. She’d been on the road to close to twenty-four hours and needed to rest. She’d be endangering other road users as well as herself if she continued her aimless journey.

  She’d been working her way across the country for twelve long months, and while it was tempting to stop and rest, she was scared that Dwayne’s goon, whoever he was, was going to catch up with her.

  “What can I get you, honey?”

  Emmy startled so badly she hit her elbow on the edge of the table.

  “Whoa, take it easy, little lady. I’m sorry for scaring you.”

  Emmy looked up and blinked when her gaze landed on a wide, muscular, T-shirt-covered chest. She lifted her gaze higher and higher still, and nearly gasped out loud when she stared at the tall handsome man standing next to her. He was gorgeous with his scruff-covered jaw and bright amber-hued eyes, and while she was sitting and it was harder to gauge his height, he had to stand well over six feet tall.

  “Do you need more time to look? Can I get you something to drink while you decide what you want to eat?”

  “I’ll have coffee and a glass of water please.”

  “Sure thing, honey. Coming right up.” The man winked at her and sauntered away.

  Emmy couldn’t have stopped herself from perusing his body up and down as he walked, nor could she help ogling his delectable beefy ass. When she realized what she was doing she quickly stared back at the menu and tried to decide what she was going to eat. Although he was built and handsome, she wasn’t attracted to him, but she liked looking at eye candy as much as the next woman. However, she wasn’t sure she’d ever let someone close enough to ever have a relationship with. It was much safer if she kept to herself. The last thing she needed was any emotional entanglements.

  After surreptitiously gazing about from beneath her lowered lashes, and seeing no women in the diner, Emmy’s discomfort grew. Maybe staying in Ambrose wasn’t such a good idea. She quickly discarded that notion when she realized she wasn’t even taking in the words on the menu. Exhaustion was setting in, and that was dangerous in more ways than one. Being so tired would mean she was less aware of her surroundings. She’d already decided it was getting too hazardous for her to drive in the state she was in.

  It wasn’t a hard choice when all she wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep, but her belly was so empty it felt as if it was cleaving to her spine. She didn’t have much cash left either, so she was going to have to be careful on how much she spent. She had no idea how much it was going to cost for a room at the hotel, and she also needed to fill her car up with gas so she could move on tomorrow. And she still hadn’t decided which direction she was going to head.

  Emmy hated constantly moving. She had done that frequently as a kid when her mom needed to move to find work. She blinked rapidly when grief swamped her. Her mother had died in a fire her final year of high school, and she missed her so damn much.

  When she’d found her apartment in Houston after getting the cleaning job at the prestigious hotel, she hadn’t thought she’d ever have to move again. Now here she was in a small town close to the border of Canada, with barely any cash left, no job prospects, and no home.

  If she’d been alone, she would have been bawling her eyes out.

  “Here ya go, love,” the man said as he placed the coffee and water on the table. “Are ya ready to order now?”

  Emmy nodded and hoped he couldn’t hear her empty stomach gurgling angrily. “I’ll have the chicken and vegetable soup please.” She glanced up when he didn’t say anything or move away. He was frowning and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but must have thought better of it. His expression cleared and he nodded as he turned away.<
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  Emmy wrapped her hands around the coffee mug, soaking up the heat even though it was the middle of summer. She sighed tiredly as she stared out the window, not really seeing anything.

  Sometimes Emmy wondered if she’d ever feel warm again.

  * * * *

  As soon as Declan Swish entered the diner he was hard pressed to stay on his feet. His heart flipped in his chest, before pounding fast and hard against his ribs and sternum, pushing blood into all his muscles and down between his legs. His inner beast, which had been curled up asleep, rose to all fours and began to pace while moaning and chuffing.

  The grip he had on the door handle was so hard, he wasn’t sure how he hadn’t pulled the damn thing off the door. He was sure he’d end up with the imprint of the metal in his skin, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was finding that delectable, tantalizing scent which had almost made his knees buckle.

  He took a deep steadying breath but wasn’t sure that was such a good idea when his hard, aching cock throbbed against his zipper, yet he forced himself to straighten from his hunched over position and release the door handle. Once he was sure he could move without falling on his face, he turned and searched the room. He glanced about the diner, took a step toward that amazing fragrance, and nearly growled with frustration when he saw the seat was empty. He needed to find where she was and fast. Fear took hold when he wondered if he’d already missed her. Had she just stopped in for something to eat on her way through town?


  What if I’ve just missed the one and only chance I had of ever meeting my mate?

  Declan gazed at Tatum over his shoulder. “Where is she?”

  Tatum pointed toward the restrooms in the back, his leonine eyes glowing slightly as he stared at Declan. “Do you really think—”

  “I don’t think,” Declan replied in a low, growly voice. “I know.”

  “What about Jett and Brooks? Do you think she’s theirs, too?”

  Declan felt a twinge of guilt pierce his heart. He hadn’t even thought about his best friends. All his intent had been on finding his mate, but he didn’t think the fates would be so cruel as to guide his mate to town only to leave his friends out of the loop. However, all of that was inconsequential. Especially if his mate wasn’t going to hang around. Although he hated leaving Ambrose, if that was what it took to woo his mate, he would do it.

  “Declan?” Tatum’s voice brought him back to the present.


  “Do you think she’s for all three of you?”


  The men sitting about smiled and congratulated him, but Declan didn’t acknowledge their praise. As of this moment his and his friends’ lives could either start or end. Declan hoped it was the former.

  His polar bear was shoving his head against his insides, trying to get out so he could search for and claim his mate, but Declan wasn’t about to let him take over. If his bear had his way, his mate would be his before she even knew what his name was. He mentally shook his head. That was no way to win a woman over. His beast would send her running as fast as she could in the opposite direction, probably screaming her head off.

  It was going to be one of the most difficult things of his life to play cool, calm, and collected, but Declan had a feeling the rest of his life was going to be decided in the next few minutes.

  When he heard light footsteps in the distance, he quickly took a seat on one of the stools at the counter. Tatum didn’t bother trying to talk to him, but just poured him a cup of coffee. The lion shifter could probably smell the mating pheromones seeping out of the pores of his skin. Declan just hoped that it didn’t send any of the other shifters’ beasts into a frenzy. Although they were all strong alpha men and beasts, animals could do crazy things when sex was involved.

  A growl rumbled up in his chest as he imagined any of the other men trying to court his mate. He turned to glare at each and every one of his friends, but when his eyes locked onto the sexy woman walking toward him, all thought fled.

  She had long black hair which reached to the middle of her back. Declan eyed her body over and had to grip the edge of the counter hard to stop himself from running toward her, scooping her up into his arms, and racing back to the home he shared with Jett and Brooks above the hotel. She was tall for a woman, at around five foot eight or more, but she was slim and curvy. When she lifted her gaze to his, he stopped breathing altogether. She had the most stunning light blue eyes he’d ever seen. She blushed and turned her gaze toward Tatum, stopping at the counter a few stools away from where he was sitting. When Tatum cleared his throat, Declan realized that he was making her uncomfortable by staring at her. He spun his stool to face the counter but kept her in his periphery.

  “Can I get you something else, honey?” Tatum asked.

  Declan’s polar bear growled at the lion, and while it was hard for him to swallow the sound so he didn’t scare his mate, he managed to, albeit barely.

  “No thanks. The soup was wonderful.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Tatum’s eye twitched as if he’d been going to wink but stopped himself from doing so just in time. Declan was glad his friend was being wary around him because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to curb his beast’s aggressive possessiveness if any of the other shifters started flirting with his mate.

  “Is there some place in town that rents cheap rooms by the night?”

  Declan wanted to shout with joy when he heard his mate’s question, but he kept his mouth shut. He also wanted to tell her the hotel was the best place to stay, but his mouth was so dry his tongue felt thick and ungainly. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to answer coherently.

  “The hotel across the street,” Tatum answered. “The rooms are clean and the food’s just as good as we serve here.”

  “Thank you,” she answered and turned toward the door.

  Declan downed his coffee so fast he almost burnt his tongue and choked, but he didn’t give a shit. He shoved to his feet, raced toward the door just before she did, and tugged it open. She took a hesitant step back and gazed up at him with her mouth gaping open. When he saw her pupils dilate, he almost rubbed his hands together, but swept his hand out instead. “After you, ma’am.”

  “Thanks,” she muttered as she hurried out.

  He kept his pace slow so he didn’t overtake her and found his eyes locking onto her sexy peach-shaped ass again and again. When he saw that her shoulders were almost level with her ears, he realized he was making her uncomfortable.

  “I’m going to the hotel, too,” Declan said as he came up beside her, hoping that by making conversation she would relax a little.

  She stopped and turned to face him. Even though she crossed her arms beneath her breasts and was scowling at him, he could see a vulnerable wariness in those gorgeous blue eyes she was trying to hide. “Are you following me?”

  “No, ma’am. I only went to the diner for a cup of coffee.”

  “And you’re going to the hotel because?” She quirked her eyebrow at him.

  Declan liked that she was a little feisty and knew how to stand up for herself. What he didn’t like were the shadows and fear lurking in the depths of her eyes.

  “Me and my two friends own and run the hotel.”

  “Oh. Oh!”

  Declan watched in fascination as red suffused her neck and cheeks. He wondered how far down that blush went.

  “So, do you have any rooms?”

  “We do.” Declan smiled. While he wanted to tell her, she could stay in their spare bedroom, he refrained. There was a total of ten rooms they rented out for tourists passing through, but those were few and far between. Not many people ever made it to Ambrose, North Dakota.

  He led the way into the main bar where his two friends were serving other shifters.

  Jett and Brooks locked gazes on her as he guided her to one of the stools. From the way they were both sniffing the air and the heat that evolved in their eyes as they stared at her, Declan didn’t have to
ask if she was their mate as well. It was easy to read in their body language.

  When he realized he didn’t even know what her name was, he decided it was beyond time to introduce himself. He sat on the stool next to her and turned toward her, holding out his hand. “Hi, I’m Declan Swish. That’s Jett Burns and Brooks McKay.”

  As soon as she placed her small hand in his, heat raced up his arm, into his chest, and down toward his cock. There were no reservations in his mind and heart that she was the other half to his and his friends’ souls, but how the hell were they going to explain about what they were without her thinking they were crazy or sending her running?

  “Emmy Warr…Watson.” When Emmy cleared her throat and tugged her hand, Declan noticed he was still holding it in his.

  Had she been about to say a different name? Why would she lie about her name? She’s scared. Damn it!

  Declan wasn’t sure what was going on, but when she glanced away to the left, he knew something was frightening Emmy, and that she’d lied. He just hoped it wasn’t because of him and his friends. If he had his way, he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight until he got to the bottom of whatever was scaring the shit out of her.

  He and his polar bear could smell the fear emanating from her, and from the way his two friends were frowning, they could smell it, too.

  Chapter Two

  Normally Emmy tried to stay away from the opposite sex as much as possible, but it didn’t look as if she was going to be able to if she stayed in Ambrose for any length of time. So far, she hadn’t spotted a single woman, and while that was unusual in a small, far, out-of-the-way town, it wasn’t that surprising.

  “Emmy wants to lease a room,” Declan said.

  “That’s great.” Jett smiled and winked at her before bending and grabbing something under the bar.

  Emmy’s gaze seemed to zero in on the mirror behind the bar without any conscious thought from her and locked onto Jett’s sexy ass. From what she’d seen of the men in this town so far, they were all, big, muscular, and handsome. She wondered if there was something in the water, but quickly pushed those thoughts away when Jett handed her the sign-in book.


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