Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2) Page 3

by Margery Ellen

  “I’m sure we do.”

  Heidi set to work fixing crepes. Several times, Charles and Robert passed through the kitchen and a blueberry stuffed crepe would mysteriously disappear along with several dollops of whipped cream.

  “Did you see that? We have varmints stealing our breakfast,” Becky called out as she watched Charles and Robert each pilfer a crepe off one of the plates. Everyone had a good laugh as Robert turned around and winked at Heidi as he stuffed a crepe in his mouth, then lick the whipped cream from his lips.

  “Ooh la la, somebody has an admirer,” Becky smiled, “is that why you kicked me?” She looked at Franny.

  “Yes. We think Robert is Heidi’s mate,” she said quietly. “She thinks he hates her, but there seems to have been a change in attitude.”

  “I’d say. You go girl.” Heidi turned red from embarrassment.

  Jackie put her arm around her. “Don’t pay them any mind, they’re just jealous.”

  “I’ll say we are,” Becky added. “Wow, who would have thought our meek little china girl would nab a McCormick.”

  “Shush. We don’t want Robert to hear you, you’ll ruin everything,” Jackie told her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret.” she whispered.

  “It is when two people are both shy and neither one of them are brave enough to make the first move.”

  “I get it. You two are trying to be matchmakers.”

  “Yes, we are and we would like your help,” Franny told her. “You can start by being quiet.”

  “Okay, okay. I was just kidding around. Let me know when I can help.” Becky gave them a smile and took a bit of crepe. “Uuumm, that is sooo good.” They all started laughing.

  Charles tried to sneak back in for another crepe. He walked over to Jackie to give her a kiss and reached around to snatch one off her plate.

  “Don’t you dare, Mr. Bear, or you’ll find a fork sticking out of the back of your hand.”

  Charles pouted. “Please, just one.”

  “Just one bite.” Jackie cut a crepe and held it up to his mouth. He made a big production of taking his offered bite. While everyone giggled and watched Charles, Robert snuck in and stole the plate of extra crepes from the middle of the table. Heidi opened her mouth and was about to object when he held his finger to her lips so she wouldn’t say anything. Then to her surprise, he leaned over and kissed her check.

  Charles finally took his offered bite. “Thank you, ladies.” He grabbed the whipped cream and split.

  “What was that?” Becky looked around. “We’ve been snookered.” They all looked and sure enough, the extra crepes were gone. They all looked in Heidi’s direction.

  Heidi sat there with her hand on her cheek, over the spot where Robert had kissed her.

  “Heidi? Are you okay?” She heard someone say.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied in a daze. “I think I need to make more crepe’s.”

  Chapter 5

  Robert and Charles sat on the porch finishing off the crepes they had smothered in whipped cream.

  “Man, those were good. I wonder if she’d make them for us again tomorrow,” Robert said half to himself and half out loud, licking whipped cream from his lips.

  “All you have to do is ask.” Charles licked his fingers. “Did my eyes deceive me or did I see you kiss Heidi.”

  “Yeah, I did. She looked so cute, I couldn’t resist. Charlie, I think she’s my mate.” He finished off his last crepe. “When she first arrived, I felt odd. It made me dislike her right off and I didn’t know why. Then she held my hand and applied that salve, I was having feelings I’ve never felt before. I didn’t understand what I was feeling. It was like someone was squeezing my heart and I couldn’t breathe.”

  “I remember how I felt when I first met Jackie, do you remember?”

  “In the restaurant, oh yeah, I remember. But you didn’t realize right away either. In fact, it wasn’t until the next night when you figured it out.”

  “I think you figured out Jackie was my mate before I did,” Charles sighed. “Sometimes, it seems like yesterday and other times, like it was a million years ago. She knows you’re her mate, Rob. She told Jackie yesterday. She thinks you hate her.”

  “I can’t imagine why. I’ve acted like a total ass.”

  “Don’t worry, I think you made a whole lot of progress in the past hour.” Charles looked out over the frozen lake. “I like her, Rob, you need to talk to her. You don’t want to wait too long, she’s going home in a couple of days.”

  “Not if I can help it,” he told his brother.

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it. Shall we go back in and face the music. I imagine they’re pissed we stole their breakfast.” Charles had a big smile. “They were good.” They got up and walked back into the house.

  The girls were finishing up breakfast. “Oh, here come the thieves, guard your plates, ladies.” Becky loved to tease.

  “Has anyone seen Fletch this morning?” Charles asked.

  “I think he went out early to run, I hope he didn’t get lost,” Robert added. “Do you think we should go look for him?”

  “I think we better.” Charles was just about to go outside when Fletch showed up. “Where have you been?”

  “I went for a run. Sorry, I do it every morning. I didn’t do it yesterday because we had already agreed to go out for a run together. I really like it around here, it’s so quiet.”

  “We were afraid you might have gotten lost,” Jackie told him.

  “Naw, I just went where Charles took us yesterday. There’s a great running path around the lake. Have you had breakfast already?”

  “Would you like some crepes?” Heidi asked. “I have to warn you, there are crepe bandits around here, robbing people of their breakfast.” She looked around at Charles and Robert.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just fix myself some toast and eggs, if no one minds.” Fletch grabbed a cup and help himself to coffee. “What do you guys plan to do today?” Fletch asked as he started to fix his eggs.

  “Holly and her mate are supposed to stop by,” Charles told him.

  “Really. Gee, it will be great to see Holly. I always felt so bad back when we were, you know, in that place. Donnie and I couldn’t help her. I’m surprised she even survived.”

  “Yeah, well don’t bring that up when she’s here,” Charles warned. Charles wasn’t happy that he had just brought it up in front of the girls.

  “No, I wouldn’t think of it.” Fletch tossed some bread in the toaster.

  Heidi kept her eyes down. She didn’t like to be reminded of what happened to them. She was afraid to look at Robert. She got up and took her plate to the sink and started to run the water for the dishes. Robert walked up behind her.

  “Could I talk to you privately for a few minutes?” he said quietly. “The dishes can wait.”

  She nodded her head and dried her hands. Robert had walked to the hall and headed for the den. Heidi didn’t say anything as she followed him. Everything was too quiet and Jackie came to the rescue.

  “So, Fletch. Tell me about yourself. Where are you from originally?”


  The conversation slowly faded into the background as Heidi followed Robert into the den. He closed the door and asked her to sit down on the sofa, where he could sit next to her.

  “My I hold your hand?” Heidi placed her hand in his. Rob cleared his throat. “Yesterday, when you rubbed that salve into my hand, I couldn’t breathe. I had to leave. I didn’t understand what was happening to me,” he took a deep breath. “Heidi, I think you’re my mate. Correct that, you are my mate. I know you are. I’ve never felt like this before.” He waited for her to say something.

  Heidi raised her eyes to his and they glistened with tears. Robert lifted her hand to his lips.

  “I didn’t think you liked me,” she sniffled.

  “Come here.” He pulled her into his arms and held her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t un
derstand what was happening. I never thought I’d ever find my mate and here you are in my arms.” He placed his finger under her chin to raise her face to his and he gently kissed her mouth. Suddenly, Heidi stiffened and tried to pull away as memories came flooding back.

  “Nooo, you can’t,” she cried. “I’m used and dirty. Terrible things have been done to me. You should have someone clean and pure.” He refused to let her go.

  “It’s alright, I know all about it.”

  “You do?” Tears started to spill down her cheeks as she glanced at his face for the truth and it was there.

  “We’ll get over it together.” He held her tight and kissed her forehead.

  “Wait,” Heidi wriggled out of his arms and started to pull up her sweatshirt.

  He stopped her. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “You don’t understand,” she sniffled. “I have to show you. If you find out later, you will be ashamed of me. You won’t want to touch me.” Heidi raise her shirt off her back to show Robert the dark red welts and scares across her back.

  Robert was horrified. “Do they still hurt.” She nodded. “May I touch you?”


  Robert slowly ran his fingers over her scares. “My poor mate.”

  Heidi’s body began to shake as she started to sob. All he could do was hold her and try to comfort her. Now he understood what Charles had told him. She had been holding in all the terrible things she had been through.

  “I’m ugly,” she managed to say between sobs. “Why would you want me?’

  “No, you’re not ugly. I think you are beautiful,” he whispered. He pulled her shirt back down. “A few scars aren’t going to change what I feel for you. I love you.” He picked her up and placed her across his lap.

  Heidi continued to cry. After a while, the tears slowly subsided and she leaned against him with his arms around her. He brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. All he could do was sit and hold her until she was done.

  Charles quietly opened the door and looked in. When he saw Robert holding Heidi in his arms, he gently closed the door and left them alone.


  Charles returned to the kitchen. Fletch had finished his breakfast and the girls were finishing up the dishes.

  “Is everything alright?” Jackie asked when he came back.

  “Yes, I think so. They are in the den, so you might want to avoid that room for a while.” He patted her on the shoulder. “Now, the turkey is all set. What else do you need before I go do my chores. I’ll take Fletch with me and make a woodsman out of him. We need to rub off some of that city boy.”

  Fletch looked at Charles. “I’m not a city boy.”

  Becky made a rude noise. “Wanna bet?” Everyone busted up.

  “All right, I might be a little bit of a city boy,” he admitted, “lead the way Charles, I’ll grab my coat.”

  “Well, this has been an interesting morning,” Franny commented. “I guess Heidi will be staying here. She’s so lucky. I don’t think I’ll ever meet my mate.”

  “Don’t say that.” Jackie chided her cousin. “It could happen anytime. I’m a perfect example of that.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Are there anymore McCormicks hiding about?”

  “No,” Jackie laughed, “it looks like the McCormicks are all taken. Now, shall we start making pies? What should we make? I have all the ingredients for pumpkin and apple. Does anyone have a preference?”

  “I wish Heidi would come back in here. She makes a fabulous pecan pie,” Becky commented.

  “Well, when she comes back, we’ll ask her. I don’t know if I have pecans, but you never know. Charles and Robert have a grocery store in that pantry. They stocked it to the ceiling before the first snow. You never know when we might get snowed in.”

  The girls set to work and did all the work so Jackie could take it easy. While they worked, they talked about the events of the morning.

  “Woohoo!” Becky suddenly yelled.

  “What?” Franny questioned.

  “They’re both bears. That means they can have babies, right!” They both looked to Jackie.

  “As far as I know,” Jackie admitted. “When Amy gets here, we’ll ask her. She’ll know.”

  “Is a panda bear considered a bear, bear?” Franny asked. “They’re not like a marsupial or something, are they?”

  “I don’t know, I don’t think so,” Jackie thought for a moment. “No, a marsupial has a pouch or something. I don’t think Heidi has a pouch, does she?” They all started laughing.

  “No, I don’t think so,” Becky replied, trying not to laugh, but the giggles had set in. They were all affected and couldn’t stop.

  The door opened and Amy walked in. “I want to know the joke, too. Tell me, tell me.”

  Between fits of giggles, Jackie managed to introduce everyone.

  She started with her cousin Franny and then Becky. When Amy shook Becky’s hand, she instantly knew what she was.

  “You’re a wolf.”

  “Yes, I am.” Becky was surprised.

  “Becky, Amy is a gray wolf,” Jackie told her.

  “Oh, how wonderful. I’ve never met another wolf shifter other than Holly.” They hit it off right away. Just then, the door opened and Holly walked in and the room exploded in screams and squeals.

  Charles and James were right behind her. Charles quickly grabbed James and spun him around and went back out the door.

  Chapter 6

  After the noise quieted down, everyone was properly introduced. James stayed outside with Charles and Fletch.

  “Where is Heidi? Amy is dying to meet her,” Holly asked.

  “She’s with Robert. Turns out, they’re mates,” Franny told her.

  “Oh my god, really!” Holly was so surprised. “Where is she? I want to congratulate her.”

  “Maybe later. Things have been a bit traumatic, I’ll explain later,” Jackie told her. “Now we can ask Amy our question.” Amy was all ears. They explained to Amy and Holly what had been so funny. All about pandas and pouches and they all had a good laugh.

  “Giant Pandas belong to the bear family. She is a Giant Panda, right?” They all looked at her like she was speaking Greek. “A Giant Panda is the one that is black and white and the size of a black bear. When Holly told me about Heidi, I looked it up on the Internet. Panda shifters are really rare.”

  “You can look up shifters on the internet?” Becky asked.

  “Oh yes, we have our own website, but you have to know where to look. Only shifters are allowed.”

  “Is there an un-giant panda?” Franny asked.

  Amy laughed. “It’s called a lesser panda. A Red Panda, actually. It looks more like a cross between a raccoon and a fox, totally different.”

  “No, Heidi is definitely a Giant Panda,” Becky told them. “I remember when Jackie taught us how to shift, she was so cute!”

  “So, they can have kids.” Jackie asked.

  “Oh yeah, no problem there. They tend to have twins and triplets though.”

  “Oh lordy, this place is going to be busting at the seams. I think Robert is going to have to think about building another house or expanding this one.” Jackie thought about that. “I’ll have to ask Charles if they’re allowed to build here, no one else can.”

  Just then Charles, Fletch and James came into the kitchen. “Sweetheart, I think we need to move this party to the living room, what do you think? The kitchen isn’t big enough for all of us.” The girls had just pulled the first pies out of the oven and put the rest in to bake. They all moved into the other room.

  “Charles, are you allowed to build another house here? I know you said no one else could build here because of the earthquake fault and the lake, but what about you?”

  “Just Robert, when he’s ready. Why?”

  “Amy was telling us that twins and triplets run in Panda families.”

  “They have only just met, sweetheart. Let’s wait a bit before
we start building Robert a house.” Charles introduced James to Franny and Becky. James had the same reaction his sister had when he held Becky’s hand.

  “Wow, you’re a wolf.” The girls laughed.

  “What?” James looked around.

  “I had the same reaction,” Amy told him. “The only other wolf Becky has ever met is Holly.”

  James had a big smile on his face. “Maybe we should take Becky up to the Peak so she can meet a whole bunch of us. How long are you staying?” He looked at Becky.

  “We have to go back on Saturday. We’ll be leaving early in the morning.”

  “That doesn’t give me much time,” James commented.

  “Much time for what, James?” Jackie asked.

  “Oh! Ah, for Becky to meet the family, I mean, more wolves.” He was up to something and Jackie could only guess what it was. Just then, Robert walked in.

  “Rob, where’s Heidi?” Charles asked.

  “She’s upstairs in my room. She fell asleep in my arms in the den. I didn’t want to leave her on the couch, so I put her in my bed. She is totally spent. I never knew someone could cry for so long. You were right, Charlie. She had been holding it in for a very long time.”

  Charles shook his head. “Poor kid.”

  “I’m sure she’ll feel better when she wakes up.” Rob went to James and gave him a hand shake. “Good to see you, James.”

  “You, too. Congratulations, I hear you found your mate.”

  “Thanks, I’m still trying to get my feet back on the ground.” He looked at Jackie. “I wish you had given me a heads up concerning her injuries.”

  “Her injuries? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The girls looked back and forth to each other.

  “Maybe I’d better not talk about it right now. James, would you like a beer?”

  “Sure, but just one. We can’t stay long.”

  “Anyone else? Fletch? Charlie?”

  They both said yes. Rob left to get their beers. Jackie got up and excused herself and followed Rob. She followed him into the pantry.

  “Rob. What was that about Heidi? What injuries?”


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