Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2) Page 15

by Margery Ellen

  “Yup. I only had to read the story of Santa Bear twice and they were fast asleep before the second ending. They are great kids, I love them as my own already. Bill, you and Mary ought to adopt.”

  “No, that’s okay,” Bill chuckled, “we have our hands full with the grandkids and Nancy is expecting again, did I tell you?”

  “At least a dozen times.” Mack laughed.

  Everyone finally settled down and talked about the coming days. After a while, Mack suggested the guys go have a drink in the den and let the girls catch up on gossip.

  Robert had spent the most part of a month, arranging a surprise for Heidi. He had turned everything over to Mack and Luke to make all the arrangements. He couldn’t risk Heidi accidentally finding out what he was up to.

  “So, little brother, how are the arrangements going?” Robert asked.

  “Couldn’t be better, everything is all set,” Mack told him, “everyone is staying at the lodge. The bonding ceremony is going to be amazing.”

  Robert let out a long breath. “I can’t thank you enough. I could never have done it myself, she would have known I was hiding something from her.”

  “Hey, I was a little put out at first, but now that I’ve met her, it was worth it.”

  “What do you mean, you were put out?”

  “Just kidding. I think Luke handled the complicated stuff, I just made traveling arrangements.” Mack laughed.

  “Well, I can’t thank you enough.” Robert hugged both his brothers and shook Luke’s hand. “Let’s hope the final results go as well.”

  “Stop worrying,” Mack handed him a beer, “everything is going to be just fine. A toast to my two big brothers, may you be blessed with mates as wonderful as mine.” Peg was the first one to mate with a McCormick and they all loved her.

  Chapter 27

  The next morning Peg’s kitchen was a hub of activity. They had one day to prepare for double bonding ceremony. What Peg didn’t know was, Mack already had everything arranged. All he had to do was tell everyone when and where and the biggest surprise bonding ceremony would be underway. He finally had to let her in on the secret so she would stop trying to arrange everything.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she scolded Mack.

  “Because you were already stressing over the kids.”

  “You’re right, I was. Thank you.” She gave him a passionate kiss. “I love you.” Just then the sound of bare feet slapping the floor came into the kitchen. Peg greeted three smiling faces. “My goodness, where are your slippers, the floor is cold.” She shooed them back to their rooms. “Get your slippers, breakfast is almost ready.” She smiled at Mack. “I think they are the best Christmas present, ever.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. I’ll start the bacon,” he knew her bacon waffles would be on the breakfast menu, “why don’t you go and help the kids get dressed.” Peg gave him a huge smile and took off after her new family. She returned a short time later with three smiling faces in tow.

  “I hope those smiling faces are hungry.” Mack proclaimed. All three gave him a nod and sat at the table.

  “Nanna, may I set the table.” Elyse asked.

  “Of course, you can.” Peg showed her where everything was and Elyse had the table set in no time.

  It wasn’t long before the smell of coffee and bacon had everyone up and heading for the kitchen. First to arrive was Robert and Heidi.

  “I don’t know why, but when Peg makes bacon waffles, they take on a whole new smell, mine never smell that good.” Robert remarked. Everyone laughed. “I mean, they smell good, but they’re just not Pegs.”

  “I agree,” Charles remarked as he walked through the door.

  “It smalls delicious in here.” Jackie added, coming in behind Charles. “Are Luke and Paula joining us for breakfast?”

  “No, they were meeting some old friends down at the lodge. I’m sure they’ll be by later.”

  “I hope so. I really like Paula. Did she really work for Bill for ten years?”

  “Yup, best waitress he ever had.” Mack remarked.

  “Well, you haven’t met Carol Cheshire, yet.” Jackie laughed, “I’m sure she’ll be as good as Paula.”

  “We’ll see.” Mack answered. “Is she definitely taking the job?”

  “Last I heard, she is,” Jackie answered, “she plans to be here the first of March. I think she said Bill is going to open in the middle of the March. She wanted to have time to get to know the area and help Bill get the café ready.”

  “It’s great to see Paula again. Peg and I didn’t realize how much we missed her until we saw her, and she’s having a baby. She looks happy.”

  “She almost died. Vicki’s mate, Dorran, saved her,” Jackie told them, “she won’t talk about it, so don’t ask.”

  “We didn’t know about that. How did he save her?” Mack asked.

  “He’s a healer and she had an aneurism, it was caused by an accident she had. You guys would know more about it than me, it happened here.”

  “She’s okay now, right?” Peg asked. She remembered what Paula went through after a terrible fall, she almost died then.

  “Oh yeah, she’s fine now. In fact, she’s probably healthier now than she’s ever been. Did she tell you she’s having a boy?” Jackie asked.

  “A boy. Luke must be so proud.” Mack sipped his coffee. He looked over at the three children eating their breakfast. He had two sons now and a daughter. They weren’t his blood, but that didn’t matter, they were his children now. They would be raised as McCormicks, and he couldn’t be more proud. “Simon, how do you like that waffle?”

  “They’re really good Papa, you make them better than uncle Robert.” That made everyone laugh.

  “What! I thought you liked my waffles.” Robert replied.

  “They were good, Uncle Robert, but Papa’s taste different.” Colin had to add his opinion to the conversation.

  Elyse went to Robert and hugged him. “I liked your waffles, Uncle Robert, I wouldn’t want them to all taste the same.”

  “I’ll make them special just for you when you come to visit.”

  “I love you, Uncle Robert.” She gave him another hug, then went to help Peg make more waffles. There was a knock at the back door and before anyone could answer, Bill and Mary walked into the kitchen.

  “I smell my favorite breakfast,” Bill bellowed, “and who are these three little bears eating my waffles?”

  Simon, Colin and Elyse were speechless as Big Bill walked in. Colin picked up his plate and stood before Bill. He held up his plate as high as he could. “I’m sorry sir, you can have mine.”

  “And who are you?”

  “My name is Colin.” Bill took Colin’s plate and set it on the table, he picked up Colin and held him out at arms length. He looked at Colin and over at Simon.

  “Did you know there is a little boy sitting at the table that looks just like you?”

  “Yes sir, he’s my twin brother, but he’s older.”

  “He is. Well, he might be older, but you’re braver.” Bill rested Colin on his hip.

  Colin gave him a big smile. “You’re really tall”

  “I sure am. Now, would you like to sit down and finish your waffle, I’ll get one of my own.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You can call him uncle Bill,” Mack told him.

  “I got a lot of uncles.” Colin replied. That made everyone chuckled.

  “You sure do, and this is your aunt Mary.” Bill introduced Mary to all three children.

  “We got a lot of aunts, too.” Simon added. “Papa, how come we have so many aunts and uncles?”

  “Well, they are really close friends, so we consider them part of the family.”

  “Cool.” Simon took a bite of waffle.

  “Where are Luke and Paula this morning?” Mary asked.

  “They were meeting some people at the lodge. I think they’ll be coming by later.” Peg answered as she set a place for Bill and Mary. She handed B
ill a cup of coffee.

  “Must be someone Luke knows? It isn’t Paula’s family, is it?”

  “No, not her family. I think it’s someone Luke hasn’t seen in a long time, and when they heard he was going to be in the area, they decided to meet up.”

  There was another knock at the door. Mack opened the door. “Look who’s here. Come in.” Mack stepped aside to allow Jeremy Long and a very pregnant Andrea to enter the kitchen. Jeremy pulled out a chair for Andrea.

  “How are you feeling?” Peg asked Andrea.

  “I’m alright, I am so ready for this to be over.” Jeremy helped her remove her coat. It wasn’t until she sat down again, she noticed the three children sitting at the table.

  “Oh my. Peg, they’re beautiful.” Peg introduced Jeremy and Andrea to the children and then to Heidi and Jackie.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” Peg asked.

  “Jeremy might, I’ll just have a cup of tea if you have any.”

  “Tea is Heidi’s specialty, I’m sure she’d be happy to fix you a cup.”

  “Do you like anything in your tea?” Heidi asked.

  “Plain is fine, I don’t want you to go to any trouble.”

  “I’ll make you something special that will help with the baby, you’ll feel better.” Heidi told her.

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  While they all talked, Colin finished his breakfast and placed his dish on the counter. No one was paying attention when Colin stood in front of Andrea.

  “Colin, don’t bother Andrea.” Heidi told him when she brought the tea.

  “Did you want to ask me something?” Andrea asked Colin as she sipped her tea. Colin shook his head.

  “Can I tell you something?” Colin asked. Everyone stopped talking to hear what he had to say. Andrea nodded. “Your baby is a girl and she wants to come out and meet us.”

  “Really. Well, I think my baby is a boy and he has a few more days.” Suddenly, Andrea scrunched her face and let out an “Oooooh, I think Colin is right. Jeremy, the baby’s coming.” Jeremy was at a loss at what to do.

  Peg and Heidi jumped into action. “All right. Let’s get Andrea into the spare room. She looked at Mack. “Mack, could you and Bill take Jeremy and the children somewhere, go to Bills, this is no place for them right now.”

  Jeremy protested. “I want to stay with Andrea.”

  Bill put a big hand on his shoulder. “She’s in good hands, Jeremy. Mary and Peg delivered my grand babies. Believe me, you don’t want to be in there. Come on, let’s take the kids for a ride on the snowmobiles. Elyse, would you get the boys coats and yours, we’re going for a ride.” Elyse ran to their rooms and was back in no time.

  Mack let Peg know they were leaving. “Call if you need us.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter 28

  The kids had the best time. They’d never been on snowmobiles before and Mack took them all around the area so they would know where everything was; their home, Bill’s house, the store and gas station. They stopped to take a break just as Mack’s phone rang. He talked on the phone, thanked whoever it was and hung up.

  “Well, it seems Jeremy is the proud poppa of a healthy baby girl.” He looked at Jeremy. “Let’s go home and meet your new daughter.”

  Jeremy let out a loud wha-hoo and they all drove back to the house. Jeremy ran into the house and was greeted at the bedroom door by Heidi holding their new baby. She carefully handed the baby off to Jeremy. “Congratulations, it’s a girl.”

  Jeremy looked at the baby and then at Andrea. The girls had already dressed Andrea in a fresh nightgown. He went to her and gave her a kiss. “I have a daughter.”

  Andrea laughed. “Yes, you do.” She could see the pride in his face. “You’re not sorry it’s a girl and not a boy?”

  “Not at all. I have a beautiful baby girl and she’s going to look just like her mother.” He gave her another kiss and set the baby in her arms. “What are we going to name her?”

  “What was your mother’s name?” Before he could answer, Colin peeked into the room. “Colin, would you like to come and see the baby?” Colin gave a nod. “Well, come in, you can’t see her from there.”

  Colin stepped up to the bed. “See, I told you it was a girl.”

  “Yes, you did. How did you know?” Colin shrugged his shoulders. He reached over and the baby grabbed his finger. Colin giggled and the baby smiled.

  “Bella smiled at me.” Colin whispered.

  “Colin, we haven’t named her yet.”

  “I know.” He replied.

  “Annabella was my grandmother’s name,” Jeremy remarked, a bit surprised. “Grandpa always called her Bella.” Everyone looked at Colin.

  “Colin, did someone tell you to call her that?” Peg asked.

  “She did.”

  “She who, Andrea?”

  “No. Bella told me.”

  “Don’t lie, Colin. The baby was just born.” Peg scolded.

  “I’m not lying. She told me her name was Bella, and she wanted to be born.” Colin started to cry. “I want to go home, you’ll never believe me. I hate you.” Colin ran out of the room.

  “Oh dear.” Peg didn’t know what to say.

  “He’ll get over it.” Jeremy remarked. Everyone admired the baby.

  “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about you delivering in the middle of the wedding anymore.” Mary laughed.

  Everyone calmed down. They left Jeremy alone with Andrea so he could enjoy his wife and new daughter.

  “Anyone keeping a check list,” Bill joked, “check off baby delivery. Next is double bonding ceremony.”

  “That’s been taken care of. All arrangements have been made. The ceremony will be held down in the valley at the lodge tomorrow evening at six, followed by an informal dinner.” Mack told him. “Best time of the year to use the lodge, it’s closed to the public except for booked events.”

  “How were you able to do that,” Bill asked, “you just found out last night?”

  “I have connections,” Mack smiled, “let’s get some coffee.” They both headed for the kitchen. Peg, Mary, Jackie and Heidi were already there, deciding what to have for lunch after a hectic morning.

  Robert and Charles came in from outside. “Where have you been,” Heidi asked as she walked to Robert to give him a hug. “Burr, you’re cold.”

  “We were putting the snowmobiles away. How’s the baby doing?”

  “She’s doing great.”

  “Charles and I told her she was having a girl.”

  “That reminds me,” she took Robert aside, “Colin told Peg that the baby talked to him. She told him not to lie.” Heidi looked worried and whispered. “He told Peg he hated her and ran to his room.”

  “That’s not good. I’d better go talk to him.” Elyse and Simon came into the kitchen. “Where’s Colin?”

  “We thought he was in here with you guys.” Elyse told Robert. He gave Heidi a worried look of his own. “He’s not in his room,” Elyse told them, “that’s why we thought he was in here.”

  Robert headed for Colin’s room. He looked under the bed and in the closet. “Colin, I know you’re upset. Come out and we’ll talk. Colin?” He started looking in all the bedrooms. He returned to the kitchen. “I can’t find him, I’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Oh no, he has to be here somewhere.” Peg was beginning to feel a bit panicked and guilty. “I’m sorry, but why would Colin say what he said.”

  “What did he say?” Robert had been outside.

  “Well, he called the baby, Bella, that was Jeremy’s grandmother’s name. When I asked him, who told him that name, he said the baby told him. I told him not to lie and he got upset and ran out.”

  “He does stuff like that,” Elyse told her, “he told Heidi, when she got pregnant, she would have a panda baby and not a grizzly baby, and it would be a girl. I’ll bet you anything, he’s right. He always is.”

  “All right, nobody panic, he can’t have gone far.”
Mack went to Peg. “Don’t worry, he has to be here somewhere.”

  “He said he hated me and wanted to go home.” Peg started to cry. “What if he’s run away. He’ll get lost. Mack, what have I done. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. I didn’t know he was gifted.”

  “First, let’s double check all the rooms in the house one more time.” Mack took over. “Bill and I will check upstairs; Robert and Charles can check all the rooms down here. Peg, I want you to relax and stop worrying, we’ll find him.”

  It wasn’t long before everyone was back in the kitchen and no Colin.

  “Where could he go?” Heidi was getting upset, she was beginning to regret bringing the kids to California. “Robert, what if we can’t find him? What are we going to do if Colin doesn’t want to stay here? Can we take him back home? I can’t let him stay here if he isn’t happy.”

  He shook his head. “No, the adoption is pretty much a done deal. Let’s find him first and try to fix this.” They didn’t realize Peg was standing behind them and heard them. “Sorry, Peg, we didn’t know you were there.” Robert didn’t know what else to say.

  “It’s alright, Robert. If he doesn’t want to stay, I won’t force him to.” Peg was in tears.

  Elyse went to Peg and put her arms around her. “Don’t worry, Nanna, we’ll find him. When we do, you can explain to him that you didn’t understand. He won’t stay mad at you.”

  “I hope so, Elyse.” Peg hugged her back.

  “All right, everyone. Time to move the search outside,” Mack grabbed his coat, “Get your coats, let’s get moving.” He gave Peg a sympathetic look and went out the door. Heidi got her coat and joined the search. Everyone searched around the house and out buildings. There was no sign of Colin and no tracks in the snow.

  As Robert walked around the front of the house, he noticed one of the compartment doors on the motorhome was ajar. It was the compartment where they had stored the Christmas gifts. Robert walked back to everyone next to the house. “I want you all to go back in the house,” he told them quietly, “I think I know where he is.” Heidi instantly wanted to go to him, but Robert stopped her. “I think Mack needs to be the one to talk to him. I want everyone to go back inside.”


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