Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2) Page 17

by Margery Ellen

  “No kidding.”

  Peg smiled at them. “An April baby.”

  “Babies.” Heidi corrected her.

  “That means you’re going to have a house full.” Mack added. “Let us know when you start building your house, we’ll come for a visit and give you a hand.”

  “Thanks, Mack. I’ll hold you to that.” Mack seldom left Yosemite.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be there. We might even borrow the motorhome for a while. We’re thinking of taking a road trip to visit Luke and Paula.

  “Does the fact that Vicki and her mate Dorran will be there, have anything to do with it?” Robert asked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know what Colin’s true potential is? I know I would. Not only that, they can tell us how to deal with it.”

  Robert nodded. “You have a point.”

  “All right, everyone, time to pay up.” Charles announced.

  “Pay up? I thought this was your treat,” someone to shouted.

  “I’m just pulling your leg. I said it was my treat and it is.” Bill started to clean up and Elyse started to clear the tables. “Thank you, Elyse, but you don’t have to do that.”

  “I like to help, Uncle Bill.” She continued to clear tables. “Maybe I can work for you sometime.”

  “Only if it’s okay with Nanna Peg.”

  “Okay.” Elyse continued to clear tables.

  Mack stood up. “I would like to make an announcement. You are all invited to the double bonding ceremony this evening at the lodge, six o’clock. Charles and Robert have finally found their mates.” Everyone cheered. “There will be an informal dinner following the ceremony.” Another cheer went up. Everyone congratulated Charles and Robert as they left the café.

  Mary and Peg helped Bill clean the kitchen, while Elyse wiped the tables. When everything was done, Bill and Mary went home, and the McCormicks headed back to the house.

  Chapter 31

  The time finally arrived to go to the lodge. Charles, Robert and the kids rode with Mack and Peg. Jackie and Heidi were to ride with Bill and Mary. Neither Jackie or Heidi were very happy about the arrangement.

  “It’s just a formality, you know, like not being able to see the bride before the wedding,” Peg explained before they left the house. “It will give the guys a few minutes to talk to the elders and make sure everything is ready.” Finally, the girls agreed. The family left and it seemed like forever before Bill and Mary arrived to pick them up. When they arrived at the lodge, they found the parking lot full of cars and snowmobiles.

  “Wow, apparently someone else is having a party besides us.” Bill joked to Mary and the girls.

  “Apparently,” Mary remarked.

  “I’ll have to drop you off and then find a place to park.” Bill drove up to the entrance of the lodge to let everyone out. There was a reserved parking space for them almost in front of the door. “Well, lookie there, someone was thoughtful.” Before he had the vehicle turned off, Charles and Robert opened the doors to help Jackie and Heidi from Bill’s truck. Bill came around the truck and helped Mary. The three men escorted their ladies inside.

  An usher greeted them. “Which one of you is Robert McCormick?”

  “That would be me.” Robert indicated himself.

  “Would you and your fiancé follow me, please.” Robert looked at Bill and Charles. They both shrugged. Mack was waiting for everyone at the door to one of the conference rooms.

  “Are you ready?” Mack asked. Robert gave him a nod. “If the rest of you would continue to the next conference room, we will join you shortly.” Mack opened the door. Robert and Heidi walked into the conference room. The lights were dimmed and Heidi was overcome with the smells of home; cherry blossoms and jasmine. Heidi had no idea what was happening. Robert walked her to a mini pagoda that had been set in the center of the room, it was lit with dozens of candles. A hooded Buddhist monk sat on the floor with his head down. When they approached, he raised his head, but Heidi couldn’t see the man’s face.

  Robert bowed to the man. “I have done all that you have asked. My last task was to bring you Heidi Chow, the woman I love and wish to marry.” Robert bowed again and stepped back. Heidi looked to him with panic on her face. He gave her a slight nod and a tiny bit of a smile, he gave his head a nod in the direction of the monk. When Heidi turned back, the monk was standing near the center of the pagoda with two women dressed in robes.

  The monk asked Heidi to step forward. “Xiang qian yibu.” She had tears in her eyes, it had been a very long time since she heard someone speak the language of her village in China. The two women started to remove her clothing. Heidi didn’t know exactly what was going on, but she knew she could not object. It wasn’t long before Heidi stood naked in front of the monk.

  The two women folded her clothes and handed them to Robert, who stood watching the whole procedure. He had been coached on what was going to happen and what he was to do. He wasn’t very happy about Heidi standing naked in front of the monk, but it was part of the ceremony. The women left and returned with two urns of sacred water. The monk stepped back and the women proceeded to pour the water over Heidi’s body. The whole time, the monk chanted in an ancient Chinese language that Heidi could only understand bits and pieces. Words like “jinghua” purify and “jiejing” cleanse.

  When the water was gone, the women dried Heidi from head to toe and then dressed her in a beautiful red and gold kimono. As she was being dressed, several people filed into the room and stood just beyond the candle light. When the women were finished, the monk started speaking again, this time he spoke in English for Robert’s benefit, then again in Mandarin.

  “Our lost child has been returned to us. May you be happy. May you be peaceful. May you be free from suffering. Your wounds have been healed and your soul purified.” Slowly, one by one, the people in the shadows came forward. The first was her grandmother; she embraced her and welcomed her home. Second was her aunt, followed by her grandfather, uncle and two of her closest cousins. By welcoming her home in their hearts, her past was forgotten. Finally, Robert was brought forward and introduced to her family.

  Heidi couldn’t believe what had just happened. She looked at Robert.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he hugged her and kissed her forehead.

  “How did you do this?” Tears of joy ran down her cheeks.

  “I did nothing. My brother Mack, and Bill Robertson did it all.”

  “How did you know about the “san shu liu li”, the three letters and six etiquettes? I assume they were the tasks you spoke of.”

  “Your family told Mack what was required when he first contacted them. He told me what I had to do. Now, I think it’s time to join the others. We have another ceremony and they have been patiently waiting for us.

  The monk and the two assistants started out of the room. Robert took Heidi by the hand and followed the monk. The rest of the family fell in behind and followed them to the next conference room. After entering the room, the monk joined the elders and Heidi’s family were seated in the front row.

  A beautiful arbor covered in pine boughs stood at the front of the room. Charles and Jackie, Robert and Heidi, stood under the arbor and waited for the elders to begin. Before the bonding ceremony began, the monk blessed the room, then bowed to the elders.


  Elder Elijah addressed Jackie. “Do you, Jackie Todd, take this man, Charles McCormick and his bear as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Never to betray the bond that binds your souls?”

  Jackie answered. “I do.”

  Elder Brant addressed Heidi. “Do you Heidi Chow, take this man Robert McCormick and his bear as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Never to betray the bond that binds your souls?”

  Heidi answered. “I do.”

  Elder Elijah addressed Charles. Do you, Charles McCormick, take this woman, Jackie Todd and her cat as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Ne
ver to betray the bond that binds your souls?

  Charles answered. “I do.”

  Elder Brant addressed Robert. Do you, Robert McCormick, take this woman, Heidi Chow and her bear as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Never to betray the bond that binds your souls?

  Robert answered. “I do.”

  Elder Brant continued. “I will now ask the couples to partially shift to acknowledge their vows.

  Two giant grizzly men embraced their mates, a panda and a bobcat.

  Elder Elijah stepped forward and placed one hand on Charles shoulder and his other hand on Jackie’s shoulder. “I have witnessed that this bear and this cat have acknowledged their vows in accordance to our shifter law and are now bound. Charles McCormick and Jackie Todd, you may shift back to your human forms and kiss your mates.

  Elder Brent stepped forward and placed one hand on Robert’s shoulder and his other hand on Heidi’s shoulder. “I have witnessed that these two bears have acknowledged their vows in accordance to our shifter law and are now bound. Robert McCormick and Heidi Chow, you may shift back to your human forms and kiss your mates.

  The two couples turned and faced their friends and families and everyone cheered.

  Charles had a smile from ear to ear. In his booming voice, he announced it was time to eat and celebrate.

  Robert and Heidi joined Heidi’s family. She couldn’t believe her grandparents and family had come all the way from China.

  “How were you able to get permission to bring them here?” She asked Robert.

  “You will have to ask Mack and Bill, they made all the arrangements. I told you my brother had connections all over the world.”

  “Yes, you did. You have made me so happy, I can’t tell you in words.”

  “Save that thought,” he smiled, “until we are alone.” He kissed her in front of her family. “I hope that is permitted, kissing my fiancé in front of the family.”

  Heidi’s grandmother chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. “It is okay.” That made both Robert and Heidi laugh.

  “This is the best day of my life, thank you.” She looked at Robert with a never ending love.

  “Mine, too.” Robert hugged her. “I wasn’t sure it could be done in time for Christmas, but Mack called in some favors and made me promise to grovel often,” that made Heidi laugh, “can we tell them about the babies?”

  “They already know,” she whispered and hugged him back.

  “So, is everything okay now?”

  “Yes, the monk removed the shadows from my soul and purified my body. My village will welcome me if we ever go to visit. My family is very happy, they are indebted to you. They missed me very much and were very sad.”

  “They won’t miss you anymore?”

  “They will, but now they can write to me and call me on the phone. They are happy now.”

  “Good, I knew you were sad and I had to make it better.”

  The rest of the evening was for celebrating. When things began to wind down, Bill, Mack, Robert and Charles all relaxed at a table and talked.

  “Bill, Mack, thank you.” Robert told them. “The only thing missing is a Moon Watch.” He looked at Bill and started to laugh. “You realize, we get to do this all over again tomorrow.”

  Bill groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’d better go and say good night to my sweet Mary. She’s staying with the girls tonight. Charles and Mack are staying with me. Where are you and Heidi going to stay tonight?”

  “We’re staying here so we can spend some time with Heidi’s family. We’ll see you tomorrow at the wedding. They have plenty of rooms available, why don’t you all stay here. They can still sequester Mary so you can’t see her.” It had started to snow sometime during the evening. “It might be safer to stay here. What time is the wedding?”

  “Noon. You know what, that sounds like a good idea. We were planning to dress here, so our clothes are already here. We wanted everyone to be able to be home with their families on Christmas eve.”

  “You go tell the girls,” Mack told Bill, “and I’ll go make arrangements for the rooms.”

  Elyse and the twins had spent most of the evening with Heidi’s grand parents. They loved looking after the children, especially Colin. They recognized his gift almost immediately. By the end of the evening, Colin knew how to say a dozen phrases in Mandarin. Peg collected the children and said good night.

  Heidi said good night to her family. They had been staying at the hotel for several days and they retired to their rooms. They would be staying for four more days. They had been invited to Bill’s wedding, and to Mack’s for Christmas.

  Chapter 32

  Christmas eve finally arrived. There was a frenzy of activities throughout the lodge early in the morning. Flowers were brought in for the wedding, and an enormous wedding cake. The ceremony was scheduled for noon.

  Colin and Simon ran to the dining room to get breakfast. Mack and Bill weren’t far behind. Peg was with Mary and Elyse. Elyse went to the dining room and got breakfast for them. She returned to their room with a serving cart loaded with coffee, juice, eggs, toast and sweet rolls. She went to Mary. “I have a message for you. Can I whisper it to you?” Mary gave her a nod. “Uncle Bill said he loves you and misses you very much. He can’t wait to hold you again.” Elyse delivered the message and then kissed her cheek. “That was from him.” Mary thanked her with a hug.

  Heidi asked her family to join her for breakfast. Robert joined his brother, it was their job to get Bill ready for the wedding. Charles and Jackie relaxed with Luke and Paula.

  “Why aren’t you babysitting with your brothers this morning.” Luke inquired.

  “I think they have everything under control.” Charles put his arm around Jackie. “I’m where I should be. You and I both have beautiful, pregnant mates to watch over. This is where we belong.”

  “I like the way you think, my friend.” Luke gave him a fist bump and laughed. “I met all of you six months ago. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sitting here, about to attend Bill’s wedding.

  “And about to become a father.” Charles added.

  “Look at you. A grizzly bear and a bobcat, also about to become a father. Who would have thought that would happen?”

  Charles looked at Jackie. “I’ve never been happier.” Charles watched as Mack and Robert escorted Bill from the dining room. “Looks like it’s time to start getting ready.” Everyone headed for their rooms to change for the ceremony.

  Guests started arriving about an hour before the ceremony. By noon, the room prepared for the wedding was standing room only and they opened the adjoining room. Bill had been a life force for many of the people around Yosemite and none of them wanted to miss his wedding. A light luncheon buffet was set up for after the wedding for those that wanted to eat. Bill made sure that everyone took food with them. They would all have a turkey dinner on Christmas eve.

  It was noon and everything was ready. Bill stood at the front of the room with Mack, his best man. Brides maids walked down the aisle, followed by a beautiful bride. Bill thought she was the most beautiful woman in the universe.

  The wedding vows were repeated and Bill and Mary were pronounced man and wife. The minister stepped back and allowed the elders to step forward to perform the bonding ceremony. Because a shifter and a human were bonding, the ceremony had to be done differently than the way it was done the night before, Bill would have to do a complete shift. Bill left and returned dressed in a wedding robe.

  Elder Elijah addressed Mary. “Do you Mary Sharp, take this man, Bill Robertson and his bear as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Never to betray the bond that binds your souls?”

  Mary answered. “I do.”

  Elder Brant addressed Bill. “Do you, Bill Robertson, take this human woman, Mary Sharp as your mate, from this day forward, for the rest of your life? Never to betray the bond that binds your souls?

  Bill answered. “I do.”
/>   Elder Brant continued. “I will now ask the groom to shift to allow this bear and this woman to acknowledge their vows.

  Bill, dressed in a wedding robe that was draped over his naked body, shifted into his bear. Bill’s best man held the robe in place until his shift was complete. The giant grizzly bear turned to Mary. Mary walked into the bear’s embrace, hugged him and kissed his face as he lowered himself so she could reach.

  Elder Elijah stepped forward and placed one hand on Bill’s bear and his other hand on the Mary’s shoulder. “I have witnessed that this bear and this woman have acknowledged their vows in accordance to our shifter law and are now bound. Bill Robertson, you may shift back to your human form and kiss your mate.

  Mack held the robe so Bill could shift and put on the robe on, this time wearing it in the normal fashion.

  Bill turned to Mary and gave her a gentle kiss. “Hello Mrs. Robertson.” Bill hugged and kissed her like it was the end of the world. “You have made me the happiest man in the world.”

  “And you have made me the happiest woman.” She gave him a beautiful smile. Bill turned to face his friends.

  “My beautiful wife, Mary and I would like to thank all of you for coming. Please eat and enjoy yourselves. There will be a food basket for each and everyone of you to take home. Merry Christmas to all of you.”

  Everyone cheered. Bill left to get dressed and when he returned he was swamped with well wishers. There were so many families that owed so much to Bill. He always made sure no one went hungry or without heat in the cold weather.

  Robert and Heidi enjoyed the party. Heidi’s grandparents took the children back to their room so they wouldn’t be under foot during the celebration. By two o’clock, the festivities were coming to an end. Bill wanted everyone to go home and enjoy their families on Christmas eve.

  Robert and Heidi sat back and watched the guests as they left. They made sure everyone got a Christmas dinner basket.

  “That is really nice of Bill to do that.” Heidi remarked.


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