Dusk (Equinox Book 1)

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Dusk (Equinox Book 1) Page 10

by Bradley, H. J.

  With a deep sigh Johann rested his forehead against hers, and Myf had to shut her eyes to block out the earnest look in his.

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was surprisingly soft, and Myf felt the wetness of her own tears running down her cheeks. “I didn’t think that what I was doing would hurt you.”

  “You didn’t think about me at all.” Myf felt him shake his head at her whisper, and just this one admission made the tears start to flow freely.

  “I’m thinking about you now.” Johann started gently wiping the tears from her face. “You’re all I can think about.”

  “Oh, Johann,” she said. “You’re all I’ve ever thought about.”

  His kiss was gentle on her lips, and Myf opened her eyes in surprise at the feel of it before slowly closing them again. Being kissed by Johann was a pleasure unlike anything she had ever known, and before she got control of herself Myf discovered that her arms had wound around his neck.

  “I can honestly say …’ Johann’s words were muffled against her skin as he slowly kissed down her throat. “… that I’ve never wanted to marry anyone else.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair as she threw her head back and gave him better access to the sensitive flesh of her neck. Johann’s grip immediately tightened on her hips, and she was urged to straddle his lap, her skirt going tight over her thighs as she did so. “What if I fail the tests?”

  Johann’s lips lifted from her skin, and Myf looked down into his confused face. “What do you mean fail the tests? You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

  There was no malice in his words, and Myf knew that Johann wouldn’t have cared if she had come into this courtship with a reputation to rival his. Sometimes she even thought that he would probably have preferred it, that way at least he wouldn’t have to teach her absolutely everything. “Yes, of course.”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Then we know you’ll pass the STD test. So what are you worried about?”

  “What about the fertility tests” She removed her fingers from his hair, placing them on his shoulders instead. “I’ll just be thrown aside if I can’t …”

  He covered her lips with his fingers. “You passed those tests when you were fifteen, what makes you think that you won’t pass them now?”

  “It’s been ten years, things can sometimes change,” she said.

  “Stop worrying.” Johann kissed her cheek “My grandfather will let us know the results tomorrow, and if one of us is having fertility issues then we’ll figure something out. This is two thousand and six Myf, if we have problems conceiving we can get help.”

  “But you could marry …”

  He placed his fingers over her lips again to silence her. “I don’t want to marry anyone except you. If there are problems we can solve them.”

  “Ok.” She pressed her face into his shoulder, finding the scent of his aftershave intoxicating. “That sounds good.”

  “Now.” His voice had its usual amusement back. “About that blow job.”

  She gave a laugh and pushed at his shoulders. “You should be so lucky.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The private clinic that Mauno had booked for her medical tests was more like a hotel than a doctor’s surgery. Even the gown that they had her dress in was made of, what felt like, Egyptian cotton.

  “I assume you also had to go through all of this?” She directed her question to Steph, who was seated on a stool at the other side of the room.

  Looking up from the medical journal she was thumbing through, Steph gave her a small smile. “To a degree, though I have a feeling yours will be more thorough.”

  Myf gave a small laugh. Thorough was one way of putting it, she was pretty sure that Steph had never had to undergo virginity test or a full drug analysis. “I suppose this is one way for Mauno to find out whether Kai has been doing her job or not.”

  A confused expression came over Steph’s face. “What do you mean?”

  “Virginity,” she said. “I’m about to have a test to make sure I’m a virgin, as well as everything else.”

  “A virgin?” Steph slowly put down the journal. “I assumed that you and Johann were sleeping together by now, chaperoned or not. It wouldn’t be the first time that he’s been able to get his leg over without anyone noticing.”

  “No.” Myf shook her head. “We’ve not gone quite that far.”

  A sly grin came to Steph’s face. “Oh. Just how far have you gone?”

  “Not even naked.”

  “Well, that doesn’t sound like him.” Steph laughed. “The Johann I know would have been naked the moment he perceived the slightest interest.”

  “He’s been very sweet.” Myf shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I’m guessing sweet for him anyway.”

  Before Steph was able to respond, the door to the examination room was opened and the doctor walked in. He was a middle age man with wide rimmed glasses, a terrible comb-over, and what looked like half his lunch down his shirt. Myf liked him straight away, he was a refreshing change in this clinic of socialites and plastic surgery. “Miss Vaughn?”

  Immediately a lot of the anxiety that she had felt at the idea of these tests dissipated. He clearly must have known who she was and her rank, yet he must had known that she would rather be known by her informal name whilst going through something like this. It made her smile despite her fears. “Yes.”

  “I’m Dr. Sutton.” He placed a thin manila folder on the bed beside her, before adjusting his glasses and looking at her properly.


  “Now are you aware of what is going to happen today?” Dr. Sutton rubbed his hands together.

  “Yes.” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I’ve got a fair idea.”

  “Alright,” said Dr. Sutton.

  With a bright smile he walked over to one of the cupboards near where Steph was sitting, nodding to her briefly before starting to arrange some instruments into a small, blue, plastic basket. This was it. The last few moments of her, relative, freedom. Once these tests were done she would all but belong to Finland, and even though she had known that this day was coming she was terrified.

  Steph must have noticed that something wasn’t right, because her face fell into a frown. “It’ll be alright.”

  All that Myf could do in response was to nod, not trusting her voice to not fail her.

  “Of course, it will.” Dr. Sutton raised her arm and placed the blood pressure cuff around it. “Now, just relax.”


  There was a difference between being mentally violated and physically so. This was something that Myf had never known, and after her day at the clinic she wished she hadn’t known it all at.

  She knew that sitting in her dark living room, curled up on the leather sofa in a pair of old pink pajamas, hands wrapped around a mug of chamomile while listening to the summer storm raging outside. She had just started to doze off when there was the sound of the phone ringing, something which startled her enough to spill some of her tea down her top. Swearing under her breath, Myf placed her mug on the coffee table and then walked across the room to pick up the phone.

  “Hello.” Even her voice sounded as though she had just woken up.

  “Prince Johannes is here, ma’am.”

  That made Myf pause. Though Johann had turned up at her apartment now a couple of times unannounced, never had it been after nightfall. Having him arrive completely out of the blue in the middle of a storm, and at nearly midnight was highly unusual. No wonder the doorman had thought to contact her. Something must have happened. “Let him up.”

  “Very well, ma’am.” At those words the line went dead.

  Placing the phone back on the base, Myf walked into the foyer to watch the numbers climb on the elevator. Eventually it came to a stop, the doors sliding open to reveal her fiancé.

  At the sight of him the breath stuck in Myf’s throat, and before she knew what she was doing she had stepped forward to take his arm and lead him out of the
elevator. Johann was soaking wet, his white button up shirt and black pants clinging to his skin, and water running from his head in rivulets down his face. However, it was the almost dead look in his grey eyes that was the most upsetting.

  “What’s happened?” She found herself cupping his face, horrified at how cold his stubbled cheeks felt beneath her hands. “Come on.”

  Taking his hand she led him through the apartment and into the bathroom, switching on the heating light, letting go of Johann’s hand for a minute she threw some of the fluffy white towels on the floor.

  “Myf?” At the sound of Johann’s gravelly whisper, she turned from where she had been arranging the towels.

  “I’m here.” She moved back over to stand in front of him, wrapping her fingers around his wrist and drawing him into the bathroom. “Johann, what’s wrong? Where’s Mattie?”

  He looked up at her though, as if only seeing her for the first time. “At home, I suppose.”

  That seemed unusual, it wasn’t like Mattie to leave his charge alone. “You came here on your own?”

  Johann nodded his head. “It’s not that far.”

  “You walked!”

  “Is that wrong?” His voice was barely a whisper. “I’m sorry.”

  “Talk to me,” she said. “Actually, no, let’s get you out of these wet clothes first and then we’ll talk about it.”

  Under normal circumstances that would have gained her a cheeky grin and flirtatious commentary, now though, he just looked down and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. His fingers were shaking though and it took him a good three minutes to get even the first one undone. “Fuck this.” The words were muttered under his breath, but it didn’t take a genius to know that he was getting frustrated.

  “Here.” She battered his hands out of the way, quickly making short work of the rest of the buttons in the most clinical way she knew how. It didn’t help the blush that came to her cheeks as she was unable to put the memory of exactly what happened the last time she had seen him without a shirt on. With surprisingly steady hands she pushed the sopping material from his shoulders, trying to ignore the noise it made as it hit the tiles. “Pants?”

  “Yeah.” He reached down then to remove his belt. “He told me that if you fail any of the tests the engagement is off.”

  “Your grandfather?” She watched him struggle out of his pants for a few moments before kneeling down and removing his shoes, unable to help the way she grimaced at his disgustingly wet socks.

  “Yes,” he said.

  Myf nodded her head as she urged him to step out of his pants, resting her hands on his knees as she leaned back. Apart from his white Y-fronts he was completely naked in front of her, and even though he was clearly upset there was something distinctly masculine about him. “Well.” She gave him a smile. “There was always that possibility.”

  “Except.” His brows furrowed as though he was confused about something. “I told him I didn’t want the engagement broken.”

  She couldn’t keep the surprise from her voice. “What?” She pushed the hair that had fallen into her eyes out of the way. “Johann?”

  “I want to marry you.” He reached down then and placed a hand against her cheek, sliding his fingers along the sensitive skin beneath her jaw. “I think I’m falling for you.”

  They were words that she had never expected to hear, let alone when she was on her knees in front of him in her bathroom. Then again given the kind of man that Johann was it was probably fitting really. “Oh, Johann.” She leaned forwards to press her forehead against his navel, her hands resting against the back of his knees. At this movement, Johann’s hand pressed gently against the back of her head, and Myf felt a shudder go down her spine at the sensation of his fingers against her scalp.

  Together they remained like this for so long that Myf lost track of time, and it was only when his fingers took on a stroking motion through her hair that she finally looked up at him. There was a smouldering fire in his eyes as he stared back at her, and she suddenly felt trapped beneath his heavy gaze. In that moment she knew what he wanted, and with a rush of arousal that left her feeling weak she wanted it as well. A boldness that she had never quite felt before overcame her and she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his underwear. Myf was more than aware that it was stupid of her to be too nervous to look at exactly what she was uncovering, so she made sure she kept his gaze even as he stepped out of this last scrap of clothing.

  The silence that had come between them was thick and heavy, as though the air itself was waiting to see what would happen. Meanwhile, the stroking of Johann’s fingers in her hair had become more desperate, the strands starting to catch around his knuckles as he did so. Though she wasn’t exactly experienced with this sort of thing, Myf knew that it must be taking quite a lot of self-restraint not to force her head exactly where he wanted it. The words he had spoken all those nights ago about teach her how to pleasure him with her mouth came back on a wave of lust.

  Taking several deep breaths, she finally lowered her eyes from his. Letting herself take in the strong muscular chest and abdomen in front of her, before letting her gaze drop to his dick. Not even fully aroused yet and he seemed terrifyingly large, maybe not as big as the men that she had seen in porn, but there was something very different about one on television and the one right there within her reach. “You’ll have to show me what to do.”

  At that, she lowered her head to press her mouth gently against his foreskin that was just beginning to pull back as he hardened even further. There was a sharp intake of breath from above her, and she quickly looked up to make sure that she hadn’t done anything wrong. Instead she found him staring down at her in amazement, his lips parted slightly on his heavy breathing, though it was the look in his eyes that had her duck her head again.

  This time she took the very tip of his cock into her mouth, letting her tongue dart out to run over the smooth flesh of his foreskin. The taste of him seemed to burst over her taste buds, clean skin and a musky tang that had her moan softly and take even more of him into her mouth.

  “Teeth.” Johann’s voice sounded strangled, though she could hardly her him over the thumping sound of her own heart in her ears. “Watch your teeth, sweetheart.”

  Of course. She knew from reading the erotic novels that Cat had a tendency to send her, that teeth near such vulnerable parts of the male anatomy was a bad idea. That was going to take some finesse, and she could feel her jaw already starting to ache at the angle she was holding herself so as to keep her teeth away from him.

  Closing her eyes she let herself get lost in the sensation for several long minutes, the rigid thickness of him growing in her mouth until she was afraid it would choke her. However, when she tried to take a bit too much of him in she found that she did choke, pulling off of him to wipe the wetness that had come to her eyes. “Sorry.” She pressed the back of her hand to her mouth. “I’m so sorry, Johann.”

  “Come on.” He reached for her hands, helping her get to her feet and then pulling her into a tight embrace. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  Right then, in that moment, standing in her bathroom there was nothing more that she wanted to do. There had been something heady about the power that she had enjoyed, his pleasure was almost addictive and just thinking about it had her licking her lips. “I want to.”

  She watched him swallow, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he did so. “Are you sure?”

  Myf’s knowledge of Johann by now was that he was a man of action over words, and as such she started to sink to her knees again only to have him stop her with a grip to her arms. “Let’s at least take it somewhere more comfortable.”

  He didn’t even wait for her to answer. Lips covering hers aggressively as he all but forced her mouth open, tongue sweeping over her teeth in a dominating claim that made her knees go weak. With his arms still around her waist, Johann started pulling her out of bathroom and towards her bedroom. They
didn’t stop kissing until they were standing beside her bed, when he pulled his mouth from hers and pressed his lips against her ear. “Can I have you naked?”

  A shudder went through her at his words, and she knew that she was blushing again. “Are you sure you want that?”

  It seemed impossible that a man like Johann, with his reputation and experience, would want frumpy old her without any clothes on. Though he had proved that he desired her physically once already, she supposed.

  “More than anything,” he said.

  With a nod of her head, Myf stepped out of his embrace and slowly pulled her pajama top over her head, moaning loudly at the feel of his hands on her bared breasts before she had even thrown it to the floor. His palms were still cool, causing her nipples to tighten in both arousal and shock. However, it was the gentle pinches that he gave them which caused her knees to buckle, and he had to catch her around the waist with low chuckle.

  “Easy.” Johann kissed her forehead. “You’re not done yet.”

  “Yeah.” With hands that were shaking she pulled down her pajama bottoms and knickers in one swift move.

  “Better.” Releasing her, Johann stepped backwards to sit down on the edge of the mattress and Myf found her attention taken up completely by his erection standing proudly as though demanding her touch. “Ready to keep going?”

  Nodding her head again she sank back to her knees, crawling so that she could rest back on her heels between his knees. She let her hands run up and down his thighs in one shaky move. “Yes.” She leaned forward so that her lips rested against the tip. “Please.”

  One of his hands curled into a fist in way that dragged her hair up her bare back in a sensual slide, and she felt a sudden burst of dampness between her thighs as he urged her forward.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Waking up in Myf’s bed was something that Johann hadn’t thought he would get the pleasure of before they were married. However, now that he had had the pleasure of holding her in his arms, soft skin brushing against his, it was an addictive pleasure he didn’t think he would ever get used to. Her raven black hair was fanned out across the pillows and her bare shoulders, and he lowered his head to nuzzle into the thick curtain of it.


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