Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 53

by Kara Hart

  Don't get your hopes up. This pretty lady has selfish motives.

  Selfish motives? What's that mean? Is she breaking it off with me? I mean, I guess we’re not dating or anything. Maybe she met someone. Some artsy fuck or guy with glasses. Chicks love guys with glasses. I type back, a lump in my throat.

  Yeah, you're right. I’ll keep my hopes low.

  I want to say, lower than your dripping cunt. Lower than my hard, aching cock, thrusting in between those gorgeous thighs. Fuck. Just thinking about eating her makes me hard. So much for this nature shit. I'm horny now.

  I don’t send that last text. Instead, I delete the words and write something else entirely.

  Selfish motives? Sounds hot.

  I'm getting in this woman’s pants if it's the last thing I do. She responds.

  If an interview sounds hot to you. We can have more than one session if you like.

  I laugh and head back down the hill, typing my answer.

  Great. Wear something comfortable and hopefully revealing. It helps me relax during the whole interview process.

  I lock my phone and head back to the old cabin. I have a date to attend to.

  When she walks up the driveway, she’s wearing a crop-top and those hip, high wasted mom jeans I keep seeing women wear these days. The denim cups perfectly around her tight ass and her cute belly button and smooth stomach are out for me to admire. I can't help myself. I just want to run my tongue against her body, moving lower, lower, even lower.

  I'm sitting on my porch, in my old rocking chair, drinking a cold one, and I'm staring hard. She looks good. Damn good.

  “Hey there, pretty lady.” I hop up out of my chair and walk up to the front steps of my cabin.

  “Quit staring, creep,” she smiles and gives me a hug. I breathe her scent in deep and nearly cum in my boxers. She's smoking hot, with that natural beauty. No makeup or anything extra required.

  “You took my advice,” I laugh. “Didn't think you actually would.”

  “Advice? Oh, the clothing. You wish. I was already wearing this when I texted you.” She steps onto my porch and looks around. “Nice place.”

  “Oh, so you planned to wear this outfit to impress me. Even better.” She frowns at me and turns around to feel the wood of the cabin. “Those jeans make your butt look perfect.”

  She blushes and giggles, scrunching her nose, and for the first time I realize she has freckles just around the top of her cheeks. “You're saying my ass doesn't always look perfect?”

  I open the door for her and we both walk inside. “Trust me. It's more than perfect, all the time.”

  She's glancing up at the vaulted ceiling, the ladder that leads up to the loft upstairs, and the golden wood that lines the whole cabin. Next to her is a massive bookshelf, housing at least 150 books of all kinds. She looks impressed. “You can read?”

  I give her an annoyed look and debate whether or not I want to even respond back. “Yes. I can read,” I say.

  “I didn't mean that. I just meant that, I haven't met too many guys from the Navy who read that much.” She bites her lip and sits down on the leather chair in the back of the room.

  “What do you think I did most of the time in Afghanistan?” I laugh.

  She shrugs. “I don't know. Kill people?” I sit down next to her, unsure how to even respond. “Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't come over to be an asshole. I promise.”

  “You are about that, sweetie?” I take one last sip of my beer and set it on the table next to us.

  “I'm just…” She sighs loudly and closes her eyes tightly. She’s stressed out, I can tell.

  “What's going on? Who do I have to beat up now?” I ask her, laying my hand on her shoulder. I massage her lightly and she moans.

  “It's nothing. Well, not nothing. It's Elijah. You remember him, right? He won't stop hassling me at work and now I think he's going to be my boss next quarter. Ever since we broke up, he's had it out for me. I mean, I get that we probably can't be friends after that, but at least treat me with some respect. God.”

  I run my hands through her hair. It's as pure and soft as silk. This calms her down a bit, but now I'm pissed as hell. This Elijah guy won't let up. “He should take a fucking hint,” I say, feeling my chest tighten as I grow even angrier. “Don't worry. I'll have a little chat with the guy.”

  She groans and moves my hand away from her. “God. Do not be one of those guys. Please, Colt. I don't need any extra drama in my life right now.”

  “Alright,” I back off. Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm being controlling. I just wanted to help her out, not piss her off. “He just gives me the creeps is all. I don't want him to hurt you.”

  “Thanks. But I don't need your protection. I can handle it. He's just annoying. Anyway, sorry for venting. It's been a rough week, but we should probably start talking about the war.” Her eyes hesitate before she continues and she asks “Is that alright?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, it's fine.”

  “Can you give a general overview of everything? What exactly was your position?”

  I tense up and try to figure out how I'm going to explain this to a girl like her. Would she judge me for who I used to be? I couldn't tell her everything. She wouldn't understand. There was just too much destruction. We all lived out our own chaos, paranoia, and pure fear over there.

  “Sniper,” I began. “You ever hear the saying war is hell? Well, that's because it is. There's no reason we should have been over there in that capacity. The bombs did nothing to our advantage,” I say. It's like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

  “So you're against the war?” she asks me.

  “Not against the war overall. We needed to do something after they attacked us. But do you really think it's a good idea to send 18 year-olds over to kill civilians?” Shit, this was getting heavier than I thought.

  “Civilians?” Her eyes widened. I felt the tension in the room increase a hundredfold. Whatever chance I had to spend the night with her had just flown right out the window.

  “What'd you think, Lena? That we were fighting enemy soldiers? This isn't like the other wars. To them, we’re invaders. We come in there, take away their government, influence their culture, and bomb their villages. Hell. It was hell. Of course the people are going to fight back. You have young boys, some of them 12 years old even, and they're wielding AK-47s and pledging alliance to their God in heaven. And the worst part is you're ordered to take the fire. If you don't, you can lose everything.”

  “You still have a choice,” she says. I can't help but laugh. She's appalled at the words that are spilling out of my mouth. Fuck. I should have lied. I should have dressed it up for her. I should have said “We fought an enemy dictator and his soldiers. We killed the evil bastards and brought freedom to America. God bless. Only problem is, I don't believe in fairy tales.

  “Trust me. If you don't take the shot, you have every single Navy SEAL on your ass. You get beat, questioned, and after that nobody has your back. If someone has a gun pointed at your face, you want all the help you can get. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I didn't kill any children. Don't you worry. But I'm not going to sit here and lie about what war is.” After I say all this, I look away and stare at the window to the outside world. Peace. I've found my peace here.

  “I'm sorry,” she whispers. It's all she can do. There's no magic cure for this kind of thing.

  “It's okay. I hold no grudges. It is what it is,” I say. And that's exactly how I feel. It is what it is. It's not exactly an optimistic sentiment, but it's not negative either. It's just how things played out.

  “Did you…” she stops herself short.

  “It's alright,” I tell her. “You can ask me anything.”

  She clears her throat and straightens her back. Finally, she asks “Did you get injured over there? Did you ever get shot?”

  I laugh, but I don't feel very light-hearted. Now I'm clearing my throat, wondering how the hell I’m going to tell her. Fuck it. I deci
de to just show her. If she's going to ditch me over a prosthetic leg, she wasn't worth shit anyway. I pull up my jeans and say “You tell me.”

  Her voice goes quiet. She doesn't know how to respond. Of course, when she does, she says what everyone always says to me. “I'm so sorry, Colt.” Those damn words. Why does everyone give me their apologies? I never asked for them.

  “The best carbon fiber the Navy can buy.” I laugh and knock twice on it.

  “I'm glad you can have a sense of humor. You know, after all you've seen and experienced. It's refreshing. You know, I think I need to apologize to you,” she says.

  “Apologize? What the hell for?” God, not another apology.

  “Yeah. For not taking you seriously before. You're a lot different from the other soldiers I've met. I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you, Colt.”

  My hand lands on her thigh, right where it creases against the denim. My finger brushes against her zipper and there I am again, hard and thick. “Is this because I made you cum twice? Bet you didn't think I was that good. Did you?”

  She burst out laughing, her cheeks turning a rosy red. “Colt!” Her hand falls against mine and then suddenly we grow silent.

  “I want you,” I say. “Up against the bookshelf. I want to fuck you until every one of those books has fallen to the floor.”

  “But I have to go. I have a deadline,” she weakly protests.

  “Bullshit. The only thing you need to be doing right now is arching that back for me. Against the bookshelf. Now,” I tell her.

  “Is that an order?” She smiles and clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. That gets my blood flowing.

  “You're god damn right it is,” I say. “The whole country is depending on you.” She laughs, and she’s walking toward the bookshelf, unzipping her jeans slowly.

  Her ass is swaying from side to side, practically begging me to come forward and grab it. But I sit and watch. I want to be teased.

  Her jeans come off slowly. They’re tight around that butt of hers and it’s tough to get the denim off. Finally, I can see her panties and they wrap perfectly around her curves. She kicks off her jeans to the side of the room and turns her head to look at me. She reaches down and pulls her shirt off her beautiful body and I’m already hard and dying for her.

  I get up and take my shirt off, walking behind her. My body presses against hers and her skin feels incredible against mine. No words are said. We exchange only our breaths and the expectation of things to come. I gently pull her hair back and her jaw goes upright as I kiss her deeply. Her hands reach behind her body and move toward my belt buckle and my zipper. Both come off and I find myself firm against her. She moans as I rub against the fabric of her panties.

  Slowly but surely, those come off too. She lets them hang around her ankles. “Dirty girl,” I moan, kissing her neck.

  “Fuck me, sir.” She spreads those gorgeous cheeks of hers and I don’t even need to spit down. She’s so wet that she’s practically dripping. Her thighs are even moist. I kiss her back and thrust inside her.

  “Jesus, you’re so tight,” I say, but she’s perfect. The way she wraps around my cock is more than anything I could’ve dreamed of. It doesn’t take long before she’s gyrating against me, pleasuring herself with my thick cock. I tell her “It’s yours to use, baby doll.” And she knows it. She’s taking control, pounding her pussy around my girth.

  That’s when the books start falling all around us. They fall and hit the floor, falling as open as she is. Her hand goes from holding the bookshelf to falling on my abs. It trails down to my pelvic bone, down to my prosthetic leg. I look down, still thrusting hard, and I feel her grow wetter around my rigid flesh. That’s when I know she’s open to me. She’s not like the rest of them.

  We fall to the floor, on our side, pressing up against each other. Her legs are closed together and, like a flower, I’m forcing open each petal and exploring new territory. We become one like this, between the strained rhythms of our lust and the tight flesh of our bodies. I put a damp finger against her clit and move it around and around, until her mouth falls wide open. My cock moves with pneumatic speed, thrusting inside her and sliding against her g-spot.

  She moans “I’m cumming, Colt.” The tone of her voice is erratic, like she just witnessed the return of Jesus Christ or something much bigger. The way she says my name brings goose bumps to my body and I realize I’m about to cum too. “Cum inside me. I’m on the pill,” she says, and I practically lose it.

  I feel her tremble and her pussy wraps solid around my cock, tightening and closing, begging for my cum. I feel that click between my legs and the pulse of my orgasm sends waves throughout my body. She’s screaming wildly, mouth open and round, juices spilling around my balls. I pump and I pump, and I pump, until my seed is spilling inside her. I thrust one more time, as deep as I can go and bite at her shoulders. Then we both fall back and lay in our sweat and cum.

  I kiss her stomach and groan. “Who are you, Lena Skye? What factory were you made in?”

  She laughs and rolls over, placing her hands and head on my chest. “Just another girl, made in heaven,” she says, completely out of breath.

  The sun through the window is fading and the birds are chirping wildly. There’s not much time left, that much I know. Soon she’ll be going back home to her sister and I, well, I would be falling asleep alone. Fuck it. At least I get to experience this. I can now die a happy man.

  As we lay there, the day turning to dusk, I ask her “You don’t think I’m some maniac anymore?”

  “I never thought you were a maniac. I just thought you were kind of a jock,” she laughs despite my frown.

  “I’ve never played sports in my life. Well, I’ve never been in a league anyway,” I let her know. A jock? Where did people get all these expectations from?

  “Really? Never? I was in softball when I was a little girl. My dad signed me up, right before he skipped town. He never saw a game.” The words are out and suddenly I get why she’s still here. She doesn’t know how much of a diamond she really is. She ought to be royalty, like a queen or a princess. Instead, she got some shit end of the stick and never left this small town.

  “Nah. I basically didn’t have parents growing up. I mean, they were there, but they didn’t exactly raise me. They were too busy out getting their fix. And when they snapped out of their binges, they railed on me for being a failure. I played football in school though. You know, at recess. That kind of a thing,” I admit. I never told anyone about my parents. Even Bowen only knows bits and pieces of my life growing up. I just feel comfortable with this woman. Lena Skye is like this beautiful godsend. Even if she ditched me now, I would thank the Lord I got a chance to meet her.

  “Well, I’m sorry for judging you,” she says. “I guess I’m quick to do that these days. After Elijah.” There’s that name again. Elijah. For some reason, it makes me feel queasy hearing the son of a bitch’s name.

  “You don’t need to apologize to me, Lena. You have a right to feel protective over yourself. After all, this is your life right? Gotta make it good and weed out all of the assholes,” I say, kissing her forehead. I run my fingers through her hair and let my head fall against the carpet.

  “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

  Some silent seconds pass and then I stupidly blurt out “You weren’t freaked out by it?” I feel dumb even asking, but the words just come out. “My leg…” I groan and glance down at the carbon fiber material.

  “Are you kidding me?” she exclaims, placing her hand around it. I tense up.

  “Sometimes I feel like I’m half robot or something. A total freak, you know?” I’m admitting too much too fast.

  “I think it’s sexy. You’re one of a kind,” she smiles. Outside the window I suddenly hear the crunching of leaves and twigs. The sound gets closer and closer, until there’s a loud knock at the door. “What the hell?” She jumps up and grabs her clothing, throwing on her jeans.

  “Ah, shi
t. Sorry. I forgot,” I say, shielding her as Bowen walks in.

  “Hey, man I got us some bee— Oh, shit! Sorry, guys. I, uh. I’ll come back later.” He turns around as Lena fumbles her clothes on. I completely forgot he was coming over tonight. I must’ve lost track of the time.

  Lena’s, clearly embarrassed. “It’s fine. I was, um, just leaving. Colt, let’s finish this interview later, okay?” Her face is pink with embarrassment. I’m sitting there, holding my crotch in shock.

  “Yeah, I’ll call you,” I say, unable to react properly. She quickly kisses my cheek and leaves in a hurry.

  Bowen turns around, laughing to himself like a prick, and glances at my naked ass. I’m grabbing my pants and pulling them on quickly. He says, “Look at you, sly dog. Another day with the Skye girl?” He looks around the room and it’s a complete mess. Books are strewn across the floor, the carpet is littered with our sex. A chair is even turned over somehow, though I don’t remember doing that. “Shit, man. What did you guys do in here?”

  “That woman…” I moan and shake my head. He laughs loudly. “I thought I was going to die in Afghanistan. But now I’m pretty sure she’ll be the death of me.”



  “So are you like going with him now or something?” Julie’s standing over me and giving me this weird sisterly look of approval. I frown and look up at the clouds. We’re both laying on the grass in the backyard. It’s something we’ve always done, since we were little girls. It helps us talk to each other.

  “Going? What era are you from anyway?” I laugh and she shrugs awkwardly. “And no, we’re not. I don’t date men.”


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