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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

Page 56

by Kara Hart

  I back out and drive away, seeing Elijah’s body disappear into the distance. My breathing quickens to a frightening pace and my chest feels so heavy, like its caving in. It's at this point, I realize I'm having a panic attack. My vision starts to blur and that's when it happens. I lose control.

  My car skids off the side of the road and the sudden jump I feel inside my heart, nearly pushes me over the edge. I can't think and I can barely even act. My car smashes into a metal mailbox and rolls into the side of a ditch. Everything turns black.

  Beeping all around me. Tubes above me. The sound of shuffling feet. From far away, I can hear a man screaming “I need a doctor, God dammit!”

  Beep. Beep. Beep. And then a blinding light flashes in my eyes. “Honey, can you hear me? My name is Doctor Watkins. How are you feeling?”

  Confusion sets in. My mind races to figure out what happened with me. Am I dying? Is my body intact? “Doctor? What? Where am I? What happened?”

  She glances at her clipboard and writes something down. “Patient is disoriented,” she says to herself. “That's normal. Don't you worry. Everything is fine. You were in a car accident, but you only suffered a minor concussion. You're lucky. He found you in a flipped over vehicle.”

  I try to get out of bed, but she hurriedly stops me and tells me I need to rest as much as possible before she can let me leave. “Who found me? What're you talking about. Ouch, my head.”

  I stop struggling, already feeling completely exhausted. There's no use in fighting. I crashed my fucking car. It's probably totaled now. I'll have to pay a fortune. My insurance will go through the roof. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  “He found you,” she says, pointing at the window to the room.

  Colt. That handsome face stared back at me and he gave me a short wave. “You're lucky he did too. He's a smart guy. He knew exactly what to do and carried you in here. Is he your husband? We couldn't find your information.”

  “No,” I groggily say. A smile pushes its way onto my face. “He's a…” I want to say the word friend, but decide against it. “He's the guy I'm seeing,” I admit.

  She smiles and raises her eyebrows at me. “Well, you both are lucky to have each other. He's pretty savvy. Don't hate me for saying this, but he’s—”

  “Hot?” I interrupt her. “Yeah, he's smoking.” We both laugh and she taps her clipboard again.

  “Well, I think everything looks okay. We just need you to rest for a bit. Do you feel good enough for that right now?”

  “Please. Send him in,” I say, smiling even though my head is throbbing.

  “Okay. Don't get too naughty in here. The key word here is ‘rest.’” She laughs and opens the door, calling Colt in the room.

  He walks in with a few large shopping bags. “How you feeling?” he asks, as the doctor closes the door on us. “You really gave me a scare back there.”

  “I'm okay. My head hurts a little and I'm kind of disoriented. More than anything, I'm just embarrassed. I can't believe I flipped my car. I don't know how you found me,” I say. I'm just grateful I'm even alive. It seems like a blessing just to be able to talk to Colt again.

  He reaches out and touches my hand. “I was headed to the hardware store to pick up some parts for my welding. I saw your car and did what I had to do. It was lucky, that's for sure.”

  “You weld? Is that for real?” I laugh and clutch at his hand. He's hot and all, but this is the first time I actually feel something more. It feels good. And also makes me kind of sick to my stomach.

  He can feel it too. I can tell when he squeezes back. Three times, like it’s Morse code. Our own language. “What? Is it weird that I weld?”

  I place my hands over my mouth and try not to giggle too loud. “Kind of. I mean, not really. Like, you make art?”

  He lets go of my hand and gets defensive. “First you think it's weird that I read, now you think it's weird I make my own art. I guess now you know. I'm a total anomaly. A true outsider. Anyway, I got you something. It was for us tonight and I didn't want to let it go to waste.” He reaches into the bag and pulls out a big container of fresh cooked food. Pulled pork, biscuits, and collard greens. It smells delicious, but I don't think I can stomach anything right now.

  “Shit,” I mumble, “our date. I forgot. I'm so sorry, Colt.”

  “So it was a date? I knew it. I knew you had a crush on me!” He gives me a devious grin and suddenly I feel like a giggly school girl all over again. Keep it cool, Lena, I have to tell myself. Can’t let him get too cocky.

  “Before you say anything,” he continues, “I have a feeling you'll be a bit too dizzy to eat anything. So I thought ahead and got you this.” He reaches into the bag again and pulls out a huge box of assorted chocolates, complete with a teddy bear and single daffodil.

  My mouth hangs open and I start to tear up. I can't say anything, so he clears his throat and says, “I know. It’s kind of cheesy. Flowers and chocolates. And I may have picked that daffodil over at the park, but I was kind of rushed and thought you might like it.”

  My cheeks flood with tears. There's no holding me back now. I'm way too emotional. “That's… The… Nicest… Thing anyone’s… Ever… Done for me!” I say in between sniffles. Outside the room I can see Julie cheering me on. I have no idea when she even got here, but my heart feels strangely full for once.

  “So, how ‘bout we break you out of here. Don't worry, you can get all the rest you need. But I figure you'd be more comfortable in a nice bed,” he says, smiling. “My bed.”

  “Colt!” I laugh, but grab his hand. “Yes, get me the hell out of here.” He looks around and makes for the door. Julie knows exactly what's going on and immediately distracts any doctors around. She's yelling some lie about her not getting the right treatment and suddenly all eyes are on her as we make our escape out of the hospital.

  “Let's go!” Colt lifts me into his arms and I curl my hands around those bulging shoulder muscles of his. He's so damn hot, so perfect that I find myself kissing his neck. He doesn't say a word but as he sets me gently into his truck, I see his bulge against his jeans. “Alright, pretty lady. Hold on tight. We’re out of here!”

  It wasn't long before we were winding through the woods, making our way to his elusive cabin. “Here we are,” he mutters softly. Of course, that’s when the memories hit me straight in the stomach.

  “Oh, God,” I moan.

  He looks at me, seemingly perplexed. “Shit, did I mess up again? Should I have brought you to your house?”

  “No, you're fine,” I shake my head in distress. “It’s Elijah.” I gulp loud enough for him to hear. The look in his eyes is fear, mixed with complete and total frustration.

  All he said was “Tell me what happened.”

  “It's fine, I’ll deal wit—” He cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence.

  “Tell me what happened. I'm not trying to be overbearing. I'm done with that, okay? I just want you to be safe,” he says. “Besides, I saw him last night. He's off his head, Lena. Seriously.”

  “What?” I ask. “You saw him? Why didn't you tell me?”

  “I was going to tell you during our little interview but I ended up saving you from a flipped vehicle. Sorry,” he laughs and opens his door. “I was walking home last night from Bowen’s and the guy completely stalked me. He came out of nowhere and started talking to me about my tour over in the desert. He's the one, Lena. He's the guy who left the note.”

  I get out of the car, but nearly stumble over the weight of what he's telling me. “God. I should have known it was him. He's psychotic!” I scream.

  “Yeah, well. Don't worry about him too much. I'm going to take care of everything.” He opens the door for me and I quickly fall onto his comfortable bed.

  “I want to sleep forever. To just close my eyes and never wake up.” My mouth’s buried in the pillow as I utter those words.

  He sits down next to me and strokes my hair, putting his other hand on my shoulders, tickling in circles. “I
t's going to be okay. I promise you that.”

  “You don't understand,” I say, flipping around to face him again. “I quit my job.”

  His expression hardly changes. I thought he would grow angry or silent, but he’s just continuing to make me feel better. “Good. You can take the story elsewhere. You've got an inside scoop right here.”

  “But I'm in so much debt. I've got the house and Julie, who's also apparently losing her mind, and now my car. I'm so fucked, Colt,” I sigh loudly. “I used to have my head on my shoulders. Now I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost it. I've completely lost all control.”

  He gently kisses the top of my forehead and whispers “Sometimes you have to lose control to figure it all out again.” I look at him like he has no idea what he's talking about. Lose control? Me? Never. “I'm serious. What happened in Kabul almost made me lose it forever. I came back and hid out. I built this cabin and hardly went into the city. Bowen is my only fucking friend and his wife pities me. But then I met you and things got a little brighter. It'll all work out soon enough, Lena. Until then, you've got me to fall back on.”

  How does he know exactly what to say when I'm down? Does he really like me as much as he lets on? I grunt and place my hands on his chest. “You're a bastard, Colt. You know that? A genuine bastard,” I laugh. “But I like you. A lot.”

  “I like you too, pretty lady.” I frown when he calls me that, even though I think it's cute. “You know, there's one gift I got you that I haven't shown you yet.”

  I smirk. “If you pull your dick out, I swear I'm going to punch you.”

  He slowly unzips his pants, but then stops himself and laughs, “No, it's not my massive cock. Then again, that's a pretty damn good gift,” he says. “I got a hefty sized check from everything that happened over… you know where. And, I figure since I'm not ever going to use all of it, I could give it to you. You know, so you can pay off your car and all that insurance bullshit.”

  I'm shaking my head in disbelief. “No,” I flat out say. “I can't accept that. I won't. I’m not your burden to bear.”

  He holds my hands and I feel our fingers intertwine. “You're not listening to me. If you don't take it, I'll spend it all on guns and booze. Now, are you really going to let me turn into a gun-wielding alcoholic?”

  “You're already a gun-wielding alcoholic, Colt.” I sit up and squeeze his hand three times.

  “Dammit. You're right,” he snorts. “Doesn't mean I'm not giving you that money.”

  “If you give me that money, I’ll be forced to pay you back. It’s a big number I’ll owe. Not to mention, I’m out of a job,” I sigh. I know he’s just trying to be helpful and obviously I shouldn’t protest since I need all the help I can get right now. I don’t like the idea of someone taking care of me. But, I have to give in. I don’t have much of a choice.

  “Do what you want. Pay me back in thirty years. I’ll still be here, right in this cabin,” he smiles and leans back on the bed.

  “Welding away?” I ask him, slightly joking. Although, when I say the word “welding,” something lights up in his eyes.

  “You know it, baby girl.”

  I laugh.

  “Baby girl, huh? That’s a new one.” He shrugs and I find myself nuzzling against his warm body. Colt saved my life today. In fact, when I look back on everything, he’s always been there, and he’s always been respectful. Maybe he came off as a prick the night we met, but now I know better. Deep within that tough exterior is a man with a heart of gold. There was a man who is willing to defend the one he had his eye on.

  Next to that man, curled up against his chest, is a woman who is falling hard for him. Shit.



  As the sun peeks out from over the dark-green mountains, my eyes fall over. Next to me, curled up in a cute little ball, is Lena Skye, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. My eyes fall heavy on her ass, which, like the sun, is peeking out from underneath the covers. She’s in my bed, half naked. My bed.

  I kiss her cheek lightly and she groans against the heavy tide of sleep. She opens her eyes and smiles. “Morning,” I smile. “How ‘bout some breakfast.”

  “That sounds incredible. I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse,” she grunts.

  “That’s deranged,” I laugh. “But you’re in luck. I keep a horse in the back.”

  She misses the joke and falls back asleep, the small slivers of sun shining down on her body from the half-open window. Nothing could hide my erection and I sure as hell don’t attempt to. I walk to the closet, grab a pair of sweat pants, and get out in the kitchen to start some of my world-famous breakfast. The Colt special of the day is eggs over French toast with a side of bacon and fresh-squeezed orange juice.

  I crack the eggs, stir the mixture, heat up the bacon, and dip the toast. Soon enough, delicious smells from heaven fill up the kitchen, and Lena comes walking into the room with her incredible body on display. Of course, there I am again. Hard and throbbing. Aching. Shit, she’s hot.

  “Happy to see me?” She laughs, biting on her thumb. She moves close to me and wraps her arms around me. I put the pans on low heat and spin around to feel the skin around her waist.

  I kiss her hair, her cheek, and then I fall to her lips. “You don’t know just how happy I really am,” I say. “God, you’re as beautiful as a rose. You know that?”

  I pull back on her lips. Once, twice, and a third time. When our lips meet a fourth time, my tongue wraps around hers, pulling her in. I push back on her body and she falls against the kitchen counter. I pick her up and place her butt on top, so she’s sitting with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  I quickly pull those loose sweatpants down and suddenly we’re frantically feeling each other, kissing wildly against the small hissing of the pans. The sounds of our breathing fill the kitchen and when I place my hand across the center of her panties, I feel just how wet she is. “You’re soaked,” I whisper.

  “What’re you going to do about that?” she asks me, biting at my ear lobe.

  I rip her panties off her, literally tearing the fabric off. I grab her bra and do the same. We’re acting like wild animals and it’s like drinking water after a year’s drought. I drink her in, kissing at her breasts, tongue wrapped around her erect nipples. My palm runs up to the top of her neck and her jaw moves toward the ceiling.

  “Colt,” she moans my name. The way it hits the roof of her mouth makes my cock jump.

  She reaches down and grabs my cock, feeling my thickness pulsate and ache for her, rubbing her thumb around my pre-cum, and spreading it all over my shaft. It’s not needed for how wet she is, and when she places it directly against her core, I slide in against her walls as perfect as a missing puzzle piece. We both moan in unison and I begin thrusting into her against the wooden counter.

  Our sex is quick and full of wild, inner passion. We almost betrayed each other, left one another to fend for themselves in a world that needs love more than ever. This was our apology to each other. This was our reconnection.

  I’m thrusting and pushing myself in, deeper and deeper, until I’m fully lost inside of her. The feeling she gives me goes straight to the center of my brain. It’s pure ecstatic pleasure. Her wetness drips from my cock onto my tight balls and they smack against her ass as I pull her even closer toward me.

  “Cum for me,” she moans loudly. “Cum inside of me.” And when she realizes all of what that means, she simply says “Just do it. I want to feel every bit of you. I want to feel you shoot inside me, Colt.”

  Those words get me going. They send adrenaline rushing through me, charged with sexual energy. Her words alert the soldier in me. I’m fighting to give her everything I’ve got and I can slowly feel the pressure build in the center of my taint. I’m getting full and I’m about to fucking explode.

  I quickly grab her waist and pick her up, spinning around and pinning her against my fridge. “Fuck!” I practically scream, feeling her tits press against my
chest. “Oh, fuck!” The head of my cock is growing and I know this is it. The pleasure builds against my balls and the head of my cock, and I can’t fight how wet and perfect she truly feels.

  I grab at every bit of her flesh, feeling all of what I love about her. Those thick thighs, perfect ass, tits to die for, the curvature of her hips. Jesus Christ, I’m going to fucking explode. I feel my cock bounce up and down and finally I rupture, spilling all of what I have inside of her. I push in deep, making sure I’m fully hers, and when the pleasure finally starts to subside I kiss her deeply and slide out slowly.

  It’s too much. She’s way too much woman for me. And that’s why she’s perfect. She keeps me on my toes and never disappoints. I spin her around, pressing her ass against my face and I kiss it. “You are too fucking perfect. Do you know that?”

  She smiles and tilts her face up elegantly. “I know. I’m an angel.”

  I turn off the pans and throw everything onto two plates. “The bacon is a little burnt, but everything else looks good,” I say to her. “Dig in.”

  We eat voraciously. “God, I’m hungry,” she says. “Yesterday took a lot out of me.”

  As sorry I am that it happened, her totaling her car was like a godsend for me. She’s actually back here, back in my kitchen, and eating breakfast with me after I fucked her brains out. Am I the luckiest guy on the planet? I’m thinking that’s an obvious yes.

  We sit eating, quietly staring at each other. A smile is constantly breaking out onto our faces and it’s hard not to laugh with pleasure every time our eyes meet. It’s like we’re in on some joke that no one else notices. It feels like how life used to feel like, before the war, back when I was younger. She gives me hope, gives me life, and suddenly I’m restored. I want to do everything with her. I want to go on hikes, to see the world, and I especially want to end this shit with Elijah. If he breaks this story, all of this perfection will crumble and give way to a new life of stagnancy. I’ll be an outcast. Even the Navy will shun me.


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