Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 84

by Kara Hart

  “I failed my test,” she sighed. “And my whole class hates me. I don’t think I like school very much.” She looked out the window.

  Lucas rubbed his chin. “Hm. Well, I guess you’ll have to beat everyone next time then, right? That doesn’t seem too hard. What subject was the test on?” Oh God. Was he really doing this right now?

  “Math class. I hate subtracting!”

  “Subtraction? Shit, I can teach you all about that,” he said. I smacked his arm at the word shit.

  “No you can’t!” she exclaimed. “No one can. They’re too hard.”

  “I’ll tell you what. How about we go back to your place and we study up. Then, when we’re done, we can reward ourselves with an ice cream sundae or banana split!” He was practically leaning his whole body against me now to look at Jen. Was he really schmoozing my daughter to get into my house? Oddly enough, I didn’t find myself protesting. It wasn’t that I wanted him to come over or anything. If he could really help my daughter with school, I couldn’t put my foot down. I mean, this was my daughter’s future we were talking about.

  “An ice cream sundae?!” She squealed. “Mom! Can I? Please, please, please?”

  “I don’t know…” I mumbled.

  Lucas looked at me and smirked. “Aw, come on, Mom. Jen wants a huge ice cream sundae.” I looked into the rearview mirror and Jen looked as if she was having the biggest dilemma of her life. She needed that ice cream sundae. Of course I had to give in.

  “Fine.” I sighed. “You need the address?”

  “I’d be lyin’ if I didn’t say I need a ride. Car needs some more work done to it, I guess,” he said. I nodded for him to get in the front seat. He jogged around the car and jumped in.

  “Thanks, babe. Can’t wait for our date tonight.” He smiled and ran his hand through his hair, putting on his pair of sunglasses.

  “Don’t you dare start with that. You’re helping out my daughter. That’s it. Got it?” I put the car back into drive and headed in the direction of my home. He seemed safe enough. I mean, would a criminal offer to help a first grader with their math homework? It was like he said when I first met him. He was from the streets of Detroit. Here I was, acting all high and mighty when in all actuality he was really just a nice guy. I was starting to think Carmelo was going senile or something.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He saluted me and winked at Jen, who had already taken a liking to him.

  We pulled onto Loraine Avenue, our little neighborhood. It was a quaint neighborhood, like those in the movies, and I felt real lucky I got a chance to rent a house there. Back in Seattle, we lived in a one-bedroom apartment infested with rats. But because no one in their right mind would move to a small town like Monroe, it was much cheaper to live here.

  “Nice house,” he muttered. “You should see mine sometime.”

  “I’m good.” I parked the car in the driveway and got out of the car. Within seconds, Lucas was already helping Jen out, even with the groceries in his hand

  “Up we go!” He said, picking her up and setting her gently on the ground. For a guy who was made in the streets, he surprisingly had a way with children.

  I gave a guttural throat noise of annoyance and walked inside the house. “Get that homework out, girl! We’re about to learn all about subtraction.”

  “You don’t know anything about math, do you?” I whispered to him.

  “I know a little,” He winked. Jen got out her math book and turned to Chapter 4: Subtraction and we both dove in.

  It was actually nice to have a man around the house for once. Usually, it was just me struggling to keep up with all I had to do in the day. All the wives in Monroe had devoted husbands, set with good incomes and nice homes, and they all stayed home with the kids. Well I had none of that. I had a job, responsibilities, and on top of it all, I was trying to be a good mother to Jen.

  We leaned over her books together and figured out each formula in different creative ways. Lucas had his way of seeing things and I had mine. Of course, Jen had her way as well. It didn’t take long to figure out where she went wrong on her test. And by the end of her studying, she completely grasped the material. It was amazing.

  “Now for the best part. Dinner and ice cream sundaes!” He announced.

  “You always buy ice cream and fudge?” I asked him, laughing slightly.

  “Hell yeah, baby. Don’t you?” He looked bewildered, as if he was wondering how I could ask such a question. He then turned to Jen. She was looking happier than she had been for a while. “Jen, honey. Why don't you watch some TV in the family room while your mom and I cook?”

  “Okay!” she said, skipping into the other room.

  “I didn't know you liked children.” I grabbed some pots and pans as he got out the ingredients for lasagna.

  “What, I don't look like the kind of guy who's good with kids?” he asked me. He started by boiling some salted water and preparing the ground beef. He threw a little garlic, oregano, and black pepper onto the meat and stepped back as it started to heat up.

  “I don't know. I guess I shouldn't judge. It's not like I'm good with them,” I said, pouring myself a glass of apple juice.

  “Toss the juice. I have some red wine,” he said, eying me sipping out of the cup. “By the way, I don't know what you're talking about. But from the looks of it, you're a great mother.” He flipped the meat with the spatula as it started to simmer. I felt my stomach start to move with hunger.

  “Thanks, but I don't drink. I'm okay at it, I guess. It's just hard being a single mom sometimes. I'm starting to think Jen needs a little more out of life and I can't give it to her,” I said, now downing the juice as if it were wine. I could use a good drink, right now, I thought to myself.

  “Kids always need more out of life. Sometimes it’s up to them to make it happen. You used to have a problem with alcohol or something?” His jacket was off now, revealing a tight white undershirt that practically pushed against the rivets of his muscles. He rolled up the sleeves to the shoulders and, in a bowl, he began mixing the cheese and eggs. I wasn't sure if I was salivating because of the food or because of him. None of this is what I need right now.

  “I used to have a lot of problems. Now my only problem is you,” I said, turning to wash my hands. When I turned around, I noticed him staring at my ass.

  “Not gonna happen, buddy,” I said, although I couldn't help but think of him underneath me as I pressed my flesh against his warm lips. Everything about him was infuriating and I found my blood boiling to an uncomfortable level. Anger pushed through my veins and I wanted him to pin me against the fridge. I wanted him to ride me to the point of exertion. I wanted to lay against his chest and feel him pumping inside of me, until he couldn't hold on any longer. I wanted to…

  “Taste this.” He moaned, holding a large spoon in front of my face. I hesitated and he pushed it even closer. “C’mon, it's good. I promise.”

  I slowly opened my mouth and honestly tried my hardest not to think about his - what I imagined to be - huge cock sliding against my tongue. The sauce delighted my tastebuds, the best tasting sauce I'd had in a long time.

  “Wow,” I said, surprised by his expertise. “You sure you weren't ever a chef?”

  “I know it's not like gourmet or anything, but it's my ma’s recipe. Straight from the homeland. Can't get better than that, right?” He smiled and even though he wasn’t flexing, his arms were at least three times the size of mine.

  “Seriously, I'm impressed.” I found myself saying. Keep it together, Dahlia. Your daughter is in the other room.

  “Wait until you try the cheese, darlin’,” he said with a fake southern accent.

  “Really? Darlin’? I think that's about all the cheese I need for today, thank you very much.” I laughed, but he already dipped his finger into it and held it in the air for me.

  “Ew! I'm not going to lick that off your finger. Are you crazy?” I backed away from the guy, pushing his hand away from my face.

p; “It was worth a try,” he muttered, licking the creamy cheese off his fingers. “Here's a spoon. For the Queen.” I frowned as he scooped a little into a spoon for me to try.

  I took a bite and of course I loved it. The man was good with his hands. I couldn't argue with that.

  It’s not long before he’s compiling the lasagna right before my very eyes, like some pro chef. He popped it into the oven and clapped his hands loudly. “Damn, I’m hungry.”

  “So,” I began, “is this how you woo all the ladies? You cook delicious meals for them and hope they swoon?”

  He laughed loudly, the kind of laugh that resonated through to my bones. It was a laugh of strength and confidence. “Is it working?” he asked, dropping the spoon on the floor.

  “Shit. Sorry, I'll get that,” he said, falling to his knees. He grabbed the spoon that was next to my feet and looked up at me.

  “How's the view?” I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

  “I wish you could see what I'm seeing right now.” He smirked. All of a sudden, the kitchen got very quiet. In the other room was Jen, watching cartoons and keeping to herself.

  He placed his hand on my thigh and pushed himself up from the ground. And there he was again, right up against me, that massive tower of muscle and brawn. “I forgot tell you how cute you look today,” he whispered.

  I gulped. My heart pounded against my chest as he gazed into my eyes. His pupils darted back and forth, ultimately deciding which part of my body he wanted more. Take it all. I wanted to whisper. Whatever you want. It's yours. But I couldn't speak. I just stood still.

  “I've been thinking about you all week. When I went to visit my family, I couldn't get you out of my head.” His hand moved to my neck. The way he touched me was unlike any other man. He was sweet, yet protective. He was the kind of man women dreamed about, but didn't really think existed.

  “Maybe you're going insane. Maybe you’re schizophrenic,” I smiled.

  “I probably am. But before I get sent away to the looney bin, I need to taste every bit of you.”

  “Every bit?” I found myself leaning against the kitchen sink. As I leaned back, he pushed forward against me.

  “Every. Last. Drop.” He moaned. I found myself quivering and closing my eyes, anticipating him.

  He pressed his lips against mine and suddenly it was like our tongues were warring against each other. His right hand cupped my ass, moving underneath me. He pushed upward against my clit and if it weren't for my jeans, he would have been massaging against my pussy, feeling every last drop against his fingers.

  He flipped me around so that he was against the sink and I was against him. My thigh was wrapped around his waist and I could just feel his rock hard cock throbbing underneath his dress pants. “We can't do this,” I whispered, sliding my tongue from his mouth.

  “You going to put up a fight?” He moaned, pressing his knee between mine. I slowly rubbed against it, closing my eyes while breathing heavily. Fuck! Why did he have to be so hot?

  “Maybe I will. If I have to, I will.” I whispered, making sure Jen couldn't hear hear us.

  “Good. I like a woman who takes control,” he said, kissing my neck. Waves of pleasure shot throughout my body. I was so powerless now. I couldn't just let him get away with this. Oh, who was I kidding? I wanted this.

  “Fuck.” I moaned as he cupped my breasts in his massive hands.

  “I wanted that pasta,” he said. “But I think I'm going to have you for dinner instead.” He dropped to his knees and unbuttoned my jeans. Slowly but surely, the zipper came undone. I looked down to find him unzipping his own pants. In his hand was his cock, and, Jesus, it was more than enough for one woman. He spit in his hand and started stroking himself. Everything about this was so wrong. Then why did I want it so bad? His mouth was licking and kissing my navel down to my pelvis, down to my…

  Oh god, he was eating me slow and pressing hard with the tip of his tongue. He pulled back on my lips and circled my clit. He was even kissing and licking the top curves of my thighs. Soon enough, he had me up on that sink. My legs were wrapped around his face, while his hand was cupping my tits, pulling lightly on my nipples.

  He picked me up and set me down on the floor. I instantly threw my body on all fours. He was stroking his thick and girthy rod, smacking my ass with it as he ran his hand down my back. “I'm going to give you a night you'll be sure to remember, honey.

  He rubbed his glistening head over my lips and clit. “Stop teasing me and fuck me,” I moaned. “Give it to me rough,” I said. He threw his belt over my neck and held me in place. Then, he entered me.

  The feeling was almost too much for me at first. It had been so long since I had been with a man, let alone a man as big as him. “Fuck. You're a lot tighter than I thought,” he moaned, pushing himself deeper inside of me.

  He was slow and gentle at first, but it wasn't long before he was thrusting against me. “God, I've wanted this since I met you,” I whispered. “Choke me.’ His face looked surprised, but he did what I asked. He pulled back on his belt and rode me like a fucking stallion, like he was my master.

  I was fully his. I pushed my ass against him, feeling the full weight of his body crash into mine. He put two fingers inside my mouth and I began sucking on them hungrily. He slid them from my mouth, dripping with saliva, and began circling my clit while he rode me doggy style.

  His pelvis pressed against mine, his abs against my back, and he brought me close to him until he was on the ground and I was riding him. I felt, for the first time in so incredible long, close to someone. I felt the choking, burning, yearning pleasure of letting myself be taken. And I fell into him like a wave crashing against the rocky shore. It was harsh and beautiful all at the same time.

  “Come for me, honey,” he moaned. “I want to feel you quake.”

  I placed my hands against his muscular chest, running my hands around the curves of his abs. Gyrating my hips, I found the rhythm between our movements, his thrusting, and my g-spot sliding against his pulsating cock. He thrusted upward and I pushed downward, and together we worked ourselves into a hot frenzy of pleasure and lust.

  Drugs had nothing on this feeling. Between my thighs, deep within my wetness, I was buzzing. Even laying down, he was intense. He spit at my clit and eased his pelvis against it. Soon, I was gripping the kitchen table, losing myself and falling into a world of ecstasy.

  “I'm coming for you, Lucas,” I panted. “I'm coming.”

  My body began to shake and, with me holding the foundation, so did the table. I started to bellow with pleasure, but he placed his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. My stomach shook. My nipples grew stiff and expanded outward. Every bit of my body arched toward the heavens. This was it. I was fucking coming.

  “I'm so close,” he moaned.

  I wanted to feel every bit of him. I wanted to feel his cock expand inside of me. I wanted to feel his thick load shoot against my walls. Fuck, I wanted to feel everything with him. I wanted…

  Cue the interruption.

  “Mommy! Where is dinner? I'm hungry!” Jen yelled from the other room.

  “God dammit,” I whispered, turning red. “Stop, I can't,” I said to him. Then I yelled to Jen. “It's almost ready, sweetheart!”

  He looked up at me and sighed, zipping up his pants. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, adjusting all my clothes back to their normal position. I looked at my reflection in my phone and made sure my hair looked normal enough.

  “Don’t be.” He smiled awkwardly, cutting up the pieces of lasagna. His strong, bull-like body expanded with each breath. There wasn’t any part of me now that didn’t want him to ravage me, but now was not the time. In fact, I was thinking now that maybe I should just shrug the whole thing off and forget about it. It wasn’t practical and it sure wasn’t safe. I didn’t know this guy, right? Did that even matter?

  He whispered “You know, I just feel bad for you. If that little dance were to continue, I would have made you erupt at l
east three more times.” Ugh! A man who enjoyed eating pussy was rare, especially in this stupid town.

  He served the pieces of lasagna onto plates and set them down on the table. “Jen! Time for dinner!” He called out, giving me another one of his winks.

  She ran into the kitchen screaming and twirling with energy. “Lasagna!” she screamed.

  “Alright, settle down, baby,” I whispered, trying to get a hold on myself. I was still a little flustered by it all.

  “Do you like pasta, Jen?” Lucas asked my daughter, taking a big bite from his plate.

  “Yes, but Mom never makes it for me.” She shot me a sassy glare. I threw my arms up in protest.

  “Not true. I made you macaroni and cheese yesterday. Remember?” I joked. She rolled her eyes at me and took a bite. Red sauce and cheese instantly covered her cheeks.

  “Well maybe I can make you pasta more often. How ‘bout that?” he asked her.

  “I’m not so sure about that…” I whispered. Sure, it was nice having a man around the house every now and then, but as a regular thing? I wasn’t so sure I wanted that. With the whole Cade thing behind us, it might be better to stick to ourselves for a while. Then again, it was nice having him here for protection. I sure was conflicted.

  “That would be great!” She shrieked with joy. Didn’t I have any say in this?

  “Well, we’d have to get permission from your mother. You can’t make all the decisions around here,” he said, eyeing me carefully. Okay, so he had some manners too. All of this just made me more annoyed with him.

  “We’re pretty busy this week, Jen.” I sighed, knowing this was a losing battle. Still, I had to stand my ground as much as I could.

  Jen did something odd just then. She leaned forward against the table and hissed at me. “Mom! We need a man around this house,” she said. And then, looking smug as ever, she turned to Lucas and asked, “Are you going to be my mommy’s new boyfriend?”

  My jaw dropped. What the fuck, Jen! My own daughter was manipulating me! Where the hell did she learn how to do that? I was speechless. I held my fork in my hand, staring at the lasagna. “Um.” I coughed lightly.


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