Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition

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Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition Page 10

by M. Shaunessy

  Chapter 8

  The Star Hawk Returns

  Sheriff Morgan showed Mike and the others the flight pattern that the Hades traveled to. It struck oddly to Mike that the battleship was heading deeper towards the center of the galaxy. Why would they go there? Then Mike remembered Uno’s expedition and wondered what the Empire was up to. Whatever it was, it was not good. He thanked Morgan and asked about getting another ship. Morgan told the trio that he did have a ship that they could borrow, if they would return it. They entered an old service elevator, probably there when the station was in construction, and descended. They arrived at the bottom of the shaft, but Morgan paused before opening the door.

  “Now, before I open this door, let me warn ya a couple of things,” he started as they listened, “She gets crappy fuel mileage, weapons don’t work right, and the Hyper Flight system is shot, but she’s all I got.”

  He finally opened the door and they saw it. It looked like an old rustic ship gathering dust inside the service area. The large room like any other garage you might find in a local service station except for its huge size. Tools were hanging on the walls, engine parts strewn bout and some dismantled wings, from old ships hung from the ceiling. There were also a torn old leathery couch by the wall and an old working digital Entertable with two iron chairs next to it. Justin did not believe it, but Mike’s eyes widened in awe at the ship as Tygla looked at curiously. Mike knew that it looked like an earlier version of the Condor, but it was smaller in size. The ship had a wingspan of fifty feet across and it had and extra tail on the back instead of one. He also noticed that cockpit was slimmer almost as a fighter jet that Mike saw in his history book.

  “There she is,” Morgan said, “The X50 Star Hawk. Beauty ain’t she?”

  “Sheriff this better be a joke,” Justin commented sarcastically.

  “Joke my butt, Justin,” said Mike admiring a rusty space ship in the middle of the room, “This is a classic 2030 X50 Star Hawk. This thing has Hyper Flight level 2, dual laser capability, deflector shields, a cloaking device, this thing had it all.”

  “Well, not all the trinkets work on it, but she can fly,” Morgan said as they walked towards it. “I know because I flew in it.”

  Tygla looked the sheriff in confusion and said, “I thought you said you don’t fly?”

  “I don’t, she flew,” He replied as he nodded to the ship, “It has one extra feature on it that the other Hawks didn’t have, an Automatic piloting system.” He looked to them and slightly frowned curiously, “Now don’t tell anyone about this. People around here will be down on my back faster than a mongoose on fire if they knew I had this ship.”

  “If it had automatic piloting system, why didn’t you use it to go after that Felinis?” Tygla asked.

  Morgan looked at her and replied, “I’m not flyer. Don’t like flying, never did. Had this ship when I was in the Great War, back on Earth,” they then all looked at him confused by his words, “I was mechanic in the motor pool on a military space port. I was workin’ on her, when the Xatu decided to attack the port. Everyone scrambled everywhere, as it was a surprise attack. Their B’tars destroyed most of the ships, with the pilot still inside. I then saw a giant beam like laser hit the earth from the sky far into the distant. It must have been their plasma drill and their B’tars flew off. I didn’t know why they were going, but my instincts told me I had to get out of there. So I just quickly got into the cockpit, turned her on her engines, and she did the rest.

  “I’ll never forget what happen after that. The ship got into orbit as a thousand Xatu crafts surrounded me. The APS has an emergency program and it rocked us passed them as laser bolts flew every which way. They got a couple of hit on us and damaged the weapons systems. Then I heard the loudest explosion I ever heard, just before I went into Hyper Flight. I knew then, that I lost my home.”

  Tygla said unhappily, “That is so sad.”

  He nodded briefly and continued, “That is when the Star Hawk brought me here. It must have had a preprogrammed flight pattern. When I arrived, I thought that this thing saved my life, so I kept it for nostalgic reasons. Brought it down here to work on it from time to time with little I got, due to being sheriff an all.”

  They were in awe of the story. Mike turned to Justin as he caressed the hull of the ship and asked, “Well, what do you think Justin?”

  Justin remarked calmly as he looked at his friend, “You’re not seriously considering going against the Empire in this thing, are you? Mike, this thing is a junk heap. It couldn't do mach 4 without breaking up.”

  “Whelp, I better get back and finish up some paper work,” Morgan said as he started for the elevator, “If ya’ll need help, you know where to find me.”

  “Will do,” Mike said wavering, “And thank you sheriff for everything.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied as he tipped his cowboy hat, “Oh,” he dug in his inside pocket and handed Mike a piece of paper, “One more thing. I made a parts list a long time ago. Didn’t have the money or time to get them before, so there ya go.”

  Mike thanked him again as the sheriff headed towards the elevator, closed the door and ascended back to the mall.

  Mike Turned to his friend, back hand him on his shoulder lightly and said, “What wrong with you? Insulting him like that. He’s a veteran. Show some respect.”

  Justin frowned and apologized, “Sorry, but come on Mike. It isn’t too late to find a transport back to Felinoron or Cian and get a much better ship than this.”

  “Justin, A we don’t have the time, and B this thing is a beauty, besides you Tygla,” Mike said as Tygla blushed, “Besides, the Condor was like this when we first brought it, remember?”

  “Yeah I was against buying it then,” Justin shot back.

  “Right, but you loved it when we restored it. It’ll be just like old times. And, if we restore it fully, we can run rings around Drax and his Empire.”

  “Or have them die laughing when they see it,” Justin Commented as Mike frowned in disappointment.

  “That’s the beauty of it,” Mike told him, “They will never expect it. Come on buddy,” Justin just looked at him, “Ok, so it’s not like the Condor, but it’s the next best thing. Come on don’t you wanna see Morgan’s face when he see it fully restored?”

  Justin looked at the old ship and sighed. Mike was right. Justin did respect the sheriff, and said dejectedly, “All right.” Mike and Tygla smiled at him as he said unsurely, “But this had better work.”

  “It’ll be better,” Mike replied confidently padding on his shoulder. He looked at the ship and asked, “How long do you think we can get it fully working?”

  Justin looked at it and he knew that it did need a lot of work and answered, “I don’t know, eight maybe ten hours.”

  “Ok good, you start working on it,” Mike told him, “Tygla and I will start searching for parts. There’s gotta be a ship repair shop in this port.”

  Few moments later Mike and Tygla were back in the mall. After they gotten the parts list from Morgan, they started to walk around. They had come up to the jewelry stall where they saw Hazu.

  “Mike look,” Tygla pointed out, “There’s Hazu,” They went over to him and introduced themselves, as Tygla said to him, “Hello Hazu, remember us?”

  Hazu looked up from his pad. The store looked like a mess as they saw glass and a few jewelry pieces scattered everywhere. Hazu saw them standing here holding hands.

  “Yeah I remember,” he replied. “You were in Sheriff Morgan’s office, weren’t ya? And you,” he pointed to Mike, “You were in jail. How did you get out?”

  “It’s a long story,” Mike said, “But it’s ok, I’m legit.”

  “That’s right, he was innocent,” she said, “Look, we are so sorry what happened to you. If it will make you feel better, we’ll help clean up this mess for you.”

  They bent down and started to pick up stuff. Mike carefully pick
ed up a piece of sharp glass as Tygla found a beautiful pendant. It was a raindrop shaped, pendant with a red incrusted jewel in the middle of it. She looked at it admirably.

  “Don’t touch anything,” Hazu said as he swiped the pendant from Tygla as she jumped in surprised, “I am still trying to assess the damage.”

  “What is that?” Tygla inquired pointing at the ornament in Hazu’s hand.

  Hazu replied, “This is the Pendant of Pocen, or least a genuine reproduction of it. It is said that the original pendant gave its user courage and strength.” They both stood back up. He looked at it for moment then said, “Then again, it was just a myth.”

  “How much?” Mike asked curiously.

  “For you, five hundred Galatical dollars,” He replied.

  He saw that Tygla admired the pendant wanted to buy it for her, but when Mike and Justin got in trouble with their former boss Mama’Halb, they decided not to waste money on frivolous things until they paid her back. On the other hand, he wanted to do something to make things right for Hazu. He felt so sorry about what happened to him.

  “Ok, we’ll take it,” he said as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took out a few translucent bills and handed it to him. “Here’s a thousand.”

  Tygla eyes widened as she saw the money. She did not know he had that much on him. She was more impressed that he brought the pendant for her.

  “Ok I’ll get your change.” Hazu said smiling as he started his way to the cash register.

  “No, keep it. It’s that least I can do as after what happened. For damages.”

  The shopkeeper eyes widened and said surprisingly, “Why thank you, but if really want to make it up. You can find that stupid Felinis.” He looked to Tygla, “No offence miss.”

  “None taken,” she said

  Hazu continued, “And return the rest of my inventory. Some of that stuff is worth thousands and I don’t have insurance to replace it. Didn’t need it ‘caus I thought that so-called sheriff said he would stop thieves like that. Hah, sheriff, he couldn’t stop a Slugton if he tried.”

  “Hey that not nice to say about man who was in the Great War,” Mike replied.

  “Sorry,” Hazu said calming down, “I’m just ticked about what happened.”

  “It’s ok,” Mike said.

  “Yes,” Tygla said, “and don’t worry, we’ll get your jewelry back.”

  The Lizzian nodded and replied, “Thank you.”

  Hazu handed the pendant to Mike. Mike looked to Tygla ever so lovingly, “Here,” he said kindly as he placed the jewelry around her neck. Her heart leapt and she blushed. “For your courage for putting up with us.” Tygla chuckled as he paused. He admired at Tygla with the pendant around her neckline and said tenderly, “You look very stunning with it.” Tygla blushed again as her face turned a reddish wine color. She looked at the pendant then to Mike not knowing what to say.

  To Tygla, it was a Felinis custom that, any male who presents a gift to a female instantly means that they were taken. She smiled, warmly at him and replied affectionately, “I-I don’t know what to say?”

  Mike came closer to her and suggested softly, “How about ‘I Love you’?”

  She wrapped her arms around Mike and kissed him ever so passionately as Hazu looked at Mike and smiled warmly. He never had seen a happier couple in his life before. Mike never experienced a kiss like this before. It was more exotic than he ever known. He wanted to have this moment to last forever, but Mike knew it could never last. He broke the kiss and looked deeply in her cat like eyes.

  “You know,” Mike said, “of all the women I knew, you’re probably the most concerning person I ever met. I mean you’re beautiful, compassionate, and smart. And I don’t care what Justin says I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  “What has he been saying?” She inquired cutely looking back in his blue eyes.

  “Oh, he said that since your part of royalty and I’m not. And that we should not even be together,” Mike replied.

  Tygla Smiled, “Forget about what Justin said, he doesn’t know anything. And, I love you too.” They both kissed again, but an angry voice broke their kiss.


  She recognized it and looked over to see her brother walking from the hanger area. Her eyes widen, as she could not believe what she was seeing. It was her brother.

  “Xman?” She called curiously. She smiled knowing it was he and said happily, “It is you!”

  She ran over to hug him as Mike looked at him. Xman looked big, bigger than he was. Mike did not know, but he wanted to know, how he escaped. The siblings hugged, but Xman broke the hug and looked at her sternly.

  “How did you escape?” She asked him.

  “Never mind that now,” he said as his voice grew angrily, “What were you doing with that human?” Xman asked harshly.

  Already an unknown force was destroying their love. Mike already knew it could never happen. Justin was right, but he still did not care, he loved Tygla so much, but how can he love someone who has over protective racist brother telling her what to do.

  Her heart paced nervously as she did not know what to say, and then replied, “Nothing.”

  “You were kissing him, weren’t you?” He asked sternly.

  She looked to Mike briefly then back to her brother and replied in an unpleasant tone, “Maybe, so what?”

  “So what?! He’s a human Tygla and you’re a Felinis, a royal one at that. Don’t make a mistake like this. You know it’s forbidden in our law. As a matter of fact, I suggest you don’t even go near him,” he replied irritably.

  Tygla was surprised on what he said, and argued, “I don’t care! And you can't run my life! I’m not a cub anymore!”

  “Tygla I do care for you,” said Xman calming down, “I don’t want your feelings hurt like last time you fell in love with that male tiger Felinis.”

  “But this is different,” she replied desperately trying to defend Mike, “He is different and I love him.”

  “Felinis and humans don’t mix together Tygla. Especially one who’s not of royalty,” He repeated sternly as he glanced over to Mike.

  “What do you know? You never even met him,” She argued as tears started to form in her eyes.

  Xman warned, “I don’t think you want father to know about this do you?”

  “You wouldn’t?” She dared.

  He leaned over to her closely and replied, “Try me.” He then looked at Mike, “As for you…” he went other to him, grabbed him by his throat, and lifted him off the ground.

  Tygla panicked as tears rolled down her face, “Xman No! Put him down!”

  She went over and grabbed Xman shoulder, trying unsuccessfully to release her love. Hazu saw this and pressed the alarm button one more time.

  Xman ignored her request and said, “If you ever come within fifty yards of my sister, I’ll rip your heart out! You understand?”

  “Crystal,” Mike tried to say as he struggled. He would never imagine Xman’s great strength.

  “Xman please!” Tygla pleaded, “He’s the one who was going to help me rescue you. Let him go!”

  Just then, they heard a rifle click as a long Winchester barrel was pointing at Xman’s head.

  “You better do what the lady says mister.” Morgan told him. “That’s my deputy you got your hand on. Now release him, or spend night in my jail.”

  Deputy? Mike thought, not knowing what he meant by that. Xman glanced at him and noticed his badge, knowing that he did not want to get in trouble with the law. He released his grip and Mike fell to the ground. Tygla went over to help him up.

  “You ok Mike?” She asked him.

  Mike rubbed his throat trying to get the blood flowing again and replied dryly, “Peachy.”

  “Now that’s a lot better,” the sheriff said still holding his gun at Xman, “Now back away.” Xman did not like people ordering him about and just sto
od there. “I said ‘back off!” He said more eagerly as he readjusted his rifle.

  Tygla begged to Morgan, “Sheriff lower your gun please, he’s my brother. He didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

  He looked at Tygla then realized that this was more of a domestic dispute. He figured that they could talk it out like civilized people. Morgan slowly lowered his gun. Then Xman backed up a little. Tygla was a bit hysterical, but for once in her life, she must up against her only brother.

  “Tygla,” Xman started, “As soon as my ship is ready, I’m taking you back home. We’ll finish this discussion later.”

  He stared to go back when Tygla sternly said, “No.”

  Xman stopped and looked back at her and ask unbelievably, “What?”

  “I’m staying here with Mike,” she replied boldly. She did not know where this courage came from, but it did not matter with her as she continued, “And I don’t care what you say. If you come near Mike again, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll do something so horrible to you that you’d wish you never had touched him!”

  Xman did not know where this was coming from, but he like it. “Is that so?” Xman said irritably as Tygla nodded.

  He then grabbed her arm and started to drag her across the walkway down to the hanger. Mike wanted to do something, stop him, but after what he did to him, he doubt he will go any here near him. In addition, if he did stand up to him or hurt Xman, Tygla would think he was a bully and hate him forever. He never knew what sibling rivalry was about as he was an only child and did not want to make things worse for Tygla.

  Tygla shouted and screamed like a little kid, “Let me go!”

  Before Morgan reacted, Xman pulled his Xatu gun, pointed at the sheriff, and said, “Don’t even think about.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Morgan asked moodily.

  Xman replied harshly, “I am Prince Xman Tyger of the royal and of the colonial guard. And I’m taking my sister back home, if you don’t mind.”

  Morgan lowered his gun now knowing that he is a Colonial. Xman continued to pull her down further until she freed herself from the grip. They started to argue again. Mike could not hear them, but he knew that his heart was broken in to two and now he could not see her anymore. Maybe Justin was right, it was not meant to be, but he felt so sorry for her as he frowned and sulked back to the service hanger.

  “Now aren’t you going to ge-” Morgan looked back to Mike, but he was gone. He sighed and commented, “Sometimes I wished I should’ve stayed in bed.”

  Mike flopped in the sofa as Justin walked down the small ramp. His life was over. At that moment on, he did not feel like going on more adventures. He looked at Mike and noticed that Tygla was not with him, which worried himself.

  He walked over and asked, “You got the parts?”

  Mike frowned and miserably replied, “No.”

  Something was wrong as Justin asked, “Where’s Tygla?”

  Mike looked to him and replied, “You would not believe it if I told you.”

  Justin sat down next to him, “Hey, I’m your best friend, I’ll believe you.”

  “Ok, guess who came walking through the hanger door?”

  Justin thought hard and replied, “The tabby Felinis?”

  “Close, it was Xman,” Mike answered.

  “Tygla’s brother?” Justin wondered as Mike nodded, “You right, I don’t believe you.”

  “Told you.”

  “So he escaped? How?”

  “He didn’t say.”

  “So where is Tygla?” Justin asked worriedly.

  Mike told him, “Xman took her back to Felinoron.”

  Justin frowned and apologized, “Mike, I’m sorry.”

  “You were right,” he said sadly, “We were both from different worlds,” Mike closed his eyes and sighed, “Now I’ll never see her again.”

  Mike curled up in the couch and lay there dejectedly. Mike thought that Tygla would be the perfect one, well almost perfect. No matter whom he meets, there is always a flaw. All he wanted was a girl that would understand him. Justin never felt so bad in his life. He wished that never said those words to him. He did not want him to be heartbroken again. Not after what Julia did to him. If Xman thinks he could hurt his best friend like this, then he was wrong. Justin had to do something

  “Where is Xman?” Justin asked seriously.

  Mike turned away from him and replied, “What difference does it make?”

  “Caus I’m going to kill him,” Justin stood up as Mike look at him as if he was crazy, “No one hurts my friends and gets away with this.”

  “Justin wait!” Mike said trying to stop him, “You don’t know what this guy can-.”

  Just then, the elevator door opened and Tygla rushed in crying in tears, “Oh Michael!”

  “Tygla?” He questioned curiously. He got up and went over and hugged Tygla lovingly, “You ok, what happened?”

  Tygla sniffled and looked up him and said sorrowfully, “It’s Xman. He’s, he’s oh.” She continued to crying his chest as Mike hushed her town.

  “Shh, shhh, it’s going to be ok, just calm down and tell me what happened,” he said as he held her tenderly. She continued to cry, then Mike lead to the couch and sat down.

  She calmed as Justin gave her clean tissue from his pocket. “Thank you,” she said quietly. She then looked at Mike and said softly, “It’s Xman. We had a huge fight, and he threatened to tell father about us, but I said ‘go ahead’. Then, then, he said that’ll I’d be disowned from my family and I’d become an outcast. Oh Mike what have I done?” She wept in to the tissue. “I don’t wanna be an outcast.”

  He hugged her again as Justin asked being angered, “Where is he now?”

  She looked up to him and replied, “I don’t know, I think he’s in the hanger with his ship, getting ready to take off,” she sniffled, “He said was going to find the Hades.” She lowered and shook her head in disbelief, “He said something about Drax finding a power in the center of the galaxy and that he had to stop it. I told him that it was dangerous to go alone. He didn’t care.”

  That is all Justin needed to know as he dart toward the elevator. This time Xman had to pay for putting his friends in misery. Mike and Tygla got up, but it was too late. Justin was already ascending back up.

  “Justin!” Mike called to him, but it was too late. He grabbed Tygla’s hand and escorted her to the emergency staircase that was next to the lift. “Come on, we gotta stop him.”


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