Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition

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Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition Page 12

by M. Shaunessy

  Chapter 10

  Uno Po’Du’s Discovery

  “They What?!” Tila said angrily at the officers in her quarters in the Hades.

  They bowed their head to her and reported, “I’m sorry Lieutenant, we lost contact with their ship, that is when our Vrampian spy contacted us, and said…That Xman killed the crew and destroyed a B’tar ship.”

  She frowned, not liking what she heard. She ordered them to get out, before she kills them for this news. The officers bowed again left her alone. She did not know what to say to Drax. She got up and decided to face their punishment. She was used to that.

  Ever since she was very little, her father comes home drunk and beats her a lot. It started to happen when her parents had gotten a divorce just a year after the destruction of Earth. A freak accident killed her mother as the Xatu suddenly captured their family and placed them in to the nuke pits on the moon of Andorna as slaves. Their job was to help cipher the nuclear liquid from its pits. A dangerous job, even for the Xatu, that was until Tila’s mother accidentally fell into one of the pits and died. Then, someone told her that her father had pushed her mother in. Tila had to tell the Xatu authorities the truth after the third night of the beatings. They executed her father for treason and the empire released her from slavery and placed her in a Xatu school. Tila began to like the Xatu ways and she became more loyal to the Empire. That is where she entered in military school and became a lieutenant of the Hades security unit.

  As she entered Drax’s office, he was alone as he gazed at the stars. His eyes were particularly set on a lone planet far away.

  “Lieutenant?” Drax said.

  “Sorry for disturbing you my lord, but, I have bad news to report,” she said, “Hiss’ plan has failed. Xman and his sister are still at the port.”

  Drax frowned at this then remembered what the Emperor said. He turned to her and said, “I knew that it would. Do not be concerned about their failures. I will deal with Hiss in time. Come here Lieutenant, I like to show you something.” She walked over to him wondering what she wanted. He nodded towards to the small green dot ahead of them, “There it is Lieutenant, our destination, the Uno System. Do you know that we are first ones since Uno Pu’Do to rediscover it? My science officer informs that there is a great significant of pure negative energy.”

  “Negative?” Tila wondered.

  “Yes, that’s what I wondered,” he replied as Hiss entered, “Hiss, you have disappointed me for the last time.”

  Hiss gasps and he wondered what he was talking about, “Why? Sssss.”

  “You’re plan has failed,” He looked to him and his eyes glowed redder at him, “Xman is still there.”

  Hiss now afraid as he back away, “Failed? Do not b-blame me sssir. It wassss the offisser who carried it out. They are the onesss who failed.”

  “But it was your plan,” Drax argued.

  “How would I know thissss would happen?”

  He turned to Tila and asked, “How many were sent?”

  She hesitated before she answered, “Only one my lord.”

  “Ssssee itsss her fault, Ssshe’sss the one who sssend the oederssss,” Hiss snitched as he pointed his chrome finger at her.

  Drax looked to her frowning and asked, “I hope you have a good explanation for that lieutenant?”

  Her mouth opened not knowing what to say as she stumbled fearfully, “I’m, I’m,” Tila closed her eyes and lowered her head in grief as she answered, “I’m sorry my lord, I must have underestimated Prince Xman. I am ready for my punishment.”

  Drax looked at her, and then realized it was not really her fault. He should have told her of what Xman was capable of. He looked back to the planet.

  “Lieutenant, don’t look like a fool,” Drax said as Tila looked up curiously, “You are still young. Still learning. Just don’t let it happen again.”

  Hiss was surprised at his. He was sure that Drax would hit her or something. It did not seem fair to him.

  “Thank you my lord,” Tila said a bit surprised.

  “Where was I?” Drax asked

  Tila answered, “I think you were talking about Uno Pu’Do, sir.”

  “Oh yes,” said Drax, “Hiss, I want you to tell Captain Tah, to move closer to the planet.”

  “Ssir?” Hiss started, “Issn’t that dangerousss? I heard that Uno didn’t quite make it back.”

  “Those are just rumors Hiss,” Drax remarked, “Legends, to scare the weak minded like yourself. Now don’t make me repeat myself.”

  “Yessss my lord,” he nodded as he slithered over to the intercom. He pressed a couple of buttons as Tah answered, “Captain, Lord Draxsss, wantsss you to move the sship clossser to the planet.”

  “Move forward?” Tah asked.

  “Yes Tah,” Drax answered loudly from across the room, “Move the ship forward.”

  “Aye Aye sir,” Tah replied.

  On the bridge, Tah ordered his helmsman to proceed ahead one quarter of power. The ship moved and not more than a minute, the ship trembled and everybody on the bridge shook with it. The lights went out in Drax’s Office and the sound went dead for a moment. Suddenly, Drax just felt the pureness of the energy and liked it. He wanted more of it. Energy like that, think of the possibility Drax pondered. Hiss though, had different opinions. On the bridge, the crew started to talk amongst themselves wondering what to do.

  “Report,” Tah ordered.

  The Xatu lieutenant acknowledged, “Sir, all of our systems went down for a moment. It’ll take a few minutes to reboot.”

  The ship quaked in the office again as Hiss spoke, “You we’re ssaying my Lord.”

  “Maybe I shouldn't underestimate Uno,” Drax retorted.

  “Thiss plasse is curssed,” Hiss said.

  “Don’t be a fool,” Drax commented.

  All was then silent. They waited for a few minutes for the computers to be up again, but nothing happened as if something drained their power. Tah, on the bridge, ordered the ship to back away. The auxiliary engines suddenly kicked in and the crew did as Tah ordered. Interesting, Drax thought, as he pondered in his office, this planet drains all energy if anyone comes close. Once the ship was out of range the power and lights came back on. He decided to take precaution just as the Emperor told him. He needed more info on the planet and the energy source before he could start an expedition.

  “Hiss,” Drax started, “Tell your science officers to start scanning more of the planet. Then report to me if you have anything interesting.”

  “Yess sssir,” His replied as he slithered out the door.

  “Lieutenant, you are dismissed,” Drax ordered.

  Tila nodded to him, “Thank you my lord. What should I do with Xman?”

  “Don’t worry. He will soon come to us.”

  “Sir?” she wondered

  “He has too much ego and pride,” he proclaimed, “That is a mistake in war. Now I like to be in peace.”

  As soon as she left, Drax was alone. He sat in his chair thinking. With this new power, he could have his revenge on Xman and his friends. No one could stop him not even the Emperor himself. He could destroy Mi’Tuk and the Xatu Empire and rule the galaxy for himself. He smiled and chuckled at that evil thought.

  As the elevator opened Mike, CRAIG, and Tygla entered the old hanger carrying plastic white bags. CRAIG however was caring five pieces of heavy engine parts. They walked over and placed the bags on the Entertable. Mike told CRAIG to set the parts on the floor by the ship. Everything was working as planned.

  “Justin! We’re back!” Mike called out.

  Justin was busy in the engine compartment of the ship patching some wires as the sheriff was in the cockpit trying to get the onboard computer systems to work.

  “Did you get the Neoxite?” Justin asked loudly.

  “Yeah,” Mike replied. Then Justin walked down the ramp and over to them. “It wasn’t cheap. As a matter of fa
ct, I didn’t have any money left over to pay for it.”

  Justin cocked an eyebrow wondering why and asked, “So how did you get it?”

  “Tygla had to pay for it from her allowance,” Mike replied.

  Justin looked to her and said, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome Justin. It was the least I could do,” she said smiling to him as Justin took a bag and went back to work. They both sat down on the couch tired from shopping. She looked to Mike and smiled then she saw his injury and said, “Let me check your wound.”

  “I’m fine,” Mike said friendly, looking to her as he moved his shoulder away when she tried to touch it.

  She looked at him unsurely and said, “I might have to change your bandage hon.”

  “I said I was fine!” He repeated irately.

  “Is this what is going to be when we get married?” She asked.


  “Yes, I do wanna get married,” she said hopefully, “And I hope it’d be to you.”

  He looked at her deeply and asked, “What about your dad?”

  “He’ll understand. As I said before,” she replied as she came closer to his face. He could just smell her faint flowery perfume as she said softly, “He’s a gentle as a cub.”

  Her black lips was about to touch his when they heard an ‘ahem’. They jumped and turned to see that Xman has returned. As much as he mined Tygla falling in love with Mike, he did not like to see them kiss in front of him.

  “Xman,” she said uncomfortably. Tygla got up, walked over to her brother, and asked him, “What did father say?”

  “He said he was a bit disappointed in you as was I,” Xman replied as Tygla frowned. She did not like what was coming next. “He said was going to ground you for a month.”

  “A month?!” She cried rejecting his statement, “That’s not fair!”

  “Let me finish,” he said calmly, “but I convinced him about your bravery for trying to save me, he said he’ll reduce it for two days after the battle.”

  “Battle?” She wondered.

  “Battle? What battle?” Mike inquired too.

  “When father learned that I had escaped safely with Drax’s android”, he said as he gestured to CRIAG, “He’d knew that they may have a chance to destroy the Hades. So he’s organizing every trooper he could spare and they’re coming here to pick us up, so we can plan for a battle against Drax’s starship.”

  “How long will that take?” Mike asked.

  “A day and a half,” Xman answered.

  Mike said, “They’ll be too late. I was planning to leave tomorrow morning.”

  “Why don’t you do that,” Xman suggested. “Scout them out and report back us.”

  Mike nodded knowing that was a good idea. Xman looked towards the old Star Hawk and started laughed heartily. Justin peeked down the ramp and saw Xman laughing.

  He looked to Mike and said, “Told ya!”

  “I don’t believe it,” Xman said smiling, “Is this an old Star Hawk? Where in the galaxy did you get it? I thought they were all destroyed during the Great War.”

  Morgan came down the ramp after he told Justin to finish repairing the Hyper Flight system. He walked over to Xman wiping his hands on an old rag.

  “Ya like it?” He said as he turned to admire the craft. “I had her here since the war. Buet ain’t she?” Xman nodded, “Let me show ya around.”

  He guided Xman closer to the ship, as Xman was enjoying the tour. Tygla turned back to Mike as he was still sitting on the couch. She walked back over and sat next to him. She looked at him lovingly and placed her gentle hand on his rugged face.

  “Now, where were we?” Tygla asked gently.

  Mike came close to her face once more and replied, “I think we were about here.”

  He kissed her extensively, as she fell deeper in love with him, and so did he. They broke their kiss and gazed at each other for a bit, holding hands. Tygla then remembered her love’s wound and wanted to make sure it wasn’t infected.

  “Let me check your wound ok?” Tygla asked once more.

  Mike nodded to her smiling and replied, “Sure, why not.”

  As she unwrap his bandage, she inquired about what Drax was doing. Mike thought about Uno, than about his father. Energy is in the heart. Once she took the bandage off, they saw that the slave worked. The skin has healed, but he still felt a bruise.

  “Well, I think this has to do about Uno Pu’Do’s expedition.” Mike replied, “Too bad the Condor is gone I could of gotten more information from my report I did.”

  She frowned slightly feeling sorry for him, about the stolen Condor. He then remembered that Flash Stick his father gave him just before he left. He dug through his pocket and took it out. He wondered if his father put something on the Flash Stick that would help. Then he remembered what he said and wondered if it pertain whatever was on the memory stick.

  “What’s that?” Tygla inquired.

  “Something my dad gave me before he died,” Mike replied. “He said ‘when the time is right, use it. Energy is in the heart.’ For a long time I thought he meant it as metaphor, as if you have to be good to your heart and your soul. I didn’t realize it until now that he was trying to tell me that there might be an energy source in the center of our galaxy.” He sighed and continued, “I didn’t’ really know what my dad did back on Earth. An old friend of the family’s told me he was a science engineer that worked for NASA. God I miss them.”

  “I’m so sorry Michael, I didn’t know,” Tygla said looking deep in his eyes.

  Mike looked back and replied, “It’s ok. I did find another family, yours and Justin.”

  Tygla blushed somewhat as Mike kissed her tenderly. They said nothing for a moment then Tygla said, “So what’s on that stick?”

  “I don’t know really, I never had the heart to find out,” Mike replied.

  He looked at the memory stick for a moment the he decided to find out. He got up and walked over to the Entertable as Tygla followed. He placed the stick in the USB slot as he and Tygla sat down next to him, not knowing what would happen. Then suddenly a video file started to run. He saw his father face on the screen, as he was perplexed.

  “Hello son, if you are viewing this then I am dead, and you are old enough now to understand this file.” For twenty years, he never realized that it was his father on that stick and wished that he opened the file earlier. His father continued, “On this video I will try to explain to you my life’s work. For about fifteen years, I have been trying to find a permanent energy source that will not diminish. One of our deep space probes finally returned from the center of the galaxy, reporting that there was an immense energy surge. NASA approved a one-man expedition to discover origin of the energy source, he never returned. On this stick, you will find the information you need to rediscover the origin of this energy source. I am hoping that one day you will find it before the Xatu does. It may bring peace to this endless war. Remember Michael no matter where you are, I’m always with you. In here.” He tapped his chest. “I love you son.”

  “I love you too dad,” Mike said softly as tear rolled down his cheek.

  “This is the end of my transmission. Good luck my boy, I’m counting on you.” Mike realized now that his father made that video just before the Xatu attacked the Earth. The screen went black and schematics of the expedition appeared.

  “What’s this?” Tygla inquired.

  “I’m not sure, but I think this is Uno’s flight plan.” Mike replied as he wiped the tear off his face.

  “Your father seems like nice man Mike. I wish I could have met him.”

  “I know,” he said softly.

  Tygla held him in comfort then asked, “Mike, I was wondering, how do you think my father is going to destroy the Hades? That ship is indestructible to any fire power.”

  CRAIG was listing to their conversation and wandered over to them, “You are right your hig
hness,” CRAIG said, “The ship’s hull as made entirely out of Xrylium the hardest Substance known to human or Animun kind.”

  “Then why the force shield?” Mike asked as Xman came back out and joined them.

  CRAIG replied, “The only thing that might destroy it is melting it in a temperature of thirty thousand degrees Fahrenheit.”

  “Or equal to very powerful nuclear explosion,” Mike added. “Like when use their super plasma drill to destroy a planet.”

  “Precisely,” said CRAIG.

  Xman then asked, “Is there any way to destroy it from the inside?”

  “Well, there two possible ways your highness,” CRAIG explained.

  Xman nodded and said, “Well why don’t you save it until the Rebirth arrives?”

  “Rebirth?” Mike inquired.

  Tygla replied “Father’s command ship.”

  Mike nodded. Mike could not believe that he was going to war with the Colonials. When they notified him first was about joining the colonial army a long time ago, he disregarded it. He did not think that it was right for him. Of course, the Xatu Empire killed his parents, but he did not like the idea of revenge. He hated them, but he also disliked war, now he was going in battle soon.

  Hours passed and it was getting late as Justin just finished adding the Ghost Shield device on the Star Hawk. Morgan was very impressed on his skills and knowledge of star ship repairs. He had told him that he would be a shoe-in on the Colonial motor pool position.

  Mike looked at his chronowatch, yawned, and suggested, “We better get some rest.”

  Xman asked, “What are the sleeping arrangements?”

  “There couple of extra airbeds in the storage closet over thar,” Morgan informed them as he pointed to a door near the elevator. “Whelp I’m gonna hit the hay m’self. Night y’all.”

  “Night sheriff,” Mike said as they waved to him good-bye, “And thanks for everything.” He waved back and left the room by elevator. Mike looked to Xman and said, “Ok Tygla and I will take the airbeds, you can take the couch and Justin, I’m sure there is a fold out cot on the Hawk, right?”

  “Hold on,” Xman said sternly, “I don’t like that arrangement, and since I am older and higher in rank than all of you, I think I’ll make the decisions for now on. Tygla takes the Cot on the ship, and you and Justin get the air beds.” Mike was a bit uncomfortable as Xman eyed him. “Does that seem better?”

  “Yeah, ok,” he said uneasily, “That does seem better.”

  Xman nodded in agreement, “Good, now let’s hit beds ladies.”

  “Ladies?” Justin questioned as Xman went to his bag to get his nightclothes.

  “Don’t mind him,” Tygla said, “He’s in one of his military moods.” She then whispered in Mike’s ear, “Come to my cot when everyone’s asleep.”

  Mike looked to her not knowing why, but she just smiled cunningly.

  Late that night, while everyone was asleep, Mike got out of his airbed and quietly crept over to the Star Hawk. He then slowly walked up the ramp. It was a bit dark inside and Mike could not see. That was until Tygla lit a glow lamp. The lamp was dim so it would not disturb anyone outside. Inside, Mike found Tygla lying on the small bed, looking affectionately up at him. She had taken off her pants and shirt as Mike partially saw her in her underwear with a cotton blanket wrapped around her body. He walked over and sat with her on the small cot.

  “You wanted to see me?” Mike asked quietly.

  “I just wanted for us to be alone,” Tylga replied softly, “I didn’t want anybody disturb us, especially my brother.”

  “Yeah, he’s kind of over protective of you isn’t he?”

  She nodded, “That’s just his nature. I think he and Justin have a lot in common.”

  Mike looked deeply in her eyes and asked, “Is it true what Justin said about your kind?”

  She was confused of what he meant and asked, “What do you mean? What did Justin say?”

  He looked away slightly not knowing how to word his question “That you, kill the person that you mate with?”

  Tygla did not believe what she heard. She then thought Justin is a dummy, but then she remembered her last boy friend and frowned faintly. She looked in his eyes and replied, “No. Whatever Justin said is not true. I love you and will never harm you.”

  Mike smiled and reminded himself to kick Justin in the butt later. She put her arms around him and kissed him lovingly.

  “You know, my last girlfriend wasn’t as half as sweet and beautiful as you are,” Mike commented.

  “You’re so sweet,” she said as she hugged him.

  She then looked deep in his eyes, smiled and romantically kissed him again. Passion engulfed between them. It was like that, there were the only two people in the galaxy.

  “I love you,” Tygla said softly as she pulled him down on the small cot and they kissed even more. It was like that they fit perfect on it and they looked like they were as one. Mike adjusted his position as Tygla was now lying on top of him. Mike stared to caress her smooth fur-like thighs as she purred a bit. Her tail swiveled playfully as Tygla kissed him tenderly. It seemed to Mike that she loved it and continued to please her even more. Mike always wanted to know what it was to make love with a Felinis, now he knows. It was beautiful and passionate, just as he imagined. Just then, after several kisses Tygla stopped him.

  “What is it?” Mike wondered.

  She looked at him with a concerned look in her eyes and replied, “Mike, I don’t want to go any further tonight. Not until we get married, that is. We are going to get married right?” She placed a sly grin in her smile.

  Mike smiled warmly back at her, “Maybe, someday.” Then his smile faded, “When and if I become a prince, or a knight or something.”

  “You my knight, in shining armor,” Tygla said smiling and they kissed once more.

  “But what about your father, what if he doesn’t approve? I hate to see you devastated.”

  “My father will understand. You don’t know him the way I do.” Tygla answered, “And besides, you trust me right?”

  “Yes of course I do.”

  “Then trust my father,” she said.

  He caressed her smooth cheek, then kissed her gently and said, “I will.”

  She snuggled closer to Mike as she laid her head on his chest and wondered, “So what’s she’s like?”


  “Your ex-girlfriend,” she replied looking at him. Mike did not want to talk about Julia as it might ruin the mood. “Come on, tell me. I wanna know.”

  “Why you wanna know?” Mike inquired.

  “Because I’m curious,” Tygla replied, “I’ll tell you my last boyfriend,” she begged cutely.

  He thought about it, it would help to get it out in the open. Maybe it would help in their relationship. He told her how they had met. It was by accident actually. Julia, being another treasurer hunter like Mike, was after the lost treasure of Thees. Thees was an ancient god of the Primaions. Mike and Justin were also looking to the lost treasure when they bumped into each other, literarily. They instantly fell in love, but what Mike did not know was that she was playing him for a fool.

  “So, what happened to her?” Tygla asked

  He did not want to tell her that she got kill by them so he elaborated, “Well, didn’t work out, so I pretty much shot her out of my life.”

  She looked to him wondering what he meant, and then she thought it was a figure of speech. She then told him of her last boyfriend. Then they spent the rest of the waking night talking, trying to get to know each other more. They kissed and cuddled as they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


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