Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition

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Star Raiders and the Lost Expedition 2nd Edition Page 16

by M. Shaunessy

  Chapter 14

  The Sacrifice

  Drax, Tila and the 2 Xatu soldiers continued to follow the track that led them through the thick jungle. He almost killed Ackdik for losing the trail. It was close to nighttime and without a moon high above them, they were force to make camp. Drax did not want to camp, but Ackdik told him that he still got their tracks. Drax wondered who these people were. Ackdik also told him that these people were from of modern times. He also deuced that one of them was female. Drax pondered this and wondered even more. He thought, if these were the Star Raiders he heard so much about, and the female was probably Princess Tygla. His thoughts turned from grim to devious, as he would finally capture them.

  “Lieutenant,” Drax finally said, “Is all of our weapons operational?”

  She looked to him and said, “I just finished recalibrating them,” she tossed her gun to him.

  Drax looked at it like, as if it was his first gun he had ever owned. He aimed it at a tree trunk and pulled the trigger. The gun did not emit anything out of it, but he heard a reverse laser sound, and in seconds, the trunk had a huge hole in it. The tree itself could not hold the weight, so it cracked and fell over away from them.

  Drax smiled and said, “Excellent.”

  The night passed very quickly and the party did not get a full night’s rest. It amazed Drax that the days are shorter than he expected. The next morning as the dim sun tried to beam down its rays, but it blocked them by an over cast of clouds. The dew spread over the dead leaves that surrounded a deserted camp as Drax and his men continued the pursuit.

  As the fire dimmed down, only Tygla, Justin and Uno had been tired and slept through the short night while Mike continued to translate the writings. He only gotten to half of their alphabet and realized that it was the language of all ancient civilizations. Tired as he was, he was too excited to sleep. He looked down on his pad, and read the partly message to himself that was hiding for thousands of years. As far as he gotten to, Mike discovered that their civilization was called Q’Et’Orans. The Q’Et’Orans were a simple peaceful race. Like any other ancient civilizations, they believe and served one, unnamed god, called The Creator.

  Before Mike could finish the page, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He did not jump as much. Instead, he turned to see Tygla.

  “You should get some sleep sweetie,” she said quietly. “You got bags under your eyes,” she smiled at him as she repeated what Mike commented to her before.

  “I think I figured it out.”

  “Oh? You figured how we can get back home?” She said hopefully.

  “Not really, but the story on why there is no civilization could be helpful,” Mike replied. Tygla looked at him strangely and interested as she sat down to listen. “I think Uno’s theory of the Ice age is true, about ten thousand years ago, the Q’Et’Orans’ had a problem. A long winter came, killing their crops. Their creator, an unnamed god, gave them a date that their world is dying, Like the Mayan calendar on Earth. The Q’Et’Orans needed help, so they ask their god for it. It answered back.”

  “Answered back? How?” Tylga asked unsurely.

  “Through a ritual I think. Unfortunately there was catch, two must stay behind and sacrificed themselves.”

  “That’s horrible,” Tygla said frowning, “Why would they do that?”

  “That last wall down there explains it,” Mike said, as he pointed to the corner, Tygla saw the strange writings as Mike continued the story, “Well the Creator told them that he would open up a...magical portal of some kind to another world, perhaps Earth.”

  Tygla looked at him skeptically and said, “Magical portal? Do you actually think I can believe that?”

  “Hey, I’m just reading how it is.” Mike replied as he continued, “Look, Justin and I have seen a lot of crazy stuff in our lives Hon, and believe me some of it are just unexplainable. Anyhow the last two Q’Et’Orans that stayed, well, in order to fulfill The Creator’s request one killed the other, and I suppose the other died in his old age. Probably the one who has written this last part.”

  Tygla then wondered, “So why is the planet not a frozen wasteland?”

  Mike shrugged, “Just like Uno said, this planetary orbit is not elliptical.”

  She nodded understanding that, but another question arose in her mind and asked, “Then why is the planet emitting negative energy, draining our weapons?”

  “I don’t know maybe Uno was right. Maybe the sun’s magnetic energy did something our electronics.”

  “So how do we get them back to working order?”

  “I don’t know,” he said unsurely.

  “I thought you knew all this stuff?” She asked.

  Mike replied desperately, “I’m doing my best.”

  Tygla smiled, “I know you are love.” She then kissed him making him feel better.

  “That’s a good interoperation Michael,” Uno said as he and Justin finally got up, “It seems that you finally translated it all. You know I was great archeologist in my day, but you are the best I have seen.”

  “Well if he’s so great, maybe he can reverse that power and get us out off this planet,” Justin said.

  “Yes, Mr. Tippin is it?” A voice boomed from the entrance. The four turned their head to see in shock the face of Drax, Tila, and two armed Xatu soldiers all aiming their weapons at them. “Please tell us how to reverse The Creator’s power.”

  “And if I refuse?” Mike said as Tygla wrapped her arms around his waist as for protection.

  Tila looked at Tygla, smiled at her and winked. Tygla looked at her, and wondered why she did that. She then got an uncomfortable and hugged Mike.

  “Then I will kill one of your friends,” Drax replied aiming his modified blaster at them.

  “Do you think we were born yesterday Drax?” Mike said, “That weapon useless here.”

  “Is it?” Drax said as he aimed at Uno and fired at him.

  A hole the size of a baseball appeared where his abdomen was. Blood spilt on the floor. Everyone screamed in horror as Uno Pu’Do, the greatest archeologist that ever lived, fell on the floor. Everyone ran on over to see if he was all right, but sadly it was too late. Uno could barely lift his head, but Mike placed his hand under it for support.

  “Mike,” Uno said barely.

  “Don’t try to talk,” Mike replied fearfully.

  “Mike, Your father, he- always loved you. He told me that the center is- the energy.” Uno closed his eyes as his Lizzian heart had beaten for the last time.

  “No,” Mike spoke softly as he closed his eyes.

  He could not believe it, his mentor dead in his hands. He thought of what he had said. ‘The center is the energy’. That is what his father had said, but he did not understand what he meant until now. It all fits, the planet’s sun, which was the energy his dad was talking about, not the planet. He looked to Drax unpleased of what he done.

  Drax sneered at then, “Don’t be unhappy, Mr. Tippin. Your friend’s death was only a warning.”

  He looked to him heatedly and said, “My friend you killed was Uno Pu’Do.”

  “Really?” He said proudly. He had heard of him that he was the lost explorer, a Lizzian lost in time.

  Then Justin wondered, “Hey, how did you get your weapons to work?”

  “We modified them Captain Jobbs” Tila replied. “We figured that if this planet drains energy all we had to do is –.”

  “Enough lieutenant,” Drax interrupted cutting her off, “Now Mr. Tippin, finish translating the scriptures, or I’ll make my next target more vulnerable to your pride.”

  He then aimed his gun at Tygla. Tila frowned, as she didn’t want Drax to kill her. She was starting to like Tygla. Mike didn’t want to endanger her life. He loved her too much and so he had to do what Drax asked him, or he’ll kill her. He had no choice.

  The two guards surrounded Justin and Tygla as prisoners, grabbing their wrist
s. Justin struggled a bit but he too knew that it was no use to fight them. Tila went over, stood next to Tygla, and flirted. Tygla turned her head away and looked to Mike. Justin noticed this and wondered if Tila was bi-sexual or something. He looked to Mike and wondered what he would do. Mike looked at Uno’s body and frowned. He did not want his friends to end up like Uno.

  “All right I will, just don’t hurt them,” Mike replied.

  “Excellent,” Drax said pleasingly as Mike looked to the last tile, “Continue on.”

  Tila placed her hand on Tygla’s shoulder and started to caress it. Tygla jerked her head to Tila as she whispered in her quietly so no one could hear, “I could set you free and let you live, if you will be mine. I just love Tigresses, especially a princess one.”

  “Go to hell,” Tygla scowled softly.

  Tila frowned, “Your choice. Too bad though. We could’ve has some good times together.”

  Mike turned to the wall and thought, Drax would not know what these runes say. He then had an idea as he read, “Well, according to this, we must ask The Creator for the power, but in order to make contact, a ritual must be performed. Someone with a pure minded heart must drip his own blood on to the altar. Peripherally a priest must perform it. And since we do not have one here amongst us, we can’t do it.”

  Drax frowned at that thought then he looked to Tygla and thought, why not use the Felinis they are pure blooded? He then went over, grabbed her hand and brought Tygla over to the altar. Tila gasped at what Drax did. She begged with her eyes, but that failed. Mike was alert, as Tygla screamed. She kicked him in the shin, but the guard restrained her. She is spunky, Tila thought.

  “No! What are you doing?” Mike cried worriedly, as he tried to advance to them, but Tila raised her gun at him and he stopped.

  “I do not like to waste time,” he replied as his hand suddenly morphed into a razor sharp knife. He then quickly sliced her palm as Mike heard her scream in pain.

  “No you bastard!” Mike cried angrily.

  Tila now pissed, clicked her safety off and said to him, touchily, “Don’t even tempt me Colonial.”

  Red blood dripped from her hand and Mike saw her crying. He could not believe what was happening. He frowned in anger and wished he could do something. Drax then placed her bloody hand on to the altar. At once, nothing happened, Drax frowned, then he glanced to Tila to give her the command to kill him, but suddenly a small gust of wind entered the room. Leaves and vines whapped on the walls and pillars. They heard a clap of thunder from outside the temple. The wind made the leaves fly around like a tornado pattern. The little dust devil came towards Tygla as if it had a mind of its own. It moved like a belly dancer, and then without warning, it forced Drax to let go of her. He staggered back against the wall wondering what was going on. Mike thought the same as Tygla’s eyes closed as the wind became stronger. It was strong enough to lift her two to three feet in the air like a balloon.

  Next, a bright yellow light shined down on her from the opening above. To Mike she was more beautiful like a true angel. He did not believe what he was seeing. Mike only thought that something like only happens in Myths, but not right in front of their eyes. Another moment had passed as she finally opened her eyes, but this time her pupils were gone and Mike gotten worried. Tygla then spoke in some type of alien language that neither of them could understand. It sounded like three different languages all together almost like the Xatu language. Her voice sounded like there were four people in her.

  “Excuse me?” Mike said worriedly as he walked towards her, “Tygla? You ok Hun?”

  She did not respond immediately. She tilted her head towards him then said in English, “You speak an interesting tongue. You are not a Q’Et’Oran. Who are you?”

  “It’s me Tygla, its Mike? Don’t you remember?” Mike said wondering what was wrong with her.

  “This Tygla? She cannot speak now. Only I, The Creator, can speak. You have called upon me Non- Q’Et’Oran, what is your request?”

  Drax smiled and stepped forward, “Yes, oh mighty one of creation, give us your infinite power so we can escape this planet.”

  “It has been eons since my last appearance,” The creator said, “My power is for only for those who are a true servant to me. You are not.”

  Drax grew angry, “What? I only serve one and it is not you.” He then raised his weapon to her, “You will serve me and the Xatu Empire. You will give me that power. Now!”

  “Do you dare to anger me Xatu?” She said. “You will then witness my wrath!”

  With that, she gazed on Drax and blast of yellow light flew out of them, hitting the blue humanoid. Drax fell on the floor when the two Xatu guards aimed their blasters to Tygla, but Drax ordered them to stand down. They lowered their guns. Tila did not understand, but Drax got up and kneeled to Tygla.

  “That is better Xatu,” she said, “I will give you the power to leave my domain. Do you have a puritan sacrifice for me?”

  “Puritan?” Drax wondered and looked to Mike for an answer.

  “I think she means a virgin,” Mike replied.

  “Yes. Do you have one prepared?” The Creator said.

  Drax glanced to Mike and grinned. Mike did not like Drax’s thoughts.

  “Oh no,” Mike said, “Don’t even think about it. I haven’t been one since I was eighteen. And I know Justin is not a virgin so forget it.” Drax frowned the he looked to Tygla floating in mid air, but Mike said, “You can’t sacrifice someone who is incarcerated, especially if she is a god.”

  “Since you know so much perhaps you can choose the victim,” Drax said with remorse.

  Mike looked at the remaining people. The two Xatu soldiers looked like they had sexual actions in their life, then he glanced to Tila. He wondered if she was a virgin. Justin next to her, nodded. Mike smiled a bit. Then everyone was looking at her, as if she was some animal at a zoo.

  “No, don’t you even think about it,” she said raising her gun at him in defense. Drax narrowed his eyes a bit, “No man will ever kill or sacrifice me. I rather stay on this planet then you to even touch me.”

  “Lieutenant, your services to the Empire will be graceful,” Drax said to her as she looked at him.

  “Are you mad? Have you betrayed us?” She said uncertainly.

  “Guards prepare her,” Drax ordered.

  Tila could not believe her ears, “You are mad!” She raised her gun at him and fired, but Drax was fast and more agile that he barely got hit. The invisible blast however struck a nearby pillar, damaging it. “Traitor!” The one of the guards then grabbed her and took her weapon.

  “For that action you should be executed,” Drax said as the soldier brought her to the altar. Tila kicked and screamed like a brat child that she was. She tried in all of her training as a solder to escape but it was hopeless. Mike and Justin just stood there in awe. They did not know what to do as Tygla’s body still floated above them waiting.

  Tygla’s body continued to hover over them, watching as they have found a puritan. The Xatu solder laid Tila on the altar and held her down as she kept on squirming. She then stopped as Drax stooped over her. His hand formed a sharp blade again and looked towards Tygla.

  “Oh great Creator I hope this will satisfy you.”

  “Indeed Xatu, proceed.”

  Drax looked down and asked, “Do you have any last words my dear?”

  Tila spat at him and replied angrily, “Go to hell you male pig!”

  Drax frowned, wiped the saliva from his face, and said, “Your services will be remembered.” He then plunged his sharp knife like blade deep in her chest. Tila screamed in pain then silence as blood splattered everywhere. She was dead. Her blood began to drip from the altar.

  “You wish has been granted,” The Creator said.

  She then used Tygla’s mouth, smiled, and laughed as if she won. The glow around Tygla faded and she fell to the groun
d. Mike rushed over to see if she was all right. Tygla was unconscious, but still alive which made Mike feel better.

  Suddenly the ground began to tremble. To Mike, it seemed like a small earthquake. Bits and pieces fell from the ceiling and he knew that the building was not safe to stay as the damaged pillar gave away, but that was only the beginning, when the quake started a high intensive golden ray shot up from the altar and it beamed through the sky light and into the sky itself. The altar itself disintegrated with the body of Tila and started to grow larger by the minute.

  Mike picked up Tygla and said to the others, “This place is not safe, I suggest we all we all get out of here.”

  Drax nodded in agreement, “I will radio my flagship to pick us up.”

  Mike was unsure about that idea, but then the debris got larger, walls and pillars began to fall. Justin helped Mike as the group quickly exited the altar room. They heard a large rumbling noise behind them as the wall crushed the two soldiers in the rubble. Drax stopped briefly to see what has happed then continued more swiftly. He urged the trio to move faster until they finally got out into the daylight.



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