Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 12

by Susan Reid

  Amon had the worst of the dangerous demons in his legion, the voids. Voids had no bodies, emotions or substance of their own, so they are able to acquire and mimic any human in form and voice. They were the ones that were always used to lure, hunt and gather unsuspecting humans with deceit and trickery. However, their putrid odors always gave them away to those of us who knew better and were sensitive to it.

  There were several mini pyramids dotted around the areas, which housed prisons, sex and defecation arenas, murder, dismembering and torture chambers and numerous conjuring galleries, serving as direct connections to the human realm, like a PA system as well as housing for some of the higher demons and soldiers. The shadows were shapeless masses of evil and negative energies, constantly slinking around in the dark lands and in between the pyramids— awaiting orders, spying and using humans as puppets for their own amusements. They needed no physical dwelling, actual food for sustenance or bodies because they fed on souls like parasites.

  Black beasts and hellhounds, which were huge lion-like, three-headed, mutant dogs, were just as fierce and diabolical as they looked, and they maintained that reputation by feasting on damned humans while they were still alive.

  There were myriads of diabolical evil pets and creatures that were kept in a large zoo like facility where they were bred and raised specifically for hunting, entertainment and sometimes food by Morning Star’s army. They were all foul and vicious— created by using a combination of the darkest magic, corrupt flesh, stolen and damned souls and auras. Some of the beasts were used to stand watch among each pyramid community like sentry gargoyles, but it was mostly to keep the human slaves in check and from escaping.

  Yes, humans could still escape back into the mortal realm pending they could even find the portals to do so but then again, those people never returned the same anyway. Insane was an understatement to their transformation if they ever did make it back while still mortal and with their original souls.

  It was always dismal and ranged from shades of perpetual murky grays and darkness here at nightfall and orange- red and purple hues during the daybreaks in this place. Nothing ever grew naturally especially of the earth. There was no real sun, rain or vegetation. The dark fallen and demons here didn’t need those things. They ate souls and people and kept them harvested by forcing them to breed among each other, which meant that there was never a shortage of souls or bodies to sacrifice, play with, use and eat.

  The tortured cries and screams were vividly louder here. It fed this place, keeping its energy alive with all sorts of horrors and atrocities involving men, women, children and even infants. This was the place that literally brought sorrow to my being, which is why I never hung around longer than to satisfy my own lusts. Edanai completely detested this place and avoided it altogether as well as the majority in my legion, unless it was necessary to our cause.

  I was grateful for the light I still had within. I used to revel in taking part of some of the activities planned for the mortal realm, but I never took part in the specifically blasphemous and heinous level atrocities—those truly sickened me. Even as a classified Demon…I had my limits.

  The things I did participate in, which had been the most fun for me back then, was to look for, listen in on and tag those humans in the mortal realm who had just lost a loved one to death. Afterwards, watching the voids take on the image of that person to make the living think they were seeing their ghosts in order to further play on their grief and psyche’s.

  ‘Haunting’ places, throwing strange lights and orbs and even making sounds to make people believe there were lingering ghosts had been fun too. I remember breaking up marriages and families by temptation or deception at just the right moment— because all demons do is watch, listen, wait, destroy and then move onto the next victims after either soaking up or getting a good laugh at the despair and pain left behind. My most favorite had been the teasing of the ones who swore to possess powers or psychic abilities or called themselves prophets of Elohim, claiming to speak in tongues. Most of the time it was simply a dark shadow taking the m over or speaking through them to the masses or by playing on the darkest fears that lie buried deep within their souls and minds. Ridiculing false prophets into thinking they were actually saying something of holy importance, was the most hilarious to me; although, that was all in the past for me now.

  We had a ball with those games and there were far too many gullible humans and charlatans that the source of humor, fun and games were never in shortage.

  I never want Star to see this place or to know of my participation in any of it even if it had been a long time ago I would go to the ends of the earth to keep her out of here even after she became a divine warrior.

  I didn’t want to move through the rest of the foul garbage, slime, leeches, siphons and idiots meandering through the grounds, below so I toyed with the idea of just ghosting directly into Morning Stars chambers. I knew that may have been suicidal though. I hated being anywhere around him. His own aura and energy were so wicked, infallibly dark and evil that it literally permeated the air and those around him with a tangible, vile ichor that was almost impossible to get rid of if at all as it worked to consume and taint ones soul further.

  Rahab was right. Looking around I could see that some sort of a celebration was about to take place. The main square was decorated with illuminated blood infused lamps and gold chains. Streamers made from dyed intestines, adorned and painted balloons and statues made from thinly shaved, human skin and hollowed out human skulls decorated shops and the sides of the streets. There were many ‘food vendors’ preparing their stands with signs that read fresh eyeball soup- all colors, tongue, cured hearts and kidneys and both charred and filleted penis jerky…that one actually made me look away with antipathy and discomfort.

  Demons and their minions casually crawled, skittered and strolled along the bone and teeth cobbled streets with the human slaves whom they walked like pets on leashes. All of which, were either naked with some sort of exposed raw wound or wounds derived from being beaten repetitively or had been missing limbs. All were blindfolded and bound by spiked, harnessed collars.

  The higher arch demons were decked out in their most formal attire made from dyed and leatherized human flesh and hair. Groups of child imps were doing some sort of dance routine to disturbing music, waving colored flaming sticks of sulfur and using still living but horribly dismembered and disfigured smaller beasts and...hybrid human children as props. It was all a disparaging sight to witness, which was why I never ventured around these streets for this reason.

  I was instantly recognized by many of the lesser demons, but they refused to make eye contact with me as they grunted and scurried by; watching from afar. Some of the higher arch demonesses were calling my name, but I ignored them. Even if I weren’t on business during this trip, I craved human women, contrary to the filth of the female demons here, and they knew it. I would have to bathe simply walking through these streets alone. I chose to glide a few inches above the ground so that even my boots wouldn’t be soiled by the powerful decay beneath them. I saw several in my legion scattered about; doing their typical surveillance in gathering more information to be discussed later when we all met.

  Many of my acquaintances, blended in perfectly with the other dark ones, coming in all shapes, sizes, talents and powers. They did well in paying me no particular attention or even making eye contact as to give way to any notion that we were familiar with each other at all, let alone were in the same legion.

  There were far too many wards and security measures at the base of Morning Star’s quarters, and though I would be able to get through without conflict, I didn’t want to waste my time continuing on through the sludge. He had a number of safeguards in place, but he knew my signature, and since I was a regular; he was never surprised to see me when I materialized in. Normally, he would know I was coming before I even ghosted in, and I was sure that he was already being told of my arrival as I began to ascend to the level o
f his chambers.

  I knew that had been the case since I easily bypassed the first seven layers of dark powerful wards that he surrounded himself with. He let those guards down himself, but that didn’t mean he still wasn’t surrounded by some of his most powerful arch demon soldiers either. He was allowing me in without questions or suspicion; perhaps Drakael had been semi correct, in that he trusted me…or maybe this was an ambush. Either way, the one thing any being in this realm knew as a rule, was never let your guard slip around Morning Star or any of his minions, especially in his territory.

  I wasn’t surprised to see several couples all naked minus the leashes, gags and other devices meant for sadistic penetration. Some were men with teenage women; some were women and women and unfledged men with men all performing for him, engaged in some sort of deviant sexual play or act while he sat on his throne and dined on what looked to have been a human thigh roasted and dressed to simulate a lamb shank. Though it was presented in an attempt to make it seem appetizing, it sickened me. I instantly sensed his closest commanders were hidden in the shadows all around his grand room with its high pointed cathedral-like ceiling.

  I wondered where he had moved the two divine ones he had here the other day. They had been tied up, blindfolded and locked in birdcage looking devices that hung from beams across the upper walls. What did he do with them since I’d last been here? Did they submit to him? I wouldn’t ask, not outright anyway yet as I began to formulate some sort of plan of action to get to them. I simply hoped I wasn’t too late if this was the only task I had the opportunity to complete in order to be able to meet Star.

  It was funny. Just as no human ever saw Elohim’s face, let alone any of the angels or demons in their true forms in plain sight; none of them have seen Morning Star either, and I think that if any human actually did…all the preconceived ideas that they’ve maintained or always had would be completely thrown out of the window and stupefy them all.

  Though he can morph into and has smelled of an unkempt one many times before; he didn’t resemble anything remotely close to a horned beast or a goat except for his pupils, but even those he could shift at will in order to deceive. They were elongated sideways and sometimes his entire eyeballs were complete black onyx marbles, glinting with wicked malevolence.

  All I can say is that no human would ever know the true face of Morning Star, even if he was looking straight at them on the streets in the mortal realm, and that had always been his advantage. He was the master and originator of the lie and all things deceitful after all. He spoke before I even had a chance to materialize completely into physical flesh. His voice was deep, rich, dripping with darkness and iniquity so strong, that I had witnessed just the mere sound of his voice and words alone causing demons he had admonished to start bleeding black, viscous blood from their eyes and ears. He was evil in its purest form.

  He sat down his silver wine goblet, without even looking at me as he continued to eat and watch his performing pet slaves with a look of boredom on his face. The couples engaging in the throes of the sexual acts didn’t stop at my arrival either but the females and some of the males instantly took notice of me with wanton invitations. I ignored and moved past them to join him at his table without having been invited.

  He didn’t even look at me but that didn’t mean anything, “Back for more so soon Cam`ael? You really need to cease your random unannounced entrances into my personal chambers. It may get you killed one day.” He spoke first in a paltry tone, still watching each couple in a way that made me think he was probably deciding on which one or ones to murder in the sickest way possible after this show. Morning Star always spoke low and soft, but it was just a ruse.

  His tone did not match his persona, let alone who he was, what he looked like and what he was capable of.

  “Since when have I ever announced my arrival?” I said pulling in my wings.

  It was then that he finally turned to face me with a smirk, “Just don’t say I never warned you. But since you have made yourself a guest at my dining table, how about some succulent human flesh then? It’s been slow roasted to perfection and quite delicious, tender and sweet actually. I think she may have been a runner or weightlifter. I’ll have my chef ask her when he takes the other leg at another time. I’m sure Rahab would be envious.” He grinned. I gave him a wry look of exasperation and disgust.

  Morning Star and his demons didn’t consume regular mortal blood, eat, defile and wear human flesh because they liked it, they did it because it was forbidden and blasphemous to Elohim, and they took joy in that. He took my expression exactly as I had meant it and the smug look on his face slowly faded.

  “It isn’t disrespectful enough that you return at your leisure uninvited and now you mock my graciousness in offering you the best of my food? You’re lucky I happen to be in a relaxed mood,” He then said with an annoyed expression.

  I pursed my lips.

  “Some sort of festival about to happen out there?” I asked with a nod towards the window overlooking the main square.

  He smiled proudly, “Something like that. B.Y.O.S, bring your own slave or slaves. Are you joining us?” He raised a brow.

  I gave a sarcastic smirk, “What’s the occasion?”

  He simply grinned, “There’s always an occasion here. We’ve just pulled in a dozen young, beautiful human women too, and I’m willing to let you have first dibs if you like since you’ve returned. I’m going to breed the others.” He said.

  I glanced around noting every sound, movement, shadow, smell, entrance and opening while trying not to seem obvious. I sat down in the large gold gilded throne across from him at the table, “I’ll think about it. I’m here because I want to talk to you…alone.” I stated with a serious tone and stoic expression.

  He eyed me for a moment in thought, making no apparent moves or suggestion to cease the orgy in progress and clear them out. The scent of sweaty human flesh and their sexual fluids was over powering and hung cloyingly thick in the air. Their panting, grunts, squeals, cries and screams I actually found about as exasperating and annoying as hearing a deceptive priest recite a useless exorcism passage complete with self-proclaimed holy water and cross right now.

  “You tread on thin ground right now Cam`ael If you were not one of my favorites; I would have destroyed you myself a long time ago.” He then said.

  “And we both know that if you could, you would have,” I stated with a challenge. Morning Star did not like being sassed or being threatened in any way by any being, and I knew that so I tensed and waited for his immediate retaliation, whether it would be physical or verbal. He was good at that; his face, his body language and reflex actions never conveyed what he was thinking or planning. He could strike with a smile on his face and not necessarily right away either. He eyed me with loathing for a moment as his mouth worked slowly to finish chewing the last bite of the leg he had taken.

  I continued to eye him regardless, leaning back with elbows resting on each arm of the chair casually. I didn’t give way to any of my thoughts via my expression in the momentary silence between us.

  “Take them and leave us promptly,” He stated, not taking his eyes off of me. In that instance, the show was over and the shuffle of his guards moved in to chain the performers, and forcefully lead them back to their prisons quickly.

  Once they were all gone, and the heavy obsidian door to his chambers was closed, he shot me a sardonic look, “Happy?” He stated to me.

  “I’d be happier if you could banish that nauseating concoction of human funk too.” I then said referring to the strong odor of sex, sweat and semen left behind. He looked at me incredulously as if unable to believe my request, but he obliged anyway and the air suddenly took on a neutral, fresher scent. “This had better be of fucking importance Cam`ael,” He warned calmly, “What is it that you wish to speak to me about or should I guess? I like the haircut by the way. Is it Edanai’s work? Is that the new hip trend in the mortal realm or what? How is she anyway?” He
then said with a smirk.

  I waited, craning my head and scanning the room carefully and then returned my eyes to him with an exhale of impatience, “What are you afraid of?” I asked with a raised brow.

  He eyed me and then laughed softly, giving me a challenging gaze, “My apologies, I guess you are serious after all,” He said before turning his head towards the direction, I had craned mine.

  “Leave us.” He stated firmly again.

  With that the two large demons who had melded into the shadows behind him dissipated into a black, oily vapor and were gone. I waited again, listening, scenting the air before speaking. “Where are the two prized divine ornaments you had here the other day?” I inquired. He paused and squinted his flat aqua blue colored eyes at me; his pupils were elongating vertically like those of a cat. “Why, are you interested in making a purchase or trade? Are you finally starting a collection of your own?” He asked as he took a sip of wine.

  I smirked, “If I wanted some of my own, I would have them.” I plainly told him.

  He laughed softly, “I’ve always wondered about that. You do realize that the light you possess would allow you to mate with a divine one right? You and your offspring could rule this earth as rightful kings after the fall of the human race…alongside me and mine of course. How could you not want that?” He seemed perplexed.

  I raised a brow, “Do we really need another Nephilim repeat and the consequences thereafter?” I asked.

  He laughed then, “You humor me well Cam`ael I’m sure you could take one of your own, though I sincerely hope it isn’t the same one I have my particular sights set upon as of late.” He then said as he leaned back in his throne.

  I knew he would already know what happened. We both stared at each other for a moment, the other trying to read past the others' true veneer.


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