Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 17

by Susan Reid

  “I know…I just…I’m really okay,” I stated and trailed off, looking out of the passenger-side window. That was an outright lie. Demons were after me, they assaulted me, and they almost had me. Come to think of it, where were they planning to take me anyway? The one in Professor Phillips office had said that I should come willingly but what did that mean? Go where? Was that where these demons were trying to take me? Somewhere to kill or sacrifice me wherever ‘there’ was?

  There was a brief silence.

  “I could go for something to eat right about now, how about you?” He then asked turning to look at me.

  I raised a brow, turning to face him again, “Aren’t you on duty?” I asked.

  “No, my shift ended a few moments ago. Unless you’re in a hurry to return to the University, it’s only nine forty eight right now. I know an all-night diner up ahead, eastbound.” He then offered.

  That actually did sound tempting, but then I thought about my face, and how I really longed for nothing more than to crawl into my bed and disappear— “I’m not really hungry.” I replied.

  “Something warm? Like maybe a cup of coffee or cocoa?” he then suggested. I drew in a breath, looking at him with a curious gaze as I painfully tried to lick my lips. Cocoa is always good when it’s chilly outside.

  “Well, I don’t wanna draw attention to…” I began referring to my face.

  He shook his head, “You won’t don’t worry.” He smiled.

  IX: Cam’ael:

  Not for one moment did I trust Morning Star even though the male and female divine ones that I had requested were waiting for me when I had returned to the entrance. They both remained chained and bound together and blindfolded, which was a good thing. It meant that they still had their sanity.

  I knew I would be followed so I took them both to the edge of the Infinite Waters shoreline, which would be a perfect spot to ‘release’ them as none of the dark ones or shadows could see past or cross into it anyway. It was also a test to make sure no darkness lurked within them either. If it had, they would not have been able to cross this far into the side of light and be touched by the lapping waves without painful resistance. The darkness within them would automatically be destroyed and try to take them with it.

  Neither one of them spoke; the female was essentially catatonic and the male, though stoic still trembled in fear. I could only imagine the horrors and abuse they had been subjected to. They were still mortal after all, and though they could not see, sometimes hearing and smelling what lie around you tended to be just as mentally and traumatically disturbing if not more.

  I was still apprehensive of myself. I did not want to do this, but I knew I had no time to waste. As soon as I left Morning Star’s domain, I was positive he was setting his next plans in motion to get to Star before I did. I’d have to deal with him one on one later; I counted on it, and I knew it was coming.

  Once we were on the shore of the Infinite Waters, I had them both kneel, and it was then that the male stunned me when he finally spoke, “Are you going to kill us now or subject us to more torture?” He asked as if he expected or wanted me to.

  I paused, yes was the automatic answer but not for the reasons they believed.

  “I’m going to release you,” I simply answered. He paused and turned his head towards the direction of my voice.

  “You’re letting us go? Back home?” He was hopeful, “You’re not one of them are you?” He then asked.

  The girl cocked her head slightly in my direction after that. I should have been flattered as his naive assumption, but I wasn’t. No, I am one of them, but I don’t do the things that they do is what I wanted to say. I said nothing in that regards to them.

  I wasn’t going to answer at all but something else pulled at my conscience. “You’ll both be where you’re supposed to be—soon,” I then said and with that I moved to kneel down in between them and waited.

  As soon as I saw two seraphim approaching from the distance like winged, bright reflective white mirrors of light, both with shields and swords heading towards us, I cradled each of their heads in each of my arms.

  “Where are we supposed to be?” The girl finally spoke up and asked in a frail, whisper of a trembling voice.

  “Here,” I said and with that I had cupped each of their chins and jerked hard in the opposite directions. The crack was quick and soft, and it was the quickest death without pain or the possible spilling of their blood that I could think of. I eased my hold on each of them and let their limp bodies gently collapse to the ground peacefully, just as the two angel soldiers touched down on the ground before us.

  “I didn’t want to do it in his domain. I have my reasons.” I told them.

  “It is understood and appreciated.” The male on the right replied. I rose to my feet, feeling wretched and torn inside having to have done that but when the angels acknowledged the completion of my task with nods of approval, it ceased my guilt.

  Once the two lifeless bodies were engulfed in their light, and they disappeared completely into it; I knew I had done well and even more so because Elohim had asked me to do it. That assurance was all I needed to know that I had not simply killed in vain or for mockery.

  I had no time to waste and was about to hurry back to my domain and prepare to leave with Rahab, when the other angel soldier stopped me. I didn’t know who he was by name, but I supposed it didn’t matter because what he said to me would forever remain with me no matter what happened from this point on. “Elohim has rewarded you for all of your past and current obedience Cam`ael, former Chief Angel of all Powers,” He said before they took flight, and then they were gone. I didn’t move right away; initially confounded by not only what reward Elohim had in mind for me, but that they referred to me by both my given name and former title… as the angel whom I had once been. I was immediately humbled and speechless, and I desperately wanted to know what this reward would be, but I knew how Elohim worked. He had already granted me the chance to meet her; so I wondered if by some small chance, it would finally be redemption or even the power of more light within my being. I didn’t feel any different in that regard. I hated not knowing things of this nature, but I guess I had no choice but to wait and find out.

  I don’t know what spurred me to ruminate over what had just taken place before I arrived here, but I began to feel it was because here I was with her finally, and I could only think of being with her as a reward within itself. Either way, just as I thought, Morning Star had done exactly what I knew he would do during my brief distraction with the divine he had willingly handed over to me. Well, he’d have a hell of a time now because here I was and wasn’t going to let her out of my sight until her death came.

  The fact that she had been struck brought out a blinding fury of rage in me, and I almost incinerated the entire building in my anger. I had quickly reminded myself that not only was she still in it, but there were many other innocent humans in there as well. I could have ripped each of those voids apart with my bare hands for daring to lay a hand on her but there was no time to waste on a physical assault.

  I didn’t have to anyway; Elohim’s punishment was swift and accurate, and he had beaten me to the punch, just as I revved up to release light unto the first void demon… not that I hadn’t expected him to. That was how I had known her blood had been spilt. The next two didn’t stand a chance. I would have taken them out sooner, but I respectfully waited to see if they too would do the same in regard to spilling her blood as well. When he twisted her ankle…I instantly let loose and unleashed all the fury and darkness that had been building up within me to kill them both swiftly with light.

  Rules were broken.

  I knew it was going to happen and instantly there was an atmospheric shift in power that represented Elohim’s extreme displeasure, which meant both her death and the end, would not be far off. It both saddened and infuriated me to think about it.

  On top of that I had drawn the darkness that the female void had been about to
use on me when she spotted me… into myself; which had rendered her helpless before I killed her. I had no time to think, only to react and defend, which could have been dangerous for Star because at that moment, I had no place to release the extra darkness I had siphoned into me.

  That darkness had instantly provoked my internal lust and all I could think of was physically fucking her flesh to flesh in every way imaginable. I almost gave myself away feeling it surging wildly inside of me, itching and burning to be released or fed. When my eyes began to glow it took all the light in me to push it back down but not before I was positive she got a quick glimpse of the raging desire that had ignited that glow. Of course, only she would have been able to see it, and I hoped she didn’t believe it had been real.

  I know I was told not to use magic to manipulate her or others but that didn’t count inanimate objects, and I wasn’t trying to do it in order to lie down with her either. I used a hint of magic to divert the possibility of her leaving. There was nothing wrong with her car…except for the magic holding it at bay.

  Preventing her car from starting was the only way to ensure that she wouldn’t turn down an offer for a ride, and I had hoped she didn’t take my advice and call someone else as a result either. It wouldn’t have been the first time my sneaky intentions had backfired on me, but I was relying on her independent nature of not wanting assistance to prevent her from doing so. It was also another way for me to expend some of the dark energy I had just taken in me before I did something of a sexually deviant nature to her. Humans were so easy to play with, blaming everything on the logic of science, physics or bad luck…ten times out of ten it was a demon.

  That old woman knew of the shadows, and the spirit world well, and she possessed a clairvoyant sight, so I had to steer clear of that room until Star had come back out. Like her and Star’s grandmother, there were many humans that had her ability, and they were targeted often by the shadows and dark fallen. They didn’t like it when mortals could see them coming, so in order to keep them quiet and make them seem crazy to other mortals or simply get them to change their spiritual beliefs; they inflicted emotional pain and fear within them much the way they had attacked and bullied humans since the beginning of time. I hadn’t seen any sign or signature of Drakael just yet, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t around close by somewhere just as he said he would be.

  Rahab relayed the message that he had finally finished setting up what he planned to do when he got here. When I pulled into the makeshift parking lot in front of the shiny, brand new looking chrome, metal double-wide trailer that was set up and well decorated with a bright blue flashing, neon sign above that read: ‘Ray’s Fine Eats’, with an outline of a hamburger behind it...I knew he had.

  “Wow, this is quaint. I’ve never heard of this place,” She said as I pulled the cruiser into a space right up front.

  “It’s new. One of my favorite spots after a late night shift, a good friend of mine owns it. He’s a great cook.” I told her.

  I noticed her apprehension as she scanned the empty lot and the trailer.

  “Is it open? I mean, where is everyone else?” she asked me.

  “It’s usually busier in the afternoons, right about now it’s mostly we cops and people traveling through that stop in. Come on,” I said as I killed the engine and got out to round the cruiser, and open the car door for her. She stepped out carefully, and adjusted her shirt then slung her purse over her shoulder.

  She was so petite yet built well, soft yet athletic and toned, and she smelled so sweet that I could literally taste her when I inhaled.

  I moaned internally to myself trying to tamp down the arousal that was overtaking me again with the mere thought because if I kept thinking it…I’d act on it.

  I offered my hand, seeing her hobble a bit on her bad ankle.

  “I’m good and I don’t need the crutch,” She insisted before I could even open the back and get it.

  She was certainly no incapable damsel, and I wasn’t going to keep going against her independent nature, so I left the crutch and just stayed close to her, just in case. Our footsteps made hollow metallic thumps as we walked up the set of four steps. She held onto the railing, and I reflexively grabbed her when she stumbled slightly to her right and winced.

  “Force of habit for me, sorry,” I told her with a smirk.

  “Thanks.” She said softly anyway, which made me smile as I opened the door for her.

  Rahab was in the midst of cooking up something that smelled appetizing...to me anyway, and I hoped that she found whatever it was, appealing. I already knew what I wanted. She stepped inside, glancing around at the quaint, brand new and clean décor. There were several tables with sets of four simple metal tubed style matching vinyl chairs at each one. The color scheme was white with blue checkered table cloths; all complete with salt and pepper shakers and bottles of mustard and ketchup.

  A couple of booths lined each side with an old-fashioned jukebox that looked new, and a neat row of matching vinyl barstools seated at the counter, which housed the register and several cake and donut stands. Even a large industrial sized coffee maker sat along the other side of the counter with fresh, modern glasses, and a refrigerator full of sodas beneath a sizable menu board with specials and prices. Roast beef huh? Rahab went all out for a temporary setup; I thought, impressed by all he had done so quickly…no doubt with much magic.

  The smell of burgers and onion rings wafted in smoky tendrils from between the swinging kitchen doors. Based on her expression, I think the visual aspect of Rahab’s creation passed her test of approval.

  "Something smells really good. I may just have a little something after all.” She commented.

  I smiled.

  The kitchen doors swung open and Rahab emerged, looking somewhat comical decked out in a blue chef’s hat, clean white apron; complete with a few grease and food stains, a wide grin, and spatula in hand, “Cam! Good to see you, how’s it going? Well, who is this beautiful guest you brought with you?” He smiled at first and then furrowed his brows at her bruised face. She seemed self-conscious, though she smiled anyway, but then she brought her hand up, casually covering her injury. I hoped he wouldn’t over-do it. It was a risk to use anything even close to my given name.

  You never revealed your genuine name just as you never revealed your true self, especially to humans for many reasons some, which involved summoning, but I seriously doubted that anyone would have ever guessed mine being Cam`ael, and it was forbidden for others’ of our kind and Angels to reveal another’s name to humans as well. No man knew Morning Star’s original true given name, only what man has referred to him as for millennia, and what Elohim has allowed man to know about it. Even I am bound not to speak it either. We all had and went by several names just like Elohim does, but we all only possessed one rightful Elohim given name, Cam`ael has always been mine. However, all current, long-term and future divine warriors either knew or would soon come to know it one day— all of our proper names and identities. It was a necessity as part of their training. Star would soon come to know mine, but I didn’t mind that at all.

  I hadn’t been mentioned much, if at all in the original texts under my true name in particular, even when I was an angel. I was simply known as the Chief Angel of all Powers, and I honored the title proudly even after I’d fallen. It still means something to me to this day. I guess that’s why Rahab still feels dead set to continue to call me his Lord as we are both now fallen, even though he knew how I felt about that.

  I was created for the purpose of enforcement. My duties were to observe, regulate, establish boundaries and guidelines, and essentially police the use of or the exchange of any magic and powers that were not granted with permission by Elohim; or were being used for bad intentions by all spiritual beings both of light and dark.

  I supposed it was the reason that this disguise had appealed to me so much without thought an authoritative, and respected figure but now among humans. Well, at least it was one of the
reasons I chose this persona.

  Mine and Rahab’s eyes met then and he had a questioning look although he had an idea of what may have happened. I gave him an ‘I’ll tell you later look,’ and he smiled again, approaching us with a hand out to shake hers.

  I could see her look up at him in awe. I supposed just like me, Rahab’s size astonished her too, initially. He took on the size and visage of a large bodybuilder. He was muscle bound, and of African American descent with rich, mocha skin coloring; choosing to be completely bald headed and keep his normal height of being two inches taller than I stood, at six foot eight.

  “This is Star.” I introduced.

  “Star? That’s pretty, I’m Ray. Welcome to some of the best food you’ve had this side of town. I’ll take care of you so order anything you like. Any friend of Cam’s is like family here. Have a seat,” He grinned big, and held out a chivalrous hand towards a barstool.

  “Thanks, it’s nice to meet you Ray. Nice place.” She smiled broadly too, and I could hear her softly wince at the effort as she eased carefully onto the barstool to avoid hurting her ankle.

  Rahab took notice and attempted to help her onto it, but I shook my head no and he was confused. Instead, he continued to grin like a giant kid at a candy store at her compliment.

  “Thank you Star, I’m glad you like it,” He beamed at her, though he was really bothered by the injury to her delicate face I could tell.

  It didn’t look horrible, but it was bad and it was obvious that she had been punched with much force. Her delicate light colored skin appeared burned red and raw beneath the bruising. The void’s mere touch had been harmful, which included the hand imprint around her ankle.

  I wasn’t sure why she tried to lie to about how it happened, except that apparently she saw me as an ordinary mortal, so she assumed I wouldn’t believe her. She obviously didn’t want sympathy or help from anyone, which is why I eventually understood her reasoning in lying.


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