Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 30

by Susan Reid

  “I picked up the other signature…is it who I think it is?” I asked her feeling my muscles tensing.

  “Yeah, your perpetual poisoned thorn in the groin showed up unexpectedly and it took everything I had not to slash and kill the bitch with my bare hands where she squatted like the fucking gargoyle she is.” Edanai stated with pursed lips and a scowl.

  I chuckled briefly at her words and temper flare. I knew she was serious but I was glad she didn’t instigate anything that would have blown up into something out of control before it’s time.

  “You’ll get your chance to exact your rage and wrath, soon.” I told her.

  “Soon is still too long for me when it comes to slaying that wretched anal whore.” She sighed.

  I smirked this time, “Well now… that isn’t necessarily an insult.” I said with a half grin.

  Edanai rolled her eyes and huffed wanly.

  “Whatever Cam`ael. Anyway, she gave some story about coming to warn you about something.” She then told me.

  That actually gave me pause, though I never took the words of any demons in Morning Stars liege seriously or with a grain of truth, no matter what she looked like. This was going to be a massive event for him; the gang was nearly all here. I wondered what devastation they would cause this time.

  “I’m sure she did,” I commented with a glance at the closed diner door, and salivating over the aroma of grilled steaks and onions seeping through the cracks.

  “Warn you about what?” Edanai began to ask.

  “I guess we’re about to find out.” I told her, though I think I already knew.

  Whatever it was I wasn’t going to waste long with it. I needed to get back to Star and monitor the vicinity while keeping an eye out for any of Morning Star’s newly created dark divine army slinking around.

  I wasn’t sure if the reason for her sudden surprise visit was a ruse, being that they tracked down Rahab so quickly, or if it was an ambush or something of that nature. Either way, knowing Berith…it was definitely going to be something foul, and not without cost no matter what.

  Her false charms and part of her wrath came from her perpetual scorn at my past rejections of her as a lover. She was a classic demoness or Succubus if you will; from the very pits and bowels of Morning Stars reserve minions, formerly one of his lovers too. Her beauty was a false façade, derived of pure wickedness in all its meaning and essence.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this. Usually when she’s around, some of Morning Star’s top arch demons aren’t far behind either.” She then said with a serious expression.

  I stared at her for a moment with a million thoughts racing through my mind instantly, none of them good and she knew exactly what I was thinking and what it all meant.

  “I know. I may need you to do something for me so I’m actually glad you’re here, and later I’ll need to talk to you and Rahab.” I then told her.

  “Oh really? Something like what and talk about what?” She then asked with a hand on her cocked hip.

  I had permission to regulate others of my kin and both Rahab and Edanai were included among those kin…the idea hit me all of a sudden, and it was far from breaking the rules…I think.

  “I know how much you like those novice young males…there’s plenty at the University at Bloomington. I’ll need you to keep an eye on Star for me.” I then told her.

  “Star? Some human female? Is that why you came out here hmm? Wow, it’s almost like de` ja vu.” She asked with raised inquisitive brows, and then grinned.

  I gave her a scolding look.

  “Don’t even go there and bring that up. I’ll fill you in later, she’s a chosen and believe me…you’ll know her by her aura.” I then told her before she could open her mouth to demand more information at the moment.

  “A chosen?” She said with shock, surprise and confusion passing over her tanned face all at once.

  I didn’t mean to let that much slip, but she’d eventually want to know, being asked to do this for me.

  “I’ll catch up with you later to explain so please, for now, keep it all silent and just among those in our legion.” I stopped her from unleashing a tirade of questions, as I turned to continue on towards the metal steps leading up to the diner doors once again.

  The doors suddenly swung open before I even set foot on the first step, allowing the full scent of food, conversation and a song playing on the jukebox to billow out. Berith stood there like the self-proclaimed, superficial, golden Goddess she portrayed herself to be. All breasts, hips, lips, and platinum blonde hair that cascaded in thick overdone waves down her back in her beyond tight, low-cut black pants, hooker boots and emerald green one shoulder halter top underneath a cropped, leather black jacket.

  Yes, she was very attractive, but her substance and what she was underneath overpowered and coated her in a permanent vile stench that even I wouldn’t dare touch.

  “Well, well, well. I waited for you to come inside, but I just couldn’t take the excitement any longer. I love the new look.” She grinned as she sashayed her way down the metal steps towards us.

  Edanai took a defensive stance with a scowl.

  “I came as a friend, simply to deliver valuable information…anything extra, well we can discuss that when we’re alone.” She continued and smiled seductively, merely cutting her eyes at Edanai irreverently.

  “Valuable my ass.” Edanai countered.

  Berith gave a curt sarcastic chuckle only glimpsing at Edanai as if she were beneath her.

  “No need to be jealous Edanai.” She came back with a smirk.

  In a blur and flash of movement, Edanai lunged and I shot an arm out to stop her.

  Berith laughed.

  “Don’t, just stay cool.” I told Edanai.

  I could feel the pulse and push of Berith’s dark power begin to grow, and I instantly tamped it back, pulling some into me. She glared at me, feeling the tug against the wall of power that I was pushing against hers, in preparation for any strike she may have tried to attempt.

  Even Edanai’s power began to flare, but she knew me and she knew I wouldn’t let her use it, not now and certainly not here, and though she was strong in her anger, I felt her relax a bit. The glare she gave Berith in her glowing amethyst eyes, could have scared the holy hell out of any normal human.

  Berith held a long nailed hand up and sighed in resignation, with a glare at me.

  “I was reacting in self-defense, let’s be fair about this. Tame your little bitch shrew first.”

  “I don’t make it a point to harm females of any species, but you will be an exception if you continue testing me.” I warned her.

  She sighed loudly with an eye roll.

  Rahab shadowed the entrance behind her, towering over her and Berith turned her head slightly without regard or reaction to await his action.

  “Everything ok?” he growled soft enough for the three of us to hear, but maintaining a malevolent and steely gaze at Berith as a warning.

  She ignored him, unaffected and turned back to face me,

  “I don’t have time for this. If you’re willing to hear me out regarding what’s about to happen — if it matters to you at all, you know where to find me.” Berith said to me.

  “You mean this rock concert?” I asked her.

  “I’ll be waiting for you to summon me.” She winked with a flirtatious smile as she moved past us and purposefully brushed against Edanai forcefully.

  Edanai’s hand whipped out in a blur of movement to grab Berith’s blonde hair, but she had already misted away into black vapor.

  “Bitch!” Edanai growled through clenched teeth.

  The heat of her power and fury could be felt in the air and I glanced around to see if any humans had been around to witness this.

  “Calm down, she’s gone.” I told her.

  “I can find her!” Edanai snapped.

  “It isn’t worth it.” I replied.

  “What was that all about?” Rahab asked.

  After quickly scanning the vicinity for sight, scent and movement of both humans and our kind, I didn’t want to take any chances when mentioning our game plans.

  I spoke softly, “Nothing. Rahab, I need you and several others including Ryziel to do some reconnaissance around town regarding that rock show and for any others of our kind in large groups. Remember what we talked about? There’s another problem at hand. He isn’t the only one trying to take her so keep an eye out for any large groups of unfamiliar dark fallen. I want to know which group summoned Baal, but I don’t want any of you at the concert, at least not together in one area.” I said.

  “Everyone?” Rahab nodded with round eyes in question.

  “Yeah.” I simply said.

  “Whoa, what the hell is about to go down?” Edanai asked looking at me with concern and confusion.

  Just then Ryziel materialized in the parking lot behind us, leaning against a big black motorcycle with his booted feet crossed at ankles, and arms crossed over his chest. I was getting annoyed. They all knew better. All this materializing in and out in plain sight was not going to work.

  He was decked out like the bad-ass that he was in ripped jeans, leather jacket, black graphic t-shirt depicting a skull with red eyes and black wings that was all embellished with spikes of all kinds, all over his attire. His look mimicked a long-dark haired rock star, which meant he would really blend in well at that concert.

  He smiled mischievously, as he always did. It was hard to see his eyes under the dark choppy fringe of his bangs that hung down to the bridge of his nose, which was how he typically wore it. He could definitely blend in well among the Gothic crowds of this realm too.

  Though Ryziel was extremely handsome to both human and immortal beings…his eyes were the most disturbing of all his features, especially to humans who could not look into them for very long. They were completely black, but his irises and entire pupil were a bright fluorescent red that seemed to constantly remain in a perpetual, flaming and glowing state.

  He was wearing sunglasses now, but even so, he made sure to always mask them as well as his teeth in the mortal realm. There was no way he could play those off as special effect make up, or even having been done surgically, with the exception of his brandings.

  “Someone just summon me?” He grinned big, referring to the mention of his name.

  I already knew he had heard what we all had been talking about. Both Edanai and I turned around to face him.

  “Try not to stir up anything Ry.” I commented.

  He feigned an innocent look. Ryziel was a flirt and very popular with the women in both realms. He was one of our most superior fighters as well, and his skill and expertise with weapons and fighting abilities were second to none.

  “Who me? Never, although I appreciate this assignment ‘cause there’s nothing I love more than sweet young college ass. But who is this chic and why are you so worried about her? Is she hot?” He then asked with a wicked half smirk.

  “Don’t even think about it and it’s not an assignment, just a favor that’s all.” I pointed at him and stated.

  “I told you that you were lord.” Rahab whispered behind me.

  I pursed my lips and craned my head around to look at him,

  “Ray, don’t you have some dish to make?” I then said.

  Edanai smirked at Rahab first and then at me regarding his comment.

  “She’s a divine chosen.” Edanai whispered to Ryziel.

  I shot a scolding glare at her for having to mention it at all, let alone out loud, as if the others wouldn’t know it eventually when they saw her aura. Even though I knew why she said it with derision; I was surprised that she was harboring any jealousy at all because I knew it wasn’t simply because Star was a chosen.

  I’ve known Edanai for far too long.

  Ryziel’s face showed surprise.

  “What? Yikes, talk about self-imposed sadism, but I admire your high-risk insanity Cam. Then again, I’m guessing she’s definitely hot.” He then surmised with a grin.

  He mounted his motorcycle in one swift move and kick started the engine.

  It rumbled beautifully, purring like a large beast. I considered one of my own instead of the sports car. I’ve ridden motorcycles many times before and I loved it, it was more fitting to my personality. I gave Ryziel a warning look that he understood the exact meaning of; not to dare trying to seduce or mislead her into something…not becoming of her.

  Ryziel took off with a grin in a wake of smoke and exhaust, and the rumble of the bike quickly grew faint in the direction of the college town.

  “She’s actually very nice.” Rahab added in Star’s defense.

  Edanai blew out a breath of incredulity, “I’m sure she is. What are you going to do when she’s hunting and chasing you both down, and hurling whatever her gifted essence will be at the both of you in order to kill you guys on sight without blinking? Will it still make her nice if she does it with a smile, and then apologizes to you over your disintegrating ashes? Now are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Edanai commented with sarcasm.

  I looked at her wryly.

  Rahab seemed saddened at the thought, as if he were just now realizing what Edanai was saying without the extra sarcasm thrown in.

  “I will but let’s not talk about this anymore right now. Are you going to do this for me or not?” I cut in flatly and asked Edanai.

  She sighed and pouted for a moment then looked at me,

  “Tell me this is a request.” She then said to me softly.

  I knew what she meant by asking that.

  I paused, tilted my head to the side, and lifted my shoulder to pop my neck and then sighed, defeated. I didn’t want to lie to them and I didn’t want to involve, let alone risk any of them to pursue…whatever I was trying to pursue in wanting to get to meet and know Star. It wasn’t fair to them and I didn’t expect them to agree to risk themselves. They could tell me no and I would accept that without question with no effect on our loyalties and friendship status. I would understand. They were not going to take the news of what I planned to do well at all, especially Rahab; that was for sure.

  “It’s my personal request.” I then resigned.

  It was quiet for a moment.

  “Does it matter? If it means that much to you Cam I will do it without question. I dare any of them to even try to touch her again.” Rahab stated with vigor.

  He was such a noble and valuable friend to have and I couldn’t help but give a half smile at him.

  “Again? So none of this is new, how long have you known Ray? And why was I left out of this elaborate plan?”

  Rahab was about to open his mouth to speak but I stopped him.

  “I promise I will tell you everything later on tonight okay?” I cut in and told Edanai.

  She eyed me for a moment and bit her bottom lip.

  “Are you really planning on summoning her?” Edanai raised both brows in question.

  “I never said I planned on that. Will you do this or not? You don’t have to.” I cut in with impatience now. I wasn’t going to go over what happened at that hospice or earlier at the college with her right now.

  Edanai rolled her eyes and sighed, “Fine, I will for you but I’m not going to play babysitter past keeping an eye out for anything unusual for any reason if you know what I mean. I’ll let you know what I see and find out.” She pointed at me and with that she blew me and Rahab a kiss.

  “Thanks, that’s all I ask and if you happen to see or run into anyone of them even voids, summon all of us…I mean that.” I told her in all seriousness.

  “Yeah, yeah and if I see that rotten cow, I’m pummeling her hideous ass into putrid ash right then and there,” She said as she marched down the metal steps and blended into the shadows beside the diner trailer, and was gone.

  I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head at that one.

  “Finish up here, clear out the humans and close up. Both of you can stay with me at the tem
porary quarters I set up…directions are in the kitchen, you can send them to Edanai. I’ll be there later to meet with you two later on tonight. Don’t tell her about the dark divine until I’m sure and know what and how many we could be up against. I don’t want to get her mixed up in this and risk her getting hurt.” I said telepathically with a nod towards his kitchen. I had produced a map on how to get to the large secluded farmhouse on the outskirts of town via magic, and formed it onto the back of a menu, lying on the steel counter next to his food prep table.

  “Got it.” Rahab said aloud and saluted.

  With that I headed back to my sports car. I was going to head back to the farmhouse so I could park it and then ghost back into the vicinity of the University for surveillance, in and around her apartment complex as well.

  I hadn’t made it but a few miles when I saw a pair of headlights cutting though the misty cold, darkness deep in the forest beyond a lesser traveled part of the highway, and before that, police lights. It could have been an accident or two lovers stealing away for a moment alone and found by real police officers, so initially I wouldn’t have thought anything else of it if the shimmering portal hadn’t been there…visible to all spirit beings.

  I caught sight of two auras, one of them being super bright, and caught a whiff of the stench of voids and shadows. I immediately shifted into high speed and fishtailed off the road, punching through the guardrail and skidding across grass and wet dirt to drive the car a little further into the cover of trees and then coming to an abrupt stop. I jumped out and ghosted into spirit form; speeding stealthily through the trees to get just close enough to see what I was dealing with before jumping in blindly. I didn’t care if she’d see me again this time. I had no choice or time to waste.

  I stayed high above the treetops at first then dipped into and in between the trees when I saw the dark fallen, who had also assumed the form of a police officer, heading straight towards Star and her friend.

  All the while, someone was screaming, but I didn’t believe it to be Star. It was the sound of a soul struggling to regain control of themselves and their sanity, from the being that had taken up residence inside, I knew the sound and difference all too well.


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