Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 48

by Susan Reid

  “Officials aren’t clear on the exact cause of this devastating fire and investigators won’t be able to begin the work until all the hazards and the fires have been cleared. Eyewitnesses say that a pyrotechnic show during the group Army Oblivions performance, set off a chain reaction of explosions that quickly ignited several nearby banners and kiosks,” The reporter began and then it cut to a lanky girl who had been crying, her eyes were wild and her dark make up had been smeared around her eyes and face.

  “I don’t know…it happened so fast…it was like the singer was introducing the next song and he said something like let the gathering begin, and then the flames shot up from the sides of the stage, and they didn’t even look like normal flames, they looked like snakes and dragons. They were nowhere near anything that could catch on fire, but stuff did and people all thought it was part of the show until someone started screaming, and then everyone was running all of a sudden. Oh my god, I still can’t believe it…” The girl sobbed and sniffed, still in shock and disbelief.

  The scene cut back to the reporters in the newsroom, “Unbelievable and tragic. Traffic is being diverted and the entire area has been blocked off within a mile radius as fire crews and EMS continue to arrive. What we know is so far officials have stated that there have been reports of a multitude of injuries and fatalities…” I turned the volume all the way down to near mute.

  I felt numb as I swallowed; feeling a cold lump that had formed in my throat. I quickly jumped up to change out of my dress, stockings and boots into sweats, a t-shirt, jacket and my Chuck Taylors. I needed to check on Joel too, and after getting a straight to voicemail again when dialing his number; I was getting really worried about him now. That was unlike him, worst case scenario his phone was lost or broken but I doubted that. I was getting scared and worried for him.

  I knocked on China’s door with my car keys in hand before leaving.

  “China?” I called.

  She didn’t answer.

  I knocked again and opened the door.

  “China?” I called again.

  I flipped on the light and to my shock — she wasn’t here.

  Her bed was made, and hadn’t even been slept in at all.

  What? She had called me and told me she was home, that she was sick.

  Oh my god…no — I said to myself, now looking through my phone in disbelief to make sure she had indeed called me.

  I knew something sounded off and different about her, but I couldn’t place it and now she wasn’t here, which only meant one thing.

  It hadn’t been her.

  She had still been at the concert.

  Then who or what had called me from her phone then?

  My heart beat wildly with fear and trepidation, fuelling my adrenaline.

  No, no…please no! My mind screamed as I ran out of the apartment and shot back downstairs.

  I think Ray and Ry were still out in the parking lot. I could catch a ride with them, and explain to them what was going on and why. I don’t think I would have been able to drive myself right now without getting into a wreck, and if anyone could get us into the concert to get my friends — beings with magical powers could.

  The crowd was still on the sidewalk outside, and as I ran all the way down the walkway towards the parking lot —I was stopped short…in both shock and relief, though I wondered why he was even here.

  It was Drake.

  “Drake? What are you doing here?” I asked in confusion.

  He smiled, “I wanted to see if you were alright.” He said.

  What made him think something was wrong with me? I’d never told him where I lived either…angel or not, there was something that was not right about this situation.

  Of course, he didn’t know that I had been out with Cam either.

  “I’m okay but I’ve gotta go. There was a bad fire that broke out at the concert downtown…” I began.

  “I know, but you won’t be able to get there. Traffic is blocked. Either way there won’t be much you can do.” He then said.

  “I have to! My friends might have been there!” I shouted as tears formed in my eyes.

  I knew he was right but I felt helpless, I couldn’t lose them even if there was nothing I would be able to do, I had to try and do something.

  “There are emergency crews already there, it’s their job. Just pray.” He soothed.

  I looked at him through my tears and in my realization I remembered…he was the angel, if any being could do something —he could.

  “Prayer won’t work right now! There’s no time! I need your help please Drake. Would you please make sure my friends China, her boyfriend Steve and Joel are safe and okay? I’m praying for you to help me please, help them…I know what you are!” I sobbed and blurted aloud, no matter how silly I sounded or who heard me.

  He looked at me with suspicious peculiarity, “You know what I am?” He repeated at me, as if I’d lost my mind.

  Tears were streaming down my face now. I didn’t have time for this. I didn’t want to lose anyone else I loved…I couldn’t.

  “Yes.” I sobbed.

  He licked his lips and paused, as if he were ruminating something, and then he looked at me.

  There was a strange glimmer in his eyes just then.

  “Come.” He held a hand out to me.

  “Please! Can’t you just…” I cried, unable to catch my breath.

  “Can’t I just what? Come with me Star, I’ll help you,” he replied with his hand still out for me to take.

  There was something different about his face; he no longer held the iridescence that he had beneath the surface of his skin, like when I first met him in the church, and he no longer looked like Antonio Sabato Jr to me anymore, he appeared — strange.

  But even though Cam didn’t confirm that he was an angel, he didn’t deny it either, so I assumed he was, and then it came to me at that exact moment. Earlier in my room, when I had searched for anything regarding whether or not demons could disguise themselves as angels — the disembodied whisper I had heard in response had been — yes.

  Someone had called me pretending to be China, to get me to come back home, back here — where Drake shows up out of nowhere.

  I eyed him for a moment, taking a tentative step towards him, and the closer I got…the more the static sensation began to build.

  ‘They can’t hurt or claim you unless you willingly give yourself to them’…it was both Cam and Drake’s words in my head just then.

  I gasped and stopped short, realizing what he had been trying to get me to do with his hand out. There remained a gap of two or three feet between us.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked in his calm voice.

  He took a step towards me. I took a step backwards turning around to see the group of people still outside and further up the walkway, and then over to the direction of the parking lot where Ray and Ry were still sitting and watching, I hoped.

  “Star, stop and think. Remember what I’ve told you. This is the very reason why I said that you must be vigilant and watch for demons. They come in all forms, you’ve been around them recently and they’ve messed with your state of mind. They are very cunning and deceitful, and you of all people need to be aware and understand that,” He then said.

  I almost believed his words when I turned to face him again, but something in the back of my mind urged me to continue to back away from him. So I did, and then I turned around and began to run back towards the parking lot; my eyes frantically darting around for Ray’s suburban or Ry on his motorcycle.

  Once there I began to scout the rows of parked cars. I didn’t see Ry or Ray or maybe they were on the other side…I couldn’t remember! Surely they could see me though couldn’t they? Maybe Drake had been right, never trust demons. Maybe this had all been a set up. On the verge of a full-blown panic attack, with tears burning my eyes, I ran for my own car. I nearly slipped on the pavement when I skidded to a halt, caught in the glare of two super bright headlights — coming s
traight at me.

  XXI: Cam`ael:

  Though I wanted so badly to continue to kiss her, I knew it would lead to other bad things, and I already wanted her more than anything in my existence…even more than I had wanted Eve. There was no way I could participate in getting her either condemned or marked. I cared too much about her, regardless of what she would become.

  Nothing could have compared to both the rage and shock of seeing Morning Star at the door right at that moment, and having no idea why or what he planned at his unannounced arrival. He had the power, the cruelty and the instability of mind to do anything deadly at any given moment.

  I supposed he was paying me back for the way I had dropped in on him last, but I knew that this unexpected arrival consisted of much more than that. Morning Star never made a personal appearance unless he planned on doing or taking something and it was evident what he wanted to take by showing up here.

  He had known where I was either via Berith’s earlier visit, or by scanning for Star’s aura from the spirit realm. I had immediately summoned Edanai for assistance, to shield Star and take her upstairs before Morning Star could exact any magic on her, which would prevent the both of us from keeping her from him. Once she was safe upstairs, I had already begun coiling light into my fists —ready to slam into him if he made any sudden moves.

  I would keep the conversation in Demonic speak, for Star’s sake.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I spat through clenched teeth, as I initially moved in front her protectively.

  He smiled and stepped inside before I could block and keep him from the doing so.

  “Annoying isn’t it? You know, when guests drop in unannounced or uninvited? What, you’re not gonna invite me in? Nice place by the way, I like the camouflage. Good thinking, no one would ever think anyone would be living here…I almost didn’t,” He then said looking over at Star as if she were his already.

  I hated him even looking at her.

  Being a chosen and the fact that she was still mortal, his presence was making her violently sick, and I was powerless to stop her reaction as long as he was here.

  Rage and an all-out preemptive attack on my part was about to explode into a full on combat between us if Edanai hadn’t gotten her upstairs as quickly as she had.

  He glared at me momentarily, as if he expected me to jump him first. Then he smirked slyly in a way that told me that he would counter me just as swiftly with his own deadly strike easily, if I even thought about it.

  “That’s her… in the flesh? Wow. Accept my apologies Cam; I understand why it is that you want her so much too. She shines like a brand new diamond, doesn’t she?” He grinned.

  “Why are you here?” I stated again plainly.

  I was growing hot internally with black rage, and I know he was picking up on it, which apparently amused him.

  He was testing my patience on purpose, wanting me to do something first. Something he was quite good at doing, I have to admit.

  “Like the disguise? I thought it’d be funny what with this Halloween holiday coming up, and I’ve always wanted to be a Jehovah’s Witness. Did I get it right? I figured it would be hilarious to show up at one of their doorsteps or even another priest, and see if they would even realize who they were talking or preaching to,” He grinned and laughed while holding his arms out, so I could get a better look at his entire ensemble, and then he adjusted his tie.

  I rolled my eyes. He was a piece of work that was for sure. Apparently someone in his legion appreciated his humor enough for him to continue on as if everyone else would too.

  “Don’t you have a concert to host?” I asked.

  “They don’t need me there. You know as well as I do that when you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I have other more important things to attend to and collect per our deal, remember?” He then said.

  “It hasn’t been two daybreaks yet.” I reminded him.

  “No, but you have her now so why wait? I kept my end of the deal and you’ve done well. I appreciate that though I have to admit, at first I thought you were full of shit when you said you’d be able to get her so quickly. You’ve got dinner…soft music, candle light. Damn, you are tha cold blooded Casanova. You da man Cam!” He smiled and pointed both fingers at me like guns, and then did a little slow dance jig with himself.

  I eyed him with disgust, envisioning myself sliding my black sword straight though his forehead and pulling down to split his entire vessel in half, while blinding him with light.

  “What good is she to you while still mortal? It isn’t like she’s giving herself to you willingly. You’re limited.” I told him.

  He seemed to think for a moment about that, as if it was something he’d never considered.

  “Hmmm, major dilemma,” He put a finger to his lips with a perplexed expression, as if pondering that notion for the first time. Then his entire face faded into seriousness, the dark, dangerous and unpredictable one I knew well.

  “Just hand her over to me. I came in peace…she’s all I want Cam,” He then stated calmly —the calm before the storm.

  There was more to this than I knew of apparently, or he was damned sure of himself in anticipating that he’d be able to get her to choose darkness…to choose — him.

  Was that it? Did Morning Star want her for the same reasons I did?

  No, no way. I then thought. Not him.

  He had not a solitary positive, feeling, caring, sympathetic, loving or generous cell in his entire make up. But he was definitely up to something, something that required her to remain mortal for now.

  I had a feeling that whatever it was, Elohim already knew this, which was why he had granted me the opportunity to meet and be with Star at all in the first place. He wanted me to keep her protected from the other legion, and more importantly, from Morning Star.

  He had known what he was doing all along.

  How could I have ever questioned or doubted him? I had known better.

  “Why do you really want her?” I then asked him.

  He groaned and rolled his eyes this time, “Do we really need to go over this again? Why do you want her so much?” He raised his brows with a simper.

  “Well, I’ll say this much. It isn’t because she’s the only one that I could never get or have, that’s for sure,” I replied with a smirk.

  That wiped the smile completely from his face and all humor he had when he first arrived, had gone. I felt the heat and electricity of building dark power coming from him, as his eyes went completely black, sclera’s and all.

  I summoned the ones in my legion who had been nearby at the concert already, and at the same time I was ready to strike, light at the tips of my fingers steadily glowing with the intensity of the power within them. I was sure he had his own high arch demons at the ready to assist if need be as well, because he knew me, and I knew him.

  “Don’t fuck with me Cam`ael!” He hissed.

  Had I hit a raw nerve finally? I chuckled to myself.

  “As I said, it hasn’t been two daybreaks yet! You’re the one who’s going back on your word. Patience has never been your virtue, but the terms came out of your own mouth. I have her now and I will have her then. I’ll keep her alive, but I’m not so sure how easy that will be when there is another rogue legion that you may have some competition with,” I stated.

  Rahab, Macai, Atiro, Nayrez and Ryziel ghosted in covertly, and positioned themselves all around the farmhouse for the most optimal advantage over him, if needed.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Morning Star rasped.

  “Another legion is after her as well — for breeding purposes obviously, so if you want to keep her out of their hands, you’d better refocus your minions and servants to start hunting and seeking them out instead of trying to get at her. Her blood has already been spilled twice thanks to your guys so now Elohim watches you closely. She’s fragile and she’s human, so all it will take is one mishap, and once she is dead she wil
l be no longer be of use or good to either of you…she will become a threat,” I warned him.

  “What legion is this?” He asked, not believing me.

  “I’m trying to find that out.” I replied.

  “You’re lying,” He grimaced, his eyes returning to their aqua blue color with sideways black pupils.

  “I could give a damn if you think I’m lying or not. One more daybreak, and until then I’d better not see or smell you anywhere that I am!” I told him.

  He sneered, “Don’t ever threaten me. I don’t appreciate you fucking my leftovers either, but no worries. If you want Berith you can have her, she’s all yours…well as she is now anyway. I mean you may want to look at her again before deciding, you may not even recognize her.” He smiled big.

  I glared at him in anger.

  I had to calm and control myself from going berserk all over him and tearing him apart piece by piece with my bare hands.

  “One more daybreak,” He warned while holding up an index finger, with a quick glance all around the house.

  He knew my friends were here, and that was probably why he backed down so quickly though it was somewhat unlike him. I did find it surprising he came without any backup let alone summoned anyone himself — not that he needed to.

  Before he ghosted away, he wiggled his fingers and set off a chain reaction that shattered glass, splintered wood, punched holes in the walls and chipped paint within the farmhouse, completely damaging and destroying what I had put together and cleaned up for the sake of simply making a mess. He knew how much I hated filth and disorder, but as much as it had pissed me off, I let him do it to prevent any other kind of altercations, for now. Getting him to leave without incident and Star was a miracle longshot, but it had worked and helped to add more eyes to the hunt for who was leading this unknown rogue legion.

  Once he had gone my friends ghosted into the house, more than likely to see if there was anything to eat or a fight in progress.

  “Damn childish bastard. You need any assistance to clean this up?” Macai noted looking around at the damage.


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