The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 26

by Russell Claridge



  Old Habits

  When the Elemamtel Rol walked through the heavily guarded main gates of Heeden into the open, and now tame plains of Ulin he suspected his assignment would be just as uneventful as all the others he had undertaken for the previous ten years. Scouring the land for young magic-wielders was the only task Rol had truly ever been good at. He had found since his training, his conversion, that he was sensitive to all magic, able to feel it from many leagues away. It was this trait that favoured Rol above his fellow Elemamtels. Since he located a young wielder being hidden by her family in the far north, he had become more than just another of Darz his master’s, Elemamtels. Now he was a loyal and astute servant of the Emperor Nala-Kahn. 

  That first little girl Rol took to Nala-Kahn, much to the dissatisfaction of his master Darz. Rol was bonded to his master and so could not go against his wishes, and yet his master served Nala-Kahn and reported to his General, Lancelot, which meant their will superseded his master’s, but still he had to be ordered by Darz to carry out Nala-Kahn’s will. That was the nature of the magic that created him. He was bound until death to Darz, nothing and no one could prevent it. Nala-Kahn and Lancelot continually demanded Rol’s skill which angered Darz even more, however even his master knew the value of Rol and would not dare hinder his superiors’ rule. 

  When Rol had brought the girl Wielder to Nala-Kahn in person with his master, he had noticed the difference between Lancelot and all the others, including his master. They all smiled at the Emperor, laughed at his jokes, agreed with every statement and allowed themselves to be ridiculed in front of others not because they loved him, but because they feared him. Lancelot was different, he loved Nala-Kahn as a son or if Rol had to guess, a younger brother, in the same way as he loved all the other Elemamtels, who were in no way related, as brothers. Having trained the Emperor in swordplay and furthered his magical training beyond that of what any could achieve within the Emerald Skull, Lancelot in no way feared Nala-Kahn and neither did Nala-Kahn fear Lancelot. Rol had watched his master closely as Nala-Kahn questioned him in front of his so-called advisor and magistrates. Darz kept his answers plain and to the point showing no apprehension, until Nala-Kahn asked who had discovered the child. It was in this moment Rol realised that Darz wanted to claim the credit but the chance of being belittled in front of the pathetic creatures that sat within the hall was enough for Darz to signal Rol out. Rol quickly and concisely detailed how he discovered the young Wielder in the village of Omnio far in the north on the banks of the Fraulk River. 

  Two things happen after his revelation that Rol knew would scar his memory until the day he died. The hall had become as silent as a tomb as Nala-Kahn turned and faced the magistrates and advisor who sat at the banquet table. 

  ‘What do I demand of you?’ He asked with a pinch of malice in his tone. 

  There were shared glances of horror and despair but one stood. 

  ‘Unquestionable loyalty. To be your hands and voice. To govern the strong and the weak. To punish the untrue and to be constantly vigilant, my Lord.’ The magistrate bowed slowly but did not take his seat. 

  Nala-Kahn bowed his head slightly and the magistrate took his seat slowly. One of the magistrates shook with uncontrollable fear. He grasped his throat in silent agony and despair as he could not draw breath. His face became red as he struggled to fight the invisible force that gripped his throat. The other magistrates jumped away in fear, falling into each other and onto the floor. Rol glanced at Nala-Kahn and noticed his malice and hate-filled eyes. The face of the magistrate started to bulge unnaturally as if something was pushing from the inside. There was utter silence from the gathering, with the panic-stricken attempts to breathe from the magistrate the only sound. Rol shot a glance to his master who seemed to be chuckling at the sight and Lancelot who wasn’t even paying attention and was looking over one of the many food trays, picking and eating everything that took his fancy. Blood started seeping from the magistrate’s nose, ears, mouth and eyes. Rol pulled his eyes away but a shot glance from Darz made him look back. His nose started twitching and a yell of agony exploded as a sizeable yellow ant crawled out of the magistrate’s left nostril. There were shouts of horror as the magistrates ran from the disgusting spectacle. More ants pored from his nose, mouth and even his eyes. The yells of agony were cringing. The ants burned as they ran over the magistrate’s body. His body slumped to the ground and pooled into foul stinking excrement. The ants dissolved into the now dead husk of the man he used to be and all that was left of him was a pile of burnt flesh. Some of the magistrates heaved at the smell and sight.

  ‘Vigilantes! Constant unceasing vigilantes! Michael has received his rewards for failing me. Darren son of Dworn you are to take his place as magistrate of north. Now go all of you!’ Nala-Kahn shouted. The magistrates hurried their bows and ran from the hall quickly. 

  Rol assumed that he was not meant to leave also and so he did not. The young girl he held had turned and buried her face into Rol’s body, something he did not prevent. She was trembling and slowly Rol turned her back around. 

  ‘You have done well Darz and you young Rol. Where is Crimson?’ He asked glancing at Lancelot. He had no time to answer as the flames of the burning oil trays around the hall flared. Orange flames fell to the floor and gathered next to the remains of Michael. The fire took the shape of a figure crouching there. The fire demon became whole as if he was of flesh and blood studying the remains. 

  ‘I am here my Lord, as long as a fire burns.’ 

  Darz grunted which instantly caught Crimson’s attention. 

  ‘Know this Shaven, the only reason I have not burnt you to a cinder is the fact that my master thinks you useful. When the day comes that you are not, not even the deepest, coldest ocean will protect you Elf.’ The hate was obvious, but Crimson looked down on Darz as Darz looked down on Man. Lancelot chuckled, cutting the tension. 

  ‘Aw, it’s so cute, the little ones fight.’ Lancelot said as if speaking of children, which tickled Nala-Kahn who smirked. For a moment Darz and Crimson were united in their hatred of Lancelot. 

  ‘I am many thousands of years older than you child, do not test me.’ Crimson growled. Lancelot laughed out loud. 

  ‘And in all that time what have you accomplished spawn?’ Crimson went to draw his sword but Nala-Kahn shot the Element a fierce look and he ceased. 

  ‘Enough of this! You all know you are valued friends and allies of mine. Even you Rol, bring her forward.’ Rol bowed his head quickly and stepped forward. 

  ‘You say you felt her magic, how?’ Nala-Kahn asked strongly. 

  ‘I do not know my Lord. Ever since my training…’ At that moment Rol shot a glance at Darz who gave him a forceful nod. 

  ‘…I have been able to feel magic from many leagues away. I cannot take all the credit mind. This young one was the only magic-wielder in her village, which made her easier to detect. Four of the most powerful magic-wielders are in this hall and that is making it difficult for me to feel her magic, even though I stand behind her.’ 

  Nala-Kahn nodded approvingly. 

  ‘That is a problem that training can amend. How are your skills with a sword?’ He asked. 

  ‘Proficient.’ Rol answered. 

  ‘Lancelot. Get this Elemamtel a proper sword and teach him as best you can. Darz concentrate his teachings on finding young wielders, Crimson how goes your pet’s training?’ The Fire Element grinned. 

  ‘I am confident he is under my complete control.’ Crimson said with a sly grin. 

  ‘Good now leave us.’ Nala-Kahn said. 

  Lancelot, Darz and Crimson went to leave and when Rol also did Nala-Kahn shook his head and so Rol stayed behind the young Wielder. He approached and knelt in front of the youngster. 

  ‘What is your name?’ He asked softly. 

  ‘Kirsty.’ She whimpered. 

  ‘Do you know why we have brought you here?’
Kirsty nodded slightly but Nala-Kahn waited for her to reply.

  ‘To kill me.’ Nala-Kahn looked shocked whether this was because Kirsty truly knew her fate or he was shocked that this young one thought that.

  ‘Why do you say that?’ Nala-Kahn asked more forcefully.

  ‘You have just killed Lord Michael because he did not know of me though I lived under his rule. It is obvious that such a fate awaits me.’ Nala-Kahn smirked at Rol, the evil in his eyes chilling the Elemamtel’s bones. 

  ‘You are a clever girl. But in this case you are wrong.’ He stroked his hand over her hair and cheeks. In that moment Kirsty grabbed his hand and sank her teeth into the flesh between his thumb and fingers. Nala-Kahn yelled in pain and anger and slapped the girl with the back of his right hand. She fell to the ground hard, blood dripping from her mouth. A pool of magic slammed into the ground around the girl. Nala-Kahn and Rol were thrown in either direction Rol crashing into the wall behind him his Lord hurtling into his throne. A moment later Kirsty screamed in pain. Nala-Kahn climbed back to his feet and strolled over to her, Rol could feel the magic that was binding her. Lancelot bolted into the hall drawing his sword but stopped as his eyes fell on the scene. Kirsty looked up and as their eyes met there were no sobs, tears or pleas for mercy there was only hatred. 

  ‘One day you will die my Lord. And on that day I along with every being in this world will rejoice.’ She squeaked loudly. He placed his palm on her brow and noticed her eyes hovering over the remnants of Michael. 

  ‘A much worse fate awaits you.’ Nala-Kahn said cruelly. 

  Rol watched in horror as Kirsty bucked and arched in agonising pain as her magic was drained from her. Her skin started to pull tight then wrinkled as if she grew old in an instant. Rol stormed out of the hall passing Lancelot and Crimson, longing for fresh, open air. Darz stood outside waiting for him. Night had taken hold. He waited in silence. After a while Darz walked away. At first Rol thought this odd but then Nala-Kahn walked up from behind him. Rol turned round his face like thunder. 

  ‘Do you know how I, how all Elemamtels became what we are?’

  Nala-Kahn just nodded.

  ‘I did not choose to be this. But I am bound to my master and his.’ Rol looked away for a moment then stepped forward anger seething within him. 

  ‘If you ever make me watch what you just did again. I won’t fight you, it would be futile. I’ll just kill myself and you would have lost a valuable instrument. Do I make myself clear, my Lord?’ Rol seethed through his teeth. He stared at Nala-Kahn with a hatred he had never felt before. He turned away and headed for the gates of the fortress. A few moments later Lancelot stepped forward. 

  ‘I like him.’ Nala-Kahn grinned broadly at Lancelot’s words. 

  ‘So do I, my friend. So do I.’

  That night’s sky was the same as this night. Over twenty years had passed since the young magic-wielder Kirsty’s gruesome death. Every night the same scene, the same death. It was punishment, he knew it. Not from Kirsty, but from himself. Many children he had found and all of them brought before Nala-Kahn. None had been seen since. Most if not all the Elemamtel’s hated themselves, as none chose to be what they were and were all bound to Darz and so Nala-Kahn. Ever since that terrible night Rol had become an astute instrument of Nala-Kahn. He had been trained with sword and mortal combat by Lancelot, training that had been fierce and painful. Lancelot’s skills with a sword, were unmatched, but often losing patience or just for his own amusement he would punish Rol in his training. He could in no way consider Lancelot a friend but after so many years training with the General they had become respectful master and slave. He had even sparked a good relationship with the Element Crimson and his puppet dragon, in a way. Crimson and Darz were often at each other throats. It must have been amusing to Nala-Kahn to have them both living within the Fortress of Heeden. Darz was the ruler of Heeden and the surrounding area, but Crimson had been given the entire north wing and tower of the great fortress. It was more that enough for the Element. Often Crimson was called upon to collect Rol from far-flung corners of the empire mostly with a young wielder in his charge, like this night. Rol was camped out at the base of a small escarpment, which lay dangerously close to the border with the Elves. He had chosen not to use magic to conceal himself. His fears were not unfounded, there was an experienced magic-wielder also living in the nearby village. It seemed that this Wielder did not want to be discovered but neither did he want the younger Wielder to be either. It had taken many visits to confirm that there was a young Wielder in the village. His last excursion was the most revealing. They shared a festival with the village of Crim south of here. Many had left to assist with the preparations and with so few around Rol not only confirmed that indeed a young Wielder was there, but he actually saw her. 

  Waiting for Crimson, Rol had tried and failed a number of times to clear his mind. But as fear filled almost the entirety of his waking existence, guilt consumed his unconscious mind. Dawn was almost upon him when he felt the familiar magic of Kraco the young gold dragon. It did not take long for Crimson to arrive. Circling twice Kraco landed softly. There was no greeting and so Rol quickly stood, climbed onto the back of the dragon behind the spinal plate where Crimson sat, and strapped himself to it. He knew Crimson hated being Rol’s chariot although it did give him an excuse to leave Heeden, but this was different. Crimson was more than angry, he was livid. Rol made a mental note not to engage with Crimson unless he started first. 

  ‘Our master summons you, we fly to Mielach.’ 

  ‘Understood my Lord.’ Rol replied. 

  The journey was long and painful but to Rol thankfully silent. Rol used what little magical knowledge he had to heal his aching body. Crimson mentioned that he also had business in Mielach but Rol knew what he meant. Crimson led the way into the very same hall Rol dreamed about every night. They both bowed low. 

  ‘Gentlemen you made good time, what have you to report, Rol?’ Rol stood and stepped forward. He had become accustomed to seeing Lord Nala-Kahn who now had to be called Emperor. 

  ‘I can confirm that there is a young boy about the age of five who lives in the north-easterly village of Ne-aan close to the border of the Elves. I was able to view him closely and there can be no doubt…’ Nala-Kahn was nodding approvingly but stopped when Rol added. 

  ‘…however there is something else.’ Nala-Kahn sat a little straighter his expression inpatient. 

  ‘It is my belief that there is an experienced Wielder living in the very same village. He or she is shielding themselves in such a way so I cannot detect them or the magic they use. On my last visit however, I was able to feel his presence completely which worries me?’ Nala-Kahn studied Rol and shot a questioning glance at Lancelot, but the General was very busy selecting foods from the table and he sat as if not listening.

  ‘What do you mean, Rol?’

  This was the first time in many years that fear of Nala-Kahn came back to him. 

  ‘What I felt, is similar not in strength but in kind, to General Lancelot.’ Rol explained glancing at the General. Both Nala-Kahn and Lancelot looked at each other in shock. 

  ‘One of the surviving Knights, it may be Galahad, which means…’ 

  ‘Excalibur!’ Nala-Kahn boomed.

  Lancelot was nodding a great grin upon his face. 

  ‘I want to lead the assault!’ 

  ‘What assault, General?’ Nala-Kahn said forcefully. 

  ‘The one you are planning, Emperor, if it is Galahad, I will crush him and Excalibur will be yours and if it is not him then I will bring you their head.’ The malice in his voice sent a chill down Rol’s spine and unless he was mistaken the Emperor had the same reaction.

  ‘No my friend, despatch five hundred men from Crind, Curan will lead them.’ Lancelot scoffed and threw his plate of food back onto the table. Lancelot’s anger was obvious but there was something else, which both General and Emperor tried to cover or ignore, but Rol saw throu
gh their facade. 

  ‘My Lords, if you would permit me, what troubles you, both of you, that even my master is anxious?’ Rol asked slowly not knowing whether what he had just done was a smart move. 

  ‘You have become very perceptive Young Rol.’ Lancelot replied eyeing the Elemamtel forcefully. He looked up at the Emperor who seemed deep in thought. After a number of silent minutes he returned Rol’s look. 

  ‘Your news pleases me Rol…’ Nala-Kahn started. 

  ‘But it has been almost an entire year since you bought a young Wielder before us.’ Lancelot continued. 

  ‘There are three reasons that could account for this.’ Lancelot finished. 

  ‘You are failing me. Our enemy is finding and hiding, or training the young wielders. Or we simply have captured them all.’ Nala-Kahn said in a neutral tone. Rol knew how valuable he was to the Emperor and his master and he also knew that he had been completing his tasks skilfully and correctly. 

  ‘I prefer to think it is the second reason, though it is the last reason that truly concerns us.’ Nala-Kahn answered. 

  ‘Whichever reason my Lord, word has reached me of a young magic healer in one of the southern villages south of the marsh lands that sit over the R’hop River.’ Crimson said boldly stepping forward. Again the Emperor fell into silent thought lasting a number of minutes. Rol studied the Emperor and completely ignored the question Lancelot was asking Crimson. 

  ‘Lancelot… assemble five thousand men. Thorn will march them west. Three thousand will take station at Heeden, I want five hundred men stationed at the Han Bridge the rest will await my instruction, the two thousand will head north to the Emerald Skull and fortify it.’ Nala-Kahn almost whispered. 

  Lancelot leaned closely to Nala-Kahn and whispered. 

  ‘She won’t like that.’ Rol seemed confused even more so when he noticed Nala-Kahn’s reaction.  

  ‘What of this healer my Lord? Shall I fly Young Rol here south?’ Crimson asked.     

  ‘No my friend I have another task for you, but first Rol you are to send a different Elemamtel in your stead, you are needed elsewhere, leave us.’ Rol bowed low, gave Lancelot another little bow and left. He stood in one of the many courtyards that sat within the Fortress of Mielach. Shortly afterwards Crimson followed and seemed extremely angry and so he decided to say nothing. He decided to dedicate his thinking to who to send to the southern villages. 

  Nothing brought warm feelings to Rol’s heart more than seeing his fellow Elemamtels after such a long and isolated journey. Though there were three hundred and thirty seven other Elemamtels, Rol knew everything there was to know about them. It had taken the entire silent journey back to Heeden from Mielach for Rol to decide whom to send on this mission. Jul was his choice though it was ultimately Darz’s decision. Jul was astute at locating magic, nowhere near Rol’s level of skill, but not one other Elemamtel came close to him in that regard. There were also other reasons for sending Jul. He was the eldest of the most recent converts Darz had produced and he was struggling to find any measure of standing within the Elemamtels. Several challenges had been called, all answered and all victories for Jul, he was growing increasingly frustrated with his kin. Many had found a measure of respect for Jul for his prowess in mortal combat but most, if not all, did not like him. Jul was not the only one from the most recent converts to struggle. He along with them all had been susceptible to Darz’s influence, but with so many being converted at once Darz struggled to keep them in check. He was rushing the process and was now feeling the pain of that decision. Yet another batch was being converted deep in the bowels of the dungeons of Heeden. Rol was bound to Darz and his master had not given him the freedom give orders to any other Elemamtel and so not only would he have to find him, he would have to interrupt his master. 

  Thankfully Darz was easily found and in good spirits and so Rol quickly relayed Nala-Kahn’s orders as well as his own recommendations regarding the young healer. He had agreed to send Jul and asked Rol to dine with him in the banqueting hall. There they feasted and discussed Rol’s encounter with their master. Darz seemed amused by the Emperor’s troubles. He abruptly stood and ordering Rol to follow, Darz headed towards his personal quarters in the lower levels of Heeden. No one other than Darz had entered his quarters in the best part of three hundred years and yet he seemed comfortable in letting in arguably the most talented servant. Rol was expecting to see young Elemamtels or even Darz’s current female companion but he was greeted by hundreds of books and scrolls. They were everywhere, gracing all the walls and every shelf, even piled up on the floor. Rol had never been taught how to read but even if he did he considered that it would take centuries to read all these books. Rol smirked as he realised that his Master had already had centuries to read these books. Darz walked to the far end of the room and waited at a small wooden door. 

  ‘What you are about to see and hear I forbid you to tell anyone of, especially Nala-Kahn.’ Rol bowed low as such an order was not uncommon. Darz swung the door open and entered followed closely by Rol. As his eyes fell on the figure who was sitting at the end of a large table Rol was flabbergasted. Though he had never met the Man before, everyone knew who he was and more importantly what he was capable of. He froze, unsure what was going on. Darz smirked at Rol’s hesitance. 

  ‘Young Rol, meet my Mentor, Merlin.’

  Rol exited the lower levels of Heeden well into the next day. He tried not to think of what he, his master and Merlin had spoken about. In truth most of it he did not understand, but he knew enough to grasp its importance and was even able to offer some assistance. But all he wanted to do was forget it for now. Their visitor was leaving discreetly and Rol had a more pressing matter to attend too. It did not take long for Rol to find Jul. He was found in one of the advanced sparring arenas, fighting seven normal soldiers. They had been taught the blade but more importantly how to fight magic-wielders. However the arenas had become no more than a place for Man soldiers and Elemamtels alike to earn a reputation and if they were confident and skilled enough, coin as well. By the looks of it Jul was either not using his magic or had already used it all. The seven were now circling him attacking randomly. Even with this tactic Jul’s strength and speed was winning, as soon seven became four and eventually four became zero. There was stunted applause coming from one who had obviously bet on the young Elemamtel. 

  ‘Jul!’ Rol boomed. His underling walked over. 

  ‘Come with me.’ He led Jul into his personal chambers somewhere very few other Elemamtels had been. There he explained Jul’s mission. He loaned him one of the many magical swords he had collected over the years. Against one of the legendary swords it was almost useless, however there was enough magic still within the steel to withstand any normal attack or damage. 

  That evening Jul was prepared and after receiving his orders from Darz he stood at the gates as they slowly opened. Jul turned and knelt in front of Darz. He stood and nodded at Rol, that was the extent of respect ever expressed or needed between the Elemamtels. 

  ‘Winter is closing in Jul, be swift in the open and cautious in the presence of others.’ Jul accepted Rol’s warnings, spun and walked out of the large gates. The other Elemamtels, who had gathered, turned away and returned to the communal dwellings. Rol on the other hand stared at the slowly closing gates. 

  ‘What task do you have for me, that is more important then finding this healer, master?’ Rol asked as Darz stepped in front of him. Darz grinned broadly and whispered. 

  ‘You are to follow our guest, with fifty of your kin.’


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