The Spy with the Silver Lining

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The Spy with the Silver Lining Page 9

by Wendy Rosnau

  “In this case I’m the deaf and dumb one, right?”

  He relaxed against the wall next to the window and crossed his arms over his chest. Casmir didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. She had been suspicious from the beginning, and now Pierce had just confirmed that Polax had conned her in some way. He would only do that if he knew she wasn’t going to like the outcome.

  Needing to keep the ill feelings at bay, she went into survival mode. She was beginning to feel like a cat with one paw in a trap and the other three in quicksand.

  “You know, Pierce, I never liked you in Austria. You thought I was a dumb blonde then, too. I assure you I’m not as dumb as you think. And I never go anywhere with my eyes closed.”

  “I don’t think you’re dumb, amant. What you are is loyal, and that’s what Polax was counting on when he cooked up this subterfuge with Merrick.”


  “Meaning he didn’t have to spill his guts to make you pack your bags.”

  “They were already packed.”

  “Oui, there you go. He was damn sure of you. So sure, he mapped out this mission knowing you would go wherever he sent you.”

  “And are you going to spill your guts and tell me why I’m here? At the same time maybe you could explain why Lazie kidnapped my mother and brought her here in his trunk?”

  “Today didn’t go as planned. You took off and—”

  “You didn’t show up when and where you were supposed to.”

  “Okay, so I should have met you.”

  “What was that? You’re admitting you made the mistake?”

  “If it makes you feel better.”

  “It does.”

  “At the Glitterbug I told Lazie to get Ruza out of there and bring her here. My guess is he felt she wasn’t going to cooperate, so he made a decision.”

  “One I’m having difficulty explaining to her.”

  “That can’t be changed now. Let’s talk about Yurii Petrov.”

  Casmir’s body tensed. “Let’s not.”

  “I know what happened between you two. I read the report.”

  If he had read the report, he didn’t know the half of it.

  “If you have the details then you talk and I’ll listen.”

  “I got clearance from Merrick to summarize the mission’s agenda. Like I said, Polax should have been up-front with you.”

  “Spill your guts. I’m all ears.”

  “You’re the bait.”

  She’d heard that word before. Polax had used it in Prague, and on the phone when they’d last talked.

  “I’m the bait?” A knot gripped Casmir’s stomach. She now understood. “I’m here to lay a trap for Yurii? He attempts to kill me and you recapture him in the process, is that it?”

  “Not exactly. Simply returning him to prison isn’t enough to crush his operation.”

  “I’d say they learned that a little late. I spent four months in his—”

  “Bed.” His eyes stared her down.

  “I did my job.”

  “Oui. Quite well. I heard you had Petrov eating out of your hand.”

  “No, it was actually one of my shoes.”

  “He asked you to marry him.”

  To that, Casmir made no comment. She had done what was necessary to complete the mission. All anyone needed to know—including Polax, and now Pierce—was relevant facts.

  He continued to stare her down.

  It was the eyes of judgment, at least that was what it felt like. And it pissed her off. “You’re a real tough guy, Pierce. You play with guns and knives, move in quick and get out quicker. If you feel like screwing it’s on your own time and you don’t have to fill out a report afterward. Well, screwing is my job, tough guy, not my hobby. I did my job, and filled out a report. It’s not my fault it didn’t solve all Quest’s problems with Yurii Petrov. Maybe they should have had a backup plan.”

  “No argument here.”

  “You said I’m the bait. Obviously Quest thinks Yurii will come after me, or at least send someone to kill me. What am I missing?”

  “His headquarters is believed to be in the Mediterranean, but no one knows where. He keeps an extensive database on past and current clients, as well as his own diverse business information. While you were taking Yurii down months ago, I was coming off a mission in Greece. You’ve heard of the Chameleon?”

  “Yes. Onyxx’s nemesis who refuses to die.”

  “Petrov launders the Chameleon’s money. That connection is Onyxx’s interest in this. As Merrick told me, when agencies work together, good things happen.”

  Casmir stood. She had never expected to see Yurii again after she had sent him to prison. Had prayed she would never have to face him again. Then four days ago he’d shown up in Bratislava, and all those days and nights with him had come flooding back.

  Be careful when tempting the devil. Especially when you’ve stolen his soul.

  Pierce was still talking. She stopped pacing and faced him, suddenly realizing the game. “You want me to lead you to Yurii’s hideout.”

  “That’s right. He takes the bait, and we follow once you’ve been captured.”

  The perfect bait. The perfect worm on the hook.

  “What if he simply wants me dead?”

  “You don’t believe that, do you?”

  She didn’t know what to believe right now. “I suppose you’ve figured out a way to let him know where to find me.”

  “He already knows where you are. Tonight the noise you heard was me. Two men have been watching the cabin since the moment we arrived. I let one get away. We don’t want this to look too easy.”

  “You think he’ll take me to Nescosto Priyatna.”


  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “Right now Yurii’s a wanted man. His hideout is the safest place for him. We think he’ll send someone after you, with instructions to bring you to him.”

  “Polax should have told me.”

  “I agree.”

  If he had, then maybe she would have found a way to share with him the reasons why this mission wasn’t going to work out the way they had planned.

  She turned away. Pierce was right; her loyalty to Quest had kept her in Polax’s pocket. He’d sat in his big chair and lied to her. He’d set her up and pretended to be concerned about her safety. And what about Mama? How dare he risk her life!

  You’re in the deep freeze until we can find another use for you.

  Well he had certainly found a use for her. The term bait wasn’t the right one, however. She was their sacrificial lamb.

  “Once you’re in, and we have the location, I’ll retrieve the data, and pick you up on the way out.”

  What an arrogant ass. Casmir turned to face him. “If you think it will be that easy, you’re even a bigger fool than Polax. If you’re lucky enough to get out, I suggest you leave my body there. It will slow you down on your escape.”

  “Have a little faith, amant.”

  “I never go into a job riding on the wings of faith, Pierce. If I did, I wouldn’t have survived my first mission. I know the intelligence world places little value on women operatives. I’ve heard the jokes, and the comments. Most agencies consider us expendable. I just didn’t know Polax felt the same way. I guess prostitution in any form is legal when your pimp is the government.”

  “As I said, you should have been told up front, but that’s something you’ll have to take up with Polax when we get back.”

  Casmir crossed the room and pulled her phone from her jacket pocket, but before she could use it, Pierce stripped it out of her hand.

  “Calling him isn’t going to change anything. Petrov already knows where you are. The game has started.”

  “Give me my phone.”


  “Give me my phone.”

  When she grabbed for it, he reached out and pulled her against him. She fought him, shoved hard, and that was when the towel went to the floor. B
efore she could rescue it, she was on the bed, Pierce flattening her out on her back.

  “Listen to me.”

  “Get off.”

  “I don’t like this any better than you do, but it is what it is. Trust me. I’ll get you out of this alive.”

  She looked away, so angry that she felt like crying. That wouldn’t do. She didn’t cry in front of men.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  “Look at me.”

  “Just get off and get out.”

  “I want your promise that you’ll do this. Merrick warned me that if I told you you might turn chickenshit. Prove him wrong. Prove them all wrong. And when this is over—”

  She looked at him, willing strength back in her voice. “And when this is over you’ll send flowers to my funeral. Agreed?”

  “There isn’t going to be any damn funeral.”

  “I’m partial to orchids. And don’t be stingy. A dozen is a nice gesture, but two is always more impressive. At least I deserve that much.”

  “I won’t let you die.”

  “Orchids. Two dozen. Promise me.”


  “Promise me.”

  “All right. Orchids. Two fucking dozen.”

  “When you ride to my rescue, remember to bring along a body bag to pick up the pieces. Yurii isn’t going to let me go home beautiful.”

  He swore again, then climbed off her. Naked, feeling his eyes on her, she curled into a ball on her side. Seconds later she felt the towel that had dropped to the floor cover her.

  “I’m leaving the phone. Don’t call Polax. Trust me instead, amant.”

  Pierce had smoked close to a pack of cigarettes by the time Lazie got back from New Orleans. He stood on the porch leaning against a newel post as his friend got out of the Eldorado.

  Once Lazie climbed the steps, he said, “I got our friend settled.”

  “Did Frog agree to guard him?”

  “He was happy to do it. He told me ta tell you, whatever you need, just give him a call.”


  “Been tinkin’dis situation over. When you gonna tell me all of it?”

  “I figure now is as good a time as any to tell you how you figure into this.”

  “Am I going to like it?”

  Pierce lit a cigarette.

  “I’ll take one of dem.”

  “Thought you quit.”

  “I did. Now I’m what you call a social smoker. I only light up when I’m socializin’.”

  “You socialize at the Glitterbug every day.”

  Lazie grinned. “Dat I do. But now I don hear the criticism. Folks tink I’m smokin’ with dem to be nice. Sacrificin’ for dem. Makes dem feel special, and I don hear any lectures on health issues.”

  Pierce smiled. “You’re crazy, Lazie.”

  “So tell me what I should know. What’s got you upset?”

  “How do you know I’m upset?”

  “It’s a fact you don show it much. But I know you better den most. Da way your puffin’ and grippin’ dat life saver says it all. You have words with une belle femme?”

  “A few.”

  “It didn’t go well?”

  “Horseshit. She hated me before. Now we’ve turned the corner and headed down an even blacker alley.”

  “Dat don sound like you. You always could charm da pants off of a fille no matter how tight da fit.”

  “This is a squeeze all right.”

  “A nice word, squeeze. It reminds me of what’s sleepin’in my bed. So what do you want from me?”

  “Your promise that you won’t let Ruza Balasi out of your sight for the next couple of days. How do you feel about being her bodyguard?”

  Lazie grinned, then blew smoke. “I tink I’m goin’ ta like dis job just fine.”

  Yurii was on his way to meet the Chameleon when he called Nicky. He was on his yacht, the Bella Vella, just leaving the Gulf of Salerno.

  “Pierce Fourtier works for Onyxx? He’s a level-one agent, Filip tells me. So I’ve been asking myself, why would Onyxx involve themselves with an agent from Quest? What’s in it for them?”

  “And have you come up with an answer, Don Petrov?”

  “Not yet. But I will.”

  “Your news explains what just happened.”

  “And what has happened, Nicky?”

  “I have some bad news. Fourtier surprised us while we were staking out his cabin. I don’t know how he knew we were there, but… I was careful. Only—”

  “Only what, Nicky?”

  “Anton was captured.”

  “You disappoint me, Nicky. And in the past week I’ve had too many disappointments.”

  “I need another man.”

  “It sounds like you need more than one. Filip told me that Fourtier is one of Onyxx’s best.”

  “I’m sorry, Don Petrov.”

  “I want Kisa back, Nicky. No excuses. I will send someone to take over the capture.”

  “But— Whatever you say, Don Petrov.”

  “In four days, Nicky. I want Kisa at Nescosto Priyatna in four days.”

  “She will be there.”

  Yurii didn’t like the idea of Onyxx entering the game. What puzzled him was why they would be interested in Kisa. Or was he looking at this all wrong? Maybe Kisa wasn’t the interest. Maybe it was him.

  He rubbed his jaw, considered the idea.

  He said, “Do not fail me again, Nicky. If you do, I will cut your heart out and eat it myself.”

  “Yes, Don Petrov. When will you send the men?”

  “You will have them tonight. Give me a location where they can meet you.”

  “I’m in Le Mystère. The men can find me at a bar called the Ginger Root. I’ll be there all night waiting for them.”

  “One more thing, Nicky. After you have sent Kisa on her way to me, stay behind and kill Pierce Fourtier. Make sure he suffers.”

  Yurii pocketed his phone after making a second call. He sent Nicky five men. Five bloodthirsty Russian soldatos who were eager to please him, and one unexpected surprise.

  Standing on the deck of his yacht, he again felt anxious to get his business with the Chameleon settled so he could focus his attention on the proper welcome-home gift for Kisa.

  A woman with so much beauty should never sell herself so cheaply. Quest was about to learn a lesson they would not soon forget. They were about to lose one of their best and most talented to the enemy.

  “Until death do us part,” Yurii whispered. “Da, until death, Kisa.”

  Chapter 10

  Casmir slept in later than she’d planned. She hadn’t been able to fall asleep until close to morning. She climbed out of bed tired and irritable. Already hot.

  She sorted through the items in her bag. It wouldn’t take long to figure out what to wear today. She had two choices—a sexy uneven-hemmed pink floral skirt and blouse, or a black silk shift. Both outfits had matching lingerie and sandals.

  She hadn’t called Polax after Pierce had left the bedroom. She had wanted to—still wanted to—but she was too angry to speak to him yet. And when she did, she wanted to know everything. She suspected Pierce was holding something back. He hadn’t mentioned why her mother had been sent along. Polax might be planning to sacrifice her for the sake of Quest, but Mama, too?

  She believed that Pierce knew the answer to that question, and she intended to get it out of him one way or another. If she was going to be dangled in front of Yurii like a piece of meat, so be it. But not Mama.

  She pulled out the pink underwear, grabbed the skirt and blouse, and pink shoes. Fifteen minutes later she walked out of the bathroom, showered and dressed, to check on Mama. Not finding her in her bedroom, she entered the living room, then the kitchen.

  When she discovered no one was in the house, she stepped out on the porch to find Pierce leaning against a post, smoking. That was no surprise.

  “Where’s Mama?”

  “Lazie took her for a boat ride.”

boat ride? Where?”

  “To tour the bayou, then to lunch at a little place on the river.”

  “And you let her go?”

  “She seemed eager.”

  “I doubt that. You forced her to go with him, didn’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t use the word force. I didn’t put a gun to her head, or threaten to put her back in the trunk.”

  “Cute. Call Lazie and tell him to bring her back.”


  Casmir swore. “I don’t trust him. Every time he looks at Mama he starts to drool.”

  He continued to smoke and look out over the murky water. “I think she likes him.”

  “About as much as she likes sour milk.”

  “Lazie’s a nice guy.”

  “He’s a randy dog.”

  “That, too.”

  Finally he turned to look at her standing in the doorway. “It seems the stories are true.”

  “What stories?”

  He looked her up and down. “That the actress never has a hair out of place.”

  “Is that some kind of offhanded compliment? If you think flattery is going to score points, you’re wasting your time.”

  “Did you call Polax?”

  “Not yet. I know that what you told me last night barely scratched the surface. This morning I want to know the rest of it.”

  “The rest?”

  “Why was my mother sent with me? If I’m going to be a sitting duck, fine, but I will not allow my mother to be placed in danger.”

  “She’s going to be fine. Want breakfast?”

  “No. What I want is my mother out of harm’s way.”


  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I’m hungry. Do you cook?”

  “I can cook when I want to. I rarely want to.”

  He walked past her into the house and headed for the kitchen.

  She trailed him. “If the roles were reversed would you be willing to put your life in my hands? The life of your mother?”

  He opened the fridge. “I don’t have a mother.”

  “Everyone has a mother.”

  He took out a carton of orange juice. “Want some?”


  He popped it open and drained the carton, then tossed it into the sink.


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