Traffic & Weather

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Traffic & Weather Page 6

by Magnolia Robbins

  “I think she just thinks I’m a fling,” I replied, aggravated. “The problem is, I can’t get her out of my head. It’s driving me nuts.”

  “Sister, you need to live a little,” Kathy said, taking a final sip of her wine. She filled my glass up again before I could protest, and I took a drink. “Have a little fun.”

  “I don’t want ‘fun.’ I’m too busy for ‘fun.’”

  “You’re too busy for anything,” Kathy admitted. It hurt a little when she said it. I sat back on the couch, taking another drink. “I’m just saying, it wouldn’t hurt you to give something a try for once. Even if it’s just for fun, who cares?”

  I thought about it for a long while, not speaking. Finally, Kathy changed the subject, talking about some work-related drama of her own.

  When I finally went back to the guest house for the evening, I found myself wide awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. I watched the fan spin for a while, getting lost in my thoughts. Eventually, my mind wandered to Dawn. Maybe I was overthinking everything. Maybe I deserved a little innocent fun. Even if it was just fun and nothing more.

  The next morning, things seemed to move pretty smoothly. During the production meeting, I went over in greater detail my plans for the social media aspect of the show.

  “We’ll run polls at the end of every story and see how many people reply to each. The ones with the most hits are obviously are heavy hitters. Promos now will have teasers on our social media websites. Dawn, are you okay with advertising our topic suggestions program today?”

  Dawn looked up at me from her paperwork for a moment, and we met glances. It sent a little flutter through me. When she nodded, I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Alright folks, let’s go try to make this work,” I clapped my hands together, and the meeting dispersed. As I was picking up, I noticed Dawn had stayed back. When I finally looked at her, she was studying me curiously.

  I cleared my throat, stacking up the paperwork. She looked as though she was about to say something but changed her mind at last moment. As she moved to head out of the room, I watched her quietly.

  Surprisingly, the show went really well considering all the last minute changes I’d made. Marty looked pleased, to say the least. Even Kate was in a better mood than she normally was. However, it was Dawn who surprised me the most. Even with her protests against the social media campaign, she made an effort to pitch it regardless.

  As the anchors were preparing to sign off for the last show of the day, I started to wrap up my headset and ready to head to my desk for the afternoon. Just as I was about to leave, I heard Dawn going off-script through the loudspeakers of the control room.

  “Before we leave you for the day, I wanted to ask a question to one of our staff members.”

  “What is she doing?” Marty asked me, and I wasted no time running out of the control room onto the set. As I did, I saw her look at me. Kate sat beside her looking panicked.

  “We have a lot of great, hardworking people here at Rise and Shine that I’m just starting to get to know. One of them I’m particularly fond of. Our executive producer, Liz Mudd.”

  I could feel my face burning. Dawn and my eyes were still locked on one another. The rest of the room seemed to fizzle out around me.

  “I was wondering if she might consider going out on a date with me this evening.”

  The room was dead silent. All eyes were on me. I turned to the control room and waved. Wrap. Wrap. Wrap. I mouthed to Marty, waving my hands in the air. The screen faded out to our logo and the credits. When I turned back around, Dawn was smiling at me. There were still stares abound. It was all I could do not to let panic overcome me. Instead, I took off out of the studio and down the hall towards my cubicle.

  A few minutes later, Marty came to join me, a grin spread across his face. “What was that all about? You and Dawn?”

  My face fell into my hands, sighing loudly. For the first time in the history of my career, I wanted to leave badly. “I don’t know,” I mumbled.

  “You need to talk to her,” Marty warned me. “You can’t have her doing that on live TV. Although I doubt it was bad for our ratings.”

  “The social media stuff is for our ratings,” I argued. “Not Dawn’s crazy stunts.” Suddenly I found myself agitated. To the point where I wanted to yell. I gave Marty a look before I hopped up from my seat.

  “Don’t give her too hard of a time,” Marty smirked at me, and I waved him off, storming down the hallway towards Dawn’s dressing room. I didn’t bother knocking. When I opened the door, she was standing right in front of me, looking as if she was about to head out.

  “I was about to come and find you,” she admitted with a small smile. I studied her for a moment, a slew of comments running through my head that I wanted to say. Instead, I took a deep breath.

  “Did you mean what you said?”

  “About the date?” Dawn asked, and I nodded. “Liz Mudd, you must not know me that well if you have to ask that question. I’m not an impulsive--”

  Before she could finish, I fell into her, our mouths coming together seamlessly. I breathed her in, smelling the faint hint of the flowery perfume she’d worn since I’d met her. We stood there for a tender moment before we both pulled away. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Okay,” I said, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “Let's go on a date.”

  Chapter 6


  Liz and I planned to meet at my condo later that evening. I’d made all the arrangements, in spite of the fact that it had been years since I’d been on a date. By the time the early evening rolled around, I was starting to panic.

  The news played in the background. Robert was standing in for one of the evening reporters. For a moment, I watched him, captivated by his on-screen persona. It was disheartening to think how much different he’d been in person. I clicked the television to another station and threw the remote on the couch.

  As long as it had been since I’d been on a date, it had been even longer since I’d struggled to get ready. By the time I’d figured out what to wear, my bedroom was scattered with clothes. I let my blonde hair fall straight down my back and wore a hint of makeup. When I’d told Liz to dress casual, she’d stared at me confused.

  David called me a few minutes later. We used to work together when I’d been anchoring the evening news at WATV. He parked the news van in front of the condo and handed me the keys when he’d hopped out. “Don’t scratch her,” he warned me with a smile, and I let out a laugh.

  “I expect you want me to return her washed and waxed too?” I replied.

  “Read my mind,” he replied, taking off down the sidewalk.

  “Do you need a ride?” I called out to him, and he waved me off.

  “Parked at the studio, thanks though. Have a good date.” I could tell by the expression on his face that he was as surprised I was going out with someone as I was. I walked down the street to the corner, where I purchased a bouquet of flowers. As I walked back, I felt more and more silly, and then suddenly panicked. Once I’d gotten to the van and was about to put the flowers inside, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned swiftly.

  Liz stood in front of me dressed in a fitted v-neck t-shirt and jeans. Even dressed down from her usual work attire, she looked rather beautiful. She offered a smile, and I instinctively handed her the flowers.

  “Wow,” she said, studying them for a moment. “It’s been a while since someone has bought me flowers.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve ever bought someone flowers,” I replied, and her smile widened slightly at the comment.

  “What’s the news van doing here?” She asked curiously, looking at me and the vehicle.

  “It’s for our date,” I explained as I opened the passenger side door. For a moment she stood there looking at me and then carefully moved inside. She set her flowers in between the seats as I shut the door behind her.

  Once I’d loaded inside, I fastened my seatbelt and looked at her. �
��You look really nice,” she said to me with a shy smile.

  “You too,” I replied. Our gaze on one another lingered for a minute before I turned to start the car.

  “So, where are we going?” Liz asked as I backed out onto the street.

  The drive took a good twenty minutes to commute across the city. Liz turned the news radio on while we drove. A woman after my own heart. Once we’d made it to the hole in the wall restaurant, I pulled the van over to the side of the road. Some of the people on the street looked at us curiously as we exited. While we stood outside for a moment, I turned to look at her.

  “I’m guessing this is where we’re eating?” Liz said her look questionable.

  I nodded, offering a smile. “It looks a little shady, but I promise it doesn’t disappoint.”

  As we walked inside, Miguel was there to greet us. It had been a long time since I’d come, but I would never forget his face.

  “Dawn!” He smiled at me, ushering us back towards the kitchen. “Come, come. I have your food almost ready.”

  As we weaved our way through the restaurant, I took hold of Liz’s hand. In a matter of moments, we were surrounded by the rest of the Rodriguez family. Every one of the twelve of them hugged me tightly.

  “Oh me, Dawn it’s so wonderful to see you!” Alejandra said, beaming at me. I returned the smile after she’d hugged me. “Who is your lovely friend?”

  “This is Liz,” I said, introducing her to each of them one by one. She exchanged pleasantries before she looked at me with a slightly confused look on her face.

  “The Rodriguez’s and I have known each other for what, twelve years now? Fifteen?”

  “Fifteen years, on the dot,” Miguel said. “I can’t believe it’s been that long.”

  We chatted for a few minutes and got the tour of the updated kitchen that I hadn’t seen. Then Miguel helped us carry out our food to the van. “Are you sure you can’t stay for longer?” He asked me.

  “I’m on a date,” I smiled, looking to Liz for a moment. “I promise I’ll come back soon.”

  Miguel smiled at both of us before he gave a wave and headed back inside.

  “They were really nice,” Liz said, with the food situated in her lap. I took off back down the street. “How did you say you knew them again?”

  “You were probably too young to remember,” I said as we turned onto the highway. “They’d just opened up their family restaurant. Some of the kids that came over to help were illegal, and they were being threatened to be deported.” Liz’s eyes grew wide when I looked at her briefly. “I helped cover the news story that helped get them started to become US citizens. We helped keep them here in the states. I think to this day it was one of my favorite stories I’ve ever covered.”

  I could feel Liz’s gaze on the side of my face. When I turned to look at her, she had a curious look. Finally, she spoke. “You really did that?” I nodded, and I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye. “And now you use them for free food?”

  “It’s good free food,” I argued, and she laughed.

  We ended up at an overlook on the west side of town. Another sentimental place. I pulled the van in backward so we could open the back doors and look out at the city below. We sorted out the food, Liz had gotten enchiladas, and I’d opted for street tacos. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I felt her turn to look at me.

  “I’m assuming you took me here for a reason too,” Liz said, and I smiled.

  “I just like the view,” I admitted. “I hadn’t been here for a while.” The last time had been with Robert, years and years ago when we were first dating.

  “It feels like a place horny teenagers would come to get laid in their cars,” Liz remarked, and I raised a brow. She gave me a playful shove before she continued eating her enchiladas.

  In spite of the fact that I very much would have taken her up at the outlook, we just enjoyed our meal, making friendly conversation and admiring the city lights and the stars above. After we’d finished eating, we packed up the car and I headed back down the road into the city.

  When I met up with David and the rest of the crew at the far end of town, it was getting late into the evening. I pulled the van up behind the other WATV vehicles that had lined the street corner.

  “What are we doing here?” Liz asked me as we hopped out of the car and joined the others from the evening broadcast on the corner of the street. Much to my surprise, Robert was there. I hadn’t expected it. For a moment I panicked. We met eyes, and I offered the best smile I could muster. Liz came up to stand beside me.

  “Dawn, what a surprise,” Robert said, coming up to hug me. “And who is this beautiful woman?”

  “Robert,” I hugged him back awkwardly. Once I had, I turned towards Liz. “This is Elizabeth. My girlfriend.”

  Both Robert and Liz looked surprised for a moment. Liz stuck out her hand and offered him a smile. “You can call me Liz. You’re Dawn’s ex-husband, right?”

  It was my turn to look surprised. I supposed after following me for so many years, she knew a lot more about me than I’d expected her to. Robert nodded and shook her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Liz.”

  “What are we doing here?” Liz turned to me, a curious look on her face.

  “I thought you might want to be in the thick of it,” I said, smiling at her.

  “The thick of what?”

  “They’re about to arrest the primary suspects for all the gang murders the past few weeks,” I explained. “WATV got a tip that they were doing a sting operation tonight.”

  Liz looked shocked, to say the least, but excited nonetheless. The small group of us hopped into an unmarked van and drove the two and a half blocks up the road to where the operation was reportedly about to go down. The car parked along the side of the road, and we sat, crammed in the back like a bunch of sardines.

  We waited for nearly an hour before suddenly there was a loud shout. Police flooded the streets. The group of us fled from the car. Liz and I watched from a distance as the reporters rushed to catch a glimpse of the suspect being escorted out of a building to police cars. Robert was at the heel of a detective with a cameraman, holding a microphone out to interview him.

  “Holy crap,” Liz whispered. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through me, wishing badly that I was up in the thick of it with the rest of the crew. When Liz reached and took my hand in her own, I quickly forgot about it, looking at her briefly. We watched as the police arrested seven people. It was likely going to be all over the news for the next few days. In a matter of minutes, it was over.

  After the crew had dropped Liz and I back off at the van, we stood together in the road for a moment. My body was on fire from the experience, even if I hadn’t been reporting. By the look on Liz’s face, she was feeling the same way.

  “That was incredible,” she said, leaning against the side of the van. The smile on her face couldn’t have stretched any wider. I nodded in agreement, watching her. When she finally noticed I was staring, she turned to look at me. I moved my body into hers and pushed her back against the van, our lips coming together. We kissed for a long moment as my hands ran over her. She tasted like remnants of a spicy Verde salsa.

  When we finally broke, I felt her take my hand in hers and lead me to the back of the van. She opened the doors, letting herself inside, and I followed in after her. I watched as she turned towards me, drawing close as I shut the door.

  “I don’t normally sleep with women on the first date,” she whispered to me, her lips nearly on mine.

  “I hope you’re going to make an exception to that rule,” was all I could think of to reply before she pulled the shirt from her body, exposing the naked flesh beneath. Her hands drew across my blouse, unbuttoning it as fast as her fingers would work. As soon as she’d finished, we came together. I laid her down on the couch seats of the back of the van, pulling myself on top of her. Our mouths met for a moment before my lips went to the side of her neck. As I worked, I unclasped her br
a, molding her breasts into my hands as soon as they were freed. I lapped at each one until her nipples were hardened, and then returned my mouth to hers.

  Liz nipped at my lip gently, and I let my tongue roll out to taste her. As our kiss grew deeper, my hands stroked the side of Liz’s face, while our lower halves ground together furiously. I could feel the heat growing in between my legs. When we finally broke from one another, Liz removed my bra, fondling me the way I had her moments earlier. I watched her tongue as it rolled over the length of each, while her eyes stared up at me. Those intense big brown eyes, hungry for more.

  As she drew kisses down my stomach, I felt her hands pushing down my pants. I helped her quickly, both of us sharing passionate kisses as the rest of the fabric fell to the floor. Her pristine naked body laid below me glistening in the moonlight outside. My mouth got lost in her body, no part untouched. When I’d made it to her middle, I lapped at it softly, my tongue swirling around it. Liz moaned, arching her hips.

  “Dawn,” she gasped sharply as my tongue rolled down the length of her. I looked up, and we shared a glance. “I want you on top of me.” That was all the response I needed. My body moved fluidly over top of hers, while my hand found its way back between her legs. As I worked her, I felt her fingers graze over my wetness, and it sent a jolt through me. I gasped when she slid inside of me, and I reciprocated.

  We worked in tandem, long fluid strokes, over and over. Our mouths came together in a furry. She lapped at my tongue and sucked on it lightly when I came into her mouth. We kissed until we couldn’t breathe, and then my lips fell into the crook of her neck and at her earlobe. I licked and nibbled at her skin as we continued thrusting inside of one another.

  “I think I’m going to come,” Liz gasped, and I felt her body tense. My hand slid from her, and she let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Sit up,” I told her quietly, and she did as she was told, sitting in the seat. I got to my knees on the floor of the van. Carefully, I set Liz’s feet up on the seat, spreading her legs wide. I teased her for a moment, kissing the inside of her thighs and breathing hot air into her middle.


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