The Chase

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The Chase Page 11

by Rhyannon Byrd

  And I have no idea who. I mean, yeah, my family is a pain in the arse, but why in the hell would they try to off me? They have nothing to gain from it.

  So, then, someone I work with? Someone I’ve pissed off enough during a deal that they would want this? Would be willing to pay to make it happen?

  Fuck, my head is pounding from what I’m told is a concussion, as well as the stitches they’ve put in over my left eye, and I can’t seem to focus enough to think of anyone.

  Finally, a surgeon comes out to talk to me, and all I can do is stare at the blood on her scrubs. Christ, was Emmy bleeding? It’d been difficult to see her clearly in the moonlight, and once the emergency services arrived on the scene, the flashing lights had been blinding.

  But this woman’s clothes are spattered with blood. The same blood, I realize as I look down, that’s all over my hands. Soaking my shirt and my jeans. Suddenly I feel like I’m drowning in it. Like it’s burning my skin. I’m breathing hard, and it’s like I’m listening to the surgeon speak through a tunnel as she tells me that a shard of metal had punctured Emmy’s abdomen. The good news is that no organs were damaged, but she lost so much blood that they’ve had to give her a transfusion.

  Somehow, I manage to get my voice to work, and I ask if I did anything wrong. If there’s something I should have done differently, but she tells me no. That most of the bleeding was internal, and I could have caused her more damage if I’d tried to dislodge the shard or applied pressure to it.

  I ask when I can see her, and she tells me that they’re still working on her. That she just wanted to find me to let me know that Emmy’s out of the danger zone.

  I think I manage to thank her, but I’m not positive, her words echoing through my head like a booming death knell as they mix with the ones that I heard before.

  Danger. Accident. Murder.

  As I stand there in the middle of the quiet hallway, I know I should call Tyler, her mum, someone. But I’m numb. I’m shutting down.

  Because I know what I have to do. It’s the only way, at this point, that I can think of to keep her safe. And that’s all that matters. Right now, making sure that none of this shit touches Emmy is the only thing I can afford to focus on. I can’t let anything else sway my decision, or I’ll make the wrong one out of selfishness and she could end up paying the ultimate price for it.

  Exactly two weeks ago, I met the woman of my dreams.

  And today I nearly got her killed.

  When she wakes, I know she’s going to hate this place. That what happened to her as a child is going to make her panicked and uncomfortable.

  But I have no doubt that she’s going to hate me even more.

  Because I’ll already be gone.

  To be continued . . .




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