Executive Engagement: A Boardroom to Bedroom Fake Fiancee Romance

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Executive Engagement: A Boardroom to Bedroom Fake Fiancee Romance Page 6

by Alexis Angel

  Kat’s rolling a chopstick against her bottom lip, licking up soy sauce. As her tongue creeps over the edge of her mouth, I completely lose my train of thought.

  “But,” she says, “you ended up with me soon after. So I guess it wasn’t a loss after all.”

  I grin at her, and I touch her leg and gently squeeze her thigh.

  “Not a loss at all.”

  Kat does a quick look around. I’ve seen her do this at work. Her eyes go to the surroundings, desk, then to the clock.

  “I better get moving. It’s going to be a long one tomorrow. I suppose I should let you off husband duties for the night since you bought dinner.”

  I reach out and grip her hand, waiting for her to turn to me.

  We pull close together, sinking into each other’s gaze.

  “No fucking way. I’ve got manly duties to perform. And if it’s going to be a long day, you need your husband to take all that stress out of you.”

  She slips down from the stool, winking up at me as those sexy pink heels click to the floor.

  “What’re we waiting for then?”



  This morning, I woke up in his arms.

  But now, I’ve been in the office for merely a few minutes, and the phones are going fucking bananas. It’s not even 8 a.m. yet.

  Normally I can’t wait to get into the office…but with Will in my bed, even I can admit that it was a struggle this morning.

  But this job…I love this fucking job. For the first time in my life, I can really flex my steel and be myself. I kicked ass all the way up the corporate ladder, and I never once backed down. And now I’m here, the pace doesn’t slow down—fuck no.

  It hits high gear.

  For a couple of seconds, the phone is silent and the memory of Will sleeping comes up in my mind.

  Waking up in his arms and breathing in that clean man scent first thing in the morning was divine. He sleeps deep, so untangling myself wasn’t difficult, and I found myself staring at him.

  Awake, he’s a non-stop cock. Dick doesn’t even start to describe it, because his dick is at least worth two average dicks. Maybe more.

  But sleeping…I don’t know. He looked kind of sweet.

  Tousled hair and sweet dark eyelashes falling against his cheeks. Without those icy wolf eyes and quick shit-eating grin, I could almost think he was innocent.

  I’m glad the phone rings again as I have a laugh at myself.

  Fix your fucking perception, girl. See things as they really are, not how you want them to be.

  Not long after 9 a.m., two dozen roses come waltzing in, all white and pink. The deliveryman gets all ‘wink, wink’ with me, but I laugh it off.

  “It’s probably just a client.” I take the card to check after signing the board.

  It’s from Mr. Paxton, a short note to let me know yesterday afternoon his profit margin tripled, and if I hadn’t convinced him to keep his account here, he would’ve missed out.

  This makes me feel fierce, really puts the fire in my belly.

  I work straight two hours without noticing the time and would keep going—if I hadn’t been interrupted by another delivery boy.

  I stride up from the desk feeling a bit pissed now. I’m not a fucking princess in a tower waiting around to be rescued. I don’t have time for this shit.

  These roses are all red, the darkest most intense red I’ve ever seen. I pick out the card, and my heart stops in my chest as I catch the words.

  To show my appreciation—my wife fucking deserves it.


  Everything seems to stop now, like there’s silence all around me. I look at all the roses starting to gather, and for a moment, I can’t think.

  His wife.

  I know he’s joking, but still…

  I’m just too fucking lucky. The big office, the stupidly rich clients, kick ass apartment…and a field of fucking roses in my giant office.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been satisfied this way before, and I’m honest enough with myself to know, the sex is a huge part of that.

  Phew. I need coffee.

  My mind is wandering all over the fucking place.

  I walk swiftly out towards the coffee machine, dropping a note to the secretary to contact billing on behalf of the Paxton account. If he tripled his margins, we need to increase the fees.

  The coffee room is blissfully empty, and I grab a muffin and a very strong coffee. I eat standing up, pacing a little.

  I’ve been sitting for the last few hours, and maybe with a little food, caffeine, and blood flow, I’ll be able to stop thinking about how vulnerable Will looks when he’s asleep, with those wolf-like eyes covered by sweet dark lashes.

  Stop it, Kat! Fuck!

  I jump as the door darkens and almost spill my coffee.

  “Oh, here you are, Kat,” Sarah announces, all smiles as she walks into the room. She’s a cold one—I don’t think any expression on her face is ever real.

  Eyes and smiles are all carefully calculated. It’s a trait I admire.

  I remember thinking in the interview that if I can be half as good as that, I’m golden.

  “Are you here to congratulate me on the Paxton account?”

  She makes coffee for herself, licking the spoon deftly as she crosses the room to stand next to me.

  “Maybe I should be. But that’s not why I’m here, though. I just want to check in, see that everything’s going well. It was a tough decision for a new CEO here; I know I made the right choice. I just want to see how you’re feeling. I know your work is good, the profit margins show that!”

  She laughs, inviting me to warm up to her.

  I’m not sure I want to give in. She’s Will’s sister. She’s still kind of my boss.

  There’s something very dishonest about her right now, even while she is smiling and giving me big puppy sympathetic eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” I say, looking at my coffee like it’s something special. “It’s been a good start today—that’s why I like the work. I don’t have to think or feel.”

  “How’s Will today? Have you seen him? I saw the roses in your office.”

  I get that icy twist in my gut that has never failed me. Step carefully, it says.

  I look her right in the face, and there it is, plain as day, behind her warm smile, her eyes are calculating.

  She doesn’t give a fuck how I feel. Her plan was for me to run the company, and then she could fuck Will off and make more money while she quietly swept him and his boyish tactics under the rug.

  “I saw him this morning. He’s not coming to work.”

  “Ha!” she exclaims. She throws her head back, rolls her eyes, then steps close to me, conspirator-like. “That’s a first.”

  “You sound impressed.”

  “Look honey—I just want you to know Will has a reputation. When it comes to women, his attention span isn’t as long as his cock. I admit I put him up to that bet, but I was hoping some older baroness or duchess would buy him and get him out of my hair for a few months while he gallivanted her foreign fields and fucked her maids. Will needs a break—and I thought this would give him one. I never thought a real woman would be interested in him…”

  She trails off, not looking at me, and I think the bitch just put me down so slyly I don’t have a comeback.

  “Thanks for the advice,” I say.

  My voice comes out deep and smooth as I straighten myself up and put my empty cup down on the counter.

  I didn’t get here by faking this fucking game. I knew in the interview I was going to have to have confrontation with her sooner or later.

  “I thank you for thinking of my emotional welfare,” I assure her, grinning sweetly. “But it’s totally under control. Just like the company. Make yourself busy by all means, or have another coffee. You did hire me to run your company…and your brother, apparently. I can assure you—I have both completely handled.”

  A little shot of my own, if she wan
ts to imply I’m stupid.

  She fucking hired me. That sword cuts both ways.

  In the short walk back to my office, I feel lost. There’s a deep sinking inside and so much doubt. It’s not something I’m used to feeling.

  I haven’t spoken to Will all day. Not since last night’s sex, actually.

  Maybe I’ll call him, just to hear the tone in his voice. He looked at me last night in a different way, but what the fuck do I know, really?

  I’m not a fucking wallflower. I’m going to call him and straighten this shit out.

  As I sit down, the phone rings. I see the calls piling up as the little lights keep coming on and flickering at me.

  I’m too busy to call him.

  I love this work, and I throw myself into it, trying not to think about the growing worry inside that is making me frown at my beautiful roses.



  I thump my sorry ass down on the couch, wine in one hand, food in the other.

  I get the cork off the bottle and take a swig.

  Who the fuck even needs a glass?

  I pull over the laptop and click on Bea.

  I’m way too mad to just sit here or do some work. Too tired from the long day to work out.

  The brown paper bag full of Thai food is giving off an amazing smell, and I decide to have a look through. I pull out some crispy rolls and start munching on them.

  I didn’t realize I was so hungry.

  I guess fucking my whole life up in an instant does that to a girl.

  I have to admit, Will does have excellent taste in food.

  Shitty taste in women, though.

  At this point, myself included.

  I decide then and there that I’m going to eat everything in this bag. I shove in another pile of noodles in my mouth.

  Then, my screen lights up.

  Video chat from Bea. I answer immediately.

  “Hey sis, what’re you doin’?” Bea smiles widely across the screen.

  “Ruining everything,” I tell her, forcing a smile. “And destroying like a billion calories worth of Thai food while I’m at it.”

  It comes out too loud. Bea immediately takes a closer look at me.

  “Babe, honey, what the fuck? You look like you just went ten rounds with an ostrich.”

  “Bea, I seriously don’t want another run through of that time you were a zoo keeper.”

  “The bitch has a bite tonight! What’s the trouble bubble?”

  “Will,” I say. One word, and my eyes burn with tears. Fuck this. “Will is fucking trouble. I should’ve known it. I fucking should’ve seen it coming. But here I am, crying into my fucking wine.”

  Bea chuckles. “Babe, you don’t know how to fucking cry. Remember that time—”

  “No,” I shake my head. “I don’t want to wander off down memory lane tonight. I just want this to be over, Bea.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

  “It started with his sister today. She gets up in my face about Will, being all fucking catty about it too. So, I wasn’t fucking happy. Then I get in, and he’s not here. So, I decide to do some snooping. Well, I’m not going into the details—but Google knows a lot about Will. There’s so much smut under his name I’m surprised it doesn’t sync data with the local garbage collectors.”

  Bea gives a chuckle and a nod. “But you love him anyway.”

  At least, I’m breathing more easily now. I’m still fucking mad, but I’m starting to think clearly.

  “Probably,” I sigh. “But he’s a dick, and he’s gone. C’est la fucking vie.”

  It’s a real fucking shame that with the thoughts come feelings.

  Will’s blue eyes getting dark and stormy. That split second of hurt I saw across his face. Those sweet dark eyelashes against his pale cheeks as he sleeps.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I mutter, not even realizing I’m still on call with Bea.

  “Sounds like you do, babe.”

  Suddenly, a buzzing noise fills my apartment. Someone’s ringing me at the gate, wanting to be buzzed up.

  Bea and I say our goodbyes as I head for the door. Will doesn’t always use the buzzer. He gets into most buildings just by being Will Ambrose, and he’s been here before so the desk probably wouldn’t care.

  Intellect and emotion rarely meet in the middle. All these good reasons still add up to my heart whispering at me.

  It’s Will, come to declare his love.

  Fuck off. As if.

  “Hello?” I push the button.

  “I have a Mr. Paxton here for you, ma’am. He says he would like to talk business with you. He is your associate?”

  I think for a second. This is a bit weird.

  It’s getting late. I’ve never had a client visit me at home before. But, then again, I’ve never been CEO of a big company before.

  I increased Paxton’s profits significantly in the last few days. Maybe he wants to make new investments. Really, he shouldn’t be calling on me personally.

  I know that. I also know the rules at the top are not everyone’s rules.

  Rich, busy people do things that they shouldn’t because they know that they can.

  I know how to deal with Paxton. And I want to deal with anything other than my fucking feelings for Will right now.

  This can only work in my favor.

  Besides, it’ll be nice to rub Will’s nose in it after I add investments and increase profit.

  If he ever talks to me again after all of this, I guess.

  I click the button.

  “Let Mr. Paxton up, please.”



  I smoke it out to the country club as fast as I can. As I roll up to my private area, I see a couple of caddies get up and come running, even at this time of night.

  There’s some kind of function going on in the main rooms, and I know they keep the place fully staffed for rich pricks just like me.

  I wave a hand at the caddies and push into my rooms.

  I’m not in the mood for that shit. I grab my pack and my whiskey and set off in a golf cart.

  I push the little beast far out on to the course, where it’s nice, quiet, and dark.

  I throw my clubs on the ground and tip back the bottle, gulping down a good measure before I can even think.

  I bend over, gripping my knees.

  Who the fuck is she? This hot cunt, thinking she can speak to me like that? What makes her so special, so smart?

  I put the bottle down carefully and thrash the fuck out of my golf bag before I can actually get the clubs out.

  This is what you have caddies for. I set up a few balls, grab a nice heavy iron, and swing the shit out of it. After hitting the balls, I whip the grass a bit, bending the iron.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I yell out loud.

  This night is fucked. Everything is fucked.

  I didn’t know there were women in the world like Kat.

  It’s not something I ever thought about.

  Surrounded by sharks and bimbos, I made the only defense I could.

  Be the bad boy, fuck the shit out of them, and never look back.

  Simple. Everything in life was just fucking simple.

  I sit down on the grass, leaning my back and head against it as I tip the whiskey back again.

  I know what makes Kat think she’s special, and smart.

  Because she fucking is—that’s why. She knows it.

  She’s fully aware of her self worth.

  She can speak to me like that because I’m a womanizing cunt with a reputation as long as my rock-hard cock. I don’t know why I ever thought anything could happen.

  I just took one look at her and thought, well, here I am with my cock in my hand…or in a bow, whatever, and there’s a foxy bit of woman in a sexy thin shift—and why the fuck not?

  How could I have not known the difference between banging girls and making love with a woman?

  I honestly thought making love was
messed up bullshit in movies or something. No one alive ever actually did it.

  But now, I can’t stop thinking about that velvet skin under my hands. The way she swallowed my cock—not just playing with it or sticking the head between her lips, but really getting it down her throat.

  The way her eyes roll back with pleasure as she’s doing it.

  I want her. I want her so bad I’d be happy to just sit next to her and hear her talk…with a great big raging boner, of course.

  But if she never wanted to fuck me again, I’d take that sweet scent and throaty voice over nothing at all.

  I run through a list of casual bimbos in my mind.

  Sluts I can bang any way I please to take out my frustration.

  No feelings, no love—just bare ass fucking.

  My cock doesn’t even twitch. It refuses to rise.

  But if I run Kat’s gold eyes through my head, it instantly stiffens up.

  There’s a faint sound of crunching grass, and I jump up, swinging my poor bent club.

  Might as well be my fucking cock for all the use it is.

  “Thought I’d find you here.”

  “What the fuck, Sarah? How did you find me?”

  “This is where you always go. In the rough of the ninth…Didn’t you realize? This is where you came that day you struck out on the Anderson account.”

  I have to laugh as I sit back down and swig the whiskey. “Yeah, that was a cool five million in the dust.”

  “You had to fuck the daughter, didn’t you?”

  “Sarah! I told you before—she tied me to the bed. For fuck’s sake. You expect me to not get hard when she jumps on me?”

  “Alright. I didn’t come here for disgusting details which are likely untrue.”

  I leave that the fuck alone and take another swallow.


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