Shelter Friends Summer Camp 2016: Week 4

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by Elementary School Campers

Shelter Friends

  Summer Camp 2016

  Week 4

  by Elementary School Campers

  Copyright 2016 by Pet Alliance

  of Greater Orlando

  This book was published in collaboration with

  Karen S. McGowan and Dennis E. McGowan,

  authors of Jolly Time Books.

  Jolly Time Books tell exciting stories the whole family can enjoy.

  Book Cover design by Dan S. McGowan


  Stephen Bardy, Executive Director

  Imagine a book that is filled with stories and poems written by kids who love animals. Writing gives us the chance to use our imagination, to be creative, to explore our deepest thoughts and feelings, and to discover the gifts and talents we have inside.

  Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando is proud to present original works that tell how the young authors are feeling in their lives and thinking about the world around them. The writings and artwork are truly from the heart and strive to portray the hands-on experiences with shelter pets and knowledge gained from educational speakers during our weeklong Shelter Friends Summer Camps. You will not find these imaginative and creative ideas anywhere else.

  Cathy Houde and Diane Anderson, in collaboration with Jolly Time Books authors Karen S. McGowan and Dennis E. McGowan, headed up this endeavor. Our campers contributed a wide variety of works, from humorous to inspiring to deeply personal, to share their fun experiences.

  Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando educates, shelters, places, and heals pets and their families with compassionate, responsible care maintained to the highest professional standards. We create more caring communities by promoting happier, healthier pets and their families.

  I hope you enjoy the stories and poems that our summer camp participants have put together for you. I encourage you to support our continuing positive community outreach programs.

  Your support of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando goes directly to helping pets in need. Whether it is finding a dog or cat a new forever home, providing low cost vet services, or helping to prevent pet homelessness through our spay/neuter program, Pet Alliance’s goal is to have happier and healthier pets in Central Florida.

  Please make a gift today.

  Visit Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

  We are different from all the rest!

  We speak. We heal. We care.





  About Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

  About Jolly Time Books


  1. Taylor Bowling

  2. Sarah D.

  3. Grady Chancey

  4. Jake Chestnut

  5. Sadie Derenthal

  6. Brooke Doster

  7. Camille Espinos

  8. Enzo F.

  9. Carly Follon

  10. Eleanor Henderson

  11. Ainsley Janssen

  12. Eve Malatesta

  13. Henry Malatesta

  14. Macy Popoli

  15. Elizabeth Powers

  16. Kai Ravndal

  17. Sofia Ravndal

  18. Emma Ripple

  19. Ivey Roberson

  20. Ava Serrano

  21. Madison Spang

  22. Hannah Spencer

  23. Silas Toffetti

  24. Lilias Wilmoth (Lily)

  25. Josceline Wilmoth (Joss)

  26. Siena Wanuck

  Taylor Bowling

  From: Taylor

  To: Pet Alliance

  Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando!

  This Camp is Awesome!


  Today was very fun. We got to learn about all different types of skeletons. We learned that a lot of animals have bones that are big and small. We learned that there are these bugs and when the are released the eat the flesh off of the skeletons.

  We also got to go pet the cats and feed the dogs. We also got to make bird things. I love the cats and dogs. The best part of the day is when we get to train the dogs!

  When we went to the cat room my friend Sadie fell in love with one certain cat. She would not leave the cat until we need to. Then I fell in love with the cat. The cat was so so cute and when we had to leave me and Sadie were the last to leave.

  Then we went to dogs. We fell totally in love with 5 dogs. When we saw them we knew they are the ones. After we went to cats again we got to feed to dogs treats that we made the other day and it was so fun seeing them eat it. Some of the dogs would kick it out of their cages and some would eat it. We all splet up into two groups and I was with all of my friends.

  We all had so much fun with every thing. When I go home I am going to tell my parents all about how fun it is here at camp. I can’t wait to train the dogs again. We are all good at it.

  We teach them sit, lick, paw, high five, and we tryed hoop but it didn’t work. Camp is the best time of summer. every day dogs come in the rooms with the campers and it is fun when you get to pet the dogs that are in the rooms.

  Some times there is one dog and some times there are two dogs. There are a couple of dogs that are the best and I love them so much.

  Sarah D.

  Short Story

  My faimly is getting a new kitten soon. I am so excited!

  We were looking at one of the kittens in the room (where you can look at the cats by yourself). I was trying to get the kitten. My sister opened the door when my finger was under it! It hurt and hurt but it got better.

  Tue, July 12 Cat Room

  My favorite part of the shelter has always been the cat room. I love the cat room because my favorite animal is cats. lol

  I get to pet the kittens and look at the cats! My faimly are getting a kitten! omg! As in oh my gosh!

  Dog Treats Recipe

  You will need a dog bone

  penut butter

  & pumpkin pie

  You will need to freeze it.

  In a cup!

  The pull the cup off

  then give it to the dog!


  Kittens are cute

  Kittens are sweet

  Some like to eat meat

  they are sweat as a pie


  they might bite!

  Jake Chestnut

  Adopt pets now.

  Pet Alliance of greater Orlando!

  Sadie Derenthal

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  All Camps Are great, all camps are Stars.

  But this ONE beats Them ALL BY Far!

  Today was so exiting! I saw so many pretty, sweet, and beautiful animals! When we went to the cat room I befriended a cute little cat named Fluff Wuff but I like to call him Buddy he likes to nible on my shoe and is very playful, he even came on my lap!

  Also when we went to feed the dogs our homeade treats I saw some dogs that were just the sweatest little things. I think I’m going to tell my cousins to adopt one of the dogs, they’ve been wanting one for a very long time and I think they would love one from here a lot!

  I’m enjoying everything here a lot and when it’s over I going to miss the counslers, the animals and especailly the whole part of camp!

  Brooke Doster

  Age 9, 5th Grade

  This morning we learned about airport dogs. They did a demostration where the dogs had to find one of the seven bags that had the smell of a bomb. The dog got reward with a toy. The dogs climbed up the equipment for the agility corse it was pretty cool.

  When Justen went to pick up sox the kitten sox went crazy she was really funny. Also for the cage theree of them were all black. One was black and white.
The dog today was Rousey She is an eglilish bull dog she is the cutest dog ever. It was awesome.

  Today we learned about different kinds of skeletons. I saw a tiny little puppy and I fed a pit bull peanut butter pumpkin popsicle. I saw a cat named sox she is adorible I want her so bad.

  I also saw triplets they were named smiley, miley, and yiley they are the cutest little cats ever. There is a cat in a guys office and I have brushed him he is 7 years old and his name is ozzy. He is black and white and just lays in the chairs. It was awesome.

  This morning there was a speaker it was a police officer with his dog keeneo. He showed us what keeneo could do He awnsered our questions. Keeneo was really cute he was born on october tenth.

  We all got to pet keeneo the police officer said yes when keeneo could go get the toy. We saw him sit and lay and stay when the officer was walking away. We got to wash two dogs and the movie was unlikley animal friends. I got to train rousey and luici. Today was the best.

  Camille Espinos

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  Have fun with friends,

  Have fun with pets,

  Have fun everyday of the week,

  Make a treat,

  Give a treat

  Receive a big o’ smile

  With a giant leap

  Make a friend that stands on all fours

  Train and wash them

  And maybe adopt them

  Come on down

  Maybe get a hound

  Or get a kitty

  It will make you giddy

  So get down here

  to Pet Alliance

  at Orlando or Sanford

  Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando

  Enzo F.

  This morning we got to see the k-9 unit dogs

  they were sniffer dogs.

  in class.

  our bird.


  1rst step: hand full of peanut butter and smugde the pinecone.

  Step two: Dip the pinecone in bird seeds.

  Then you have your own Bird Feeder

  This is in the dogs area: in class

  In the cat area:

  Carly Follon

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  Today we learned about different bones from animals. We then did rotations like playing with the cats. After we had lunch an made treats for birds, then rotation again. For rotation we gave dogs treats. After we gave the dog treats we had popcorn and watched a movie


  Eleanor Henderson

  Age 9, 5th Grade

  This morning we learned about airport dogs. They were dogs trained to find things in the airport. Such as bombs, explosives, and drugs. The dogs even did an obsticle course! next we trained a dog named rousey! She was really sweet. But rousey will eat anything that falls on the floor. Anyway I trained rousey to sit, lay, and roll over! But it took forever to get her to lie down.

  Next we visited the cats and I visited two cats named Luna and Minnie. Then during lunch we wached scooby doo! Then we did rotations again! Next we made dog treats and feed them to the dogs. I feed mine to a dog named Luna! Then finally we went home.

  This morning there was a K-9 police with a dog named Kino. Kino was amazing! He could sit, heel, lay, stop, run! It was too cool! His owner was awesome to! He told the dog all the comands and awnsered so many questons!

  Next we did rotations we got to groom two dogs, visit cats, and train a dog named Lucy! I saw a cat that was black and white. She was such a sweetheart! We groomed dogs named Next we ate lunch and finished scooby doo and watched wierd animal bonds. Then we did rotations and trained rousey, did cats, and feed dogs doggy beritoes. We also made cats toys. Finally we went home:

  Today a guest speaker came in She talked about bones and skeletons of animals. We even played animal cerades! I got to act as a frog. Next we went to go visit the cats! I saw a cat named dory and it really wanted her.

  Then we trained a dog named leai. I got her to sit, lay, and roll over! Later we went to see the dogs and give them treats. Then we viseted the cats again! We also made bird feeders! Then at the end of the day we watched robbin hood!

  Ainsley Janssen

  Please adopt me I don’t have a home yet

  I need love care and shelter.

  Becuse you can’t say no to this face.

  My owners either passed away or miss treated me.

  So Please Please Please adopt me

  I will be nice I will not bite.

  Adopt today

  It all started at school the teachers phone started ringing. ten mins later she was still talking. I got bored so I looked around then, stared in one corner then all of the sudden I was in a like a candy like place!

  Becuse like everything was candy! And the floor was choclate milk (hard choclate milk) Whait no caramel was floor and milk river and HEY WAKE UP!!! Then he handed me a math test I almost forgot about class.

  Please adopt me

  im cute!!

  Eve Malatesta

  Age 9, 4th Grade

  Pet Alliance of greater Orlando

  today their was free dogs.

  We made treats and we were so messy we had to go in the kiddy pool.

  We also had food and looked at new puppies. They were so cool and then we wached a movie and then the day was over.

  Today we bathed two dogs. We went to see the cats we. also got to see the k-9 dogs and train lossey and that was just the begine of the day. later we are going to train and bathed the dogs and see the cat then we are going home.

  Today their was a gust.

  I love the animlies it was so much fun!

  The animlies are to cute.

  Henry Malatesta

  Age 7, 3rd Grade

  Today first we had snack then we did centers then we watched a movie while we ate lunch then we made bird feder. then we watched a movie. Then I went home.

  Macy Popoli

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  ADOPT us

  were lonley cats, dogs, puppies and kitten’s

  When I grow up I want to work at Pet Alliance.

  Elizabeth Powers

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  Love them like they would love you!

  Give an animal a home today!

  At Pet Alliance Shelters.

  When I’m old enough I want to vollentter at the Pet Alliance Shelter. I want to vollentter here so I can do evrything I can to help find the animals loving families. One of the dogs here that I met here was named Maggie. She was super sweet and energetic. I would love to have her in my family and you would to!

  Pet Alliance Camp

  Keep calm and love cats

  Keep even calmer and love dogs

  At Pet Alliance Shelters theres a pet wating for you! Whats taking you so long? Adopt today!

  At camp we went to the dog area as we’re walking down looking at the dogs it made me kinda sad to see kind loving dogs denied homes but also reasured knowing they were all safe and loved and cared for!

  Kai Ravndal

  Age 7, 3rd Grade

  Sofia Ravndal

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  Today was so much fun!! Once we got there a lady came in and taught us about bones from different animals. Then we ate snack. Then we got to see cats. Then we got to train dogs. Next it was time for lunch we watched Robin Hood.

  Then we got to feed the pupsicles that we made for the dogs the day before. Then we got to go see the cats again. Next we ate snack watched the rest of Robin Hood and went home.

  Pet Alliance for greater Orlando

  Emma Ripple

  Age 10, 5th Grade

  My favorite part of dog camp was when the girl taught us about the different animal bones and giving the dogs a nice and cold treat.


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