Fate Uncertain

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Fate Uncertain Page 9

by Kim Cleary

  Speed was impossible. I followed Glynn as closely as I dared. Del followed me, hunched over the bike, her front wheel often bumping mine.

  "Stop here." Glynn stopped suddenly, I bounced off his back wheel, Del smacked into my heel.

  "I don't want to waste the torch battery." Glynn’s disembodied voice echoed around the tunnel. "We'll know when we get to the platform, the wall will disappear. Don't move too far from the opening."

  He edged forward. Del and I followed.

  "These bike lights are useless." I thumped the front tire into the ground. "I wish we had another torch."

  "Can't you flick your wrist and create light from the end of your wand?" Del sounded curious.

  "If only I could." My library lived far away; little chance I'd find a spell for creating light anyway. Could I ask a spirit to light the way for us? I let out a deep laugh.

  "Share the joke!" Glynn called out.

  "Maybe a spirit could help..."

  "That's the last thing we need." Glynn harrumphed. "More undead."

  "Most spirits are friendly—"

  "Maybe to you." Del barked out a laugh. "Not so much for the rest of us."

  "Careful, we're here." Glynn stopped again.

  I dragged my fingertips along the tunnel wall, around a sharp corner and stretched out my hands. I found Glynn's bike leaning against a wall. I held onto the seat and waited next to it. Del gripped my elbow and came to a stop next to me.

  "The staircase at the other end goes up to the street level platform, I think." Glynn switched the torch on and shone a feeble light into the distance.

  "We can all look—"

  "No. You two stay there. I don't want anyone falling onto the tracks or getting lost."

  Del groaned, blew a raspberry through her lips. She leaned back against the bike seat and folded her arms across her chest. "I'm counting to sixty."

  "You can keep counting to six hundred. Just don't move." Glynn moved quickly even though the torch only lit a few feet ahead of his steps. "Got it?" His tone deepened. He was used to calling out orders. Used to having them obeyed. "Keep talking."

  "One. Two. Three. Four. Five...." Del drawled out each number slowly, her voice full of sarcasm.

  In the almost-dark, with Del’s voice droning on, a distinctive odor wrapped itself around me. A funk of stale air, dust, grease, and something vaguely metallic.

  At the count of thirty, Glynn headed back to us. "Found it. We'll leave the bikes here." He fumbled for my hand and gripped it tightly. "Hold on to Del."

  I grabbed Del's hand and we set off together like a trio of school kids. At the stairs, I gripped the handrail and lifted my feet slowly from one step to the next. Two flights took us to a huge cavern. Drafts of stale, cool air lifted damp hair from my neck, raised goosebumps and set my skin shivering.

  "This is the main station, Westmead." Del sniffed as if she recognized the smell of it.

  Glynn pulled on my hand. "One more set of steps—"

  "And street level is next if we've got our bearings right." Del jolted to a stop.

  "Glynn. Stop. Del—"

  "I'm okay." She blew out a long sigh. "Just a spasm."

  Glynn pulled us into a circle. "You need to rest."

  "Yeah I know. Thanks to your friend here, the wound is twanging like it’s a few days old."

  Glynn nudged Del to the front and helped her up the steps. I followed behind. At the top of the steps moonlight cast a gray sheen across a broad tiled area. Del leaned heavily against me as we crossed the tiled platform, a huge dusty sign was still legible— ‘Piriam West Plaza.’ It had been a grand place once.

  We'd made it to street level in the old city.

  Glynn led us to a bench under the sign. "You two wait here."

  "No." Del thumped his arm. "The Edwards building is across the road. We’ve got this close, I am going in."

  Glynn muttered but led us to an alleyway that ran alongside the towering office building. A few steps along he pointed to a ramp leading down. "This is the car park."

  Del lurched forward, gripped the handrail and ran down. Glynn shot after her, hooked his arm around her waist and supported her into the depths. A pang of jealousy stabbed into my belly. They'd been friends for a long time. Relied on one another through training and battles. I gritted my teeth and forced the green monster out of my head. It wouldn't help to find Aidan. I ran after them, senses alert, scanning the deserted car park for any signs of Aidan.

  Glynn shone the narrow flickering beam around us. The pale-yellow light barely broke through the enveloping blackness. "Where to Meagan?"

  "It's this floor. Can't explain, but I'm sure of it. Give me the torch."

  With the torch I edged onward, my arms stretched out as in my vision. A draught wafted refreshing cool air across my arms. Cool, but tinged with a metallic, stale odor. My fingertips touched one of the square pillars that dotted the empty space. Just as I'd seen in my vision, no windows, no doors. Aidan had been in the corner of this enormous and completely dark room. The metallic odor hit the back of my throat, oily dust tickled my nose.

  Flicking the torchlight from side to side, I paced from one pillar to another. Twenty-four pillars away from Glynn. I kicked paper. Something metallic clattered against the concrete floor. I'd found the folded map and a heavy watch. Aidan was here. But he'd gone now.

  "I found the map," I yelled back to Glynn and Del. "And a watch."

  "Where's my son?" Del's accusing voice neared as she staggered to where I stood. She squealed and grabbed the watch from my hand. "It was Ed's. He gave it to Aidan last birthday."

  As if the watch reminded him, Glynn checked his own and grunted. "We have to go. If I run, I'll make it back to base in time." He gripped my shoulder. "Wait in the Plaza with Del. I'll get them to drop you home straight after bringing Del to Hospital."

  Glynn circled his arm around Del's shoulder again and pushed her back up the ramp and across the street. The torch died as I followed them. At the first bench we came to, he settled Del at its center. "Wait here."

  Del started to argue. I nudged her in the hip. If Glynn ran back to base now, maybe I could sneak into the tunnels and explore on my own. Her eyes flashed understanding and she converted her words to a grumbly groan.

  "Look after Meagan for me." He kissed Del's forehead.

  "I hurt too much to do anything silly." Del breathed heavily.

  His smile wavered. He glanced at his watch again and swore under his breath. "I'll tell you everything, as soon as I get back."

  He darted away but after several long strides he spun around and bounded back.

  He wrapped his hands around the back of my head and pressed his lips against mine. I hugged him close.

  "Please." He touched his fingertips to my cheek. "Go home and lie low."

  The urgency in his voice caused a hitch in my breathing. He turned away before I could answer. He ran to the first crossroad and disappeared around the corner, the sound of his boots hitting the pavement disappeared soon after.

  Glynn wanted me away from the city, away from the tunnels, and from Asher and the army base. But I couldn’t help anyone if I didn’t understand the undead and why they’d attacked, and I couldn’t find out what was going on sitting alone in Del’s house. The gun still clinked in my satchel, I wouldn't use it unless I had to, but if my own power failed, I could protect myself if any living twitchers roamed these tunnels.

  Del’s face shone with perspiration. She looked to be preoccupied with breathing rather than plotting.

  "I'm going to explore for a bit." I stood and stretched out my back. "You'll be okay waiting here for the medic, won't you?"

  She pushed herself to her feet. "Do you seriously think I'm leaving without my son?"

  Del stumbled; I grabbed her arm to stop her from crashing to the ground. "You can hardly stand."

  "I want Aidan out of here before bullets starts flying." She pulled the watch out of her pocket. "Ed must be here too. Aidan thought so. Ma
ybe he’s still alive. I have to keep going."

  She tapped the pamphlet. "Aidan and his bike are missing, and he circled Westmead Station on this map. That's where he went."

  Breathing heavily, Del walked to the top of the steps and gripped the railing. "I'm still not sure about you. But you're good for one another, I can see that." Her voice held amusement and something else. A deep pit of strength she pulled to the surface.

  "Glynn is sending a medic for you. You need to be here waiting for them, you need urgent surgery."

  "It's not bleeding. Besides, he's sending the medic for you too. You never intended to go home, did you?" Del turned the watch in her free hand and dropped it in her pocket. "I'll go to the base hospital once I've found Aidan. You can do whatever you like, but I'm going to find my son."

  Chapter 12

  Del gripped a gun. "You helping or not?"

  Her breaths came ragged and seemed painful, but her voice echoed strong and determined. The chance to explore by myself slipped away. I couldn't let her go off on her own, maybe to collapse and never be found.

  I fidgeted with the strap on my satchel. "What's the plan?"

  "Make it up as we go along."

  Maybe if we found Aidan, I could leave them both somewhere safe and come back to find Glynn. "I guess we start at Westmead Station?" I gazed back down the stairs, into a pit of blackness.

  "It's where the first group of men disappeared. It's where Ed went the day he didn't come home."

  "We need the bikes. The lights are dim but better than no light at all."

  "They won't help, unless we're peddling." A spasm crossed Del's face and she gripped the railing again.

  "Make your way down to Westmead platform." I squeezed her hand. "I'll go down the extra level and get the bikes. If we push them along, we'll get some light, and once they're charged, they'll shine for a few minutes."

  I strode down the steps, taking them two at a time when it felt safe enough. Above me, Del's footsteps plodded slow and heavy. At the bottom of the stairs, I oriented myself in the darkness, and set off with small steady steps to avoid falling off the platform onto the tracks. My hand stretched out in front of me so I didn’t trip over the bikes.

  In fewer steps than I remembered, a handlebar thumped into my stomach. I'd found the bikes. I inhaled deeply. I could do this. Gripping the handlebar and gritting my teeth, I retraced my steps. The bike weighed a ton and the pedals kept smacking into my legs.

  "It's working," Del shouted from above.

  With trembling arms, I thrust the bike into Del’s arms and together we turned it around. She knelt, turned the pedals by hand and a feeble light trickled down the stairs.

  Feeble, but better than pitch-blackness. I ran back down, grabbed my borrowed bicycle and dragged it up the stairs to Westmead Station.

  We both swiveled our bikes and rotated the dim light across our surroundings. The platform and tracks stretched out on either side of us. A layer of dust covered the platform, undisturbed except for our footprints and the tire tracks around the steps.

  A draft of stale air lifted the hair on the back of my neck. A faint odor of earth and decay wafted to my nose.

  I twirled the pedals to keep the light shining, and scanned our surroundings again. A handcart stood on the track. It hadn't been there before—I hadn't noticed that smell before.

  "What is it?" As Del sniffed the air, her face contorted. She lifted her gun to her chest, and dropped into a crouch.

  I sensed rather than saw a group of undead beings. I lowered Del's gun. "Bullets won't hurt them. They are already dead."

  "I've shattered the skulls of more undead..." Del’s words slurred as the gun fell from her hand.

  "These aren't your garden variety undead," I whispered.

  She lifted her head, as if to try and finish her sentence, instead she dropped the bike and collapsed into a heap next to it.

  "Del." I tried to lift her shoulders. Damn it. Not a good time for Del to flop into a heap.

  Her head lolled onto her chest. I grabbed the gun from under her legs, found the trigger lock and clicked it on.

  I pushed out with my senses, asked them to tell me who they were. The strength emanating from the group pushed me to my knees. Their fear and hope, curiosity and determination washed over me in ripples. A mix of sentient ghosts and living dead giving off stronger life energy than many of the living. The ghosts reminded me of Evie and my father, with substance and strength rare in the dead.

  Two of them edged toward us. The dim lights from our bicycles caught snatches of gossamer clouds around the cart.

  I wrapped my arm around Del's shoulders, my fingers sunk into warm thick blood leaking from her wound. Double damn. I didn't have the strength to heal her again. No choice now, she needed to get to the hospital at the military base, and quickly. A need to know, to understand these people, sparked my curiosity. Lousy timing, I had to get Del to the base, without Col. Asher finding me. Then find Aidan, without crashing into Glynn and his squad in the tunnels.

  This was not going to plan at all.

  Luckily, making it up as I went along was one of my specialties. The ghosts and the living dead made no attempt to harm us. They were nothing like the crazy living dead at the twitcher warehouse. They seemed as curious as me, if anything. The two edged closer. A slim young woman, almost opaque, white except for dainty feet clad in blue ballet flats. Behind her, the body of a much larger and older man.

  "I'm Meagan, and this is Del. May I know your name?"

  "Liliwen." Her smoky form hung like wispy clouds.

  "I don't mean any harm to any of you." I kept my arm around Del. "We need your help."

  "Your kind is incapable of anything but harm." A woman's singsong lilt danced around the cavern.

  Liliwen drifted closer. "What do you want?"

  "We came looking for a young boy. He needs to come home. He is unwell, needs medication—"

  "The medication he takes does not help him."

  Liliwen spoke in the present. My heart skipped a beat, she'd met Aidan.

  "This is his mother. He's autistic. He needs tablets, or he can't cope." My breathing grew heavier, louder. The sound of panic in Del's tone when she first discovered him missing jolted into my head.

  "I'm a juvenile psychiatrist. He is fine" —Liliwen knelt beside Del— "but she needs urgent medical attention."

  "Yes. And she must find her son. Are you holding him against his will?"

  She laughed, but without malice. "Not against his will, no. He does not meet your expectations, but he copes in his own way."

  "Can you help us to the army hospital?"

  The older man stood still and silent at the edge of the platform. The other beings hung close to the handcart. Their fear of me lapped against me. They felt my power over the dead and expected me to wield it without compassion. That wasn't me. They couldn't know that, but I could show them. I kept my power close to my chest.

  "It's true, I am a necromancer." I projected my voice for them all to hear. "I assure you I mean you no harm. I fear my friend will die if she doesn't get treatment."

  Liliwen stood and called the man to join us. "Lift her into the cart, Bill. There should be room for both bicycles." She turned towards me. "And both women."

  "You said you're a psychiatrist. Do you have the means to treat her?"

  "We have fitted out a makeshift hospital, and we have doctors."

  Bill lifted Del as gently as a baby. I started to follow, jolted to a stop when the bicycle lights dimmed completely.

  "Stay where you are. Bill will guide you."

  "Wait." I gripped Bill's arm. "Is it far? She is bleeding."

  "We are a lot closer to our base than the military hospital," Liliwen said. "I offer our help freely. Do you accept?"

  If Glynn knew we were about to follow a group of unknown spirits and undead into unfamiliar tunnels toward an uncertain outcome, he would have a fit. But he wasn't here, and I couldn't think of any other option.
  "We accept. Thank you." I released Bill's arm and waited while he shuffled to and fro between the cart and the bottom of the steps, first with Del, and then with the bicycles. Finally, he came back to me. I gripped his arm again and let him lead me onto the tracks and into the cart.

  Bill carefully sat Del into a seat at the back of the cart and fastened the bicycles at the front, so they didn't move and fall on us at every bump in the track. He helped me into the cart like an old-fashioned gentleman. He let me settle then handed me a small torch as I took Del’s weight against my shoulder. Flicking the torch on every so often relieved the unending darkness, and let me check on Del.

  Goosebumps covered my arms. At first, the coolness of the tunnels provided a pleasant relief from the oppressive heat. But as we descended, the temperature dropped. I lost track of time, but we couldn't have been moving for more than a few minutes. The noise of metal wheels against metal tracks almost drowned out Del's heavy breathing.

  Dear Haebeth—I massaged the back of my neck as if on autopilot—please let me be doing the right thing. The doctors Liliwen mentioned would surely help. I kept pressure on the wound like Glynn showed me. If she died, it would be my fault. I should have stopped her.

  We bounced over some humps in the track and Del moaned and wriggled. Her eyes widened, her face ashen, and she struggled to sit upright.

  "It's okay." I shushed her. "They are taking us to see Aidan."

  "Who? Where?" She coughed, a hacking sound that ended in an ugly guttural groan. "What are they?"

  "We are almost there. Please lie still." I pushed her back against the solid metal, my hand firm against her still bleeding shoulder. "We've no choice but to trust them."

  She struggled again, her arms trembling against the back of the seat. They couldn't hold her up and she slumped back, her hand vice-like around my wrist. "He's okay?"

  "Liliwen is taking us to him."

  Her face contorted again. "What are they?"


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