The Best of All Possible Worlds

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The Best of All Possible Worlds Page 47

by Richard D. Parker

  The killer must have heard her arrival on the rooftop because he turned just as she bounced to her feet, but the coward was only able to turn his head a fraction, before Avi rushed forward her swords flashing. He spun, but he was slow and very confused. The girl had somehow appeared on the roof directly behind him, even though it was clearly not possible. The lone door was located twenty feet to his right and clearly visible. It had not opened.

  “Oh!” Alberto exclaimed, as he spotted the spinning swords. He jerked his rifle around, wanting nothing more than to blow a hole in the young woman’s forehead, but even in her weakened state, Avigail was on him in a blink. Avi swung, viper quick, and Alberto’s head jumped from his shoulders, but he had little time to feel pain. The assassin’s body slumped slightly before a death spasm in his hand fired off a final shot. The bullet sailed over the crowd and struck the arch halfway up the north leg, but it did nothing more than make a slight dent in the monument before deflecting away harmlessly. Avigail studied the man’s face as his head rolled to a stop against a raised tile; his mouth still open in surprise. She shrugged. She’d never seen him before.

  “Executioner!” She spat and nudged the head with her toe before spinning and streaking back through the bridge to Galen’s side. Galen moved forward and embraced her, bloody swords and all. For some reason the crowd momentarily lost a bit of its aggressiveness.

  “I’m ready now…I’m strong,” Galen whispered to Avi. “They’re very close,” he added as a battery, thrown from the crowd, landed near their feet. Avi looked down and then turned to the crowd, casually spinning her swords. Seconds later Vio joined in. Many, very near the inner circle tried to run away but the crush of the crowd behind held them in place until gradually the throng began to push forward once more. And way back behind the mass of the crowd, three men of faith moved up to the arch grounds from the riverfront. They were three men with the light of the Lord flashing in their eyes; they were three men who were not afraid of swords; they were three men with guns.


  “We’re ready,” the Solitary Nyx said as the small group of Travelers moved out into the dim boulder-strewn field. The sun was just touching the horizon but it was hidden behind a thick blanket of dark clouds. Six-foot torches planted in a large half circle lit the immediate area of the field. The surrounding countryside was packed with spectators and volunteers alike, even after the string of recent failures. In fact, as word spread, there were more people present for this attempt than their previous two. Captain Gaston and ten thousand Temple Knights were mounted and waiting, along with over a dozen Tars from Noble including Tar Kostek, Myson and the Solitary Nyx. And of course there were the Travelers, Laynee Gaston, High Zarina Monde and Jess na Massi, but this time her husband Lonogan, King of Massi, was also present, standing close to Samantha. Jess had finally convinced him to leave his country for a spell and Travel to the King’s Island to witness the historic crossing. It would happen tonight, she was sure of it.

  Gwaynn and Samantha stood directly behind Arnot, as he gripped Elin’s hands in his own.

  “I’m staying with you,” the young girl told Arnot, expecting him to argue but he only nodded.

  “We’re going across this time,” Arnot whispered to her. “We’re going to succeed in opening the bridge.”

  “Well then I’m going with you,” Elin quickly answered, and felt a stab of fear when Arnot again failed to contradict her.

  Arnot moved forward and gave the girl a tight hug, full of feeling, then he stepped back his dark eyes filled with love and concern. “Are you sure about this? You’ll come with me?”

  Elin paused for only a moment and then nodded. “I’ll come,” she answered and she would. Arnot smiled grimly and then leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth. Behind the pair, Samantha sighed but Gwaynn only smiled. He was happy for his son. Elin was a good match for him, and like his son he could feel that tonight was special. Tonight they would open a doorway to an alien world.

  “It is time,” Tarina Nyx called loudly then glanced at the King before staring more pointedly at the Prince. “You can feel it?” She asked Arnot and he nodded as Monde moved forward to join them.

  She cast a nervous smile their way. “The air is thin and growing thinner.”

  They all nodded in unison. The atmosphere felt peculiar tonight, everyone could feel it, even the horses; the majestic animals were stamping about and occasionally snorting with excitement. They were beasts, but they could sense that the barrier between worlds was but a sliver.

  “Time to lead us Arnot,” Nyx stated with authority and Arnot’s hand tightened momentarily on Elin’s before he released it and took a few steps forward and though he was fairly sure he was in love with Elin, his thoughts now were only for his sister and her safety.

  ‘She must be safe. She must be alive,’ he thought as he closed his eyes. Nyx was right, the air felt different tonight and this time Arnot was determined to succeed, moments later his projection left his earthly body.

  “You’re growing stronger,” Nyx said, her projection standing in the field not far from her physical form, “and faster. Your body no longer fights against projection.” She finished and Arnot nodded.

  “I can feel it better now…the other worlds all around us,” Arnot replied as his image floated slowly over to join the Solitary.

  “Yes,” na Massi agreed as she appeared. There was an electric feel in the air, which was decidedly absent on their first attempts and Jess shivered. She was suddenly very glad Lonogan was here with her tonight…tonight felt somehow dangerous. They would succeed this time. She knew it and by their expression she could tell the others were of a like mind. Monde looked grim when her projection appeared, but Gwaynn’s expression was blank, which could have been taken for indifference, but those who’d fought with him knew that it was a dangerous expression, an expression that meant instant death for his enemies.

  Together the six projected beings turned and moved farther out into the field. The torchlight looked different somehow when perceived through projection, somehow fainter and more luminous at the same time. The firelight just added an eerie quality to the night, setting the mood. The Travelers all moved off and then stopped as one; they faced away from their bodies, gazing out into the darkness of the late evening. Arnot thought it might rain but thus far all was dry and without further comment he set his jaw and began to search. As he suspected it might be, the search was short. The world that held Avigail captive was right there, directly in front of him…and waiting, almost beckoning him to come. Without informing the others Arnot attempted to create a bridge between the two worlds but immediately realized thin air or not, he did not have the strength. Far behind him, Elin saw Arnot’s body quiver from the effort and she took an involuntary step forward. Samantha reached out with her good hand and pulled her to a stop.

  “Let them,” the Queen ordered very quietly and after a moment Elin nodded in agreement.

  They continued to watch along with the thousands who stood waiting in the fields. Soon all six of the Traveler’s bodies were shaking from the strain, but even so, for several agonizing moments nothing happened, but then quite suddenly a strong wind picked up, though oddly it was blowing out to sea and into the face of the coming storm. Elin shivered, but still saw nothing.

  “It’s there!” Jeffery Gaston shouted and a low murmur pulsated through the crowd of onlookers. At first Elin could see nothing, but as the bridge grew larger she caught sight of bright sunshine gleaming in an otherwise dim and dark field. The spot of sunshine steadily grew larger until it was about the size of a human head but then it paused in its growth. Elin took another step forward and again Samantha reached out. This time, however, the girl shook off the Queen’s touch.

  “I’m going too,” Elin said glancing back with an intense look. “The bridge may be small and short lived. I’ll not be left behind.”

  Samantha considered her statement and then moved forward as well so that she stood almost direc
tly behind her husband’s body. She too, would hate to be left behind. Without a word two men appeared at her side. Samantha glanced over, one was Captain Kerr, who was said to be N’dori’s lover and the other of course was Agent Scott Sommers, who was breathing rapidly from excitement. She smiled. He was probably the only person who wanted to cross over more than she did. For several long seconds the bridge remained small and Samantha felt a growing despair that she would never see her daughter again, but then abruptly the bridge expanded to an immense size, the edges springing outward and upward, illuminating the clouds and turning night into day. The light from the far world temporarily blinded Samantha, so bright was the sunshine, and suddenly the wind began to howl. Behind her she could hear the panic of the horses and people as she stood and stared in open mouthed wonder. ‘They’ve done it! My husband and son have done it’ she thought, unable to comprehend the enormity of the bridge.

  The connection between worlds was high, so high it eclipsed the clouds, which were now lit by a foreign sun, and it was wide enough for an entire army to march through. Finally her eyes adjusted and Samantha could make out a crowd of people on the far side, and just beyond them an enormous gleaming arch stood guard over a mighty river. The people on the far side were dressed oddly but they were people nonetheless and on many of their faces Samantha could read fear and hate and death and her heart trembled.

  “TRAVEL!” Gwaynn, Arnot and Nyx yelled in unison and both Elin and Samantha jumped at the shouts.

  “Forward!” Captain Gaston cried out and the Temple Knights charged forward.

  “Come,” Arnot shouted to Elin and smiled. She jumped slightly, unaware that he’d returned to his body, but she returned his smile as he reached out and took her hand. They sprinted hand in hand and quickly passed through the opening without any hesitation at all. Only the Solitary Nyx remained still, her hands raised to the heavens, laughing with genuine mirth.

  “It is he!” She shouted and spun happily about like a young girl. And suddenly all the Traveler’s were back in their bodies. Jess smiled lovingly at Lonogan, while Monde stood with her mouth hanging open, awed by the power now on display.

  “Let’s go!” Gwaynn told Samantha smiling and began to pull her forward.

  “But the bridge?” She asked clearly concerned, she knew enough about Traveling to realize a bridge could not remain open while a Traveler was bound to their body.

  Gwaynn laughed.

  “We’re not holding it open,” he told her as they began to run across the field, chasing after Arnot and Elin. All around them horses charged past, men whooping and hollering in their excitement.

  “Then who is?”

  Gwaynn laughed again. “Galen…Galen Dawkins! And he’s with Avigail!” Then, without another word the two broke into a sprint, happy that they would see their daughter once more. But before they actually reached the massive bridge, bullets began to zip past, some coming very close. Several nearby Knights went down and almost at once Samantha and Gwaynn realized that they were both in grave danger.


  “Time, like space, is ever expanding.”

  Galen Dawkins

  May 27th 2015 Old Earth

  “Beast!” A bold voice from the back of the crowd yelled as people everywhere were fleeing, fighting or yelling menacingly.

  “Antichrist!” another man cried out as a good portion of the more zealous coalesced around Galen’s group. Many more joined in the chorus of righteous indignation as they swelled forward to threaten the young man they hated most on this earth. Galen and his group were huddled together at the very top of the grassy hill; the old courthouse was visible behind them and the massive crowd now filled the entire space between them and the arch. For the moment they were not completely surrounded, but from the looks of things it would not be long before they were. Armstrong, near the rear of the group, shouted out a warning and Adam turned and saw with dismay that more people were pouring across Market Street, coming from downtown. It was a wild chaotic scene as the rioting intensified. Vio and Avigail were slashing out at anyone who threatened Galen, including a number of police officers who attempted to take them into custody for inciting the riot. But as Vio sent a sword whistling past the nearest cop’s head, the officers prudently backed away to a safe distance. Several immediately began to call for back up, while several more drew their side arms. As if on cue, a number of people in the mob also produced their own firearms, but for now, they held their fire. On the very outskirts of the throng, Adam spotted a number of television vans, their station’s call signs boldly printed on their sides; several reporters were actually standing on top of the vehicles, excitedly describing the action. Cameras were rolling, sweeping over the crowd in order to show their television viewers the growing spectacle.

  “Galen! We need to go!” Adam prodded the young man. “Open one of those bubble thingies and let’s get out of here!”

  Galen shook his head. “No, they’re coming…soon,” he shouted over the din and then turned back to the crowd, hoping to delay the violence that was inevitably coming.

  “Please…be calm!” Galen implored loudly, even though he’d lost the crowd and it would soon be completely out of control. A few supporters still hovered near the young man, but his words were lost among the multitude as they began to shout and fight with one another. But the majority of his backers grew afraid and fled the immediate area. A few however remained, and were now grappling with those who would do Galen harm.

  “Die clone die! Die clone die!” A large group of protesters chanted together, the mantra growing louder by the minute as more joined in. Christine shook her head in disgust and glanced at Galen, and for the first time in his young life she saw anger on his face.

  “I am no clone!” Galen shouted loudly, but few were listening. “I am so much more!”

  “Die clone die!” cried the crowd and a great mob suddenly rushed forward to attack. Camille, Marigold and the Stadlers all huddled close together, protected by Adam, Blue and to some degree Arny. The three men began to push and punch those who threatened them or their families. Armstrong forced his way beside them and surprisingly so did Agent Collier, who’d had about enough of this foolishness.

  “This is going to get ugly,” she yelled to her boss as the crowd swelled and suddenly carried Christine and the Stadler’s away from Galen. Sanders and Garcia both drew their service revolvers and attempted to help, but the surrounding area was now utterly chaotic. Dorothy and Ned somehow managed to keep close to Galen, the woman’s bulk aiding greatly in the endeavor, while Vio and Avigail slashed at the crowd, keeping the more aggressive away.

  “Stop!” Galen shouted but his words went unheeded.

  The mob surged forward and two quick shots rang out. Another policeman went down and a woman screamed in fear, but the crowd just roared its bloodlust and continued to advance. Another shot was fired and Agent Sanders of the NSA fell dead, shot through the forehead. Lori Stadler screamed. Finally Vio could take no more, and lashed out killing a crazed young woman wielding a hammer, but it was too late. Her bloody death did not deter the frenzied crowd. Someone threw a well aimed rock into the air and it struck Vio in the face, cutting her right cheek just above her jaw. Dazed, she went down on one knee, as Avigail glided forward to protect her. She elegantly sliced off the arm of a man swinging a bat, pirouetted and then stabbed another through the groin. The injured howled in pain, but the crowd was too close now to be denied.

  “Vio!” Adam yelled and struck the nearest protestor in the face, the man went down, blood pouring from his nose. Several of the man’s friends rushed Adam, but he threw one roughly aside then deftly avoided a punch before grabbing a hold of another man. The two men stood locked for a few moments before Adam spun, twisted and broke the attacker’s arm. The man screamed and joined his friend on the ground.

  “You can fight!” Vio exclaimed with surprise, for Adam seemed very gentle to her.

  “Special forces,” he answered with a smile, thou
gh she had little idea what he meant. He helped her quickly to her feet and tried to check the wound at her cheek but she brushed him off, twirling her swords and eyeing the crowd. Vio was about to launch herself into the crowd, do some real killing, but instead she went very still and cocked her head to one side as if listening to something only she could hear.

  “Avigail,” she yelled sharply, but the girl was already backpedaling. The crowd screamed in triumph as the two sword bearing vixens retreated in obvious fear. They could sense blood; they could sense justice, and the mood of the crowd grew very ominous as the three holy assassins struggled toward the very front. They shoved people this way and that and even cracked a few heads with the butts of their weapons, anxious to get clear of the mob. They were wild-eyed and joyful, each hoping to be the one to enforce the will of God.

  “It’s time,” Galen announced calmly as the women retreated to his side. Vio nodded, feeling it too as Galen glanced around at his circle of friends. “Keep everyone in tight,” he added but the advice was not needed as they were all packed in close trying to protect themselves from the multitude of angry people that were quickly encircling them.

  There were more screams from the mob calling for Galen’s death as they pushed ever closer, but Galen just raised his hands and stood his ground.

  “People!” He yelled out to them. The crowd ignored him and several began to fight with Garcia and Collier. Soon Blue, Arny and Cord Armstrong were also mixing it up as the fighting intensified. Even Ned had to throw a punch or two, though he loathed violence.


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