The Keys to Jericho

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The Keys to Jericho Page 39

by Ren Alexander

  “Good. This game is a bust,” I say, hanging up my cue.

  Dash laughs. “Only because Diet Dr. Pussy is whipping your ass.”

  “No, because I’m hungry.” True on both counts, but neither one is the real reason I want to leave.

  We clean up our game and I finish the last of my beer before we head over, where I order another as soon as we’re seated at the round table with a maroon umbrella.

  Rio sits on my right, while Dash leaves a seat empty between us on the left, but also another one on the other side of him.

  When Liberty slithers to our table and sucks face with Duquesne, I have to turn my head. That’s when I see Kat walking past me to take the seat on the other side of Dash.

  Impulsively jumping up, I grab her hand, yanking her to me.

  Dash puts his foot on the chair between us. “Sorry. You’ll have to sit on Jericho’s lap.” Calder is actually working to my advantage.

  Kat looks at both of us, confused. “What?”

  Grinning, I nod and Kat hesitantly laughs. Sitting down, I pull her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her, holding her on me. Close to her ear so I can smell her perfume, I say, “Yep. You’ll have to sit here.”

  Liberty squawks, “Whoa!”

  Kat squirms on my lap, and I wonder if she’s also imagining me fucking her like this. Christ. Not helpful when we’re in public.

  Dash shakes his head before giving Rio and Liberty a weird look, putting me on the defensive, but I’m not going to start an argument right now, out of respect for Kat, since she’s the only female—woman—I do hold in that kind of regard. Shit. Rio’s right. However, my respect has its limit. I’m still inherently cautious of her, and I don’t know if that’ll ever change.

  Kat smiles, but is still somewhat undecided, glancing at everyone at our table. I don’t make any effort to let go of her.

  Then surprising the fuck out of me, she leans down, giving me a quiet kiss on my lips, yet one that would definitely be fuel for their yammering.

  Waiting for the fallout, I look to Dash, who is texting, and then at Liberty, who is digging into her wallet. However, even though he’s not looking directly at us, Rio doesn’t hide his smile before taking a drink of his beer. Dick.

  Dash says, “By the way, dinner is on me. It’s my gift to Jericho for his new job, and kind of like a goodbye dinner.”

  “Jesus, Calder. I’ll be back a lot. You won’t even notice I moved.”

  He sadly smiles and glances at Kat. “I doubt that.” Why does everyone doubt me? I always keep my word. Well, since I didn’t in high school with her, I vow to change that.

  I say, “Thanks for dinner, though. You don’t have to do that.”

  “Jericho, just make wise decisions about…your new life up in Philly. That’s all I want from you.”

  I questioningly smile. “Okay…”

  As Kat continues to squirm on me, her hand brushes my leg, only hardening me faster. Feeling the stirring against her ass, Kat fleetingly looks at me, contritely biting her lip, before moving to the chair next to me, turning to talk to Dash, as I shift my chair closer to the table.

  Rio doesn’t say anything to me, which he’d better not in front of everyone.

  We all order the buffet, and not being as hungry as I had previously thought, I’m the first to return.

  Seconds later when Kat pulls out her chair and sits down, she whispers, “What did Rio say?”

  Looking into her worried brown eyes, I shrug and go with the truth. “He’s cool with it.”

  She ruefully smiles, glancing to the patio entry. “I’m so sorry that happened.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not.”

  Her eyes widen. “Now he knows, and you didn’t want that.”

  “I told you I don’t care what they think.” Angling my head, I kiss her lips without checking to see if we’re being watched, and as I begin to reluctantly pull away, she kisses me again.

  Throat clearing again forces our mouths apart. We simultaneously peer to the other side of the table, where Rio says, “Sorry.”

  When he takes his seat, he doesn’t say more, but Dash and Liberty soon round the corner, laughing about something idiotic, I’m sure. When Dash mentions Virgo, I roll my eyes.

  Sitting down, Liberty says, “River, Dash says my horoscope predicts I’ll receive good news next week.”

  Sighing and tugging on the bill of my cap, I finally ask, “Why can’t you call him Rio? We all do. Why do you have to be different?”

  She instantly frowns, waving her fork. “Because it reminds me of Rio Pacheco and he’s an asshole.”

  I’m genuinely lost. “Who?”

  Kat laughs and lightly pounds her fist on the table. “Oh, my God! Jem and the Holograms!”

  Dash says, “Yes! I remember that cartoon!”

  Liberty animatedly nods. “That douchebag was so stupid. He was always hesitant to fully commit to Jerrica Benton, since he was fixated on Jem. He didn’t even realize what he already had, and could’ve lost her completely. All in vain, since Jerrica and Jem were one in the same. Regardless of that detail, he nearly blew it because of an unhealthy hang up caused by someone that shouldn’t have mattered to him in the first place.” That’s a fucking cartoon? Sounds like a soap opera.

  Libby pointedly glances at me and I frown. What the hell is her problem?

  Looking over at Kat and me, Dash laughs louder. “Seriously, Liberty! Brilliant!”

  Kat smiles at Liberty, and I laugh at Dash because it’s just pure insanity. “What the hell, Calder? You watched it?”

  He grabs his beer and says, “Hey, my mom did. She dressed as Jem for Halloween at the strip club one year.”

  I scowl, aimlessly tilting my beer bottle. “That just ruined my dinner.”

  “So, that is why I won’t call him that name. He’s nothing like that jerk. River is the total opposite.”

  Rio grins. “Thanks, babe.” He leans over and kisses her, making me roll my eyes.

  I shake my head. “It’s a damn cartoon and his name didn’t come from that.”

  Rio picks up her hand, kissing it as she says, “I can’t separate the two names, though. It also should be noted that River’s BFF’s name is close. Jerrica/Jerry. Coincidence? Weird. So, no thanks.”

  I frown and snap, “Yeah. Don’t call me Jerry and there won’t be a problem.”

  Dash says, “You know what else is weird? Tom and Jerry. Jerry is the mouse. Tom is the cat.” He waves his finger at us. “Right there. Our own version with Kat and Jared.”

  Liberty laughs. “That’s funny!”

  Picking up my beer, I glance at Kat, who’s looking down at her food, and I roll my eyes at Dash. “That’s a stretch and stupid, Calder.” I nod at Rio. “Go back to talking about our resident pretty boy.”

  Rio’s mouth opens mid-chew. “Huh? I’m a damn what?”

  “Come on, Duquesne. Dash is the charming one, I’m the smart one, and you’re the pretty one.”

  Rio incredulously laughs. “You are the smart one, Jare? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!”

  Cracking his crab, making a mess all over the table, Dash says, “Yeah, you are the pretty one, Diet Dr. Pussy. Ladies love that hair of yours and the orgasmic blue eyes.”

  Rio cringes. “Holy shit. Never call them that again.”

  Liberty laughs. “Aww, Dasher. His job is important.” She turns to Rio with a gross grin. “But I’ll have to agree with Dash with the orgasmic blue eyes, babe.”

  I grumble, “I’m going to puke.”

  Kat sighs and sits back, not eating her food, like me. I shift my leg closer to her, and casually reach for her hand. Taking it, I rest our joined hands on my leg under the table, so it’s not obvious I have it. Kat’s fingers stroke mine, as my thumb circles the top of hers. She gazes at me, and I watch her, trying to decipher her expression, but I can’t stare too long or I’ll draw attention to us.

  Dash says, “I think Jared is pretty, too.”

/>   Looking away from Kat I glower at Dash. “What the hell?”

  He points his crab pliers at me. “Your eyes aren’t orgasmic, though. They’re a moody color, which certain women may find a turn-on. Back me up, Kat.”

  Kat gapes at Dash. “Uh…” She then glances at the table, nodding. “Yeah.”

  Leaning to her, I teasingly ask, “Really? Do I turn you on?”

  Glancing at me with a gleam in her eye, Kat shrugs. “You’re okay, I guess.”

  “Okay?” Still holding Kat’s hand, I hastily burrow my face into her neck, making her giggle. I try not to linger there or kiss her, but I do graze my lips along her skin before I move away.

  Unable to help my own smile, I also can’t help staring at Kat’s pretty smile. I like seeing her smile, but it’s even more magnetic when it’s because of me.

  Liberty shrieks, “Oh, my God! Stop denying it already! You two should be a couple!”

  Kat and I both jerk our attention to her at the same time. Feeling my muscles tense, I slowly reply, “We’re just friends. Not dating.”

  “Maybe you should rethink that because you look hot together.” As my teeth clamp, she turns to Rio. “Right, babe?”

  Glancing at me, he warily nods. “Uh, yeah.”

  Liberty yelps, “Dasher, come on. Don’t you?”

  Dash unapologetically grins as he snaps open a crab. “Volcanic.”

  Liberty hits the table with the palm of her hand. “There you go! What are you waiting for, Jared? Ask her out!”

  Reigning in my fury, I evenly say, “We spend enough time together driving.”

  She waves her hand at Kat and me. “Okay. So move this along. Kiss her.”

  I bite, “Knock it off.”

  “You’re seriously not going to date her?”


  “Why not?”

  Picking up my beer, I snarl, “River…”

  “Lib, stop.”

  “Why don’t you want Kat for your girlfriend?”

  Pushed past my breaking point, I sneer, “Because maybe I don’t want to be her pussy-whipped bitch like your boyfriend.”

  Rio finally snaps to attention. “Jared, come on!”

  Kat again jerks her hand from mine as if I burned her, and her scorching eyes match the sentiment. Looking over at her, I say, “Shit. I didn’t mean…”

  “Yes, you did, Jared.” Kat shakily sighs. “You always mean what you say. You just don’t want me to react to it.” She turns to Dash, which angers me even more.

  I tersely inhale, and seethe to Liberty, “Why do you have to do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Purposely get on my nerves!”

  Hearing Kat’s chair scrape over the cement, I look to see her standing.

  “Kat, where’re you going?”

  Ignoring me, she leaves the table, and Liberty jumps up to follow.

  As I watch Kat leave, swerving in and out of people, I debate whether to follow her.

  Rio says, “Where in the hell is your damn filter? Why do you have to say shit like that? Don’t you realize how much you hurt people? This time it wasn’t just Kat.” I turn back to my beer and he says, “I’m always here for you, Jared. Yet, you couldn’t give a shit. You push people away, and one day, you’re going to push them to the point they’re not going to come back.” I guess as a toddler, I pushed too much, since my mom got tired of my shit, too.

  “If that were true, you and Dash would’ve been gone years ago.”

  “That says a lot, don’t you think?”

  Chewing the inside of my cheek, I stare at the table, undecided what to do, until I mindlessly blurt out, “I don’t get why you’re still around. If I’m such an asshole, then why in the fuck are you wasting your time on me?”

  Unusually quiet, Dash finally says, “If you don’t want us around anymore, we’ll go.”

  Leaning forward, propping my elbows on the table, I sigh. “Look, I know I’m a shitty friend, but I’ve never led you astray of that. I’m just me. I don’t candy coat shit, and I’d rather not be an open book. It’s not who I am. You both know this, so for you to think I’m not being myself, well then, you’re both delusional.”

  “Jare, you’ve got to bend some. We’ve adapted for you. That’s what friends do. Nobody stays the same. People grow, mature, and learn from their mistakes; however, you refuse to do those.”

  “Why in the hell haven’t you guys ditched me then? Everyone else does.”

  “Not true, Jericho.”

  “Jare, we wouldn’t ditch you out of spite. We just can’t keep trying to help you if you don’t want it. There’s give and take in every kind of relationship. You give your advice, your ear, and your time, but you won’t take any of those in return. Some people would be okay with taking all the time, but Dash and I aren’t. We want to be able to return the favor for you. Staying closed off like you are doesn’t help any of us maintain a friendship.”

  The waitress stops at our table and Dash grabs the bill and says, “I know you think I can’t help you, but I’d like to think I can, if you let me.”

  Rio nods. “Same here. We know you have a lot of shit going on, but talking to us will help. Don’t shut us out. We’re truly here for you. Utilize Dash and me as your sounding boards, not as your punching bags.”

  I shake my head. “Christ, Duquesne. You either have balls of steel or are complete morons to stay friends with me.”

  Rio shrugs and laughs. “Probably more of the latter.”

  Dash tosses his credit card onto the bill folder and says, “Just Diet Dr. Pussy. I’ve been using you to buy me beer since we were kids.”

  I abruptly smile. “That’s the truth, you baby-faced prick.”

  After Dash takes care of the check, he jumps up to go to the restroom. When he’s far enough away from the table, Rio says, “You need to talk to Kat.” I petulantly inhale as I sit back, while he shifts to face me. “Jare, I know you don’t want to hear it, but if you want to keep Kat in your life, you need to have a serious talk with her. If your feelings for her are becoming deeper, you need to do something about it. If they’re not, then you need to let her know that, too. Don’t lead her on.”

  Shaking my head at the table, I truthfully confess, “I don’t know what I want, Rio.”

  “Well, she does, so decide what you do want because if not, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. For both of you.”

  “Let’s hit the road, boys,” Dash says, shoving my arm as he breezes past our table.

  I give Rio another heavy glance before I get up and follow Dash.

  When we get back to the house, we notice Liberty’s car is gone. Oh, shit. Rio eventually gets a text from Liberty saying that they went to a movie and shopping, and won’t be back until later.

  When I go to text Kat, I can’t find her name or number in my phone. It’s the third time I scroll through my contacts when I notice a listing for Ball and Chain with an Annapolis area code. That unexpectedly makes me smile, but it’s short-lived before I feel anxious about that. Many reasons come to mind—mainly because the labeling thing is nerve-wracking, but also because I may not be able to call her even a friend still.

  She’s wrong about me always being right. I don’t know shit about anything.

  I spend the rest of the day lying on my bed, while Dash relaxes in the Jacuzzi. I’d find that funny, but I can’t find it in me to care enough.

  Finally, around 8:00, they return, and from upstairs, I hear them talking about heading to the beach to find a spot for fireworks.

  I bound down the stairs and immediately receive a grubby look from Liberty, but that’s more than I get from Kat, who won’t look at me at all. I notice her hair is out of her bun and hanging over her shoulder. I want to run my fingers through it, watching the purple ebb and wane.

  Liberty and Kat leave first, but we trail close behind to the crowded beach, which makes me wonder why we couldn’t have just sat on the front porch, since we have a nice view from there.

>   Kat sits with Rio and Liberty, but Dash surprisingly sits behind them with me. Jesus. Why didn’t I just stay in my room?

  I’m quiet until the middle of the fireworks. Oddly, they seem to mirror the scene in my head. Taking a risk, I lean up and whisper to Kat, “Can I talk to you?”

  Without looking away from the sky, she morosely says, “You’ve already said quite a lot, Jared.”

  Moving closer to her, turning my hat backward, I prop my bent knee between her and Liberty, which gives me another dirty look from the wench, but I give her one in return, and successfully curbing the urge to also flip her off.

  Next to Kat’s ear, I say, “I’m sorry I said that.”

  “But you meant it.”

  I sigh. “Not all of it.”

  “There wasn’t much to it, so I’m guessing the truth prevails and you really don’t want to be friends with me.”

  Catching another look from Liberty, I indignantly roll my eyes at her and plead with Kat, “Can we please go somewhere else?”

  She shakes her head, but turns it to whisper, “I’m not going to be your extended one-night stand anymore.”

  “What?” She looks back to the sky, leaving me gaping at the back of her head. That’s exactly what I was trying to avoid, a one-night stand. I knew I wouldn’t keep it to one night, but I also know I can’t stop now.

  Stunned she thinks that’s what I’m doing with her, I lean even closer to Kat, most likely drawing attention from the other three. “How can you think that’s what I’ve been doing with you?”

  Turning to me, she mutters to the sand, “Then what are you doing with me?” Besides having the most mind-blowing sex of my life and just spending every day with her, I honestly don’t have an answer to that.

  As the finale barrels on overhead, I watch her watching the sky above, wishing I had answers to her questions. However, the most pressing thing on my mind is much more than having answers for her. Though we had misunderstandings in school about dating other people, she still rejected me. That fact remains, and I’m left riddled with doubts of whether I can openly trust her with not ripping me apart. I’ve already been shredded before by not being wanted. This time, I don’t think I can be fixed, if that’s what I am now.


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