The Keys to Jericho

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The Keys to Jericho Page 44

by Ren Alexander

  Wednesday morning, I debate if I should go straight to Kat’s apartment to pick her up, but ultimately decide against it, since that also hovers around boyfriend territory, not to mention stalker territory. After this weekend, and what she said Saturday night, I need to take a step back from her, just as she’s doing to me.

  My dad has the day off from work, which means he’s at the site, inspecting me like I’m some kind of science experiment ready to explode all over a wall.

  As I work on untangling an extension cord for a circular saw, he comes over to me and slaps me on the back. “You okay, bud?”

  I look up, irritated at the cord and him. “Why is everyone asking me that?”

  “Who’s everyone? You haven’t been here long.”

  I scowl at the orange clusterfuck, pulling on it harder with annoyance. “Yesterday, that was the question of the day here. Nobody has their own lives to worry about?”

  “Some people are just insightful.”

  “About what? I’m as boring as they come.”

  Dad laughs. “So you say.” I roll my eyes at him, and he looks around. “Where’s Kat?”

  I cringe at the cord for his persistence on that subject. “Am I suddenly her keeper?”

  “No,” he draws out, sounding somewhat confused.

  Without thinking, I give him a side glance and say, “She’s sick. Has Brenda said what’s wrong with Kat?”

  As I finally unravel the fucking knot, he says, “She said Kat was sick, but she doesn’t want anyone around. I thought she’d be back by now.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.”

  “Hey, Jericho. Mr. Beckett.”

  I ignore Calder, while I plug the saw into the cord, but I know he and my dad are giving each other a look behind my back. It pisses me off; however, my overloaded mind is elsewhere, and I don’t want to waste the energy arguing with them.

  After a minute of their silent conversation, I have all my shit together to get back to work. My dad notices me gathering my tools and says, “I’m going to go find Tony.”

  When he leaves, I spin around, aiming the saw at Dash. “Whose red truck would be at Kat’s apartment?”

  Dash’s eyes bug out. “I don’t know!”

  “She didn’t mention having anyone over yesterday?”

  His gaze is stuck on the blade. “No! Why? Come on, Jared! Put it down!”

  I shrug. “I didn’t turn it on. Yet.” I creep closer to him and he moves behind a sawhorse, like that’s really going to protect him.

  “I’m telling your dad!” he says laughing, but his eyes divulge his fear.

  I lower it and laugh at his scared expression. “Like I’d really kill you with this. I guess you don’t know me that well after all.”

  Dash uncertainly laughs, and lets out his breath in a huff. “That’s a relief.”

  Raising the saw again, I nod at it. “It has the wrong damn blade. I would need a masonry blade for your gel and hairspray shit.”

  “Wow. Thanks, BFF.”

  I laugh again because it makes me feel better, especially seeing the look on Calder’s face, like he just walked into a horror movie, which is much more preferable than him seeing me in a porn. Now, I feel sick.

  As I grab a pair of safety glasses out of the van, he says, “Wait a minute. How would you know there was a red truck at her place?”

  “I went by to see if she was okay, but someone was already there.”

  “Oh.” Dash shrugs. “Maybe she’s seeing someone.”

  Speaking before I think, I wave the saw as I angrily demand, “Why would you fucking say that?”

  Dash frowns at the saw and then at me. “Shit, Jericho. Chill out. Why wouldn’t she, unless you are dating and didn’t tell me?”

  “No.” He skeptically stares at me and I edgily ask, “What now?”

  “I don’t know if you want me to say this or not—”


  He sighs. “Kat’s your soulmate. Just wanted to remind you.”

  I sigh louder. “If you don’t want to eat saw dust, you’d better scram.”

  “Don’t you need a license to operate that thing?”

  Lining up the blade with my pencil mark, I look up and wickedly grin. “No. Isn’t it cool?”

  “Jesus, Jericho. How in the hell did you ever pass the civil engineer exam?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “You’re right. You want to go to the races tonight?”

  I move the tape measure out of the way and look around for my pencil. “Not really.”

  “Why? Do you have other plans?”

  “I’m supposed to take Kat driving, but she won’t text me back. Is she still sick?”

  “I think so.”


  “Jericho, why don’t you go see her?”

  “No. She seems to be recovering well. I’ll wait for her to call or text me.”

  “Okay. So, let’s go to the races tonight. Get your mind off her.”

  “It’s not on her.”

  He chuckles. “Um, right.”

  I rev up the saw, like I’m revving up my car, and Dash jumps back. He shouts over the metallic whirring, “Just meet me at our usual spot, same time!”

  Rolling my eyes before I put on my glasses, I find my pencil, stick it between my teeth, and start the saw again.

  Every 20 minutes, I check my phone, but still no replies. By the end of the day, I’ve lost my appetite, any sense of humor I had left, and I could shake the life out of someone. Fuck. We’re still in the same city, and I’m already having withdrawal symptoms from not being with Kat.

  Dash does talk me into the races. At the marina, I sit on top of a picnic table with my feet on the seat, my elbows on my thighs, as I stare out at the gathering boats. I continue to check my phone, but the silence is deafening, and aggravates me even more.

  “There you are,” Dash says, hopping up onto the weathered table. “I didn’t see your car.”

  Watching the boats, I reply, “I didn’t bring it.”

  “You walked all the way here?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “No. I have the Nissan.”

  Dash looks over his shoulder to where the Nissan sits, probably next to his. “Why? You haven’t needed to drive it.”

  “Because I felt like it.” Because it smells like her perfume now, and it’s where we had our first kiss.

  “What the hell? You’re driving a Nissan whatchamacallit and not your Charger? Because you felt like it? Are you sick now?”

  I scowl at the water. “Fuck off, Dash.”

  “What’s wrong, Jericho? Talk. Your dad isn’t here.”

  “But you are.”

  “You can’t let your problems fester or they’ll eat you alive.”

  I turn to give him a dubious look. “Are you reading cue cards Duquesne gave you?”

  “No. It’s common sense.” He takes out a green sucker and I roll my eyes.

  “Coming from someone with no sense.”

  “I’m the one who has no sense? Really?”

  Choosing not to answer him, I keep watching the boats, but not caring about what I’m actually watching.

  After a few minutes of peaceful silence, he asks, “You miss Kat, don’t you?”

  Gritting my teeth, I warn, “Calder.”

  “I know you do, and from what I’ve noticed, I know you didn’t sleep with Kat for the ‘hell of it,’ like you said. That was a bunch of bullshit you told Liberty.”

  So tired of telling Dash to fuck off, since he doesn’t even listen, but also because I’m tired of arguing with him when he’s right, I sigh as I lift my hat to fluff my hair. That seems to give him some kind of green light to keep talking. “Being with her meant something to you, didn’t it?”

  “Dash,” I turn to give him a dirty look, yet answer, “Yeah, it did.”

  Twirling the stick of his green sucker as he stares at it, he says, “Tell her that.”

  “I did.”

  He glances at me. “Y
ou told her that you…what exactly?”

  Hanging my head, I tell the ground, “Forget it. If it mattered… Fuck it. Just stop talking, Dash.” Raising my head, knowing what I need right now, I mutter, “I’m out of here. Later.”

  “Jared, don’t leave.”

  I jump off the table and head to the torturous car, needing to get home for another night of drinking until I’m numb, forgetting everything I felt with Kat.

  And about how much I fucking miss her.

  Thursday, I arrive at the site late morning. Though I slept in, it actually feels better to be here, even with a slight hangover, than it is to be at home, staring at the TV or a fucking wall. It also keeps my mind busy enough that I’m not constantly dwelling on Kat, but that doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes.

  “Fucker,” I growl, prying out a stubborn, bent nail with the claw end of my hammer.

  “Wow, Jericho. Give it hell.” I shoot him a glare as the nail finally releases its death grip, and I toss it into a nearby trash bucket. “Have you heard from Kat today?”

  “No.” I glance at him more warily this time. “Have you?”

  He crosses his arms and says, “No. Last night, she texted me and said she’d be over today with Tony. He said she called him this morning, saying not to pick her up. I’m worried. This isn’t like Merrick. I need to go check on her.”

  Distractedly shoving the hammer into my tool belt, I unbuckle it, draping it over a sawhorse. “I’ll go.”

  “You sure? I can go with you.”

  I dust off my shirt. “No. I’ll talk to her.”

  Dash grins, but quickly purses his lips. “Okay. Call me. I want to know how she is.”

  “Yep.” I walk out of the room, determined to talk to Kat, and find out what’s going on with her.

  Driving over, I think about the reason why she’s hiding. She said that I broke her heart in high school, and now, she put her heart on the line to get closer to me. I just hope to God she didn’t listen to Dash’s crazy horoscope shit, or even worse, believing the same thing she did with…him. That only led her to get married for a stupid and nonexistent reason.

  Turning onto her street, I immediately notice the red color in front of her apartment, and just as fast, that color bleeds into everything I fucking see.

  She promised me she wouldn’t fuck anyone else while I’m here. I don’t give a shit if we’re not actually fucking anymore. She promised, and she’s breaking it.

  Stepping on the gas, I pull behind the truck, and throw the Nissan into park, not bothering to turn off the engine or shutting the door. I storm up the walkway, taking the wooden stairs on the other side of the garage, two at a time.

  Not hesitating this go-round, I firmly knock on her door, unsure of what to expect on the other side, but preparing to expect the worst, and to put up a damn fight.

  I don’t have to wait long because Kat opens the door within six seconds. Yeah, I counted.

  Her glasses are gone, her hair is down, yet brushed, but the pained look on her face remains.

  “Jared? What’s wrong?”

  I shout, “I’ve been asking you that question all damn week, Kat! No more! What’s going on with you?”

  She uneasily tucks hair behind both her ears and glances over her shoulder. “I’m feeling a little better.”

  “I can see that.”

  Kat looks at me, but her eyes soon dart away. “What’re you doing here?”

  “We’re driving today.”

  She avoids eye contact as much as possible. “I’m kind of busy right now. Can I meet you at the site?”

  “No. Now.” I look past Kat into her living room, but don’t see anyone. “Who’s here? Don’t lie to me because it’s obvious someone is.”

  She stutters, “It’s not—”

  “Are you dating someone? Fucking hell! You couldn’t wait until I’m gone? You had to do it while I’m still fucking in town? Is he the boyfriend you need to have?” Oh, fuck. It’d better not be him.

  “Jared, I—”

  “Don’t even, Katriona! I—” A brunette fucker walks into the living room from the hallway, and a smile lights up his damn face.


  Goddamn it.

  Kat flips her hand in his direction as he walks over. “Jared, this is my brother Pete.”

  Kat isn’t cheating on me.

  Holy fuck. Thank God.

  Smiling, he asks, “I saw you at Oceanic with Dash Calder, right? You look familiar, like I’ve seen you somewhere else, though.”

  Kat says, “He was a year between us in high school, Pete. You probably know Jared from him playing football, since you were in the band.” Fuck. I’m an idiot.

  Swiftly nodding, he shouts, “Oh, yeah! Okay!”

  He puts his hand out and reaching past Kat, I take it. “Jared Beckett. Nice to meet you.”

  “Pete Merrick. Same here.” He glances at his sister, narrowing his eyes at her, before looking back at me. “Beckett. I do remember that name. First string? Running back?”

  I nod with a shrug. “Wide receiver.”

  “I played the trumpet in the band.” I know that. Pete suddenly snaps his fingers. “Shit!” He laughs and smacks Kat’s arm, pointing at me. “Now, I remember why your name is so damn familiar! You were the kid Kat was always asking me for play-by-plays of what you did in the locker room, who you talked to, and what you talked about with anyone. Jesus, it was annoying.”

  Christ. I was always listening to his conversations to see if he mentioned his sister. What fucked-up world do we live in?

  She covers her mouth, turns to him, and squeals, “Oh, my God, Pete! Shut up!”

  He says, “You two hung around each other in the hallway near my senior English class. I remember because I used to throw wadded paper at her when I walked past.”

  I laugh at Kat’s pout. “Yeah.”

  Pete asks, “Didn’t you ever go out together?”

  Kat says, “No, Peter.” She glares at him, but it makes him grin wider.

  “Oh. I get it. Unrequited. That’s sad, Katydid. So sad.” He looks at me. “Well, you were at the club together. Are you dating now?”

  Kat answers for me, “No! You’re done here, Peter.”

  He frowns. “What? You’re the one who wanted me to come over. Don’t be bitchy now.”

  She shoves on his arm. “Goodbye, ass hat. I will talk to you later.”

  He rolls his eyes as he teasingly pushes her against the door. “I’m afraid of that.” I move out of the way so he can leave and he turns to his sister. “Do you want me to follow Jared and report back to you what he says to people today?”

  She clenches her teeth and growls, “Go, Pete.”

  He laughs and says to me, “By the way, kickass karaoke. Shit, people talked about you all night.”

  I grin. “Really? Thanks. I was a tad drunk.”

  “It’s always better when you’re sloshed. So, Kat says you’re helping her get her license?”

  Shoving my hands into my pockets, I say, “Yeah.”

  “That’s awfully nice of you, since she’s a handful. Are you sure you’re not dating?”

  “Peter! Get out!”

  He looks back at her, laughing, before he turns to me again. “Good seeing you, Jared. Come by the club again for some more karaoke and free drinks.” He pats my shoulder and grins. “I hope you can make sense of my sister because I sure the hell can’t. It’s probably for the best if you aren’t dating her.”

  Kat warns, “Go, or I’ll tell Mom you’re home. You know how she’ll love to see you.”

  He frowns. “I’m going. Jesus.”

  As he trots down to the stairs, I say, “I have to move the car.” If it’s still there, since I left it running with the door open. Shit.

  Kat sighs, and says, “Well, come in when you’re done. I’ll put my shoes on and we can leave.” I smile and head for the steps.

  When I get to the car, Pete is standing next to his truck. He says, “Hey, I was kidding
. Kat’s cool most of the time. So, if you do want to date my sister, don’t use what I said against her.”

  I grin. “I won’t. Too much.”

  “It’s awesome that you’re friends. She doesn’t seem to have many of those.”

  I nod as I hold onto the door. “We go way back. I know her kind of crazy.” As she knows mine.

  We both laugh and I get into the Nissan.

  After moving into the spot Pete occupied in the driveway, I push open her front door, and look to the kitchen to see Kat bending, tying her shoe on the seat of a chair. Fuck me. I cannot get a hard-on now.

  I cannot. I cannot.

  I twist away, heaving my hands into my jeans pockets, peering around her living room. “Nice place.”

  “Thanks. I’d like to buy a house someday, but I’ll have to get a car first. Buying a house seems way out of my league, though. I’ve never owned a house before.”

  I check out some of the pictures she has hanging, but there aren’t many of her. “Me neither.”

  “Maybe you will in Philadelphia?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.

  “You don’t want something major to call your own? A place to call home?”

  I glance at her as she brushes her fingers through her ponytail, and I hurriedly look to a picture of flowers. “I own a car.” I thought I owned you. “If I don’t like it up there, I’m not buying a house.”

  “Why wouldn’t you like it?”

  “A lot of reasons. I don’t really need a house anyway.”

  “Right.” I risk looking at her again, and she nods with a shrug. “I did hear their cream cheese is better when actually eaten in the city.”

  I grin. “I’ll try it, and let you know if it’s true.”

  “Okay.” Her smile slides somewhat, and she tugs at the hem of her shirt, making her tits strain against the material. Fuck.

  I nod to the couch. “We can stay here for a while if you want. Watch TV or something.” Shit. My something definitely won’t be her something. Why did I even offer to do that with her? There’s no way in hell I wouldn’t try to fuck her on the couch, like at the beach house.

  She shakes her head. “No. I’ve been cooped up in here. Let’s go somewhere.” I breathe a sigh of relief, yet am disappointed at the same time.

  “Where do you want to go?”


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